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A House With Holes
A House With Holes
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was such a unique read. I personally highly value Denise Broadwater’s insight on how to come alongside each other during stressful times like moving or renovating a house. This book is listed as a memoir and a marital advice book, and it is both of those things; yet so much more. Denise is very honest about what she and her husband went through while renovating their home. Some moments you can really see yourself in the same situations she was in. There was laughter, sadness and frustration while remodeling their home and Denise vividly shows those emotions and how they worked through them. A very good read for couples just starting out or those who have been married for longer periods. I think even single people wanting to work out how to better communicate with the people around them would benefit from this book. This was my first time reading a memoir and it was a truly good first experience.

I give this book a 5 out of 5 stars for the valuable advice and examples that Denise Broadwater shared that I hope to apply to my own marriage. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to better learn how to work through stress and come out the better for it.
Pretending to Wed (Frontier Vows, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, let us just start with the cover, shall we? I am in love with everything about it, from the moody colors to the sassy pose and the eye-grabbing name this cover has it all. Pretending to Wed is the first book by Melissa Jagears that I have read, and the second book in her Frontier Vows series. I picked it up on the recommendation of Nicole over on Nicole and the unending TBR. I am so glad I did.

Both the characters in this story were fun with fantastic senses of humor that struck me just right. They also were thrown into some very tough situations and managed to come out the other side all the better for it, which I liked. I loved watching both of them fall in love while learning to work together, a true glimpse of what marriage is really like.

From the sigh-worthy moments to the themes and overall plot of the book I highly recommend this book if you want something to read that is fun, sweet, and full of real-life challenges. 5 out of 5 stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)
Shattered Glass (Shattered Glass, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This caught me early on, probably the first page actually when Austin met Peter and his bunny slippers at the diner. I was instantly intrigued at what was going to happen between these two. When Austin left and phoned his fiancé I was like, "WTF?". How could he react like that when he was engaged to a woman?!

Nevertheless, I loved Austin's obsession with Peter (and the bunny slippers!) and was jumping for joy when he came to his senses regarding his marriage and more or less stalked Peter at the diner resulting in some fun scenes between them and maybe a few upsetting ones too.

The story quickly evolved into something much more complicated with Peter's background coming to light and that of his "brother" Cai. So very complicated but intriguing.

One thing that got me a bit was Austin's stupid comments when he needed to be serious causing a lot of trouble between him and everyone. Ugh! I wanted to smack some sense into him a lot of the time. And as for Peter; all the lies!? Why?

It was a good story, if a little too complicated at times trial wise, and I really liked it. I look forward to reading more books by the author.