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Bug's Trip to the Store
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Bug Children series sounded really cute, but I was dismayed when I read them. The stories are written in verse, but the verse isn't very creative and doesn't flow very well. There isn't much story to the books, and a younger child would lose attention before the halfway mark. The illustrations are nothing special, and look blocky and stretched in strange ways. Lastly, Bug didn't look like either a bug or a VW bug. He looked like a squashed banana.

Sorry to say I can't really envision many children enjoying these books.
The Golden Tresses of the Dead
The Golden Tresses of the Dead
Alan Bradley | 2019 | Mystery
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Intelligent title (1 more)
Good use of language
Character not believable (2 more)
Strange setting
Try hard
This was not the book for me unfortunately. I found the main character Flavia very unbelievable. She was wise beyond her years and seemed to flirt with older men at the age of 12. I felt like this tried to mirror some of Arthur Conan Doyle's writing but just really missed the mark (for me). The plot was quite obvious aswell. Surprised that it has some considerable accolades.

(Sorry, I hate leaving bad reviews)

Lindsay (1693 KP) rated Marine in Books

Apr 9, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Marine takes place about three years after Neb is on Halley's Casino. This book takes you on an adventure of it own. It also talks about Neb parents home planet and more about his parents. I gives you lesson about history or at least a bit about Neb's history or his parents for that mother. There seems to be something going on that makes Neb go after a star chart.

What is this star chart and why does everyone want it. There seems to be a dragon that guarding it and only one person who is to receive it. Mark put you in the story and you go for a ride. It adventures and filled with action.

Who are friends and who are foes? What is an Air-heart? What an Ice dragon? Whatever happen to here home? What or who is a water moon? It all started on Halley's Casino when Neb see two guest acting strange. I believe Mark doe a wonderful job with this story. I can not wait to pick up the next book.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Fun...with heart
Doctor Strange is my favorite Marvel character. This comes from my college days when one of my roommates had a stack of Dr. Strange comics and I tore through them - one of the few Marvel comics that I have actually read. So I was thrilled to find out that Sam Raimi was coming back (was he ever gone?) to direct the 2nd solo Dr. Strange film, DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS.

And it does not disappoint for while DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS is not quite as “mad” as one would expect by the build up to this film, it delivers solid action by actors playing characters that are easy to root for (or root against) all done with a wink in the eye and a focus on Marvel’s secret weapon…relationships and heart.

You will find no brooding “dark knights” in this one.

Sprightly Directed by Sam Raimi (THE EVIL DEAD), Multiverse (as I will call it from here on out) finds our titular hero (Benedict Cumberbatch) connecting with - and working to save - a multiverse hopping heroine in the form of America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) from an evil that wishes to drain her of her multiverse hopping powers.

What happens next is a multiverse hopping action/adventure/horror/chase film that really shows off the cinematic sensibilities of Director Raimi who’s mark is all over this film…for the better. Multiverse swerves really close to being a horror film, but, fortunately for it’s box office fortunes, remains firmly in the action/adventure/superhero genre. Only a director like Raimi can ride this fine line as well as he has and it works for this film.

Cumberbatch, of course, is terrific as Doctor Stephen Strange and he slides, comfortably, back into the cloak and sling-ring. Benedict Wong (Wong - The Sorcerer Supreme), Rachel McAdams (Dr. Christine Palmer) and Chiwetel Ejiofor (Baron Mordo) all reprise their characters from the first film and they all seem re-energized in their roles for this one while Xochitl Gomez makes a winning debut as America Chavez.

But, make no mistake, the personae that steals this film is Elizabeth Olson as the grieving Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch who Dr. Strange reaches out to when America Chavez falls into his lap. She is outstanding and is really the driving force here. It would not be a misnomer to say that this film easily could have been titled THE SCARLET WITCH IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS.

My one quibble with this film is that it doesn’t go to enough Multiverses to suit my tastes and is not quite as “mad” as one would hope - our hero does spend a rather large amount of time in one multiverse - but that is a minor issue and this one multiverse does bring many fun cameos…cameos that will not be spoiled here.

Which brings up one last point. See this film, if you can, in a theater full of the aforementioned fanboys. The full house IMAX theater that I caught this film in went absolutely nuts when one specific person showed his/her face for their extended cameo and that was a very fun time.

As is DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS - it works well as a stand alone film, but if you want to do “some homework”, check out the Disney+ TV Series WANDAVISION (essential), the first DOCTOR STRANGE movie (good background) and the animated Disney+ series MARVEL’S WHAT IF (some nice callbacks).

And, of course, stay for the end credits…it sets up DOCTOR STRANGE 3, a film that can’t get here soon enough.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
This Nation's Saving Grace by The Fall
This Nation's Saving Grace by The Fall
1985 | Punk, Rock
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I saw him [The Fall's Mark E. Smith] at Shepherd's Bush last year playing the last album, and only playing new songs. It was absolutely brilliant. I just sat and watched him, he's a genuinely strange person. He doesn't fit into the stereotype of the arts school drop-out, or the working class cliché either. It's a strange place he occupies in between. Just seeing him march around the stage turning the amps down, it sounded absolutely brilliant. You can tell he's got the ability to know how to make things sound amazing in quite a simple way. I could have chosen any Fall album from that period, Wonderful & Frightening World or Bend Sinister or I Am Kurious Oranj, but I chose ...Saving Grace because it has a really personal meaning to me. I grew up with it, and when I was at Sixth Form College I really started listening to the Smiths and The Fall. I had to find out myself about The Fall. I remember reading about them somewhere and going down to the record shop and buying a Fall record blind. Listening back, it's got some nonsense on it, like all his records. It's not some perfect artefact, there's something very instinctive about it. I love the track 'Paintwork'. As soon as I heard the track I assumed it was autobiographical, it's about the way he messes the music up. I can imagine the musicians saying, 'It's Mark, messing up the paintwork', but what they don't get is that that's the beauty of it, that he is messing up the paintwork, and the track in itself is strangely autobiographical because suddenly someone presses a tape recorder in the middle. He was always a huge, huge influence for me, growing up and then in Suede. You can't actually hear it in Suede, but we were massive fans, Justine and I especially, we were obsessed. When Matt, Justine or I were just mucking around we wrote the song 'Implement Yeah!', which was a sort of comedy song about him. Then there was the Fall song 'Glam-Racket', which the NME or someone said was about us. Who knows what anyone's songs are about, let alone Mark E. Smith songs? I think it was a timing thing: it came out in 1993, and people just assumed it was a criticism of Suede. Mark E. Smith's too smart to write a criticism of anyone, apart from people he's been in a band with. A great artist utterly defines their own genre, and that's what Mark E. Smith's done. He's got a patent on that sound."
