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Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret H
Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret H
Neil Gaiman, Shane Oakley (Adaptation) | 2017 | Comics & Graphic Novels
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The rare occasion that Gaiman totally missed the mark for me. Basically one long run on joke about all the tropes found in every Gothic tale ever told, this is the weakest of Dark Horse's Gaiman adaptations. I haven't read the original story this was adapted from, so I'm not sure if this is worse/better or if it's Gaiman's story or Oakley's adaptation, but I quickly found myself skimming thru just to get to the end, and when you're reading something only 48 pages long and you start skimming when you're only half way thru...
Stalking the Goddess
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stalking The Goddess by Mark Carter is not a book to be taken lightly or to be read as a fill-in. This book deserves your attention as Mark Carter has tried to do the near-impossible and unravel a book that has long been thought of as a Pagan Must-Have. The White Goddess by Robert Graves has long been considered as one of the ultimate books for a Pagan to own, with links to the Welsh Celtic path and showing how, through poetry, that paganism lived on through the ages.

Stalking The Goddess is written like a thesis or dissertation from a university so will appeal to any academically-minded out there. This did make it quite hard going at times and I would read some and then take a break to digest what I had read.

Mark Carter has “untangled the woods” of The White Goddess and made it more accessible to the Pagan who would like to know more about it and where Robert Graves got his sources. Mark Carter has made it possible to see who has influenced Robert Graves, both in a positive and also a negative way, by showing whose work was used and which was not.

One of the things that I found most interesting was that although The White Goddess boasts a Welsh Celtic basis, Robert Graves had actually pulled on stories from the whole of Europe, as well as from the Bible, the Jews and used stories from the Saracens to compile his book and it somehow all seemed to fit which is where Mark Carter has excelled. Star Wars even makes an appearance!

In no way is Mark Carter dismissing The White Goddess and even states in the Epilogue that without The White Goddess it is unlikely that paganism would have developed as it did.

Overall, I would recommend this book for anyone who is interested in the history of The White Goddess, or for someone who has an academic “twist”. Thought provoking and a very interesting read.

Yann Gonzalez recommended Midori (1992) in Movies (curated)

Midori (1992)
Midori (1992)
1992 | Animation, Drama, Horror
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A dark and unknown masterpiece of animated cinema: the adventures of a little girl taken in by circus freaks who make her suffer the worst atrocities – until our young heroine falls madly in love with the dwarf of the troupe. Its inventiveness is both incredibly visual and poetic, and Midori imprints its barbaric and desperate mark on your soul for a long time after seeing it. The nightmarish counterpart to Miyazaki’s films."

Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)
Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)
S.C. Stephens | 2013 | Romance
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's taken me a long time to finish reading this but I'm not sure why because when I got into it at around the 40% mark I devoured it.

I enjoyed reading more of Kiera and Kellan, though their lack of trust in each other drove me a little potty at times. I've loved Kellan since early on in the first book and I still do, he's so sweet with her.

Looking forward to reading Reckless now
Change of Heart (Change of Heart, #1)
Change of Heart (Change of Heart, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

This was so promising for so long but my interest started waning at about the 60% mark. It wasn't as exciting anymore and the sex scenes didn't do anything for me in regards to their relationship.

Logan seemed to be in permanent emotional pain, which annoyed me a bit, since Jin seemed to be coping so much easier with it all and he was the one who was most likely to die if something happened. Now the Logan of about the 90% mark? Now that is a character I would have loved to see throughout the book. He was fun, and seemed to love teasing Jin--which I loved.

I would be interested in continuing the series to see what else these two and the pack get up to.
Nothing Serious
Nothing Serious
Jay Northcote | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really kinda cute!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted the AUDIO file of this book.

Mark finally admits to himself and his partner of 9 years, that he is gay. While Rachel is devastated, she knows things have not been right between them for a long time. Mark moving out of their home seems the best thing to do, but they will remain friends. On moving day, Jamie shows up with his brother, and Mark feels an immediate attraction to the younger man. When Jamie drops a box contains some. . .personal items, Mark is mortified but Jamie finds the blush on Mark’s face adorable, and all kinds of sexy. But neither man is looking for anything serious right now, so they can just help each other out, right?

This book, right here, landed in my queue just when I needed it to, cos its far too stinking cute for its own good!

It’s a wonderfully well written tale of a newly out of the closet man, finding himself and all about his sexuality, with a willing young man who wants to help. Jamie finds Mark attractive, but he doesn’t want anything serious, last time he ran away when *serious* was talked about, so helping Mark explore all the joys of sex with a man, seems a good way to get close to Mark, while keeping his distance.

Mark has an immediate attraction to Jamie, and when Jamie suggests a friends with benefits type arrangement, Mark is keen to get to know Jamie.

What neither man expected, or wanted, was their emotions to get involved, and when they both realise this is what was happening, Mark and Jamie struggle with ways to talk to each other about it!

It’s not overly explicit, but it is all kinds of sexy! There is no real drama, save the guys finally admitting to themselves, at least, what they feel for each other.

It really is one of those books you just fall into and lose a few hours. It’s only short, some 154 pages, but it packs a hefty punch of cuteness! I listened to this, it’s just over 4 hours.

Michael Pauley narrates.

I have, in the past, found Pauley a bit hit and miss, for me, personally. Here, however, he really nails it!

Pauley’s voices for Mark and Jamie are different enough to be easily identifiable when they are talking, for all the characters, actually. His reading voice is clear and even, and I had no trouble keeping up. There were no dips in the sound to put me off, which has happened with Pauley before. It’s just where he lowers his voice, for thinking or musing, really but here, there is no dipping.

I loved how Pauley gets all the things running around in Mark and Jamie’s heads across, you genuinely sort of fall in love with them, as they fall in love with each other!

I’ve shelved it on my *kinda creeps up on ya* shelf, simply because, that’s what happens!

Love creeps up on Mark and Jamie and it was a pleasure listening to that happen.

4 stars for the book

5 stars for the narration

4.5 stars overall.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Dark Waters (2019)
Dark Waters (2019)
2019 | Drama
Not another remake of the Japanese movie about haunted plumbing, but a based-on-fact drama about a lawyer's long and gruelling battle to expose the truth about the contamination of the environment by synthetic long-chain fluorocarbons (the non-stick part of non-stick saucepans to you and me).

A very worthy and impassioned film about a serious and important topic, led well by Mark Ruffalo, with good support from a strong cast. On the other hand, it does come across as just a little bit dour, and the nature of the story doesn't necessarily lend itself to a conventional narrative structure. The kind of film that I'm glad gets made, but I still find it admirable more than genuinely likeable or enjoyable.
4.5 stars.

I still love this series.

Witty, paranormal, adventure/mysteries with Marnie and the team. If you haven't read this series yet and like the sound of it, I definitely recommend you buy it.

Long but oh, so good.

P.S. I'm still holding out for a Mark Batten/Marnie Baranuik full on romance--maybe possibly with Harry not minding sharing her or not in the frame at all, though I can't see that happening. Maybe in book three which I am dying to buy!
Spenser Confidential (2020)
Spenser Confidential (2020)
2020 | Action, Crime, Drama
Alan Arkin (0 more)
If you wanted to turn this into the series it is, you should not have hired Mark Wahlberg to play PI Spencer. I read many of the later Robert Parker novels in the series so Cissy is a huge shock when Susan is his soul mate. Bokeem Woodbine looks more like Hawk than Winston Duke (although Winston Duke is a convincing young Hawk). I am probably biased since Spencer is such a long-in-the -tooth character now and this is a first in a series type movie.
Wait for It
Wait for It
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once again only four stars

This is only the 2nd out of five or six of the authors books that I've given four instead of five.

I loved young Louis and protective Josh, and Dallas, and seeing Trip and Luther and a few others from the authors previous books but once again something was missing for me.

Yet once again I can't quite pinpoint what it was. Maybe it was the slow burn that didn't really start to show into about the 40% mark, or maybe the fact that it didn't become truly a thing until long after that--about 70%. It wasn't obvious for a long time which guy Diana was going to end up with, which didn't help.

Nevertheless, I look forward to reading more of Mariana's books.