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Beautiful Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #1)
Beautiful Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #1)
Sarra Cannon | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I used to read a lot of Young Adult, Fiction and Fantasy books before. My little sister mentioned to me a few weeks ago that she started reading this genre. I decided that it would be a good thing to join her in this adventure, and to read some of the books she's reading.
I have also asked for recommendations on the bookshelf that I made especially for this, and received so many responses. Thank you to all of you who contributed, and this is the list that we have now - <a href="">Tea's Wishlist</a>
<b><i>Beautiful Demons is the first book of the Shadow Demons series.</i></b>
It is a story about Harper Madison, an orphan, that went from one family to another, causing troubles all her life and on one occasion, unintentionally made fire and burned people to death. With no family willing to take her now, she has to go to Shadowford, a place for troubled orphan girls.
<b><i>But what if everything happens for a reason? And why is this whole town so mysterious? Why, for the first time, she actually belongs somewhere?
Everyone in this town seems to be hiding something? And that is just the beginning…</i></b>

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Even though this book is quite short, I was actually amused as to how much it was able to cover. I was pulled in from the first chapter, and this kept me going until the last.
We have all seen the new girl, new town, new school, being bullied type of scenario, and the cheerleaders owning the school and dating the jocks. This is the same, except it isn’t. It is spiced up with mystery and magic, and cheerleaders are just a metaphor of all that lies behind it. I will only reveal this much - the moment you get accepted to become a cheerleader, your life changes. But that is also the moment you realise it's only the beginning.
I liked Harper's character, and how she was presented. Sometimes she was too naïve and vulnerable for her own good, sometimes a bit too reckless when she didn't have enough information and clues. She was though, a nice young girl example of making brave decisions, but also a bad example of making stupid decisions…
The plot twist in the end was amazing, and I could never see that coming.
I think the purpose of this book was to make a nice scene building for the next books in the series, and to raise our curiosity. A lot of questions were raised, and not many were answered, which proves my point.
I really enjoyed the beginning of this series, and will definitely be reading the next books.
A Hamiton Christmas (HIS #9)
A Hamiton Christmas (HIS #9)
Sheila Kell | 2018 | Contemporary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a very fitting end!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, and I thank Ms Kell for that.

This book takes place a year after His Fantasy, Brad's story, and is like a catch up on what all the brothers and their wives have been up to. And they are been doing a LOT of baby making! So it was great to catch up with everyone, all in one place.

It's a bit different that the other HIS books, in that the story is told from Jesse's ten year old daughter, Reagan and her Poppy, Blake Hamilton's points of view. Reading such polar opposites was amusing at times: Reagan is determined to follow in her father's footsteps, even if she has to go against him to do it, and Blake is still a little in the dog house as far as I'm concerned! Oh, he redeemed himself in His Family, but maybe not as much as I thought he had!

There is a lot of love here, with every member of the Hamilton clan, their partners and babies all here along with a new member of the family that is introduced here. Reagan and her new cousin are a well matched pair and they pull their sleuthing off extremely well!

It was so lovely to catch up with everyone, it's always sad to say goodbye and this was a great little catch up, a little time after the main books ended.

Very well done, Ms Kell, I'm just not a great fan of holiday stories!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
An Astronaut&#039;s Guide to Life on Earth
An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth
Chris Hadfield | 2015 | Biography
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Amazing, easy-to-read memoir
Wow. Just wow. I woke up far earlier than I wanted to this morning, so I picked up one of the nonfiction books I had from the library, expecting it to put me back to sleep. Three hours later I was still awake, nearly done with the book, and absolutely enthralled. I’m not sure why I thought it would be otherwise – I’d been one of the millions fascinated with Hadfield’s videos and tweets when he was Commander of the ISS. His particular voice is very clear throughout this book. In 284 pages he takes us from his childhood, through his career path to becoming an astronaut, to his 5 months in the International Space Station, and back home. Nothing felt rushed, nothing felt like it didn’t get the attention it deserved. I’m pretty sure this is going to be one of my favorite books of 2017 – I have several months to read more things, but this book just absolutely blew me away.

It does appeal to how I like to read about science, though. I love reading about scientists. How they worked, how they made their discoveries, the paths they took. Who they were. I’m less interested in the actual science. This is part of why I loved A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson, so much. I borrowed that book from the library and read it cover to cover, fascinated. Finally had to buy my own copy.

Hadfield took space exploration and made it accessible to everyone. According to the book, he didn’t even quite realize how big of an impact he was making at first. But between tweeting pictures from the ISS, making videos of how different life was in space, and making music videos, he really did become the most well-known astronaut of our generation. I remember putting his video of I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing) on repeat when it came out – and it STILL gives me chills today.

He only briefly talked about Is Somebody Singing in the book, which I found surprising, given it was the one that hit me the hardest. He spent more time talking about filming and recording Space Oddity – which does have 36 million views, to I.S.S.’s 2 million. So I suppose that makes sense! (I'm going to attach both videos to the book page.)

One thing he keeps coming back to in his book is his philosophy of trying to be a zero. That doesn’t sound very ambitious on the surface – but what he means is you can be one of three things in a group. You can be a negative impact (a -1) a neutral impact (a zero) or a positive impact (a +1). If you try to be a +1, it’s far likelier that you’ll try too hard, fuck up, and instead become a negative impact. So aim to be a zero. And most of the time you’ll wind up as a positive impact. I thought that was a very unique philosophy.

You can find all my reviews at
Brief Encounter (1974)
Brief Encounter (1974)
1974 | Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I knew and liked David Lean, a director of genius, who was very kind to me when he was making The Sound Barrier for my Uncle Alex, and Brief Encounter has always seemed to me the very best of classic British filmmaking, with its fiercely restrained emotions and good manners trumping passion, typical of its era. It is the best of the “small” British pictures, which my Uncle Alex tried to replace with “big” British pictures in an attempt to outdo Hollywood, rather than coexist with it, after he left it for Britain in 1932. Lean, who in Brief Encounter made this most English of English films (a distinction perhaps shared by This Happy Breed and The Fallen Idol, see below), moved onward and upward to ever bigger pictures, by way of The Sound Barrier, Summertime, and eventually the biggest and best of all epic films, Lawrence of Arabia, escaping from the confines of England to “international” films that challenged and beat those of the Hollywood studios. But Brief Encounter was a perfect, close-up view of a shabby, threadbare England, the England of “books from Boot’s, good drains, and class distinction,” in John Betjeman’s words, and of a muted, sad, doomed, and very English love affair. It has always been a film that puzzles the French, who find it hard to believe in a love story with almost no eroticism, and in which the lovers are usually dressed in raincoats. It is also Trevor Howard, a wonderful actor, at his best."

Last One at the Party
Last One at the Party
Bethany Clift | 2021 | Contemporary, Dystopia, Horror, Humor & Comedy
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I started reading this after dinner one evening, so reasonably late in the day, and then carried on reading until I went to bed. I really should have left an hour of non-reading time before attempting to sleep, because every time I closed my eyes I could see corpses and people dying horrible deaths. Which is strange, because books with this kind of content don’t usually bother me. I think it was the humour that made it seem more normal, more believable. And I can’t deny that reading it whilst we’re actually living through a pandemic might have added that extra bit of “Oh my god - could this actually happen??!!”
I liked that there weren’t zombies or something reminiscent of Mad Max - I think I’ve seen loads of those kinds of books before, and whilst I’ve been known to enjoy them as well, it was nice to have something a bit different. This is a breath of fresh air. Or at least as fresh as it can be with the imagined stink of millions of decaying Britons on the streets and in their homes (I’m not even exaggerating) 🤢
I liked that the main character didn’t have the answer to everything - or in fact, to anything - but she muddles along, making mistakes and learning from them.
This book isn’t wildly exciting, in that the zombie hordes are absent, and no one is being strapped to the front of a 4X4, and I loved that about it. The main character is a ‘normal’ woman, trying her best to stay alive at the end of the world. She’s a great character, she seems so approachable, and even though she probably wouldn’t agree, someone I’d be happy to spend time with. Even though I’d probably be a rotting corpse. Nice.
I’d really recommend this book, it’s definitely not your run-of-the-mill apocalypse story!!

Amanda (96 KP) rated Speak in Books

Mar 12, 2019  
Laurie Halse Anderson | 1999 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm gonna say this first. I went through this book because I was trying hard to finish it, but it was difficult. I remember seeing this book when I was much younger, but I never picked it up then. This also was not on my school reading list when I was in high school, so I never got to read it for an assignment either. I'm sure I'm probably in the minority, but this wasn't my favorite book this month.

I feel for Melinda, but it took most of the book to get to that stage. It was difficult to read through her eyes because it's mostly about the teachers and kids shunning her because she called the police and broke up a party and wanting to just be isolated. Her parents are just something else entirely.

"I'm getting better at smiling when people expect it."

When it seems like she may have a new friend in a new student named Heather, she goes and ditches Melinda to be a part of a group called The Marthas. That actually kind of hit close to home for me, because I've had someone do that to me. The sad thing is, Heather comes CRAWLING back to Melinda because she's overwhelmed and hates being a part of the group and needs Melinda's help with decorating. And Melinda, rightfully, tells her she can't help her.

She doesn't tell her the truth - which would be because you totally ditched her, told her you couldn't be around her because of her 'reputation' and just left her there, yeah, no. She just makes up some excuse about a tree being taken out of her yard. Well, either way, I was kind of proud of her for not giving in to helping her. Go away, Heather!

Like I said, it took me nearly half of to almost the end of the book to really get a feel for Melinda. When she does realize (from shows like Oprah and Sally Jessy) that she was raped, she tells one girl who USED TO BE her friend. Rachel/Rachelle pines over the guy who was known as IT for most of the book, but real name Andy, and she's called a liar.

"IT happened. There is no avoiding it, no forgetting. No running away, or flying, or burying, or hiding."

Of course she's called that. I kept thinking I wouldn't tell her. As sad as that sounds, I wouldn't have told her the truth. Because, she wouldn't believe her ex friend no matter if it is the truth or not.

While it took me nearly the whole book to feel for Melinda or want to finish the story, I'm glad I did. This still happens. I'm not saying it's only women who are raped, but those that suffer through this trauma can't seem to speak up. And when they do, it's not always well received. Why is it difficult when someone says they went through this kind of experience? Why is it judged so harshly? And why is it such a taboo subject?

"Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance."

I would also like to point out the one time I think Rachel/Rachelle said it right when it came to looking for symbolism in classic books.

"How do you know what he meant to say? I mean, did he leave another book called "Symbolism in My Books?" If he didn't, then you could just be making all of this up. Does anyone really think this guy sat down and stuck all kinds of hidden meanings into his story? It's just a story.... But I think you are making all of this symbolism stuff up. I don't believe any of it."

Sorry, I'm quoting the book a lot. I'm sorry but I do agree that I think most of the classical authors weren't thinking much about symbolism when they wrote their books. Just saying.

I do believe everybody should read this book once in their lives. Censorship is a crock. Books like this and To Kill A Mockingbird are important novels that kids should read. Banning books is about as redundant as baker's chocolate.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Edge Jump in Books

Jul 7, 2018  
Edge Jump
Edge Jump
Elizabeth Noble | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Edge Jump by Elizabeth Noble
Edge Jump starts off with the death of Brett's sister, who is also Rylan's skating partner. The police are treating it as an attempted mugging. Brett wants answers, and hopes Rylan can provide at least some of them. When they meet up with each other again, neither of them wants to deny the attraction. Making their relationship work though, proves more difficult due to outside forces than either of them imagined.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and found it to be very well written. Rylan is new to 'the scene', but already knows what he wants. Brett is scared at the thought of having a 'forever' someone, but isn't able to stop moving forward with Rylan. The mystery side of it wasn't that mysterious, but I still enjoyed it. I couldn't quite understand the culmination of the mystery (without giving anything away) as I don't see how they could have got away with it, but nevermind.

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this was a great M_M romance, and I would have no hesitation in recommending it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Practically Married
Practically Married
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought that the premise of this book was great! A modern day marriage of convenience/ almost Mail order bride type of story. I dont believe I have ever read a modern marriage of convenience story. It created for me lots of what ifs in my mind, which I like as the story tends to stick with me even after its done.

The characters were believable. I liked how they played off each other, and built off of each interaction. Personally I have no idea what I would do if I showed up somewhere and was told that my fiancee had died. Ashley handled it very well though, and Russ is my kinda guy. A planner who likes everything to fit in a box. So like I said at the beginning I like how the characters play together and I think Karin Beery did a great job developing them through out the story. Her book reminds me of Linda Fords books in that they have such interesting story lines and great characters with HEA’s in each story.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the very interesting story premise, the likeable characters, and for making it stick in my mind even after I am done with the book. I look forward to reading more from Karin Beery in the future.
In a Corner, Darkly: Volume 2
In a Corner, Darkly: Volume 2
Sue Rovens | 2017 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I seem to be on an anthology binge here lately, perhaps because the stories, being in bitesized morsels, are easier for me to swallow while I edge out of a reading slump. In A Corner, Darkly: Volume 2 is a request I received a few months ago, coinciding with a more recent edition of the collection from Sue Rovens. While it still has some editing issues (I ended up purchasing it because I lost my review copy), the book certainly plays host to several entertaining stories with interesting twists.

“When the Earth Bled” is undoubtedly one of my favorites. For the most part, these stories are rather tame but Rovens does hint at the capability of making one’s stomach curl. I’ll definitely be interested in seeing more of what she’s got, especially if her full length books reflect the perfect length of her shorter tales.

A little more of the horrifying and another pass on editing would make this a four or five skull read. However, due to the errors and the fact that some of the tales weren’t all that terrifying, I’m going to have to go with a midway rating. Rovens has a lot of potential which I’d like to see come through in future works.

I’d like to thank the author for providing me with a free copy of this book (which I lost) in exchange for an honest review. This title is available for $1.99 on Amazon.
Offering: Live At Temple University by John Coltrane
Offering: Live At Temple University by John Coltrane
2014 | Jazz
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's this live, spiritual thing from '66 - Alice Coltrane, his wife, and Pharoah Sanders is on it. It's just a really spiritual performance. At one point, he starts beating his chest and making Tarzan noises. This was one of the things I burned - that's more obscure, the others are more influential, but yeah, Temple University is in Philadelphia, so it was very close to home in that regard. There's a writer from Philadelphia, Francis Davis, I read one of his jazz books, I'm intrigued by that guy. I haven't met him but I really love his writing and he was there back then, he was going to Temple, he was at the concert, and he wrote a review that came in there. That's a great, intense live performance. I've always sort of been into the improv thing of feeling it in the moment spiritually, but yeah, I was listening to a lot of jazz records and it really opens your mind, just because they're all such real players. It's all live, it's not overdubs, it's just capturing a real moment of true feeling, especially when you've got the greats, like John Coltrane, or in this case, John Coltrane, Alice Coltrane, Pharoah Sanders, Rashied Ali and they're all just such heavy people, you know? It's unreal."
