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The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)
1972 | Comedy
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The self confessed king of cinema surrealism, Luis Buñuel has 15 feature films listed as 7.5 or higher on IMDb, proving his life’s work is more loved and respected as you might think. This title was the only one I had really heard of being talked about by serious film folk that stuck in my mind, so it was as good a place as any to start with. It is an odd beast that I had a little trouble getting onboard with. It feels entirely 70s and kitsch, and on the surface feels at times little better than The Confessions of a Window Cleaner, or some such bawdy farce. To say it is a comedy is to take comedy to mean intellectual absurdism that pokes fun at the conventions and habits that lurk inside humanity, and the sophistication that masks our base instincts and flaws. I got the “joke”, it just all feels very dated now.

The cast have a lot of fun in the dreamlike landscape of manners and appetites, and the symbolism that abounds is indeed quite clever and arch if you want to analyse it. What I did like is how it feels increasingly like an actual dream, where things done and said begin to lose true meaning, and events and places merge into one flow of madness. You can definitely see a lot of ideas here that have been borrowed by other films since, and I appreciate what it tries to do, but ultimately this one left me a little cold. It has a pompous and smug air about it that is not for me, although I totally understand why it is held in high regard. I will probably never choose to watch it again.
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Overall everything (0 more)
!!!!! WOW!!!!!
The last SONY production I saw was Venom... And while it was alright, it could've been so much better.
So lets just say I went into BRIGHT BURN with a little hesitation....
Was I ever wrong to hesitate...
Brandon Brier is a weird kid... Not well liked by his peers, the only friends he has are his parents and his aunt and uncle... And he just doesn't seem to understand what's going on within himself... Puberty can be a mother fucker...
While most normal kids grow hair in funny places and start thinking about girls, Brandon can shoot 5 million degree lasers from his eyes and stop lawnmower blades with his wrists... Did I mention he could fly??? Well... He can fly too...
Soon Brandon starts using his amazing gifts as weapon s to get back at the people who try and stop him from his ultimate goal... Take The World.
Oh... And I also forgot to mention he came to earth kind of like Superman... Landed on a farm in BrightBurn, Kansas... Was adopted by a struggling couple trying to have kids... And raised as their own... But Fucking KAL-El this little bastard is not...
He proceeds to off a shit ton of people in various manners... Even picking a pick up truck up with his mind and sending it crashingto the ground in one of the best practical effects I have seen in almost a decade...
We go through the motions like most super hero films, but these motions include glass to an eyeball, shattered fingers and wrists, a half decap hold the soy milk latte and so on and so forth.
BrightBurn is an impressive little film that kept me wanting more... You did it this time SONY... You kept me engaged and interested... And I can't wait to see what you come up with next.... (Psst... Psst... CARNAGE Sony... Fuck Venom....)