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Will You Love Me?: The Story of My Adopted Daughter Lucy
Will You Love Me?: The Story of My Adopted Daughter Lucy
Cathy Glass | 2013 | Biography
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
If your a Cathy glass fan like I am and have red previous books by her then you might have red about Lucy (her adopted daughter) this book explains how she becomes part of there family but also details Lucy's life before she came to find her new home.
Cathy is a foster carer and has looked after and helped many children in need along with making you feel the emotions and trauma that these children go through you follow Cathys life and home.
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Reading motivation, clear archive of read material (0 more)
Some features work better on PC/laptop (0 more)
Breath of fresh air
This app has helped motivate me to read a lot more via the 'reading challenge' feature which I like to take part in each year and compete with my previous personal reading goals. I am also reminded to read by the optional push notification/emails which I have selected. Love that you can select your edition to keep track of your reading progress in a way that's personal to you and create and keep lists catered to your reading taste. I like to discover new books on there along with keeping track of what I've read before and what I'm currently making my way through. Very good also to use as a wishlist for others to know which books to purchase for you as a gift. Would highly recommend to readers and non-readers alike, who knows, something might take your fancy or your competetive streak may take over.
The Boston Breakout
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had no idea that such an awesome series of books for young people existed! Of course as a huge hockey fan I am biased. I received [The Boston Breakout] free in return for a review and I can tell you I will be looking to purchase the rest. [Roy MacGregor] has created characters that you would find on any team but the Screech Owls are still a family even with all their quirks.

In this story they are playing a summer tournament in Boston. Their coach insists on making all trips educational, which most players enjoy. This trip they go to the aquarium. There are some animal rights activists there and one of the players falls under their spell. They get information about the plans of the group and have to act to stop it.

[MacGregor's] description of hockey is spot on and the addition of local history and some mystery makes these ideals books for young readers. I will be introducing my niece to them. Especially the one involving MSG. Go Rangers!
Mould (Liam Tate #1)
Mould (Liam Tate #1)
Steven Jenkins | 2023 | Horror, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A really good, short story that despite its shortness, was packed full of great characters and a general overriding sense of the creepy.

I don't really read a lot of supernatural books now but every now and again I like to hark back to my teenage years and indulge myself in a bit of creepiness and Mould definitely hit the spot and I very much look forward to reading more in this new series to see which eerie place it takes me to next.

Many thanks to Steven Jenkins for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Mould and for making me a part of his Advance Reader Team but this in no way influenced my thoughts on this start to a new series which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War
Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War
Mary Roach | 2017 | Humor & Comedy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I own an Advanced Reader Copy of this book but I ended up listening to it on audiobook. The narrator (Abby Elvidge) did an really good job at pulling off the humor and snark that Mary Roach puts into her books. The book was fascinating and it is always fun to see how much research Mary Roach puts into her book. I'm never disappointed and I always leave her novels knowing more than I ever thought I could have learned.

Mary Roach has a way of making you want to gag and laugh at the same time. Her snark and humor is always fun and adds a lot when you start learning about decomposing shark flesh. I love reading/listening to her books because it delivers knowledge with a side of humor.

All in all, this was really fascinating. I would recommend reading this.
 Lord of the Silver Bow (Troy #1)
Lord of the Silver Bow (Troy #1)
David Gemmell | 2006 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<2022 update>

Still as good as ever. I've yet to find someone to match Gemmell for this style of work.

<<2011 review>>

While perhaps more famous for his Drenai series of books (that began with 'Legend'), throughout his life David Gemmell wrote many other books as well.

At the time of his death in 2006, he was working on a novel called "Fall of Kings": the final part of a trilogy that began with with this novel. The trilogy, as a whole, was a re-working of the story of Troy: set during the early bronze age and with some famous (as well as some not-so-famous) characters from that legend all making an appearance. This first novel introduces us to some of those characters and sets the scene for what is to come ...

As it's a Gemmell book, it's a pretty safe bet what to expect: the man was famous for writing heroic fantasy, with his characters as (nearly always) flawed in some respect: the main characters in this book (particularly Helikaon) are no exception to that rule. While it could be argued that the novel could do with a bit of trimming in some of the slower sections, this is still an impressive piece of work.
A Series of Unfortunate Events  - Season 1
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Season 1
2017 | Drama, Fantasy
Everything! (0 more)
This is how you adapt a book to a tv show!
A Series of Unfortunate Events is one of my all-time favorite book series and when I found out Netflix was going to be making it into a TV show I'm not going to lie I was excited. The books are just so fun and strange and wonderful that I really wanted to put full faith into them to do a really good adoption and let me tell you I was not let down. From the very first opening of the very first scene you knew they were going to stay true to the book. The set design was absolutely perfection the casting was even better somehow Neil Patrick Harris meet such a perfect Count Olaf and the three actors that played the baudelaire children you're absolutely amazing.

I blew through the first season in the first day in one sitting because I just could not stop watching! I wanted to cry because of just how an amazing of a job adapting the books. It was almost word for word correct abd what was changed was foe the best and I didn't mind at all!

And best of all they kept all the dark humour of the books!

Also they ended on thw perfect book/episode.
Since I'm a crafty-ish person, I wanted to like this book better than how it ended up. That's not to say there aren't some cute things in here, like the Monster Week Tampon/Pad Case, which could be used to hold other items as well, or handy, like the Secret Stash in Your Rack craft. Even the silly ones could be fun for a craft party or something. However, I don't see myself making many of these as they're just not how I am as a feminist. I'd like more crafts that have to do with equality than how women-centric those in this book are. I do like the cassette tape turned into a business card holder, although I could see ways of making it better, plus I'd urge those to keep the inside workings as they can be used for other things. I've had plans for more years than I care to think about to crochet with the tape. I like that there are recommendations for books, music, films, plus some quotations. I think this book would be better for newer crafters as the projects are fairly basic, but even those who are more advanced could think of ways of making the crafts more clean and upscale. Overall, this is a silly book and not to be taken too seriously.
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Keeps track of what you read and your own personal reviews (0 more)
I love Goodreads since it allows me to track my goals, see who is reading what and what I read. I also enjoy being able to see if I liked a book or not. Nothing like deciding to reread a book only to remember that you hated it. I fully enjoy how easy this app is and how useful it can be when making a list of must reads. Knowing what I want to read, what I feel I need to read and what I have already read, has helped me keep on track with my annual goal of reading 100 books
John Scalzi | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Some books are surreal suspensions of disbelief. Some books just make you go "WHAT the FUCK" every couple of chapters when a new twist is revealed, and this is one of the latter. Just - what the FUCK.

Imagine your average sci-fi space opera TV show on cable television with hand-wavey science and half-assed special effects - take those characters and make them realize they're IN A TV SHOW. Let them realize all of their woes are due to shitty writing, and see what they do with that knowledge. THAT is this book, and it is crazy and hilarious and weird and eye-roll-inducing.

Between the time travel, the Box that does magic science behind the scenes so things work out on-screen, the Narrative taking control and making people say and do things they wouldn't otherwise do - this book is wacky and just full of what-the-fuckery. It's fun, though, and if you can keep yourself from groaning out loud every few pages, it's a pretty good read.

You can find all my reviews at