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The Upstart
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
1 of 220
The Upstart
By Catherine Cookson

Risen to power and influence, Samuel Fairbrother, a shrewd and newly monied manufacturer and retailer of boots, shoes, and clogs, has decided that his new station in life deserves a more imposing residence. When a thirty-four-room mansion on the outskirts of Fellburn becomes available, he snaps up the estate without hesitation and establishes himself as the owner of the property he sees as the emblem of his wealth and a suitable reward for his new, exalted status in the business world. Along with the house, however, Fairbrother inherits the services of a staff of servants headed by Maitland, the butler, who makes no effort to disguise his disdain for his new boss. So begins a clash of wills between master and man, in which Samuel Fairbrother soon realizes he is at a distinct disadvantage. Not only is Maitland urbane and apparently well educated, he is ingenious at maintaining a position of indispensability. Fairbrother is all too aware that he dare not do without Maitland's services and is forced to conclude that he will never win this conflict. And so an uneasy truce is declared between them. As the years go by and the century turns, Fairbrother witnesses his children, one by one, leave the big house and make lives of their own - all except his eldest daughter, Janet, who by means of a legacy is able to shape the destiny of her father's scattered family and effect the reconciliation that he thought was impossible.

Feels so strange reviewing a Catherine Cookson I’ve love her books from an early age and there is no better comfort read that her. This was a short read and reminded me just how much I love her writing.
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Psychological Warfare
Contains spoilers, click to show
Eternal Darkness- why does no one talk about this game. It is amazing, its horrorfying, terroryfying, spooky, creepy, thrilling, chilling and so much more. Plus it came out only for the gamecube, which is huge because nintendo doesnt put out or release alot of horror games. This, luigi's mansion and Resident Evil 4 were the big horror games for the gamecube. Maybe more came out, but those 3 were the big ones. Lets talk about this game, shall we....

The narrative of the game's story switches between two phases. The main phase focuses on a series of chapters in which players take control of a new character each time. The other phase acts as an intermission. The game boasts twelve playable characters, split between four distinct locations, and from different periods of time.

The story features multiple paths that can be taken. This choice not only determines which of the game's three other antagonists are aligned to the plot, but it also has subtle effects on the gameplay in chapters and intermission periods. Some changes include slight differences in puzzles and items, but most changes revolve around enemy placement, which will determine how the player engages them. This can even have an effect on the relative difficulty of the game in certain situations. Red tinted enemies, for example, are tougher than their counterparts.

The other distinctive gameplay aspect comes from "Sanity Effects", the game's standout concept that Nintendo patented. Upon beginning the game's second chapter, players must keep watch on a Sanity meter – a green bar which decreases when the player is spotted by an enemy. As the bar becomes low, subtle changes to the environment and random unusual events begin to occur, which reflect the character's slackening grip on reality.

While minor effects include a skewed camera angle, heads of statues following the character, and unsettling noises, stronger effects include bleeding on walls and ceilings, entering a room that is unrealistic before finding that the character never left the previous room, the character suddenly dying, and fourth wall breaking effect such as "To Be Continued" promotions for a "sequel", and simulated errors and anomalies of the TV or GameCube. While the latter does not affect gameplay, they can be misconstrued by the player as being actual technical malfunctions.

Lets talk about the plot/story....

The story of Eternal Darkness takes place over four principal locations which the game skips back and forth between. They include an underground temple complex called the Forbidden City, in Persia; a Khmer temple in Angkor Thom, Cambodia; Oublié Cathedral in Amiens, France (not to be confused with Amiens Cathedral); and the Roivas Family Estate in Rhode Island, which also leads to an ancient underground city named Ehn'gha beneath the mansion. Each time a location is visited, it is done so in a different time period. Spanning from 26 BC to 2000 AD. Almost half of which take place in the 20th century. Each different era and character offers a different periodic and personal perspective on the location.

The chapters found in the game are not discovered in chronological order. Instead, to make the narrative more dramatic, each chapter jumps around the timeline of the plot. However, despite the overall story skipping back and forth through time, the chapters do follow chronological order within their respective locations. This is because each setting also has its own contained story.

This game is so good, its epic, im surprised that not of people know about this game and heard about this game.

I highly reccordmend playing this game.

Lastly shout out to @LeftSideCut for getting the hints/clues for this review.
Max Winslow and the House of Secrets (2019)
Max Winslow and the House of Secrets (2019)
2019 | Family, Sci-Fi, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
An out of the blue watch here, I had my fingers crossed for something a little lighthearted... and that's sort of what I received.

A challenge is issued, a competition that will see the mansion of tech billionaire Atticus Virtue gifted to the lucky winner. Chosen from his old school, five pupils enter to compete for the prize. As the evening goes on the games become increasingly dangerous and they find themselves fighting back against an advanced AI who's out to get them.

Max Winslow And The House Of Secrets feels like the kind of hybrid you'd get from crossing Willy Wonka with Ready Player One. All three films have the same sort of idea to them but convey it in their own quirky ways.

The story isn't the only classic idea the film capitalises on, we've also got your stereotypical group of teens thrown together end up having to work together to solve their problems. As they're introduced to us there was a little eye-roll on my part... we've got the computer nerd, the jock/musician, the social media icon, the gamer and the bully... but despite that eye-roll I quickly got over it as we progressed further in.

All these characters actually give us quite a well-balanced film, their introductions were handled quickly and clearly so it doesn't feel like a slog meeting them all, and jumping between characters/scene helps move the action along and keep you interested.

The acting from the younger members of the cast is pretty good when they're thrown in together, they all work well together and in scenes that could quite easily have become a little cheesy they manage to keep it quite sensible. We're treated to Marina Sirtis playing the AI running the mansion, I was amused by this casting, I don't think my brain could quite comprehend her in this role. The mansion's eccentric owner is played by Chad Michael Murray, I wish I could be a little more excited about him in this film but his brief appearances didn't rate highly with me. There weren't many moments when he was on screen where his performances weren't slightly awkward, at one point it felt like a script issue, but either way I was pleased that the main focus was one the younger actors.

Eye-rolling early on felt like it was becoming a habit, as the main storyline began it happened again. A moment occurs and you know that the information is going to be relevant later, you don't have to wait too long for an initial pay off to it either. I was worried that this would mean the ending of the film would be ruined but the pace from switching up between characters helps to drag you away from it.

Something I was a little surprised about was the tone of some of the scenes. When you start to watch the film it feels very much like a made for TV (that's not a negative comment, you know I love my made for TV movies!) family adventure affair, but some scenes are actually a little darker than would happily fit in that sort of film. Sitting at a 12A seems like the right level, had it been sanitised for younger viewers I think we'd have been left with something too tame to be good. (You could have pushed it further into the 15 and up area, but that would have put it in Escape Room territory and I'm not entirely sure we need more of that.)

Despite my eye-rolling and (many) unanswered questions that come from an adult watching a film not entirely made for them, I really enjoyed Max Winslow And The House Of Secrets. It's a fun watch, with some surprising little additions.

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Fire and Heist
Fire and Heist
Sarah Beth Durst | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wyvern society (0 more)
I picked this up off the library shelf for the title; I took it home for the description. Were-dragon thieves? Awesome. It turns out it's not that simple. For one, the were-dragons have lost the ability to transform over the years - the last dragon to transform was Sir Francis Drake, and the book is set in modern times, so, at least a couple hundred years have passed. And humans know the were-dragons exist! I suppose without the ability to transform, they're little more than rich celebrities with parlor tricks. (Immune to fire to certain temperatures, ability to breathe fire.) What humans don't know is how much the wyverns tend to steal to enrich their hoards. And that some of them can do limited magic.

We open on Sky, sixteen, rattling around her mansion, dealing with her now dysfunctional family of three brothers and their father. Her mother went missing not very long ago, during a heist. The kids have been told she's gone, she's alive, she's not coming back, and to drop the matter. Were-dragon society almost exiled all of them for whatever their mother got into, so they're all on thin ice. Sky, of course, is having none of this. When she stumbles on a lead for where her mother went, she pursues it, and learns all kinds of secrets.

The book was okay, I suppose. I was a little appalled at were-dragon society, and that the dragons just - bow to the authority of the Council. Dragons should have more spine. The heist part was pretty cool, with Sky and her friends figuring out how to take apart every layer of security piece by piece.

I don't know. It was a fluffy book, but not a feel-good book, and I just wasn't that enthused.

You can read all my reviews at
I Flipping Love You
I Flipping Love You
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rian has not had the easiest life so far. She and her twin sister, Marley are finally getting their lives where they want them. Their real estate business is going well and they will soon have the money they need to do their first flip. Along comes, Pierce, the dashing city boy who seems to be the perfect match. But when Pierce starts showing up everywhere Rian is to show or flip a house, she becomes suspicious of whether he is really interested in her or if he just wants an in on the properties on the beach in the Hamptons. Determined not to let her past ruin her future, Rian keeps forward with her quest despite Pierce's efforts to thwart her. Rian is not interested in men right now, her only objective is to be able to start flipping houses with her sister in an attempt to acquire the Mission Mansion which used to be in their family. Will she fall for this guy or leave him alone to continue with her own dreams?

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

At first I wasn't sure how this book was going to turn out. I'm a big fan of HGTV and house flipping shows, but how would that translate into a romance novel. It's true that Rian has her share of demons in her closet, but her past shouldn't dictate her future, especially when it comes to love. I really enjoyed this book. It had me hooked from the start and I didn't want to put it down. There were times when I found the main character a little whinny, but we, as independent women, can get that way sometimes when things seem to be going our way and then an obstacle comes into play. A very handsome and determined obstacle at that.

This is a great story about family and overcoming your past to make room for love and happiness in your future.
Goth Girl: and the Ghost of a Mouse
Goth Girl: and the Ghost of a Mouse
Chris Riddell | 2014 | Children
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ada Goth lives in Ghastly-Gorm Hall with her father, servants and a few ghosts. Ada’s father likes to keep himself to himself even when it comes to his daughter, he makes her wear clumpy shoes so he can hear her coming. Ada is very much alone in this huge mansion style house until one evening she meets a ghost in the form of a Mouse called Ishmael. Ishmael informs Ada that he was killed by a Mouse trap and that he is to roam the hall for all eternity. Together they go and investigate the rooms in which Ishmael was killed when they come upon some strange things and other denizens.

The book had a lot of characters in it, all shapes and sizes all very whimsical but none have much depth to them, you don’t get to find out an awful lot. I wish Ishmael could have been in the book a bit more than he was. He was introduced in chapter 1 and then didn’t have much involvement. The story is very slow to start off with and only really starts to get going in the second half.

This book definitely had its quirks, I loved the use of the footnotes that were written by ‘The foot’ which made me chuckle. There is also literary references such as Von Hellsung and Hebe Poppins. The Comic book at the back was an added bonus! I didn’t realise this was included when I picked it up.

This book is beautiful, it has a purple ribbon and metallic page edges, inside the cover is decorated in a silver/gold foil and also there is an additional pocket with a miniature comic book called ‘Memoirs of Mouse’. Not only did Chris Riddell Illustrate this book but he also wrote it. I love his artwork, it’s so detailed and definitely stunning to look at all in black and white. Everything was on point regarding presentation.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5.
Steamed Open
Steamed Open
Barbara Ross | 2018 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Closing a Beach Leaves Everyone Steamed
Lou Herrickson, a beloved member of the Busman's Harbor community, has recently died. Lou has left everything to her late husband's grandnephew, Bart Frick. That includes the mansion where she lived and the lighthouse and beach connected to it. Lou had always left the beach open to the public, but the first thing Bart does is fence off the beach. The locals who make a living by clamming are the first to discover this when they arrive to start their morning of work, and that's when Julia Snowden becomes concerned. Her family uses clams harvested from this beach in the Snowden Family clambake. Hoping to resolve things faster than a court challenge will allow, Julia goes to talk to Bart the next morning only to find him closed to reopening the beach. A few hours later, Bart is dead. The suspects range from those impacted to by closing of the beach to any potential heirs to a couple obsessed with lighthouses. Can Julia help find the killer?

I absolutely love this series, and this is another excellent entry. The mystery is strong with several competing suspects and motives to keep us from seeing the truth until Julia figures it out. A couple of sub-plots carry over from the previous book, and I liked how they were woven into the main mystery. No, you don't have to have read the previous book to understand what happens here, but it certainly helps. The characters are strong, with layers to them that unfold as the book progresses. This makes the characters introduced here more complex than in many of the series I read, and I love them more for it. We also learned a bit more about a series regular here, and I loved that added insight. There are four recipes for you to enjoy once you've finished the book, two featuring clams and two baked goods.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Body (2015) in Movies

Jul 25, 2019  
Body (2015)
Body (2015)
2015 |
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Body starts as three friends Holly (Rogers), Cali (Turshen) and Mel (Molina) who are on a girls night including drinks, drugs and partying on Christmas, the night ends up taking them to Cali’s Uncle’s mansion.

When it turns out the house isn’t belonging to who Cali claimed they get a visitor searching for the intruder but the accident finds him falling down the stairs and the girls needing to figure out a way of covering up the accident.


Thoughts on Body


Characters/Performance – Holly is the quiet girl with the most promising future of the three, Cali is the popular friend that always gets the other two in trouble who believes she is every boys dream. Mel is the friend from the respected family that finds herself in the middle of all the decisions the two need to make. It would be fair to say these are not the best people in the first place which struggles to make us care about them.

Performance wise, the three girls all do a solid job through the film but we are left still not caring about the characters they are playing.

Story – The story follows three friends who start with one illegal action which spiral out of control as we get to see the true actions of these people. This is a good character study in places but it does just end up falling into the problem as we don’t care about characters involved.

Crime/Thriller – The crime side of the story shows us what the characters would be getting up if they were in a situation the girls find themselves in.

Settings – The film takes part inside one house which works for the story as we are left to see what the characters do to overcome the problem.

Final Thoughts – This is a good character study but doesn’t make you care about the characters involved in the story.


Overall: Clever attempt at a character study.
Crown and Anchor (2019)
Crown and Anchor (2019)
2019 |
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Body starts as three friends Holly (Rogers), Cali (Turshen) and Mel (Molina) who are on a girls night including drinks, drugs and partying on Christmas, the night ends up taking them to Cali’s Uncle’s mansion.

When it turns out the house isn’t belonging to who Cali claimed they get a visitor searching for the intruder but the accident finds him falling down the stairs and the girls needing to figure out a way of covering up the accident.


Thoughts on Body


Characters/Performance – Holly is the quiet girl with the most promising future of the three, Cali is the popular friend that always gets the other two in trouble who believes she is every boys dream. Mel is the friend from the respected family that finds herself in the middle of all the decisions the two need to make. It would be fair to say these are not the best people in the first place which struggles to make us care about them.

Performance wise, the three girls all do a solid job through the film but we are left still not caring about the characters they are playing.

Story – The story follows three friends who start with one illegal action which spiral out of control as we get to see the true actions of these people. This is a good character study in places but it does just end up falling into the problem as we don’t care about characters involved.

Crime/Thriller – The crime side of the story shows us what the characters would be getting up if they were in a situation the girls find themselves in.

Settings – The film takes part inside one house which works for the story as we are left to see what the characters do to overcome the problem.

Final Thoughts – This is a good character study but doesn’t make you care about the characters involved in the story.


Overall: Clever attempt at a character study.
Sealed Off (A Maine Clambake Mystery, #8)
Sealed Off (A Maine Clambake Mystery, #8)
Barbara Ross | 2019 | Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fall Brings Mysteries for Julia
The clambake that Julia Snowden and her family run on their family’s island is just running on weekends through Columbus Day. Unfortunately, tension among the staff seems to be reaching the boiling point. Romances among the staff have been causing issues all season, but Julia was hoping they could make it until the end of the season, and those issues would resolve themselves before the clambake starts up again in the spring. A fist fight as the guests and crew were leaving one days brings things to a head, and leaves Julia in the unfortunate position of firing her boyfriend’s brother. However, a dead body on the island the next morning only makes the situation worse.

There is a strong sub-plot, almost a second full mystery, in this book involving a room that has been sealed off since the 1890’s in the family mansion on the island. Between the two stories, this book moves forward at a constant pace, and the pages flew by. I never wanted to put the book down until I reached the satisfying end. Once again, I was left in awe of how the clues were woven into the story. Several series arcs were advanced here, and the chances for character development were put to full use. The new characters are just as strong as the series regulars, which is no surprise to anyone who has read the series. Those looking for recipes will be pleased with the five we get at the end of the story. There is not one wasted word in this story, and I set it down completely satisfied. Well, almost satisfied. As is always the case, I was left wanting to visit Julia and her family and friends again as soon as possible. Fans of the series will be delighted with this book. If you haven’t started this series yet, you need to fix that as soon as possible.