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Only Child
Only Child
Rhiannon Navin | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Our protagonist in this book is a seven-year-old Zach, during shooting in his school, his older brother Andy got killed. This book is a story of how Zach and his parents deal with Andy’s loss. The variety of characters is pretty limited in this book, it sticks to Zach’s close family. I really liked Zach and his father Jim in this book. I think Zach is a very smart, kind and very cute boy. I liked his dad because he was the only one, who was paying attention to Zach after the tragedy. Father was trying to talk to Zach and make him open up about what he, as a child, is going through. I absolutely despised Zach’s mother. I think she is a self-centred cow, who cared only about what she feels and ignored her family for her own sake. I am not a parent, but I know one thing, I would put my child first.

As it says in the blurb, the narrative is told by Zach, and all the events are from his perspective. This book is like a seven-year-old’s diary. Zach talks a lot about what he sees around him, how he feels and how he deals with various situations. The narrative is very detailed, and even though there are some interesting nuances, there is not much happening in this book. I hoped that something groundbreaking will happen to pace up the book, but it kind of plodded along, making me pretty bored. There are some interesting topics discussed in this book, related to family and it’s issues, and the grown-ups have an insight into a child’s point of view. Which is quite interesting, and I am curious, how the author got all this information, and how she came up with this kind of writing style.

The writing style was very cute, simplified and easy to read. The setting of the book doesn’t change much and is concentrated around the family’s house. I liked that the chapters are pretty short, I didn’t want to DNF this book, so the short chapters helped to finish it. The ending rounded up the story nicely and left me satisfied with the outcome.

So, to conclude, even though it started really promising, this book wasn’t for me. It has well-developed characters, and I see where it can be heartbreaking for some people, but for me, it was too detailed and kind of draggy. If you like family drama, books about loss, and curious to find out how a child sees and deals with loss, give this book a try, and I hope you will enjoy it.
The Problem (Single Dad Support Group #1)
The Problem (Single Dad Support Group #1)
Piper Scott | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ+
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted the audio version of this book.

I'm turning this review on it's head, writing about the narrator first, cos, you know, I can, it's my review :-)

Michael Ferraiuolo has been a bit of an enigma for me, I either love his work, or hate it, I won't lie. But THIS time? I freaking LOVED it!

Alex has synesthesia, which means he sees his emotions in colour. The whole book, Alex was seeing how Laurence was affecting him, and he wasn't sure what it meant. The best bits of this book were when Alex was describing his colours/emotions, to Laurence, to himself. I have no doubt I would not have been so moved by those scenes, had I READ this book. Ferraiuolo nails it, he really does. Moved me to tears in places!

Laurence is solid, a good man, with his 16 year old son, Matthew. I liked how, very quicky, he was wanting more from Alex, not just for the sex(but PHEW!) no. But MORE. He has lived his life for his son, and in one meeting, Alex makes him see that he still has life to live, that he does not have to been locked away. Matthew is growing, making *quite literally* a life for himself. Laurence needs Alex, and rapidly, Alex sees that he needs Laurence too.

I loved the voices given to all the characters, but I especially enjoyed the voices given to the Support Group when they were chatting. It annoyed me a little bit at first, I will admit, but once I got used to the way the group chats were delivered, I loved them.

When the reason Alex behaved the way he did, before Laurence, becomes clear, I was out walking. And I stopped in the middle of the street, and cried. And cried to whole way through that bit. THEN, when other things happen?? I stopped in the middle of the street, and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO came out my mouth, so loud, the woman across the road shouted to see if I was okay! I did NOT see that coming at me, no way, never in a million years!

So, yeah, loved the book, and loved the narration.

And now I'm left with a bit of a pickle! This is the only one of the series that is available in AUDIO, the books are out, all 6, but I don't like to flip from listening to reading in a series (or vice versa) So my pickle is, do I READ the next one? Or do I wait (im)patiently for the next one in audio? ARGH! Such decisions!

5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
5 stars overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Assassin's Creed: The Official Movie Novelization
Assassin's Creed: The Official Movie Novelization
Christie Golden | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Film & TV, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Descriptive Writing brings out so much more information (6 more)
Characters and settings remain true in the adaptation
(Special Edition) Short stories to give more information and characters to the film
Action sequences are beautifully written
(Special Edition) Behind the Scenes stuff
(Special Edition) Beautiful Concept Art
(Special Edition) An overview of the Spanish Inquistion and the historical accuracy of the film
Leaves more questions that will hopefully be answered in the sequels (0 more)
Bringing forth what the movie could not
So, as you all know this film, and this franchise, are my favourites, so my opinion is somewhat bias, but please understand that I know that the movie is in no way perfect or close to perfect of what it could have been, but I love what they have done.

With that said, I turned my attention to the novel, and pre-ordered the special edition because I knew it would make a great addition to my collection of Assassin's Creed novels, and I wanted everything I could possibly get from the novel. I love all the behind the scenes features on a DVD/Blu Ray and when I heard that this book contained some BHS content I wanted it so badly that I made sure I got the special edition despite the addition to the price.

The adaptation of the Film to the novel, is incredible. When Movies are adapted from Books, there will always be the person with you that says "The Book is always better". Sometimes, in the vice versa of this situation, when books are adapted from films, it doesn't always add anything more to make the film's plot better, or give you anything else to think about. This book is something else entirely.

In the movie we are introduced to so many characters, and so many sub plots that just can't be explored in the film itself, because it would be what I and others like to call, a cluster fuck. There would far too much going on, and people already seemed confused by the simple plot of the film, that the addition of these subplots would have given them a headache and everything they needed to see to enjoy the movie would be lost even further, as people would walk out of the cinemas saying "What the heck did I just watch?". Books allow the writer and the reader the freedom to explore these subplots and open up our experience to these other characters such as Moussa, Emir, Nathan, and Lin. If you don't even know these names, that's because the film didn't get the opportunity to express to you the importance of these names, whilst introducing them in a way that you only really remember them as, 'The other assassins in the facility who organize the breakout of Abstergo finale'.

However these characters each have their own Assassin ancestors, at least two of which are heavily connected to the video games. Lin's ancestor, is Shao Jun, the protagonist who you play as in Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China. Emir's ancestor, is a Turkish Assassin named Yusuf, the same Yusuf who you befriend in Assassin's Creed: Revelations, whilst playing as an older Ezio Auditore in his final video game to end the Ezio Trilogy. In the movie's special features, there is a deleted scene in which Cal is able to see these ancestors, during the common room scene as he is trying to eat his steak. However it was taken out due to it not making much sense for him to be able to see other people ancestors via the bleeding effect. The novel on the other hand, doesn't need this scene, and instead the reader is treated to the thoughts and a little backstory to each of these modern day assassins, and how they had felt after being introduced to their ancestors, and how they connected to them through their own lives.

We learn even more about the films central characters as well, mainly Aguilar, Sofia and Callum Lynch, and the novel adaptation gives us a new view on their relationship as a whole. Sofia feels emotions she has never felt with other patients. Callum has a lot running through his mind that just can't be spoken or portrayed in the film. Aguilar's relationship to his fellow Assassin Maria is opened up to us, with us learning that they had been very intimate, and that despite never truly portraying their love for one another, the two assassins knew what the other was thinking and they moved and thought in unison with one another, which makes the final memory sequence, that much more heart breaking, and powerful.

The book grants us access to everything, and this is what makes it such a thrilling read. From start to finish I just wanted to read on and on, despite how heavy my eyes felt at night, tucked up in bed. It grips you and pulls you into the exciting journey of the beautifully written emotional rollercoster. Christie Golden, known for her own literary work and for her work on other franchise based novels, including Star Wars, World of Warcraft and Star Trek, has done a fantastic job at expanded the movie into a new experience, which even I wasn't expecting, and I've watched the film twice in the cinema and about 7 times since the day of it's digital release, March 10, 2017. I really do love this book and everything it has to offer.

My only bad point, which is personal to me, as I have theories about certain points of this movie, and I was hoping it would help answer some of my theories. However, whilst it expanded on them a little, giving more evidence to support one of my theories, it simply left more questions than answers. That is no fault of the writer or her work, but simply to my own inquisitive mind. The book overall has no faults in my opinion.

If you enjoyed the movie, you'll love the book more. If you didn't enjoy the movie, give the book a try. It might surprise you.
A Deadly Education: Lesson One of the Scholomance
A Deadly Education: Lesson One of the Scholomance
Naomi Novik | 2020 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
A darker version of Harry Potter (1 more)
Main character was unlikable (1 more)
Too much internal dialogue
It's nice knowing that books about witches aren't dead. The main idea of Naomi Novik's new novel, A Deadly Education - - - a new series with the second book already slated to release in 2021 - - - is about a school of magic that is focused on survival. Of course, this may bring about similarities of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, but this story is no way the same, A Deadly Education is a much darker witch school story with young murderers and also monsters that eat the students alive.

Yet this dark and morbid story is about a young girl who has been foreseen to possess powers that could destroy millions of people as our main character, and she can be quite off-putting at times. Her personality - - - a need to be liked, but refuses to allow anyone to like her, her need to show that she is always the smartest person in the room, and her blatant rudeness to a young man that saves her life more than once - - - makes it hard, as a reader, to root for this character. She does have moments of dark humor that made me laugh, moments of sarcasm that were pretty good, but she quickly assumes that everyone hates her and wants her to die before making it to senior graduation.

Galadriel is her name, but she prefers to go by El, and both of her parents were students at this Scholomance. She begins by talking about different kinds of witches there are at the school, including ones that use malia. Malia is a form of magic that takes it's mana from living things, including people. One such student she knows that uses malia is Yi Liu. El describes how malia of this sort slowly kills the one using it by telling the reader that Liu's eyes are turning all white, and her nails have gone completely black (and it's not polish).

Early on, readers are told about enclaves at the school, usually rich kids whose families have had more survivors from graduating classes than others. Students who are not part of these cliques know that it is very important to try to get an invitation to join one before senior year because your chances of survival are higher with a group than by yourself. El spends most of her time debating whether she wants to be part of one or not; her shifts in decisions are quite annoying. After she is saved by a student named Orion Lake, who is an enclaver from New York, she quickly decides to use him to obtain a seat in his enclave: " I couldn't blame her, really. It wasn't stupid to want to be pals with Orion if that looked like a real possibility. Aadhya's family lives in New Jersey: if she got into the New York enclave, she could probably pull them all inside. And I couldn't afford to alienate one of the vanishing few people who are willing to deal with me. "

Throughout the story, El becomes angrier and angrier every time that Lake saves her from being killed (which ends up almost being ten times), but one such time that he isn't able to, readers finally get to see what her powers have taught her, and this is practically the only time that we do: while an attack is happening in the library, El decides to go after Lake and help him save other students, but you can easily get lost in the library due to the shelves constantly moving, or you can be eaten because of the dark areas the shelves create; this is when a giant creature appears called a maw-mouth: "My whole body was clenched and waiting for it, and in the next flare of deep-red light I met half a dozen human eyes watching me, scattered over the thick rolling folds of the translucent, glossy mass that was just bulging its way out of the vent, many mouths open and working for air. " El tells us that the only way to stop a maw-mouth is to give it indigestion. "I stopped, and I used the best of the nineteen spells I know for killing an entire roomful of people, the shortest one; it's just three words in French, a la mort, but it must be cast carelessly, with a flick of the hand that most people get wrong, and if you get it even a little wrong, it kills you instead. " She does it correctly and the maw-mouth is defeated.

El believes that she saved a majority of the students from being killed by defeating the maw-mouth, but when she goes to breakfast the next morning, she finds out that a student had been 'poached' by a senior student. Every student's dorm room has a wall or spot that is nothing but a black abyss, where if anything that enters it will disappear forever. 'Poaching' is an act that has happened at the school before, and it's when a student pushes another student into the void, usually to take over their dorm room because the former's is unsafe. Oddly, this isn't surprising that it happened, when life at the school is life or death, people, especially teenagers, will make rash decisions without adults being present - - - yes, there are no teachers at this school, and everything seems to appear out of thin air.

The novel finally picks up pace when the wall leading to the graduation hall, which contains two maw-mouths for the senior class, is starting to break away, threatening to release any and all creatures into the school: "If a hole opened up to the graduation hall before the senior dorms were closed off, the seniors went from being the whole buffet to the toughest and most stale entrees on the menu. "

When the students decide to work together to patch up the hole, they soon find out that the senior students don't want it patched up: " 'But we also don't want to let you buy your lives with ours. That's what I hear seniors saying. Not, let's rip open the school, but why don't we make you, your class, graduate with us. Your class are the ones Orion has saved the most.' Chloe flinched visibly, and a lot of the other kids at our table tensed. 'So? Are you all willing to do that, graduate early, to save the poor little freshmen? If not, you can stop ' - - - she waved a hand in a spiraling circle, making a gesture of drama - - -'about how evil we are because we don't want to die...' "

The atmosphere in the story makes the threat of death in the school very real, but Novik's main character isn't well-written; there are side characters that I found much more interesting than El, and were better written. Lake is even a better character - - - especially when readers find out why he has a need to save people - - - I honestly believe it would have been a better story from Lake's point-of-view. Also, the amount of explaining that Novik does in the novel really breaks up the flow of the story, sometimes stopping right in the middle of an important scene just to explain something about the school.

I will be reading the sequel when it comes out because I do want to know what happens to a lot of the side characters and their senior graduation, but I can only recommend this book to people who love stories about witches and the occult. As for horror fans, I don't think you would get your fix from this novel.
A Court of Mist and Fury
A Court of Mist and Fury
Sarah J. Maas | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
9.3 (54 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, from the beginning, this book sure was a ride of emotions and plot events. I kept thinking that in the first part of the book the plot wasn’t moving, there was nothing happening. But now, after I have finished the book, I know that there were some very important events going on.

One thing I have learned about Sarah J. Maas and her characters is that she is never very nice to them for very long. But this causes me to feel sorry for them, to want them to be happy, thus showing that it is a good book to get me so emotionally involved. I knew this fact in Thorne of Glass and was expecting it in this series, but maybe not so early on. It defiantly shows that she has evolved as a writer and has become much more confidant.

Speaking of evolving, these characters did a bunch of it throughout this book and in between the first and second. While some characters (Feyre) transitioned over time, especially after all those nasty things she went through in the first book, I felt like others (Tamlin) had changed much too quickly. This defiantly could be explained at the span of three months that was between the first book and this one, but it still seemed abrupt and more like a plot device. Unquestionably for the plot. But I think it worked out well for the story arch that we are continuing to follow, one that is getting impressively complicated.

Feyre’s evolving rivals those of Alien, Lysandra, or Maven from Thorne of Glass. I know I keep bring this series up, making comparisons, but I just wanted to say how happy I was that Sarah J. Maas didn’t abandon her character evolving pattern. It makes each of her books so much more fun to read than others, some of which the characters don’t evolve enough to really see much of a difference. The evolving keeps me guessing at what the characters might do next, and that makes for a good book.

Sarah J. Maas also isn’t one to shy away from putting two people together to fall in love then having them change their mind. But, I liked Tamlin in the first, but not enough to completely ship them and wanting it to continue into the next book. I was hoping she would pull out one of those ‘I loved you but I don’t love you anymore’ moves. Because there are many relationships in this book that affect the plot, I won’t give any spoilers on it. Sorry if I implied it and you caught on, but really it was only the first 50 pages that might have been mildly ruined.

Bad things to say. Hmm. You know, there really isn’t much I have to complain about. I wish that Tamlin didn’t become so easy to hate right off (sorry, but once again only the first 50 pages), that we couldn’t see more of Feyre’s transition to becoming a high fae, her powers thereof, and watching more of these lovely relationships evolve as each person becomes closer, friends or otherwise. Other than those though, I don’t have much else to say.

At the time I am writing this review there is still three weeks left until the next book comes out, so once again I have to distract myself with others until I can get it. Sigh.

Wait, why did I wait so long to read it? Oh that’s right, so I wouldn’t be in the waiting position like I am now!

Also, a warning for younger readers, this book does become NC-17.
The Forgetting
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Here's a terrible way to approach a review: have almost nothing to say but few words (and here I thought I finally got over that little reviewing brain freeze I got early last year. This is going to become a bad habit, yes?). Nothing really negative, as I enjoyed reading The Forgetting, but saying, "I enjoyed the book" and leaving it at that just doesn't qualify. Someone would then most likely ask, "But why did you enjoy the book?"

I am, by no means, a fan of books that involve sex trafficking. It's a terrible thing and I really don't want to bother reading about the subject (if book club chooses a certain book from the Gateway Readers Award Nominees that's related to trafficking, I'm tucking my tail between my legs and running away).

Then again, I figured Nicole Maggi's The Forgetting would be something pretty different from other thrillers, seeing as a girl goes through a heart transplant and then suddenly starts losing some of her memories while gaining some memories of the heart's original owner. In order for Georgie to actually return back to her normal life from what she calls the "Catch" though, Georgie has to unravel how her new heart's owner really died before she loses all of her memories.
<blockquote>How could I have memories that didn’t belong to me? But they were there, as crystal clear as other memories I knew were mine.</blockquote>
The Forgetting faintly reminds me of a mystery show I once watched every Sunday on CBS (to which I forgot the name of, but it was always before the 10pm news), only this is just a one time thing and everything is back to normal completely (plus, I don't think that detective actually went through a transplant. More like a gut feeling. Either that, or he's a genius). It also reminded me a little of If I Stay and Where She Went, as Georgie spends a good part of the book panicking about not making into Julliard because its been her dream to go Julliard since she was a kid.
<blockquote>Would I graduate on time? Ace my Juilliard audition and start there in the fall?</blockquote>
But while Georgie seems to emphasize stressing and eventually questioning her decision to play the oboe for a lifetime after going (IF) to Julliard, it's very evenly balanced out and doesn't overshadow the overall plot of the book. (Though suddenly doing all the good stuff and whatnot is really odd unless Georgie does this on a daily basis... before the transplant.)

It is, however, pretty obvious that "Jane Doe" has unfinished business from early on in the book with the way the story plays out and how it was written (not that I mind). Some of the characters' actions do seem a little questionable – how does one not go after a person that's taking a file... and not leaving a print out? Or at least go on the hunt for the file? I mean, it's a government building! Seems a little odd they would actually let a file out and don't even try to get it back, unless it's in the future and therefore not part of the book (because what happens to Georgie after doesn't matter too much after she solves the mystery of Jane Doe's death).

Though The Forgetting is a little on the paranormal side (I haven't actually heard anything similar to Georgie's situation in real life), Maggi does convey the realities and horrors of trafficking through her latest book.
Advanced copy provided by the publisher for review
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Review originally posted at <a href=""></a>;
<a href=""><img src=""; /></a>

Debbiereadsbook (1166 KP) rated Found (Breaking Free #4) in Books

Mar 14, 2019 (Updated Mar 14, 2019)  
Found (Breaking Free #4)
Found (Breaking Free #4)
A.M. Arthur | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I freaking love these books!
*verified Amazon purchase Dec 2018*

This is book 4 in the Breaking Free series. personally, I would recommend that you read the other books first, before this one. It will give you a better picture of this world and how things are slowly changing, but still how badly the omegas are treated, and just what a workaholic Isa Higgs is! And they are rather brilliant too.

We met Isa in book one, he is Tarek's boss. And he pops up in all the other books too. He works a lot since the death of his mate two years before, and he is estranged from his 3 beta sons. So being hit with ANOTHER mating bond throws Isa for a loop. Especially since that mate is Liam, a man half his age and already pregnant with another alpha's baby. Liam isn't sure what he is feeling about Isa, but he knows he makes him feel SAFE, and Liam hasn't had that feeling for a very long time. But when Isa brings Liam home, Liam begins to feel the bond. He just isn't sure Isa is! It takes a threat to remove Liam from Isa's home that forces them to admit the bond, and then Isa might have a very difficult choice: his new mated omega and his FOUR sons (assuming the older three will stand by him) or his career.

Oh, these two! I loved these two! Well, I've loved each and every pairing so far, and I have no doubt that next pair will knock Isa and Liam off that top spot, but for now, these two are my favourites! Loved this one!

We met Liam (briefly) in book one, too. He is the omega that Braun sees being kidnapped that causes him to run. He has been held for the fight ring, but not yet fought. Not like the others rescued with him. Being held was bad enough. Liam is not sure what he wants to do about the baby, whether to keep him or not; but at least now he has that CHOICE. He is able to choose what he does. Isa taking him home doesn't help that choice about the baby, but it's very clear the Liam CHOOSES Isa. And once these two actually admit to feeling the bond, that they feel for each other, it's truly beautiful watching them grow towards making Liam feel safe enough and in control of his life enough, to physically mate, and to make Isa secure in Liam's life. He hasn't had much security for a long time, and he needs that to make his choices about the baby.

This one, while carrying the fight ring/kidnapping/Iverson story arcs from the other books, I found far more emotional. Liam is saved with 4 others, and they all suffer in this book (fight ring and physical abuse aside) some devastating losses and news. And bloody hell, I cried for these boys! Because they ARE boys, still really, and they have already been through so much before they get rescued, and they are STILL suffering. Differently, but still.

I loved that Isa's boys came round to Liam and to their father. Loved that they were able to reconcile and make good. Mistakes were made by Isa when his previous mate died, but he forgot the boys lost their omegin too. Loved that Tarius, Isa's 2nd son, was able to finally confide in his dad.

I can't fault these book,s I really can't. But the next three will have to wait for the next payday, and I'm counting the days!

5 full, but very emotional stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Forgotten Child (A Riley Thomas Mystery #1)
The Forgotten Child (A Riley Thomas Mystery #1)
Melissa Erin Jackson | 2018 | Horror, Mystery, Paranormal
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well Written Characters (1 more)
Spooky Scenes
Pointless Sex Scenes (1 more)
Cheesy Dialogue at Times
A Spooky Read
The synopsis for The Forgotten Child by Melissa Erin Jackson really drew me in. It was one of those books that I knew I had to read. I even pre-ordered the book. Luckily, I won it on a Goodreads giveaway, so I had the chance to read it before it was released.

I found the pacing to be fairly consistent for The Forgotten Child. For the most part, it was a fast paced read which I thoroughly enjoyed! There were a few times that the pacing slowed down a bit, and I was wishing for it to speed up again. However, those moments weren't very often.

The plot for The Forgotten Child has been done before, but Ms. Jackson made the story line interesting enough for me to enjoy the story. Riley, the main character, gets roped in to going to a house that has been featured on a popular ghost hunting show and known to be very haunted. It was also the site of some very brutal murders. Riley is reluctant to go due to her ability to see and interact with ghosts and because of something that happened when she was 10 years old involving a spirit. While there, she interacts with the ghost of a little boy as well as the infamous serial killer who used to live there. After getting completely freaked out by a ghostly encounter with the serial killer's ghost, she leaves early to go back home. However, the ghost boy has followed her home. She feels sorry for the little boy and vows to find out what happened to him. Finding out what happened to him won't be easy, and it will put her in grave danger. While trying to uncover the mystery of the little boy, she also is juggling her love life with her new boyfriend. I felt like there were no plot twists, but there were plenty of spooky moments! There was one point in the story where I was really regretting my decision to read The Forgotten Child late at night due to a very spooky scene! Even though this book is part of a series, there were no cliffhangers. All of my questions were answered by the end of the book which I was thankful for. I wish this focused more on Riley's abilities and on the ghostly aspect instead of Riley's relationship with Michael, but that's just a personal preference. I also could have done without the sex scenes between Riley and Michael as I felt like they didn't really fit the tone of the book. Perhaps that's just a me thing though.

The world building for The Forgotten Child was written fairly well. There were some times where I was wondering about the dialogue in the book. Some of the choices of phrases used were a bit cheesy. I hadn't heard anyone use some of the phrases used in the book ever! However, the dialogue was still very believable for the most part. I loved the way some of The Forgotten Child was set a creepy ranch in a spooky house. I do wish more of the action took place here, but I still enjoyed the book.

I enjoyed the characters in The Forgotten Child. Melissa Erin Jackson did a fantastic job in making each character feel like a real person. Not one of the characters was lacking. I found each one to be interesting. I really enjoyed the chemistry between Riley and Michael. I enjoyed their banter a lot even if I wish the book would have focused less on their physical and romantic relationship. I also enjoyed reading about Jade and Riley's friendship. You could feel how strong their friendship was. I loved how Miss Jackson wrote about Orin and Hank. I could feel the evilness of both Orin and Hank oozing from the pages! Both of them made fantastic evil characters.

Trigger warnings include a lot of swearing, violence, a few graphic (but not too graphic) sex scenes including a non-graphic rape, murder including child murder, drinking, an evil spirit, and other scenes dealing with the occult.

All in all, The Forgotten Child was a good read. I loved how spooky it was as well as how great the characters were written. I would definitely recommend The Forgotten Child by Melissa Erin Jackson to those 18+ who love a good paranormal mystery. I will definitely be reading the next book in the Riley Thomas Mystery series.
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Casey Watson is a specialist foster carer who temporarily houses vulnerable children in emergency situations. Since working in this field for decades, she has been documenting her experiences in a series of books, each one focusing on a different child. Her thirteenth, and most recent book is <i>Runaway Girl</i>, aptly named about a (supposedly) fourteen-year-old girl, running away from several distressing situations.

Adrianna arrives on Casey’s doorstep with no possessions, no English and no passport. Apart from knowing she is Polish, Adrianna is a complete mystery to the Watson family and the services involved. With her sixth sense tingling, Casey is certain there is something important that Adrianna is hiding and, despite all her attempts, it is not until an emergency hospitalization that the frightened Polish girl starts telling the truth.

With a background of abuse, homelessness and sex trafficking, Adrianna’s story will open readers’ eyes to the shocking situations many foreign children find themselves. Unfortunately, Adrianna is only one out of 5,000 girls in the last decade and a half to be brought to England illegally and forced into prostitution.

Fortunately, Adrianna is lucky to have escaped and found a safe place to stay in the Watson household. Without Casey’s care and determination to provide a future for her, Adrianna would have remained one of the “hidden children” that arrive in England every year.

Casey writes in a novel-like format, describing Adrianna’s circumstances from a carer’s point of view. Slowly revealing the secrets of Adrianna’s past, Casey keeps the reader interested in the same way a fiction author would with a clever plot line. Emphasising the difficulties Adrianna has, not only coming to terms with the abuse she has faced, but also worrying about whether authorities will allow her to remain in England, Casey appeals to the readers’ emotions, making it clear that, although here illegally, trafficked children have every right to be protected and looked after by British authorities.

Although Casey writes under a pseudonym, and assumedly alters all names within the book, it is not certain how much of the storyline is true, or whether the situation has been accentuated in order to capture the reader’s attention. This, however, is not important – people will read this for entertainment, therefore the accuracy of the content is not as significant as the way in which it is told. <i>Runaway Girl</i>, whilst shocking, is engaging and easy to read, with a satisfying ending.

<i>Runaway Girl</i> is the only book I have read from Casey Watson, yet I can tell she is a worthy and successful author. Her stories – at least the blurbs – seem similar to other authors, such as Torey Hayden, who also write about their experiences helping vulnerable children. Casey Watson’s book need not be read in any particular order; therefore <i>Runaway Girl</i> is as good a place as any to begin.