Evo: Aston Martin: Behind the Wheel of a Motoring Icon
For more than 100 years, Aston Martin has created some of the most beautiful - and powerful - cars...

God is Disappointed in You/Apocrypha Now
Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler
Hallelujah - the beloved classic has risen again! And this time it brought company. Celebrate the...

Like This, For Ever (Lacey Flint, #3)
Like everyone reading the newspapers these days, 10-year-old Barney Roberts knows the killer will...

Do You Mr Jones?: Bob Dylan with the Poets and Professors
In 2016, Bob Dylan received the Nobel Prize in Literature "For having created new poetic expressions...

Crises in Economic and Social History: A Comparative Perspective
A.T. Brown, Andy Burn and Rob Doherty
This collection of essays brings together historians examining social and economic crises from the...