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An American Marriage
An American Marriage
Tayari Jones | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Roy and Celestial have been married for almost two years when their relationship takes a hit no one could ever anticipate. As they are in rural Louisiana visiting Roy's family, he is wrongly accused of a crime he didn't commit. Sentenced to twelve years in a Louisiana prison, the time they have spent married will be much shorter than the time they are about to spend apart. Will they both be able to survive the predicament they are in? With Celestial in Atlanta trying to continue to live her life and Roy in Louisiana, writing letters back and forth and having sporadic visits, will their marriage survive?

Thank you to NetGalley and Algonquin Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I enjoyed this book from start to finish. One of the best books I have read so far this year. This has also been selected as an Oprah Book Club Selection.

Can you imagine what you would do if one night you and your husband were asleep in a hotel bed, enjoying some time away from home visiting family. When all of a sudden, your door is ripped open and you both are snatched out of bed. Your husband is being charged for a crime he couldn't have committed. An earlier act of kindness, now turned into something it is not. Then he is tried for the crime and convicted and has to spend twelve years behind bars. How will your marriage survive this? Are you going to pick up the life you have built in one state to move to another and be closer to him, even though you can only see him once a week? Will you continue to live your life and make that journey? Or will you leave him to his own devices in jail, there is nothing more you can do for him and the wait is just too much to bear? What would you do?

Celestial, has not had an easy life. On the outside, her life looks pretty incredible, with parents who had made something for themselves and live in a wealthy part of Atlanta. Roy, though he didn't come from much, had graduated from college and proven himself in the professional world. This is the type of couple you always would think, nothing like this could happen to them. But things like this happen every day. Hundreds of men and women are in prison now for crimes they did not commit.

A heart breaking and compelling story about love, marriage, and life and how we all try our best to survive it one day at a time.
An American Marriage
An American Marriage
Tayari Jones | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not even sure where to start with this book. The entire time I was reading, I had to keep going back and re-reading sentences because the words were so beautiful. I wanted to savor Tayari Jones' writing and not forget one word. I found myself reading out loud so I could hear her words.

If this book was found in the poetry section of my local bookstore, I would believe it.

“Marriage is like grafting a limb onto a tree trunk,” Celestial reflects. “You have the limb, freshly sliced, dripping sap, and smelling of springtime, and then you have the mother tree stripped of her protective bark, gouged and ready to receive this new addition. ... In my marriage, I never determined which of us was rootstock and which the grafted branch.”

And the story is just the cherry on top of the words. Celestial and Roy, barely out of the newlywed phase when Roy is sent to prison. It's a heartbreaking story, of separation, as well as togetherness, between this married couple, but in a grander scheme a critique on America and unequal treatment of its citizens. I didn't particularly like any of the characters, but I felt for them, probably more than I've ever felt for any character in a novel. I felt for them in my soul.

It's not a activism story. It's a love story. About the American dream and how just like a spouse, your country can fail you - no matter how hard you work for your dreams.

It's poignant, and thoughtful, and written like a painting. I am so glad I read this book. For several different reasons. And I'm excited to read what Tayari Jones paints next.
This is definitely the best book of the series and the only thing that disappointed was that it was the last of the series.

The Suffragette Scandal follows the story of Frederica “Free” Marshall and Edward Clark. Edward is a scoundrel of the highest order and I positively love him. His character is amazing, and he’s got flaws but he admits them – flaunts them even.

“Which of my myriad flaws is making you uneasy, Miss Marshall?” He gave her a long, slow smile. “Is it my arrogant conceit or my wicked sense of humour?”

“I’m Edward Clark. Born Edward Delacey. Now apparently, Viscount Claridge.” He shut his eyes “You can address me by my preferred title: you idiot.”

The thing with Edward is that he isn’t afraid of admitting he’s wrong about something. I like how this book was told from equal POVs and that the whole book was about winning the girl but was instead about saving the day, winning the girl and then trying to save their marriage.

Free’s character was amazingly astute as well and so laid back but also very upfront – “Huzzah! Suffragettes!” – she meshes with Edward right from the beginning which was lovely, there wasn’t a massive overhaul of her principles after the marriage and in fact Edward tries to give her back her life.

The dynamic between them was amazing and Edward says the best thing about Free:

“I married her to unleash her on the world, not to keep her under wraps “

I’m pretty much just rambling about the characters because they were just that good. So well written and the relationship between them was amazing and it flowed expertly.

I’m kind of sad that the series has ended now after reading them all but they were very, very good. Highly recommended.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Arranged in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Arranged</i> is a contemporary, chick-lit by Catherine McKenzie about love and marriage. Anne Blythe, a thirty three year old <i>Anne of Green Gables</i> look alike, has been unlucky in love. After breaking up with her most recent boyfriend she despairs that she will remain alone for the rest of her life. But that very day she finds a business card titled “Blythe & Company Arrangements Made”. Intrigued by the surname and assuming it is a dating company she books herself an appointment.

Anne soon discovers that <i>Blythe & Company</i> is actually an arranged marriage service, however she decides to go along with it and ends up in Mexico marrying a man named Jack who she has only just met. Now comes the hard part – living together, coming up with a plausible story to tell her friends and family and dealing with their mixed reaction. But just as Anne begins to feel she may have got her happy ever after she learns something about Jack that could ruin everything.

This story is a brilliant concept that makes the reader want to keep on reading. All the main characters are likable, particularly Anne, which ensures the reader will not get bored of the storyline. For over three quarters of the novel McKenzie writes as though everything is going to turn out ok, leaving the reader feeling sure that something must go wrong somewhere along the line, yet also wishing that it will not.

Admittedly, chick-lit is not my first choice of genre to read and many of these books are nothing special. However this concept was really interesting and I enjoyed the novel. I would definitely recommend it to lots of female readers particularly the hopeless romantics.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Wives in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
The Wives
The Wives
Tarryn Fisher | 2020 | Thriller
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thursday and her husband, Seth, have a slightly different marriage. Seth, you see, has two other wives. Thursday therefore typically only sees Seth one day a week. But she agrees to the arrangement because she loves him, deeply and unconditionally. But then something happens and she starts to see some cracks in their marriage. It causes her to doubt their union--and to seek out his other wives. And once she does, nothing will ever be the same.

"He comes over on Thursday of every week. That's my day, I'm Thursday."

Oh man guys, this is a fun one. If you're able to suspend a little disbelief, you will greatly enjoy this thriller. From the moment I picked up this book, I was pretty much captivated by Thursday's story. There's so much to wonder about. Why on earth would she share her husband with two other women? What on earth is her husband's deal--and, seriously, what is the draw of this guy? What are the two other women like; why would they sign on to this arrangement? And, this is a thriller... is some shoe waiting to drop somewhere?

"Imagining what the future holds proves difficult when factoring in two other women who share your husband."

I can promise that, for the most part, you will not be disappointed. This is a wild ride. It's completely engaging, surprising, and for the most part, totally unpredictable. I wasn't 100% sure about the ending--things came on a little fast and it didn't feel fully resolved--but overall, this was a really enthralling and different read. It's fascinating and bizarre and cringe-worthy and amazingly enjoyable. 4+ stars.

"I shouldn't wonder, but I do. How does a man love so many women? A different woman every other day."
Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2012)
Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2012)
2012 | Comedy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Everyone knows a guy like Jeff (Jason Segel). Someone who never really left home, opting instead to sit around waiting for a sign. Jeff’s family is not much better. His daft, unaware brother, Pat (Ed Helms), has his life centered on a marriage that is devoid of connection or even much conversation. Jeff’s mother, Sharon (Susan Sarandon), spends her days de-stressing by staring at a waterfall picture in a drab office environment. But today a change is going to come in a big way to the people in Jeff’s life.

In “Jeff, Who Lives at Home” both Segel and Helms have taken on roles that are slightly more serious than the comedic standards that these actors are known for. Still the film is not so far removed as to alienate the fans who diligently follow these two actors to the theater time and time again.

The film’s plot is full of unexpected yet mildly realistic twists and turns. There are no big explosions or giant leaps of faith. This serpentine story is much more subtle. Many of the standout moments are realistically bizarre yet prove relevant, sweeping the audience into lives that have hit the final dregs of acceptability.
Visually the film is lack-luster. More than once viewers experience uncomfortable close-up shots of the less than attractively decorated characters. Still the script is well composed and crafted with such care that every word seems to naturally flow from the actors’ mouths. The story delves into so many facets of the human experience, from marriage to the building of a brotherly bond, that the tale itself is engrossing.

The characters are nervous, inexperienced, and closed off but the tale that defines “Jeff, Who Lives at Home” is entirely relatable. The film is not exactly enchanting but it was significantly better than I had originally anticipated.