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The Concorde... Airport '79 (1979)
The Concorde... Airport '79 (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Well paced (3 more)
Good action
Showcases what we all believed Concorde was orvcould have been.
The VFX (4 more)
The plot
The acting
Well paced nonsense BUT it's the most entertaining of the series
Clearly the product of the post Star Wars universe, Airport joined the ranks of James Bond in cashing in on the science fiction/action cinema of the late seventies. Unlike Moonraker, this at least tries to maintain some "science fact", just misses the mark somewhat.

Though having said that, most of us are much more knowledgeable about airline proceedures than we were back in 1979 and this film just rides roughshod over most of them!

A long fall from grace from that original just nine years earlier...
Fumbled Hearts (Tender Hearts #1)
Fumbled Hearts (Tender Hearts #1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

3.25 stars.

So I'll start by saying me and long books don't get on very well. In this, I'd sort of lost interest by the 60% mark. They were together and happy, couldn't that be enough? But nope, we needed some horrible people to create some more drama and to split our very cute couple up and for them to spend the last 20% or so apart... *eye roll*

Don't get me wrong, I loved the two main characters, and as a couple *squee* adorable, or they were when Kalani finally let him into her heart. But I did feel like the story dragged a bit in the middle. All the sex scenes? Meh...I skipped most of them.
Immortal in Death (In Death, #3)
J.D. Robb | 1996
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

I read the first two books in this series quite a while ago now and the only thing I remember is Eve and Roarke's relationship progressing quite quickly.

This has taken me a long time to finish and I think that's due to its length. I'm not the biggest fan of long books and the fact the writing in the kindle app for PC is so tiny tells me it's a long one. I've been reading it in spurts between other books but as the investigation into Pandora's death got going I decided to just concentrate on this one and finally get it finished.

So Pandora is a successful model, loved the world over for her style and flair but also loathed for being vicious and cruel. When she's murdered and the prime suspect is Mavis, Eve's long time friend, Eve is determined to help solve the mystery and get her friend off the charge of murder and find the real killer.

I loved the twists and turns in this. I, like Eve, thought that they'd found the killers at about the 66% mark but then like how did they go about proving it? And then it turns out it wasn't those people?! I was like, WHAT?!

Of course, this one also contains Eve and Roarke's wedding and the stuff that leads up to it, including dress shopping, hen and stag nights and picking flowers. Admittedly, we don't get the wedding in this as such, just Eve getting dressed and walking out to make her promise to Roarke.

Although I didn't enjoy this as much as previous books, I think that was down to me not being in the mood for a mystery/crime/romantic suspense book as well as it's long length. Nevertheless I will be reading more books in the series at a later date.
Winter Trials
Winter Trials
K.S. Marsden | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review can also be found on my blog -

A winter tale about two men finding themselves and each other. A short beginning of what I believe will be a long-lasting relationship, in a book filled with warmth, bravery and magic.
I was lucky enough to be approached by the author – K.S. Marsden, and I was excited to read both her books from the Northern Witch Series.

Winter Trials is the first instalment, and it is a perfect short introduction to the environment and the character. The story is about Mark, a 16-year-old boy, who decides to start practising magic, just like his grandmother.

And when a new guy comes in school, Mark is instantly attracted to him. But Mark’s magic, and Damien’s troublesome past will suddenly find each other, and a huge danger is near…

I really enjoyed reading this book, and it was a shame that it was so short. I loved Mark’s character and especially cheered for the grandma witch – she was the star of the show, with her sassy comments!

There wasn’t too much in-depth character features, and character development, but I would assume this is an introduction to a world that is to come.
Mark is a typical high-school teenager, with normal things hanging around his head, and some of the thoughts and discussions were refreshing, rather than when you read some usual cliches in other books.

I loved the bonfire night gathering, and the magic scenes were breathtaking.

The love story between Mark and Demian developed a bit too fast, and that is my only little disappointment, but apart from that – I enjoyed reading it, and can’t wait to dive into book two.

If you love LGBT romance, YA and a bit of magic and witches – grab this book, and read this series!

Thank you to the author, for sending me a hard copy of this book. All the opinions stated in this review are entirely my own.
The Complete Love Mark Box Set by Linda Kage
The Complete Love Mark Box Set by Linda Kage
Linda Kage | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a review for The COMPLETE Love Mark Boxset, which features stories about Erick and Ianna, Urban and Vienne, Nicolette and Farrow, Indigo and Quilla, Olivander and Unity, and Dori and Xavier. You also get Allera and Brentley's story thrown in for good measure.

This boxset/world shines a whole new light on the insta-love/lust trope as those from High Cliff have a tattoo near one of their eyes that tells them when they have found their true love. When that happens, all reason and rational behaviour go out of the window, leaving only burning lust. Along the way, we get the stories from the couples and the overall story arc that links them all together.

I enjoyed all the stories, some more so than others but the one character I absolutely loathe is Nicolette. I coped with her in Urban and Vienne's story as she was only a teenager. I had to force myself to finish her book, although I loved Farrow, and despised her in Dori's story. And she's not in it for long! Just long enough to remind me why I disliked her so much.

To be perfectly honest, I would not recommend reading this as a boxset but as more individual stories. So long as you can remember the overall story arc you should be okay, but there is a lot of repetition about just what the love mark means, how it makes you behave, plus other things, that become obvious when you read them back-to-back.

This was a new-to-me author and I am intrigued enough to look for other books by her. I have no hesitation in recommending this series but with the caveat already mentioned.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Guy Garvey recommended Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk in Music (curated)

Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk
Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk
1988 | Jazz, Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The rumour goes that when the guys from the record company [wanted to] hear Spirit Of Eden, knowing the commercial success of The Colour Of Spring, Talk Talk wouldn't let them hear a note until the album was finished. They took a long time. The story goes that the label guy went to the studio, they lit some candles and put on that record and he cried and left. To this day they don't know whether he was moved or thought it was terrible. But from a personal point of view, they started out by their own admission as a Duran Duran copy band. I was tempted to put a solo record [by Mark Hollis] on the list as well. But I thought that was labouring the point."

The Redemption of Callie & Kayden (The Coincidence, #2)
The Redemption of Callie & Kayden (The Coincidence, #2)
Jessica Sorensen | 2013 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Though I'm giving The Redemption of Callie & Kayden 3 stars, I have to confess that it's a weak 3. Honestly, I debated for a long while about whether or not it should actually get a 2.5 rating. I was anxious to read another part of Callie's and Kayden's relationship, to see what awaits them in their lives. For the first half of the book, I was pretty into it, but I felt like things really slowed down around the 60% mark; I began speed reading and only slowing down when it came to the parts I was really looking forward to - which is why I decided to give 3 stars, because though I was slightly bored, I still cared enough to want to find out how everything would end (at least for this book).
Elements of Retrofit (Thomas Elkin #1)
Elements of Retrofit (Thomas Elkin #1)
N.R. Walker | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a long-term fan of the author's writing style, I was looking forward to reading a May-to-December story from her.

Whilst I adored Thomas himself, after all, what's not to like with a going silver fox professional who knows what he wants from life? I'm afraid Cooper just didn't quite hit the mark for me. Although he came across as mature at times, the majority of the time his cocky attitude annoyed me, and no, I couldn't get used to it (although Thomas managed to). I loved the world this book was set in, with the architectural references and the visual clues given. With so many things to love about this book, I'm sorry to give it a 3-star, but I just couldn't get to grips with Cooper. That's my issue, not the writing!

On the whole, another brilliant book by N.R. Walker, just one that didn't hit the mark for me. That doesn't mean I don't recommend it, because I do. You never know, you may find Cooper quirky and adorable!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 2, 2018
Orphan (2009)
Orphan (2009)
2009 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
In the years since it's release, Orphan has earned it's spot as a genre favourite. It's a tense and unsettling drama, with fantastic performances from its cast. Isabelle Fuhrman is a pitch perfect creepy-horror-movie-child and gives us a more than memorable villain. Esther is manipulative, dangerous, and mysterious in equal measure, and Fuhrman cements all of those things, no problem. This is complimented by the delightfully unhinged turn by Vera Farmiga. She has become a bit of a darling in the horror genre and Orphan was one of the film's that propelled that. Her character is troubled and erratic, suspicious of Esther, and someone who we as the audience root for until the very end.
The relatively long runtime, and slow burning first half never gets boring, and the mystery surrounding Esther ticks along nicely, until we're hit with one hell of a batshit twist. It's definitely a payoff that hits its mark. The last 30 minutes are pedal to the floor craziness as everything descends into chaos. It's a satisfying finale to its long build up.
Orphan is a well loved film that deserves that status, and one that is fun to go back to, even knowing the outcome.
Office Grump
Office Grump
Nicole Snow | 2020 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a bit too long (0 more)
This one starts with Sabrina late for work after missing her bus only to be told they're letting her go from her position due to "right-sizing" - her bosses term for down sizing - and she heads to her favourite coffee shop for a commiseration bear claw and cinnamon coffee that she consumes on her favourite park bench. Only she gets interrupted by the attractive but grumpy Magnus Heron who wants the bench for his work. Neither leaves the best impression on the other but it does linger and Magnus decides the feisty girl may just be the perfect person for his EA position. Sabrina grudgingly takes the job but as they get to know each other feelings begin to emerge between them.

This was a long book but I didn't mind that most of the time because I was enjoying reading Brina and Mag's romance slowly blossom. It did take a while for anything to happen - somewhere around the 35% mark - and then it was kicked to the background again for quite a while and i honestly do not blame Brina for telling him where to go several times for the way he treats her sometimes.

I did like this. It took a long time to get to that HEA but it was good reading - if i little too long in my opinion. It did make me cry towards the end, though, because i had come to care for these people and i wanted them to work out. I even grew to like teenage Jordan, whose emotions were up in the air like nobodies business after his mums mugging - which was understandable. He didn't know Magnus so to suddenly find yourself living with a billionaire you've never really met had to be hard.

I'm also intrigued by Brina's best friend and roommate - Paige, I think it was. Is she going to be getting her own book? She had about as much spark in her as Brina so it would be fun to see what guy ends up taming her.