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Merissa (11935 KP) rated Jamison (Maxim #1) by A.N. Waugh in Books

Jun 7, 2022 (Updated Jun 13, 2023)  
Jamison (Maxim #1) by A.N. Waugh
Jamison (Maxim #1) by A.N. Waugh
A.N. Waugh | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
JAMISON is the first book in the Maxim series and we are introduced to the guys in the band. This story (obviously) focuses on Jamison and I can't wait to read about the other guys too.

Six years ago, Jamison left love behind because he was told it would hold back his dream. He, and the rest of the guys, worked hard to make Maxim a hit and now, their dream is within their grasp. Vance is one left behind, courtesy of a Dear John letter. He followed his heart and got a degree in PR, ending in the same town as Jamison. Vance makes no bones about the fact he has always loved Jami, and Jami loves him back. But, sometimes, love just isn't enough.

Out of the two characters, I liked Jami a bit more than Vance. He took advice from people in the business and lost his way a bit, but once he found it again, he went for it. Vance was full of martyr complex, choosing his career because of Jami, but then making choices and decisions that affect both of them without talking about it.

Most of the story takes place on tour but not a lot is mentioned about performances, apart from the one at the end. Also, Marcy seemed to be heading somewhere but then disappeared, although she was mentioned in the epilogue by one of the other band members, so maybe she will reappear in future books.

On the whole, this was a quick and easy read with no real surprises, just a question of 'when'. I look forward to reading more in this series and seeing the pairings hinted at here. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 3, 2022
The second 'Battlefront' tie-in novel (based on a series of games themselves based on a series of novels) which, I have to say, I found to be far more enjoyable than the previous ([b:Twilight Company|25455901|Twilight Company (Star Wars Battlefront, #1)|Alexander Freed||45222133]).

I don't know whether that because, this time around, the source online shooter game actually (and finally!) has a single-player campaign, meaning the author can actually concentrate on proper chatacters instead of the expendable cannon-fodder of the previous, or if it's because this time aroudn it's told from the point of view of the 'bad guys': that is, from the PoV from dyed-in-the-wool Imperials.

This picks up towards the end of the first Star Wars film (Episode IV, retroactively entitled 'A New Hope'),w ith the attack on the Death Star occuring in the opening pages of the novel and with the central character of Iden Versio actively participating in the defense of the Space Station, before crash-landing on the planet of Yavin IV and making her way back to Imperial Space (that bit told in passing).

This also ties into Rogue One, with an offshoot of Saw Garrera's violent Partisan group - naming themselves The Dreamers - providing the antagonists rather than The Rebellion, allowing the story and the characters to go undercover into that group without breaking with the commonly-held lore - lets face it, since Inferno Squad is meant to be the best of the best it would be hard to place them in Leia / Han's / Luke's path without somehow having to wave the explanation away!
Reaper (Birds of a Feather #5)
Reaper (Birds of a Feather #5)
Lena North | 2018 | Contemporary, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reaper (Birds of a Feather #5) by Lena North
Reaper is the fifth and final book in the Birds of a Feather series, and it goes out with a bang! Annie is spying on Wilder's ranch, with something to tell them, and not sure of her reception or the reaction once she does. It feels strange for her to mingle amongst people she feels like she already knows, and yet doesn't. Olly is his usual taciturn self, and yet Annie breaks through his barriers easy enough. Things don't go easy for the two of them though, and the whole gang gets involved to keep Annie safe until Olly retrieves his head out of his butt!

What a finale. Seriously, it was fantastic. I love Olly, I have done all the way through this series, but I will admit to enjoying seeing him make a fool of himself. I wasn't too impressed with some of his behaviour though, and was glad he was made to see the error of his ways.

So many characters, so many stories. I can't say out of all of them which are my favourites! Lena North has done an amazing job of making each of these characters and situations completely different, and yet maintaining the overall storyline. I wasn't sure at the beginning if I would like these as much as I did The Dreughan Trilogy. I can now confirm that yes, I did - absolutely!

For a fantastic coming-of-age story, then I can definitely recommend this whole series, and basically anything written by Lena North too!

* Verified Purchase ~ July 2018. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11935 KP) rated One Wish Away in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
One Wish Away
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from YA Bound Books Tours and NetGalley as part of the blog tour in return for a fair and honest review.

This book has a unique (as far as I know) concept in that scientists have figured out the way to harness the energy from stars into actually making wishes come true. The name for this project is the Cricket Project ie Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio.

It is a slow burner that builds up and tries to incorporate a lot of different elements into it - high school, romance, sci-fi, government plots, time alteration to name just some. Because of this, it can be quite jumpy as it flits from one aspect to another. There were also some aspects of it that just seemed completely unbelievable - and that's if you turn a blind eye to the actual star part of it. For example, a 16-year-old that thinks it is perfectly acceptable to go sneaking into a government building by stealing her dad's pass-card. And then nothing happens once she is caught except that she is offered a job!

An interesting concept with a twist but just not right for me. I liked it but I won't be going any further with the series.