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Riconoscimento: Recognition (New Blood Rising #3)
Riconoscimento: Recognition (New Blood Rising #3)
Maya Daniels | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
RICONOSCIMENTO: RECOGNITION is the third and final book so far in the New Blood Rising series, and brings this trilogy to a dramatic conclusion. April, Marcus, and Sebastian are mourning the loss of Andrei, whilst still hunting down Sara and the other mages who hurt them so badly.

It was great jumping back into this series as April certainly knows how to handle herself, even when she's feeling slightly 'off'. The relationship between her and Marcus is as wonderful as ever, and Sebastian nearly melted my Kindle.

The one thing I will say, and it's what kept this from being a 5-star read, is the ending felt a bit rushed to me. All the build-up, and then, wham, bam, thank you, ma'am, it's all over. I know Maya Daniels writes things at a fast pace, but this was just a bit too fast.

On the whole, though, this was an amazing ending to the series, and I really hope Maya Daniels does indeed return to this series, as hinted as being possible in the afterword. It is a series though, so you really must read it from book one for it to make any sense, and for you to get the full enjoyment from it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 15, 2021
About a Boy (2002)
About a Boy (2002)
2002 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Story: About a Boy starts as we meet Will Freeman (Grant) who lives the perfect life in his head, no job because of his father’s royalties, no responsibilities and no relationship, he can jump from woman to woman and now he has learnt about single mums, he new target. Marcus (Hoult) is a young boy whose single mother is battling depression and when the two become unlikely friends.

As the friendship builds between Will and Marcus, the two learn valuable life lessons with Will finally learning the serious side to life, one he had coasted over through his life.


Thoughts on About a Boy


Characters – Will is the playboy bachelor who has gone from woman to woman never taking responsibility in anything in his life, at the age of 38 he isn’t getting any younger and wants to look to a new location to meet women, which finally gives him a chance to look at his own life errors and start to make something from life. Marcus is a bullied young boy, his mother is battling depression and he never fits in at school, he sees a male role model in Will and starts to becoming friends with Will where he can starts to learn how to be who he should be. This character is drawn up wonderfully because he doesn’t understand the problems his mother is going through, while he is aware there is a problem it reflects in his everyday life. Fiona is the mother of Marcus, she is battle depression in her life while trying her hardest to stay positive for Marcus, a battle she isn’t always winning. Rachel is the woman that shows Will a new meaning to life, only she is the one that could shatter his new look too.

Performances – Hugh Grant is easily one of the most British actors out there, he gives one of his best performances here that will make you like his bad character. This role could easily be a look at the person people believed he would be in real life. Nicholas Hoult gives one of the greatest breakthrough performances for a young star and by seeing just how far he has gone since this shows the early talent he showed. Toni Collette gives us a supporting performance that is just as difficult to watch because of her characters problems that it is an essential performance to see. Rachel Weisz is good in her supporting role, she doesn’t need to do too much with her character though.

Story – The story here plays out as a middle-aged man needing to grow up, a young boy who needs a male role model and understand that life isn’t going to be perfect no matter how much you want to believe it. The growing up side of the story is the one that we get to focus on the most and is everything you expect it to be. There is however a much deeper and stronger side to this story we see, that comes from seeing how young Marcus doesn’t completely understand his mother’s depression and just wants somebody to talk to, while finding his own way to fix her. Now this is important because the mental health issues are a bigger talking point now and showing it through the eyes of an innocent young boy shows how difficult it can be to talk about and deal with, with him never truly understanding what the problems are.

Comedy/Romance – This film did get me laughing a lot, this is usually hard for any comedy movie, this has so many clever visions on life through the shallow nature Will has. The romance is the backburner because it shows us just how Will is trying to find women, even if one does change his life.

Settings – The film is set in London, we get the see the home environment, which for the most part are empty, the social life and everyday life, nothing is new.

Scene of the Movie – Be a Godfather question?

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The generic bullies.

Final Thoughts – This is a brilliant comedy that gets everything right with the way the comedy is handled, we do get a big issue covered and is a film that people need to look back on and watch.


Overall: Must watch comedy.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Lone Survivor (2014) in Movies

Jan 26, 2021 (Updated Feb 2, 2021)  
Lone Survivor (2014)
Lone Survivor (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama
Mark Walhbeg (1 more)
Ben Foster
Never Out of the Fight
Lone Survivor- is a intense action thriller thats based on a true story. Its slow at first, but around halfway in, it gets good.

The plot:In 2005 Afghanistan, Navy SEALs Marcus Luttrell (Mark Wahlberg), Michael Murphy (Taylor Kitsch), Danny Dietz (Emile Hirsch) and Matthew "Axe" Axelson (Ben Foster) deploy on a mission of surveillance and to take out Taliban leader Ahmad Shah. Though spotted by goatherds, Luttrell and his team decide not to kill them. But one of the Afghans alerts a group of Taliban fighters to the invaders, and a terrible battle ensues, in which the SEALs find themselves hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned.

Its a must see film.
What To Do With A Duke
What To Do With A Duke
Sally MacKenzie | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mild humor (1 more)
Some good discussion about marriage and women
Unstable plot (2 more)
Frustrating characters
Vulgar male lead
A misguided curse
When it comes to historical romance, I look for one of two things: one, a compelling love story with some scenes that make me blush and fan myself; or two, a light and fluffy clean romance, sometimes with a touch of humor. What I demand from all historical romances is for both the romance and the setting to be believable. I’ve started to wonder if my standards are too high. When I went into this book, with the cute cover and hints at a curse, I figured this one might fall on the fluffy side of the spectrum (the cat on the cover may have influenced this assumption). I was sadly mistaken.

The characters seem so non-committal, not just with each other, but with upholding any of the values they claim to have. Catherine was constantly complaining about how she needed peace and solitude to write, but in the first half of the novel whenever she had it she didn’t do it. She blames family for her difficulties with not being able to be the next great novelist, but the problem was really with the fact that she was not all that committed to doing it. Just like she apparently was not all that committed to being a spinster, despite preaching about it constantly. I found Catherine’s character to be frustrating at every turn and had a hard time rooting for her.

Unfortunately, the other half of this love story was hardly any better. Marcus is dreamy for all of a few minutes, until he started talking about his manhood… Which he proceeded to do all the time. Every time the narration would switch to him, inevitably a thought would end with some note about what his cock wants. I suppose Marcus’ raw desire was supposed to be tantalizing, but I honestly just found it vulgar. It didn’t help that everything about Marcus and Catherine’s romance was a lust at first sight sort of scenario. I didn’t feel any real chemistry between them, even by the end when they are apparently in love with each other I still wasn’t feeling it. Literally everything always boiled back down to sex. The rest of the story and dialogue was not even all that funny, clever, or witty, it was just two stubborn people wanting to get in each other’s pants the entire book while being really over dramatic about, well, everything.

Then there is the curse plot line, which I could suspend my belief and go with it for a while, but even that felt like it was poorly thought out. Marcus has to control his desires and avoid marriage because he’s fearful of accidentally impregnating a woman, thus ending his life. Though somehow, he has no problem with brothel women and the risk of impregnating any of them? Because bastard children can’t be heirs? Sure, at that time period they certainly had a harder go of it, but it wasn’t unheard of. And even if that was the case, didn’t the curse start with an illegitimate child born to a woman jilted by her lover? The number of plot holes was staggering and it wouldn’t have been such a big deal if it wasn’t the central focus of the story.

I also didn’t buy the mildly magical ending with the cat. No I don’t hate the cat, on the contrary the cat was perhaps the best character in the entire book. It just seemed too convenient, too hastily put together. I was also bothered by the fact that, in order to I guess create some tension, Marcus had absolutely no interest in finding out the truth about the curse. That alone basically undid all of the effort, all of the worry, all of the focus this character had on this family curse that has weighed so heavily on him for his entire life. It made absolutely no sense for his character. I don’t even want to go into how his character contradicts himself again once the mystery is solved. I hated Marcus.

I almost put this book down after the first couple of chapters, but things picked up around the half way mark. After one scene that actually made me chuckle with the eye brow waggling old ladies, I had hope that maybe the story would redeem itself with the added bit of comedy. I was disappointed that things started to go downhill again once the book attempted to flesh out the curse and develop the romance between Catherine and Marcus. Which, while I’m on that subject – I absolutely hated how that turned out. Catherine spends the entire novel preaching about never wanting to get trapped in a marriage and to never have children, then finds herself trapped. It wasn’t romantic, it was just frustrating.

On a slightly random note, I also noticed at one point an expletive is used that I was fairly certain did not exist in the context that it was used during that time period. After looking it up my assumption was correct – while the word had existed in the more vulgar sense that it is commonly used, as a curse or slang word it didn’t come about until the 1920’s. I know it’s being overly nit picky, but things like that really ruin the immersion in the time period for me.
Driving Me to You
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This heart-warming story is based around only a few characters but trust me when I say with characters this full of life, you don't need many. Sam has just come back from India after being severely ill but it has changed how she views life and she has a lot of ideas on how to share this with others. Verlaine is down on his luck after being out of work for four months and has applied for his dream job - renovating classic cars. Gemma is struggling to keep the business her late father started afloat and has asked (but paying for) the help of an old friend, Marcus. Marcus is Sam's ex-boyfriend but he has decided that he will have her back, after all, who could resist him? And then you have Paul and Scott, a couple that definitely belong together, that complement each other and work well together. The one you don't hear much of is Jack, Verlaine's flat mate, who seems a bit grumpy but that is understandable as he is worried about where they will live if things don't work out between Verlaine and the boss' sister! So there are the characters, let the story commence.

This story is full of bumps and bends as Sam and Verlaine learn about each other, make friends with each other and the others in the small circle, and let the sparks fly between them. Sam is also trying to find a way of mending her relationship with Gemma, is it really broken beyond repair? The things you find out about Marcus will make your toes curl but I won't say whether that's in a good or bad way.

The thing that I love about Julie Farrell's stories is that although you have the main characters, you also get taken along on the side stories of the other characters. This makes the book simply a delight to read and they are never boring! They are realistic but not depressing. Julie's heroines have backbone, a sense of humour and wit, and yes, slightly kooky in a good way. Her hero's are not perfect, they have their flaws which just makes them more loveable.

If you are looking for a modern romance with a hint of suspense and mystery, then check out this book. I honestly can't see how you would be disappointed.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Dear Wife in Books

Jul 8, 2019  
Dear Wife
Dear Wife
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In Pine Bluff Arkansas, Jeffrey comes home from travel to find his wife, Sabine, missing. Her car has been left behind, and she's seemingly vanished into thin air. As Detective Marcus Durand begins his investigation, things quickly become complicated. Sabine and Jeffrey's marriage wasn't what it seemed, and all signs appear to Jeffrey wanting her gone. What was he doing between his flight and arriving home, for instance? Meanwhile, several hundred miles away, Beth Murphy is on the run, carefully executing a meticulous plan to escape her violent husband. One slip, one mistake, and Beth knows he will find her--and kill her.

"Four hours on the road, two hundred and eight-three miles of space between us, and it's nowhere near enough. I still hear the clink of your keys when you toss them on the table, still tense at the thud of your shoes when you come closer to the kitchen. Still feel the fear slithering, snake-like, just under the surface of my skin. You have three moods lately: offensive, enraged, or violent."

This was a really enjoyable, compulsively readable thriller. It pulls you in nearly immediately and never lets you go--I was completely sucked up in the various stories. The book alternates between the points of view of Beth, Jeffrey, and Marcus. Beth is focused on escaping her husband, Jeffrey on figuring out what happened to his wife, and Marcus on solving the case. Each has their own unique voice, but you're never quite sure of who is telling you the truth or what is happening.

"People don't just fall off the face of the planet. They run, they hide, or they are taken. I should know, because I am one of them."

The result of hearing each person's individual take is a really exciting, twisty story. Where is Sabine? Who exactly is Beth? There are a bunch of fun "aha" moments throughout. I figured out some ahead of time; others were great surprises. No matter what, I enjoyed every moment and was kept interested and guessing. I especially liked and was intrigued by the character of Beth. (Please note that there is a domestic violence trigger in this book.)

Overall, this is a quick, suspenseful read that will keep you flipping the pages. I recommend this well-executed and entertaining thriller! 4+ stars.
Before They are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two
Before They are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two
Joe Abercrombie | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Second book in [a: Joe Abercrombie|276660|Joe Abercrombie|]'s 'The First Law' series (so after [b: The Blade Itself|68616|The Blade Itself|Marcus Sakey||1002512], this - again - weighs in on the heavier end of the spectrum: it's not a light read by any means, either in size or scope!

This is also a true sequel to the previous, in that if you hadn't read the earlier you wouldn't have a clue what was going on/who was who. As before, this pretty much jumps between characters chapter by chapter, while the novel is also split into two distinct sections, with the split coming roughly at around the halfway mark with the fall of Dagoska after the torturer Superior Glotka is recalled.

Of them all, I have to say, I found 'his' chapters to be the most interesting, in particular his continued snarkiness to any and all around him.

I also found this to be very much a bridge novel - after being introduced to the characters in [b: The Blade Itself|68616|The Blade Itself|Marcus Sakey||1002512], a lot of this seemed to be setting the scene for what-I-imagine-will-be the events in [b: The Last Argument of Kings|944076|Last Argument of Kings (The First Law, #3)|Joe Abercrombie||929012].

However, I need a break from all the darkness now for a while!
Half Dead & Fully Broken
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Curiosity Quills in return for a fair and honest review.

This book starts with a bang and will draw you in as you continue to read every word. Imagine being an identical twin, identical in every way even down to a mole on your foot. Now imagine that you are the quieter one, the one who messes things up rather than puts them right. Imagine that your twin in the "go-to guy" in every situation. Now imagine that in an accident caused by abnormal behaviour, he is ripped away from you, from your family, from his friends, and from school. Now imagine that you have to carry on living.

This is what happens at the start of this book and then you discover just how Carter feels as he walks around sharing a face with his dead twin. We also get an insight on how Mel (Marcus' girlfriend) feels and also Justin, the boy who was driving the truck also involved with the accident. The depth of emotion that is covered between these three is brilliant to read.

Marcus plays a bigger part in this book than I realised and to be honest, he freaked me out a bit every time he showed up. I wasn't sure if he was a good guy or bad guy and it didn't help that Carter didn't know either!

If you are looking for a Young Adult story that deals with emotional issues, with a dash of the paranormal, then I can highly recommend this book.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Gone / Mind Games in Books

Nov 19, 2019 (Updated Nov 19, 2019)  
Gone / Mind Games
Gone / Mind Games
Leona Deakin | 2019 | Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Get your psychopath fix here!!
The premise for this book was very ambitious and it started with a gripping bang. Following the exploits of psychologist and private detective Dr. Augusta Bloom as she and her partner Marcus Jameson are drawn into a dangerous game when they investigate a number of people who have gone missing. The only obvious connection they all disappeared on their Birthdays following receiving a mysterious card asking “Dare To Play?”

Both Augusta and Marcus are interesting characters with a good bit of chemistry and the book is undoubtedly a fast-paced page-turner that I raced through. We get a lot of psychologist talk looking at psychopaths (who doesn’t’ love a good psychopath tale!?!) and a very tangled web is weaved. The investigation is interesting and doesn’t let up however the book doesn’t quite reach the full promise of the early and middle sections and did end up being very obvious in its main twists.

A dark world was set up but not looked at in any depth and I wanted to know more. I understand there will be more adventures in the future with Dr. Bloom and I hope they touch on some of the world investigated in this book. I’m certainly keen to take another outing with Augusta, I see a lot of potential.

I read the book under the title Gone but I believe it has also been published as "Mind Games"

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
The Girl (Guardians, #1)
The Girl (Guardians, #1)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 30%

I've mentioned before that I tend not to read books with characters under the age of 16 (close to being 17) because I find them really, really, really immature. The only exception I've found being Legend by Marie Lu.

That was my problem with this. Emmerson is 15 and likes to think she knows best--so not the case in this, as shown when she runs into trouble 3 times in 30% when ignoring their "stay in a crowd" warnings. During this time, she's taken one look at Marcus and decided she's in love with him and kissed him even though she knows he has a girlfriend. I don't really mind that bit, it was that she then went and apologised to the girlfriend for it happening. Why would you do that?! I'd have smacked her, I think.

As for the rest of the cast, I can't say I minded them. They seemed like a quite fun bunch, apart from Marcus and Ameana.

Then, plot. I liked the idea and will admit to being really intrigued about how it was going to play out. Emmerson somehow having the Triplex that allowed the Guardians and the Akons to find the location of the ladder. Good vs. Evil. Angel's vs. Demons.

Unfortunately the characters (Okay, just Emmerson) really put me off and had me wanting to do this:
<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo tumblr_n58oc892NL1rchs43o1_5001.gif"/></a>
so I did.