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Tui Snider has long since been a favorite author of non-fiction of mine. Her research when it comes to her books is impeccable. I try to never miss an opportunity to read a book by Tui Snider, so when I was presented with the opportunity to read 6 Feet Under Texas by Tui Snider, I jumped at the chance!

6 Feet Under Texas by Tui Snider is a book for those who love history as well as for those who have an appreciation for cemeteries and the people who are buried there. Snider goes all over (mostly) north Texas to talk about the history behind some of the graves famous, infamous, and the just plain interesting. As always, Tui Snider has done excellent research for her book, and it really does show the dedication behind it all. In fact, Tui Snider solved the mystery about the identity of the one legged rope walker who's buried in Corsicana. The photos included in the book aren't in color, but I enjoyed them just the same. It was nice to place the story to the photo. I also appreciated Tui Snider placing each city in alphabetical order for easy findings. She also includes the address to where each cemetery is located after each story in case you wanted to visit.

I will admit that many books, I skip the intro. However, I know that Tui Snider never writes a dull and boring intro for her books. 6 Feet Under Texas' intro did not disappoint. Snider talks about how cemeteries are not morbid at all and how cemeteries are actually for the living. Seriously, read the intro. It is short and so very interesting!

I learned so much reading 6 Feet Under Texas. For example, did you know there was such thing as a backronym? I sure didn't until I read about Amber Hagerman, the little girl from which the AMBER Alert was invented. Tui Snider discusses about Amber's case and gives us an English lesson as well! There's also a touching story about a reverend who took in single mothers back in 1894, a time when society shunned those who weren't married. That story really warmed my heart. In Danville, a young woman by the name of Karen Silkwood is buried. She died under mysterious circumstances back in 1974. The mystery of Silkwood's death definitely left me intrigued. Her story was also very interesting. I learned that in the olden days, scraped graveyards were commonplace. Tui Snider explains that the grass from cemeteries was scraped because the lawn mower actually wasn't invented until 1830, and lawn grasses weren't a thing until the 1930s. Grass, back then, was home to all sorts of snakes and insects, and dry grass could catch on fire easily. So back then, people would get rid of all the grass growing around graves. It's pretty interesting to read about. I also read about Marlene Johnson in 6 Feet Under Texas. Marlene Johnson was the first female postmaster for Eastland, Texas. She made a huge mural out of millions of postage stamps. I loved reading about Mrs. Johnson, and I believe others will too. I was intrigued by Anthony Bascilli's grave. He went all out for his grave including having brick walls around his coffin, doors leading down to his coffin, and pipes sticking out of his coffin where keys to the door were to be dropped. Those pipes are still visible above ground if you take a trip out to the cemetery in Thurber, Texas.

It's not just humans that Tui Snider includes in her book 6 Feet Under Texas. Did you know that back in the day, it was a normal thing to have your limbs buried? For example, there are true stories of people burying amputated limbs and having grave markers made for them. What I really loved was how Tui Snider also mentions animal burials. She discusses the Alamo cats who are buried at the Alamo. (I had no idea that the Alamo had official cats!) She also writes about other animals that were special in some form, but I really loved reading about the Texas horned lizard that had been buried alive for thirty-one years and came back to life when he was exhumed.

I could go on and on about how amazing Tui Snider's newest book is, but you are better off just reading it for yourself. This was one of those books where I never wanted it to end. Luckily, Tui Snider is making a volume 2! I would definitely recommend 6 Feet Under Texas by Tui Snider to everyone that would love to go on a real life adventure without leaving wherever their reading Snider's book from. Seriously, pick up your copy of 6 Feet Under Texas so you can understand why I gushed so much on this book!
(A special thank you to Lone Star Literary Life for providing me with a paperback copy of 6 Feet Under Texas by Tui Snider in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Way Down Dark</i> is the first in the <i>Australia</i> trilogy by J.P. Smythe, a brand new dystopian series for young adult readers. The world has been destroyed and humans boarded space ships in order to find somewhere to live, however, generations later the passengers aboard <i>Australia</i> have not found anywhere. The years have taken their toll on the ship, which is slowly falling to pieces, it’s inhabitants reduced to scavengers.

Recently orphaned Chan is living alone and trying to fend for herself as the Lows, an ever-increasing band of murderous thugs, wage war on everyone else. Nowhere is safe and quite often Chan finds herself in a situation where it is either kill or be killed. When Chan’s mother died her last instructions were to stay out of trouble, be selfish and don’t die. Chan on the other hand finds it extremely difficult to be selfish when she sees other people in life threatening situations. Thankfully she has Angela, a fifty something woman, looking out for her. But then Angela introduces Chan to a part of the ship no one has ever been to before, a part that challenges the truth behind the stories believed by everyone about the destruction of Earth. This new knowledge fuels Chan’s determination to save the lives of as many she can, thus finding herself in perilous situations.

Despite being set in the distant future, the characters at the beginning are living lives similar to those of the past – making clothes, shoes and weapons from scratch, picking fruit in the arboretum in order to eat. So although many dystopian novels involve some kind of enhanced technology, <i>Way Down Dark</i> does not, which separates it from other books of the same genre.

As well as Chan’s narrative, the novel also contains Angela’s stories of the past when Chan’s mother was young. These help to explain some of the situations the characters find themselves in now. It is also through Angela that Chan begins to discover the truth about the ship <i>Australia</i> and the lies they have been led to believe.

The main characters are very likable and display a range of personalities, each adding something different to the story. Chan is quick thinking, strong-willed and unselfish whereas, although Angela cares and protects, she keeps more to herself rather than jump into the fight in order to be a hero. Finally, Jonah, a young man who teams up with Chan and Angela, is a mix of Chan’s personalities with a religious streak, or what passes as religious on the <i>Australia</i>.

Although it is less futuristic than other popular young adult novels such as <i>Divergent</i> or <i>The Hunger Games</i>, readers are bound to enjoy <i>Way Down Dark</i> and its sequels. It is full of action, violence and survival told from the point of view of a teenage girl. <i>Way Down Dark</i> is a highly recommended, gripping novel, which promises to satisfy the needs of dystopian lovers.
Knight of The Dead III: Fortress
Knight of The Dead III: Fortress
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Knight of the Dead III: Fortress continues the adventures of Ronan and his family as they struggle to survive in the Zombie Apocalypse. The third book is a non-stop action-packed adventure as Ronan really starts to build up his fortress in a school building, slowly growing his kingdom. He has finally saved enough people that there really starts to be some interesting dynamics between the survivors and a look to the future can begin to happen. In this book, the stakes are raised as the zombies continue to change and seemingly become smarter and more dangerous. With the stakes raised, his family finally in a stable situation, Ronan sets out full force to save as many others as he can.

Without a doubt, my favorite part if this series is the unique take at apocalypse fiction by throwing in medieval fighting. This book does not disappoint as there are thrilling action scenes, plenty of training sequences, and the knight continuing to become a legend in the modern world. This unique touch simultaneously gives the story a fun and engaging layer while also somehow adding to the believability of the world that author Ron Smorynski has created. With the detailed fighting knowledge, and the time spent on gathering food, training, getting water, and fortifying the school, as a reader you can believe that they would have survived this long.518hheXuwoL._SY346_

This book focuses more on rescue then the previous books and as the cast of characters continues to grow there is less time spent one on one with people. This decreases the amount of individual tension between characters, but there is still tension as Ronan is the dictator and continues to push his Christian values on everyone within his fortress. This dynamic makes sense in the situation, but I like the moments when Ronan gets to be humanized more in small moments. A hug with his wife or children, a cute moment with him and the children, his appreciated a moment of laughter. These moments are very sweet in the otherwise horror-filled world they live in, and Ronan gets to relax the least as a leader.

Pet peeve of mine in apocalypse fiction is the idea that you are completely alone in the world. That although you survived no one else on the planet could have. Smorynski does not fall into this trap. He acknowledges the bigger world, although his characters have very little contact with it. And there is a good balance between the characters feeling alone and being alone. Many people have died in the month of the apocalypse, but they are still finding survivors. There are other people who are holding on. This makes the series more exciting for me and also keeps me excited for the books to come as I enjoy watching the growing community of survivors.

This series is exciting and gripping from beginning to end. Smorynski does a good job of justifying the risks that his characters take and ups the stakes and consequences as the book progresses, making the danger feel read from beginning to end. If you like zombie stories or apocalypse fiction, then I would highly recommend checking this series out. I cannot wait to see where the story goes from here!
Confessions of an Angry Girl (Confessions, #1)
Confessions of an Angry Girl (Confessions, #1)
Louise Rozett | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
(Review also on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

This is one of those books that sort of caught me by surprise. I expected it to be fantastic as it was very high on my TBR list. It wasn't that fantastic as I thought it was going to be, but it was good.

Rose Zarelli is having a hard time in her first year of high school. Her dad's just died recently, her best friend has turned into a "cheer-witch" , her guy friend has a crush on her which she just wants to be friends with, and she's ended up kissing the boyfriend of Regina, one of the meanest girls in the school. Regina is now dead set on making Rose's life as miserable as possible. This book is about the ups and mostly downs of Rose Zarelli's freshman year of high school.

I really don't know how I feel about the characters. I felt like there wasn't enough character building for me to care about each character 100%. There were times when I felt like I didn't really care what happened to Rose. Other times, my heart went out to her because I could relate to some of things that were happening to her. The character of Regina was good although she was made out to be a stereotypical mean cheerleader type. I really couldn't stand Regina simply because she was a mean girl. I feel like the author didn't really show us enough of Jamie and Tracey's personalities. Why did everyone think Jamie was a bad boy? This was never really explained in the book. As for Tracey, she just came across as sort of a chameleon character, basically blending in with whomever she was with.

The pacing of the book is another thing I had a problem with. Most of the time it was way too slow. A lot of the chapters I had a hard time really getting in to. Don't get me wrong, there were some chapters that the pacing was done spot on. However, the majority of the time, the pacing felt really slow.

I think the dialogue was well suited to a YA novel for teens between the ages of 14 to 17. There are a few swear words but not so many that it becomes too much. There's just enough swearing to make it believable...I'm basing this on my teenage years though, lol.

I do like the title, and I admit that the title definitely did catch my attention. However, I don't really feel that Rose was an angry girl. I felt like she was more of a bullied girl. She didn't really come across as that angry to me until right around the end where her mother asks her about it. The whole "anger" conversation in the book felt as if the author just threw it in so the title would make sense.

I believe the cover suits the book. The girl on the front (which I believe is Rose) looks a bit unsure of herself which is what I felt that Rose was feeling throughout the book.

Like I said, I did like the book even if there were some major issues. It made me feel like I needed to know what was going to happen. I'm definitely getting the second book in the series just because of how this book ended.

I would recommend this book to a high school girl. I wouldn't really recommend it to adult fans of YA though.

All in all, I would give Confessions of an Angry Girl by Louise Rozett a 3.5 out of 5.
Deep Blue (Waterfire Saga, #1)
Jennifer Donnelly | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
My rating: 3.5

<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

Mermaids are perhaps one of the least written about mythical creature in novels. On the occasions that they are referred to they are often represented as evil siren-like females luring sailors to their deaths. The mermaids in Jennifer Donnelly’s <i>Waterfire Saga</i> are not like that at all, in fact their lives are not dissimilar to that of humans.

<i>Deep Blue</i> is the first novel in this saga but felt like it was mostly setting the scene for the yet-to-be-published sequels. It begins with Serafina, the Principessa of the House of Merrow, preparing for the Dokimí or betrothal ceremony occurring that evening. Although her songspell, a particularly difficult task, goes perfectly, assassins gatecrash the ceremony. The black-clad mermen fire poison arrows at the crowd, killing Sera’s father and fatally injuring her mother, the Regina.

Along with her best friend Neela, Serafina flees the city but it is not long before their assailants catch up with them. Throughout all this destruction the two mermaids discover that they have been having the same dream about being summoned by the Iele – a legendary group of river witches – and with no where else to go they head to the river Olt in Romania in order to find them and discover what they are being called upon for. As it turns out they are not the only girls heading that way. Six mermaids in total have been having the same dream and they eventually meet up on their way to the Iele.

Although the end of <i>Deep Blue</i> revealed the girls’ purposes, it will not be until the second book that this task is carried out. Due to this it feels as though the main storyline of the <i>Waterfire Saga</i> is yet to begin properly. Having said that, <i>Deep Blue</i> was still an entertaining read. It may take a while for readers to get into the story but the later half is full of action and even contains the odd humorous pun, which prevents the book from becoming too dark.

It must be difficult to write about mermaids as the setting is, naturally, deep under the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. The writer would need to think carefully about what is possible underwater, and remember to use words such as “swim” instead of “walk”. Even though Donnelly did a fantastic job there were occasions where the characters could easily be mistaken for humans with legs rather than fish tails.

There were lots of made up words and names used in this book which some people may find confusing thus making it difficult to keep track of who is who. The author has helpfully included a glossary of these terms and names which readers can refer to as and when they need to. It does not, however, include a pronunciation guide, which is a shame as some of the words have an Eastern European look to them and readers unfamiliar with those types of dialects may struggle with some of the expressions: for example, Baba Vrăja.

Overall this saga has the potential to become a magnificent set of books with a uniqueness setting them apart from other popular fantasy stories of today.
Relentless (Somerton Security #2)
Relentless (Somerton Security #2)
Elizabeth Dyer | 2018 | Romance, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Relentless (Somerton Security #2) by Elizabeth Dyer
Relentless is the second book in the Somerton Security series, and this time we are dealing with the big boss man himself, Ethan Somerton. This book does follow on from book one, so I would definitely recommend you read them in order, just so you get the most enjoyment out of them!

Ethan has a hard job to do - he needs to go undercover for a cartel, which could (most likely) get him killed. However, he is prepared to do that if it means he is giving a friend he thinks of like a brother a chance at living. They may have a friend on the inside though, as someone has been leaving tips for the various security forces, trying to help. Parker's program says one person, but Ethan is convinced it is someone else. Someone who sets his blood on fire, but has more walls than he does, and with very good reason. With a little bit of stubbornness and luck, they may just have a way forward.

This book is raw and gritty, and makes no bones about it. Ethan and Natalia have a hard time of it, both of them needing to trust the other, when trust is the hardest commodity to come by. I loved catching up with Parker and Georgia, and seeing how they are making it work, even when they are so different. Ethan is a tough man, but he certainly has found his match in Natalia. She has gone through things no one should, and survived.

With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, this book was a brilliant read, and I certainly look forward to reading more in this series. I really need to know what happened at a certain time with a certain someone ;) If you like #Romance #Suspense, then I can pretty much guarantee you will love this series. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!


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Emerge (Immortals of Indriell #1)
Emerge (Immortals of Indriell #1)
Melissa A. Craven | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book in a fantastic new series that I have loved every word of. This is a world of Immortals and mortals, where you can't die but you can be murdered, where the amount of power you have corresponds to how people react to you.

Allie has lived an unconventional life so far, globetrotting with her parents but always alone. She has made few friends as most people seem to be uncomfortable around her. She no longer questions this, but instead accepts it as inevitable. Just as she thinks she is making headway with a friend/boyfriend, her parents tell her they are moving again. This time she ends up in America. Whilst psyching herself up for starting a new school, she meets a boy called Aidan and a whole new world opens up for her.

This is incredibly well-written and I was completely drawn into the story. I LOVED Allie and her sarcasm. She seriously made me snort out loud on more than one occasion, much to the amusement of my family. The interaction and banter between her and Aidan is fantastic. I will say this, I usually hate love triangles, and I mean loathe them! This somehow didn't seem like that though, and although I like Vince, I really REALLY don't want Allie to be with him. Trust me when I say I have fingers, toes and other body parts crossed for Aidan.

If I had to say anything against this book, I would say that with the number of characters involved, and their convoluted relationships/bonds, it sometimes made it a bit confusing to figure out just who was what in relation to whom. However, this is something very minor and quickly becomes irrelevant as you become more immersed in the story.

I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this book and found it to be over far too quickly, even though it is a good-sized book. Not only can I highly recommend this book, but I will also be on the lookout for the next in the series and waiting with bated breath!

* I received this book in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 10, 2015
For the Strange and Surprising: Where the Mongrels Are (Where They Are #1)
For the Strange and Surprising: Where the Mongrels Are (Where They Are #1)
M.F. Adele | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't get the full force of this book, the reverse harem, YET.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When I read a blurb for a book that comes to the blog for reviewing, my mind goes, very quickly, yay or nay. I was erring towards the nay on this one, as I read that blurb til it gets to the bit at the bottom that says this is a reverse harem romance.

As you know if you follow my reviews, I do prefer my books on the smexier side, and the more the merrier. So, I was gonna say yes, just for that.


I don't get it!

YET! I don't get the full force of this book, the reverse harem, YET.

What I do get, though, is the ground work, the foundation that will build the relationship between all the majors players and Ada. We get a wonderfully written tale of making the most of what's happened to you!

Ada is dragged into a water spout and is spit out on the Island. The Island tries to talk to Ada, with some surprising results!

The island pulls people in for a reason, and has been doing for many MANY years. Why?? That much isn't made clear, and I'm sure there is MUCH that isn't fully explained yet, or even revealed about this island and the Mongrels, and the people from Earth that live there.

Ada and all the major players get a say, and I liked that here. While I do like to hear from everyone, when there are TOO many, things get lost. Not so here, you needed to hear from everyone, how Ada makes them feel, make them react.

This is the first in the trilogy, and the first I've read of this author. I can't wait to get my grubby mitts on parts 2 and 3! I hope I don't have to wait too long!

Only because I'm a greedy toad, and don't get my smexy times,

4 stars (but so close!!)

*same worded review will appear elsewhere