Business Essentials Finance: Management Accounting and Financial Reporting: Study Text
BPP Learning Media's Business Essentials books can be specifically used on courses leading to...

Communication Excellence: How to Develop, Manage and Lead Exceptional Communications
Ralph Tench, Dejan Vercic, Ansgar Zerfass and Angeles Moreno
Exploring the implications of 10 years of data from more than 21,000 communication professionals...

I Hope They All Manage to Get a Small Plastic Toy from the Cereal Box: An Insight into the Australian Prison System.
I hope they all managed to get a small plastic toy from the cereal box is based on a man who was to...

How to Create a Successful Business Plan: For Entrepreneurs, Scientists, Managers and Students
Dan Galai, Lior Hillel and Daphna Wiener
How can all the nuts and bolts of a business be analyzed effectively in one comprehensive model and...

International Research on Natural Resource Management: Advances in Impact Assessment
Hermann Waibel and David Zilberman
Over the past two decades, significant investment has been made into agriculture-related natural...

Crisis, Issues and Reputation Management: A Handbook for PR and Communications Professionals
The reputation of an organisation influences who we buy from, work for, supply to and invest in. In...
Customer Relationship Management: The Foundation of Contemporary Marketing Strategy
Robert J. Galka and Roger Joseph Baran
This book balances the behavioral and database aspects of customer relationship management,...

Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management: Transformational Performance Improvement
Many manufacturing and distribution companies are moving from the traditional 'forecast push MRP' to...