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The Dark Tower (2017)
The Dark Tower (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Western
Stephen King let them make this?
I'll start off by saying I knew I was going to hate this film. From the moment I heard of the casting and then saw the first trailer. I get the justification for them making this film completely different (i.e. Horn of Eld - but was that even in the film?!), but for me it just doesn't work.

The book series is a fantasy masterpiece, but they appear to have made a standalone Dark Tower film pulled together with a vague mishmash of characters and ideas from the entire book series. It just doesn't work, especially not in a paltry 90 minutes. This is just far too different from the books - the characters are undeveloped, their motives are unclear. You almost have to have read the books to get an understanding of the characters as it just doesn't come across in this. Casting for me was poor too. McConaughey and Elba are fantastic actors but it doesn't show in this, they're let down by a poor script and a poor plot.

My only hope for this film is that it prompts those who haven't read the books to pick them up and realise how awesome they are.
If I Die (Soul Screamers, #5)
If I Die (Soul Screamers, #5)
Rachel Vincent | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well I feel I have to say that this isn't my favourite series in the world...but I think this has been the best books so far.

Maybe it was the whole Kaylee and Tod thing, which I've been rooting for since early on, or something else that I cant put my finger on, but I enjoyed this one more than the previous.

Nash annoyed me no end in this, I know he's angry and upset but really? I thought you'd got it all out of your system in the last one! You've gone down in my expectations, I'm afraid.

Sabine wasn't as bitchy as usual; she actually helped Kaylee for a change instead of making stuff harder for her.

Book 6 is on hiatus for a bit until I read other books that I just cant wait to read (sorry Before I Wake, nothing personal)