Knowledge Management: Value Creation Through Organizational Learning
This textbook on knowledge management is an outcome of more than twenty years of research, teaching...

Management Science in Fisheries: An Introduction to Simulation-Based Methods
Charles T. T. Edwards and Dorothy J. Dankel
A key goal of fisheries management is to regulate extractive pressure on a resource so as to ensure...

Management Science in Hospitality and Tourism: Theory, Practice, and Applications
Muzaffer Uysal, Zvi Schwartz and Ercan Sirakaya-Turk
Management Science in Hospitality and Tourism is a timely and unique book focusing on management...
Managerial Leadership for Librarians: Thriving in the Public and Nonprofit World
G. Edward Evans and Holland Christie
Putting library management into the unique context of the not-for-profit world, this work offers you...

Managing Previously Unmanaged Collections: A Practical Guide for Museums
Managing previously unmanaged collections can be challenging. The process of securing the collection...

Managing Workplace Diversity and Inclusion: A Psychological Perspective
Managing Workplace Diversity and Inclusion bridges the gap between social science theory and...

Moving the AEC Beyond: Managing Domestic Consensus for Community ? Building: 2015
Siew Yean Tham and Sanchita Basu Das
The ten Southeast Asian economies reached a milestone on 31 December 2015, when they announced the...

Next Generation Demand Management: People, Process, Analytics, and Technology
A practical framework for revenue-boosting supply chain management Next Generation Demand Management...