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Merissa (11938 KP) rated The Pig Wars in Books

Jan 18, 2022  
The Pig Wars
The Pig Wars
M.K. Theodoratus | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE PIG WARS is a standalone fantasy set in a world of Elves, Half-Elves, and Humans, although it does feel as though this is a follow-on or spin-off from a previous set of stories. Our main female, Renna, is a Half-Elf and a strong warrior who has hung up her sword after a long and heart-breaking battle. Gorsfeld is human and wants to rule the Marches, either by marrying Renna or taking over her lands. He's not bothered which. Renna has a dodgy leg from birth which is used as the reason she is still alone.

As the title suggests, the whole book is about the two of them fighting over pigs. Renna is supposed to be the smart, strong, and silent type, but she is not quiet in her mind. There is always a monologue going on, usually about how upset she is because someone is riding roughshod over her, even though she makes no attempt to stand up for herself (apart from in her mind.) Gorsfeld has his fair share of monologues too, so I guess that's fair. Renna's character didn't do much for me. In fact, most of them didn't. There is a lot going on and her friends leave a lot to be desired. Because of some of the rants and situations, it makes me question if I have missed another story in this world. I felt as though I had dropped into a world already established where intrigue and political gains had already been explained.

There were some grammatical errors in the story, not enough to disrupt the flow, but enough so you notice. There is a hint of romance at the end, leading you to believe there might be another book in the making. This was a different book that I did enjoy, but I'm not sure I will be continuing if another story does come out.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11938 KP) rated Boldly (Breakers Hockey #2) in Books

Aug 31, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Boldly (Breakers Hockey #2)
Boldly (Breakers Hockey #2)
Elise Faber | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BOLDLY is the second book in the Breakers Hockey series and hold onto your hats, folks, because you're in for one helluva ride!

Oliver was the Captain of the Breakers. Yes, he'd made mistakes along the way, but he had the respect of his teammates and the management team. But then one foul tackle and he's out. A shattered leg and an infection that won't go leaves him with a prosthetic and his dreams on ice are gone.

A year later and he's back, although not as he would wish to be. He finds himself attracted to Hazel and immediately works on making her his own. Of course, Hazel isn't prepared to just sit there and take it. Trust me, she makes her own stands too. Together, these two are sappy, hot, and crazy for each other.

I read this book in one sitting - simply unable to put it down. I really respected and admired Oliver's way of thinking, which helped him move forward after such a devastating thing happened to him. He hadn't had it easy but, with his mindset, he was able to make the best of a bad situation. Hazel is simply stunning. I loved her go-get-em attitude and how she thinks outside the box if she thinks it will help her boys. Both of these know how to communicate and the book is so much better for not having oodles of misunderstandings and hurt feelings caused by not speaking to each other!!!

This story made me smile and laugh out loud. I adored the scene with Luc, Lexi, and Noah! Those babies sure know how to run a parent ragged!

Oh, and fair warning - if you're like me, you just might need a Kleenex to help you through the last part of the book. I will admit to tears streaming down my face during the epilogue, and I'm not ashamed!

Absolutely fantastic, and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 31, 2021
Rediscovering the Earth
Rediscovering the Earth
Michal Hall | 2019 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Natural World, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Using a work of fiction to bring a serious problem to light is a wonderful idea and may help alert more people to the problem (0 more)
The book is a bit on the repetitive side, which is always disappointing but even more so with shorter books such as this one. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Rediscovering the Earth by Michal Hall was a very quick read with a powerful message. This is a book full of both despair and hope that deserves to be read multiple times. It reminds me slightly of Voice of the Elders by Greg Ripley (the first book review I wrote).

 The Earth is dying, humans and animals are going extinct quickly, and it is our fault. Humans have let our pride destroy our planet. Our belief that we can control everything and that we are better than even each other has destroyed our connection with other humans. Our pride, wars, and so-called technological advances have polluted the air and water, making it poisonous to humans, plants, and animals alike. In seeing plants and animals as inferior humans have selfishly destroyed entier ecosystems an wiped out species. Within one-hundred years or so humans will be completely gone as well.

 This is where The Federation steps in. As a highly evolved alien race, they offer to help pull the human race back from the brink of extinction and at first, humans foolishly deny this help. Thankfully one man by the name of Carl, who is nothing special himself, takes it upon himself to advocate for the entire race. After many years of deliberation on the subject, The Federation decides to help. Even with their help, it takes around twenty years before any major difference is noticed and much longer before most of the damage is reversed. As humans learn a culture of love, humility, and connection to the Earth The Federation hopes humans will one day be able to join them.

 Using a work of fiction to bring a serious problem to light is a wonderful idea and may help alert more people to the problem. Telling how help is almost denied because of how selfish and prideful humans are is a slap in the face that we would face destruction before the change. The book is a bit on the repetitive side, which is always disappointing but even more so with shorter books such as this one. I understand the repetitiveness is to drive home the point but it still could have been better. Also, I wish it was more detailed on how Earth went from being in so much trouble to be safe. It seems to make a large time jump in that area and I would have liked to see more of the transformative process.

 There is nothing in this book that would be inappropriate for anyone. However, anyone younger than a middle schooler probably would not understand the powerful message in this book, and some middle school students might even miss it. Adults and those that truly love the Earth will enjoy this book and see it as hope. Others who are not as aware of our situation might see it as a wake-up call. I rate this book 3 out of 4. The book brilliantly delivers a very important message. Without holding anything back it shows just how much trouble the world is in but offers hope through change. I hope millions of people across the world get to read this book.
Claimed (Breaking Free #7)
Claimed (Breaking Free #7)
A.M. Arthur | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
5 star series!!
**verified purchase Jan 2019**

This is book 7 in the Breaking Free series, although there are 8 books, with a short that spans across 3 and 4. I would STRONGLY, HIGHLY, ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY recommend that you read the other books before this one. BUT while I do say that, this one is far more a stand alone than the others. Things are recapped and caught up, but it takes a different path, as well as winding with the on-going story arc that continues through the other books.

We met Brandt, an Alpha, along the way: he is boos to the other police officers in the series, boos to ALL of them. He lost his pregnant mate, Ollie, ten years ago without a trace and has finally decided he should (mostly) move on. Going to an anonymous sex party seems the best way to get some sexual relief, without the commitment he cannot make. Meeting Little Blue, however, makes him change his mind. We met Demir, a beta, in book four, Found. He is Isa Higgs youngest son and was 15 at the time. Now an adult and betrayed by the person he thought he loved, Demir also attends said party. Big Red is just the person who pushes all of Demir's buttons and then some. There is a true connection between these two, but when they discover who Brandt is to Demir's father, they keep their relationship a secret, for now. Oliver is in the province to speak at a conference about omega trafficking. He cannot remember a time before ten years ago, when he was found in a van wreck. Meeting Brandt makes him feel . . . .something . . . .he's not sure what though. when Brandt explains who he is to Oliver, things begin to drop into place. But when Brandt tells Oliver about Demir, and that he simply cannot choose, Oliver presents a solution that will at least give them all a chance. Can they make it work?

This one, I found, was like a watching a train wreck coming at ya,it really was. You KNOW there is going to be fall out when Demir and Brandt find out who they are to each other. You KNOW there is going to be a big ole mess when Brandt and Ollie come face to face again. You KNOW that Ollie is going to fight this with every fibre of his being. You bloody well KNOW the Oliver's brother in law is not as . .pure . . in his intentions to Oliver after the death of his husband. An you KNOW, that when Isa finds out about the three of them, he is gonna go nuts. And there ain't a damn thing you can do to stop it! You just watch, and read, and wait and see how it all turns out! Amazing reading, I have to say.

I loved that it was OLLIE who came up with the solution to their predicament. That HE suggested they at least try to be a poly-family, since in his home of the last ten years it really is quite common. Loved that Ollie took Demir into his heart very quickly, the younger man making him feel as safe as Brandt did.

But Isa?? I wanted to punch Isa bloody Higgs so bad! After everything he has told his sons about being betas, that they can do anything, be anything they want to, as much as the alphas can, and he goes and says THAT to Demir! Not saying what, but if you've read these books, you can probably guess. He does redeem himself, but still, a punch was heading his way!

All the other guys pop up in this books, at some point or other, and it's great watching the babies grow up together. Seeing them already forming bonds: alpha, beta and omega all together is great. It would be amazing to catch up with these babies, as they grow and have babies of their own!

So, now, I'm sad! I only started this series because books one and two were shared with me, and I needed something to clear my head after a particularly heavy book. I thought this might be a good hangover cure! And BOY was I wrong, in the best way! Not a hangover cure, not in the least, but another deep dark book that pulled my into an eight book series, that did NOT let me go!

Thank you, Ms Arthur, for pulling into your worlds. I have some other books to read next!

5 amazing, but sad to see it end, stars

**same worded review ill appear elsewhere**
Immortal Girl5
Immortal Girl5
Griffin Stark | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Immortal Girl5 by Griffin Stark
Immortal Girl5 is a fast paced short story about five girls who are made immortal to 'save the world'. The introduction to each girl is perfect, and suited to the individual. It felt like we found out more about Skylar than most of the others, but it still seemed to fit.

I did feel like this book raised questions that weren't answered though. For example, who were Alistair and Isabelle? You are under the impression they are 'good', but nothing really backs that up. What actually was the job of the Immortal Girl5, because it seemed like they exacted vengeance and then spent the followings years doing... what? With Joan of Arc, Anne Frank, and Jack the Ripper all making an appearance, I would have liked it to be a bit more in-depth, giving more detail and story to these scenes.

There is also a MASSIVE case on insta-love going on, that managed to make the whole ending confusing. There were plenty of things alluded to, but nothing was made clear. I'm not sure if this is book one in a series, or if it's a standalone. The ending suggests it could go further.

I did enjoy this book, but in my opinion, it could do with a bit... more. A bit more story, a bit more editing and formatting so the differences in times and characters become clearer. I would definitely like to read 'more' from this author, and about these characters.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
One in a Bear-llion (Polar Heat #3)
One in a Bear-llion (Polar Heat #3)
Terry Bolryder | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
142 of 200
One in a bear-llion ( Polar heat book 3)
Terry Bolryder

The match-making papa bear is at it again!

Scott Weston is tired of his father’s attempts to set up his bear shifter sons. As the workaholic manager of a premiere resort, Scott would rather focus on business than showing a date around the island. But when he shows up to meet the latest match his father has tricked into flying out to the island, he’s surprised to meet Mara, a beautiful, curvaceous artist who he just can’t leave alone. Especially when he finds out she’s in danger and needs his help.

When Mara Frost accepted a free Caribbean vacation, all she wanted was a two-week break from her lonely life in New York and the stalker who is trying to make her life hell. She isn’t sure what to make of Scott Weston, the sexy businessman assigned as her guide. She just knows that with him, she feels safe for the first time in a long time. But she also knows that for Scott, work always comes first.

But as the relationship grows, Scott is realizing there is more to life than hiding in your work, and Mara is realizing that sometimes you have to take a risk and trust someone if you want them to help. But can the two work out their differences before Mara’s stalker catches up?

Working out their issues certainly takes care of the stalker! This maybe could have been a bit more involved than it was.

This was my favourite so far! I like that we have learnt more about these brothers has the books progress! Again you know you are ready a Bolryder book from page 1. Great writer for shifter fans!

Merissa (11938 KP) rated She Sees Ghosts (Adirondack Spirit Series) in Books

Jan 20, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
She Sees Ghosts (Adirondack Spirit Series)
She Sees Ghosts (Adirondack Spirit Series)
David Fitz-Gerald | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SHE SEES GHOSTS is part of the Adirondack Spirit series that tells you about living in times gone past when life was both easier and a whole lot harder.

Mehitable has the ability to see and talk to ghosts. For a long time, she viewed this as a curse due to how it impacted her life. It is only as the story progresses, and she grows, that she can view it as something special. Mehitable is a strong character, determined to live her life the way she wants, rather than how society expects it. She is fully supported by her best friend, Polly, and her husband, Reuben. Other characters show up for their part, but the main story involves Mehitable, Polly, Reuben, and then Destiny. Although Destiny wasn't in it for long, he certainly had an impact. I would have liked to have had more of him, but he still managed to stake his claim in the book anyway.

This was a fascinating read that also gave insight into some of the living conditions that they contented within the here and now, as well as in their history.

I did feel the ending left me hanging. I am presuming the next book in the series will be about Moses, but I'm not completely sure. I would love to know more about Mehitable and her life though.

A wonderful story with lots of research shining through, making this a fantastic historical novel with paranormal elements. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 20, 2021
    Weirdwood Manor

    Weirdwood Manor

    Book and Education

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    A mighty darkness is unleashed on the Library, a force that tests the limits of even Arthur’s...