Global Logistics: New Directions in Supply Chain Management
Donald Waters and Stephen Rinsler
The world of logistics is constantly evolving and in the same way, the seventh edition of this...

Higher Business Management 2016-17 SQA Past Papers with Answers
Practise for your exams on the genuine Higher Past Papers from the Scottish Qualifications...

Accounting and Finance for Managers: A Decision-Making Approach
Accounting and Finance for Managers is a new text specifically designed to improve analytical skills...

Armstrong's Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management
Strategic human resource management has been taken up by academics, consultants and practitioners...
Business Essentials - Human Resource Management: Study Text
BPP Learning Media's Business Essentials books can be specifically used on courses leading to...

Business Essentials Human Resource and Management: Study Text
BPP Learning Media's Business Essentials books can be specifically used on courses leading to...

Capital Markets: Institutions, Instruments, and Risk Management
Over the last fifty years, an extensive array of instruments for financing, investing, and...
CIMA P2 Advanced Management Accounting: Exam Practice iPass
BPP Learning Media provides comprehensive materials that highlight the areas to focus on for your...

Close Calls: Managing Risk and Resilience in Airline Flight Safety
Drawing on extensive and detailed fieldwork within airlines-an industry that pioneered near-miss...

Code of Practice for Programme Management: In the Built Environment
Chartered Institute of Building
The CIOB Code of Practice Programme Management for Construction & Development is intended to...