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From Darkness to Light—My journey back from a brain filled with blood
by Lynn Christopher Roby
Rating: 3.5/5
Genre: Memoir, Autobiography, Christian

Summary: Lynn tells the story of her aneurysm, her life before and after, and her walk with God. She recalls her aneurysm and tells the sad and frightening story of her trials trying to get through it. Living through an aneurysm is hard—I had no idea how hard! She went through constant pain and a lot of depression. She also talks about her alcoholism early in life, mentions her sexual abuse, and her early depression. Eventually, after the aneurysm, she was able to heal enough to start her work for the Lord, opening a clinic to help people through the things she has gone through.

Thoughts: Lynn’s story is amazing and inspiring. This books shows how the bible verse “all things work together for good” plays out in real life. Lynn never would have been able to help the people she helped, or save the lives she helped save, if it hadn’t been for her very rough life.

Writing: The writing style and prose was tough to read in that it felt very choppy, had a lot of fragments, and quite a few typos, giving it an overall casual feel. The pacing was also a bit fast through the aneurysm, and slow through the rest. I found it difficult to read during the section where she explained the “12 steps to A.A.” which she explained in detail and then related it to her experiences, and showed how she used them through her life as a recovering alcoholic and getting through the aneurysm. The layout was a bit hard to follow, too. She starts with the aneurysm, then the healing process, then backtracks to tell about her alcoholism and depression, divorce, and second marriage before she finishes the story of what happened after the aneurysm. It was a little confusing, but once I saw what she was doing, it was easier to follow.

Content: There was no language or sex. She does mention God very often, as it is a memoir of a Christian’s suffering, but does not leave you with the feeling that you’ve been “preached to.”

Recommendation: Ages 13+ because of reference to alcohol. I really enjoyed this book—it had its on-the-edge-of-your-seat moments, its sad sections, and its happy parts.

About the author:
Lynn lives in Carroll Valley Pa. with her husband Bill and their Samoyed Abigail. She is a Mother blessed with four sons and beautiful grandchildren that add to filling her life with joy and fun.

Lynn is a certified Professional Level Kripalu Yoga Teacher; she continues her studies at The Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Stockbridge Ma. Lynn and her husband Bill are the founders and owners of The Gettysburg Holistic Health Center where Lynn teaches in her studio which is a Kripalu affiliated studio. Lynn is a Master level addictions specialist and a Reiki Master. She feels honored to work with folks who suffer from the disease of addiction as she watches them transform their lives from turmoil to surrender.

Lynn’s journey led her into writing this book that was very cathartic hoping to inspire anyone suffering not only from a ruptured brain aneurysm, or alcoholism, or abuse but to touch anyone who can relate to such pain and suffering and find hope from reading this book
**Thank you to Bostic Communications and Lynn for providing me with my review copy!**

The Making of a Duchess (The Sons of the Revolution, #1)
The Making of a Duchess (The Sons of the Revolution, #1)
Shana Galen | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sarah Smith is just a governess… but then her employer sends her off to spy on the French Duc de Valère, Julien. Sarah takes on an identity of someone who died years ago. Insecure and out of her comfort zone, she does her best to figure out if Julien is a traitor… but gets nearly swept away by him. Being discovered as a spy doesn't help her situation any, either. But Julien isn't going to turn her out on the streets. He's going to use her to keep himself safe from the men trying to catch him… and he might just marry her.

Julien knows it's his duty to ask Serafina Artoris to marry him, and after seeing her once and being astounded by her beauty, he's fully prepared to marry her—but she rejects him. He tries his best to keep his head on straight as he continues his search for his brothers, who he is convinced are alive. But he never counted on Serafina being so attractive, so unique, so different… and discovers that he is willing to give her a second chance.

Both Julien and Sarah struggle with their feelings about each other, but unite in a common cause: to prove that Julien is not a traitor to his country, by finding his brother who may or may not be alive, using information from a man who may or may not be luring them into a trap. But there are many mysteries and complications along the way, such as compromised reputations, jail breaks, at least three marriage proposals, and pirates… and a Duc madly in love with a governess.

The Making of a Duchess was romantic, exciting, and sweet. It kept me reading and sat in the forefront of my mind.

The plot was exciting near the end when the action took place, but there wasn't much happening through the rest besides a lot of sneaking and a lot of kissing. I figured out a key element of the story the second the hint was dropped, in one of the first chapters, and I was a little disappointed that the mystery didn't get unveiled later. And, again with the last-page love confession… is it a requirement for men in romance novels to put off saying "I love you" for as long as they can? It was the only thing that bugged me about Julien. He was such a bright man, but he didn't even tell her that he loved her. Not until it was quite obvious. At least he said it, though.

I liked the characters a lot: I felt really bad for poor Sarah—although her repetition of doubts did get annoying after a while—and I cared a lot for her happy ending. She had so many doubts about who she was, her family, what was right and what was wrong, and even whom she was loyal to. Julien was just one of those heroes that everyone wants but nobody can seem to get their hands on, so there was no way to not love him. He was brave, courageous, had his priorities set straight, a hard worker, and a romantic (and extremely good looking). Their relationship was a little fast paced, and it was hard to see what it was based off of at first. Sarah had a hard time figuring out what was desire, and what was love… but I think she got it right in the end.

Content/Recommendation: little language, some sex. Ages 18+
Deliver Her
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Like many of the readers that have turned the pages of this book, I selected <i>Deliver Her: A Novel</i> because it was one of this month's options for Amazon Prime subscribers via Kindle First. Listed under suspense, the title's description hinted at an edge-of-your-seat, fast-paced story. While the tragic tale of Alex Carmody, her dysfunctional family, and the hired transport were entertaining, it did not live up to my expectations when it comes to a novel of this genre.

After the horrific death of her best friend, Alex Carmody spirals out of control and she becomes the typical angst filled, rebellious teenager. In a last-ditch effort to save Alex from herself, her mother decides to hire Carl Alden, owner of Begin Again Transport, to take her to The Birches, a boarding school for troubled youth. En route, as stated in the description, Alex goes missing and things begin to spiral out of control.

The plot of the story is fairly simple and does bear realistic elements, even if a few of them, such as Alex's behavior, are a bit too cliche. While the story is centered around Alex's transport to The Birches, it seems as if her mother plays the most dominant role in the book. It is easier to feel "in touch" with Meg's thoughts, feelings, and realizations than it is Carl's or Alex's. Many times, I felt that Meg was closer to the brink of losing control than Alex was, perhaps due to the way in which her entire life was deteriorating around her. In her portrayal of a dysfunctional family and a marriage in shambles, Donovan succeeded in creating a feeling of empathy for the Carmodys.

On the other hand, the story progressed fairly slowly, and at times the style was inconsistent. There were many occasions in which I felt the word choice was too verbose, only to become more simple a few pages later. This, coupled with the frequent change in point of view, interrupted the story's flow while simultaneously blurring the line as to which of the three main characters served as the protagonist.

The minor characters seemed, more often than not, to be a convenient scapegoat, used to justify certain actions and outcomes. Evan is introduced to the reader as your typical drug-abusing kid, and despite Alex's feelings for him, plays a very minor role in the book. It's mentioned that Alex is his mule, however that subject isn't really touched upon beyond simple acknowledgment. Jacob, Alex's father, sits backseat for the majority of the story, only to become a major player toward the end, bringing to light his own shortcomings - and the truth behind some of the accusations that Alex has suffered. Shana appears to exist solely to substantiate the tragedy that started Alex's decline, while her brother is mentioned only in memories, despite the crucial role he's played in the Carmody family history.

Despite its shortcomings, and the fact that I do not feel it should be categorized as suspense, <i>Deliver Her: A Novel</i> was a fun read. I do not regret the time that I spent turning its pages, and should Donovan decide to turn this into a Transport series, I would probably read further installments.

<b>This book was acquired free of charge via Amazon Prime Kindle First. My review is an accurate expression of my own opinion, without bias.</b>
Synopsis: Learn to live, love, and lead courageously--as you boldly choose to trust God.


Whether you're facing struggles with singleness, the mounting challenges of marriage and motherhood, health issues, a financial crisis--God has equipped you to walk in freedom and confidence as you abide in Him, strengthened by His power and provision. Through the stories of eleven brave women of the Bible who made faith-filled choices that positioned them for success, LaTan Roland Murphy exhorts, encourages, and empowers women of all ages. With warmth and wit, she illustrates how you, like Deborah, Jael, Mary, and others, can look beyond your circumstances and lay hold of the courage needed to


· draw closer to Jesus when facing illness, isolation, or rejection;

· live and give generously, even amid financial hardship; and

· step out into faithful, fearless living as a wife, mother, friend or coworker--no matter the season of life or what lies ahead.


Thought-provoking study questions and an interactive journaling section will help take you even deeper in your quest for a more courageous, confident life, either on your own or with a group.

My Thoughts: What are you afraid of? Is it stepping out and doing what God has called you to do? Is it facing an illness, a death? Or maybe some other type of hardship or even a new venture in life. LaTan Roland Murphy has written an excellent book, using women of the Bible to help illustrate how we can overcome our fear and insecurities. In this study the reader will take a look into the lives of Deborah, The woman with the issue of blood, The widow with two coins, Jael, Abigail Bathsheba, just to name a couple.

This is a working book, the author takes you on a journey into each of these women's lives and has you search and see how they found the courage they needed to live their lives and accomplish what God intended for them to do.

I love the way she has written this book, You read a chapter, then the author has you read scripture and apply what you learned by answering questions at the end of each chapter. She has a style of writing that is easy to read and understand. You can follow along and immerse yourself in the book.

This can be a study you do alone, or in a group setting. I recommend this book for all Christian women to read, young or old, it will certainly draw you closer to God, and give you the courage to carry on.


LaTan Roland Murphy is an award-winning author and speaker with writing featured in HOAwomen magazine. She is the author of Becoming a Woman of Interior Elegance and coauthor of God's Provision in Tough Times. She is also the founder of The Colors of His Love Women's Conference. She and her husband, Joe, have three adult children and two delightful grandchildren. They live in Raleigh, North Carolina. Please visit her website at

  I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Good Luck with That
Good Luck with That
Kristan Higgins | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Powerful, emotional read, but completely worth it
Emerson, Georgia, and Marley have been best friends since they were teens. They met at Camp Copperbrook, a weight-loss camp. They've stayed close ever since, so when Emerson passes away, Georgia and Marley are distraught. Emerson asks her friends to complete a list they made at camp, forcing both Georgia and Marley to confront some long-held fears. Marley still feels guilty since her twin sister, Frankie, died when they were four. And Georgia, has been scarred by the exacting conditions--especially about weight--passed on by her mother and brother. And she's hurt after the ending of her marriage. But Georgia and Marley are determined to complete the items on the list, for Emerson, even if it means getting past their comfort zone and learning to love themselves just as they are.

I'll be honest. I wasn't sure I'd like this one in the beginning. The tell-it-like-it-is weight talk is jarring at first, so are Marley's many, many references to her dead twin. I was confused about who was talking, eventually having to make myself a little cheat sheet to keep Georgia and Marley and their various family members/histories straight. But, pretty quickly, this book grew on me, and became a very powerful, very heartbreaking, very realistic, and very lovely read.

This isn't an easy-to-read book. It's starkly realistic and tells it like it is. Weight, life, reality, friendship, parenting, and more. It's tough to read and touches on the insecurities we all have deep inside ourselves, plus how cruel the world can be to those it deems "different." It made me very sad at times.

Luckily, the novel is also infused with Higgins' trademark humor. The woman can write a darn funny scene and even with the serious topics she covers here, there are plenty of funny times and warmth throughout this novel. She can make piggyback rides humorous. And running! Marley and Georgia become real people throughout the course of this novel, and so much of their friendship is witty and hilarious. I really grew to love them.

The book is also powerful in so many ways. Yes, it can be powerfully sad and heartbreaking at times, but it's also just powerfully well-done. I really think this is a book everyone should read, especially parents or anyone who spends time around teens. Georgia's teenage nephew, Mason, quickly became one of my favorite characters. His storyline has nothing to do with weight, but everything to do with self-acceptance, and I totally adored him.

There's so much going on in this book. The power of friendship. Struggling with weight and loving yourself. And the idea of, What happens when we get everything we want and we still aren't happy? So much resonated with me. The book will make you laugh. It will make you cry. Parts of it are predictable, but in the total Higgins fashion of exactly the way you want them to be.

Overall, this book was nothing like what I expected, but that's totally OK. It's really a powerful, tough, emotional read, but completely worth it. By the end, I was completely immersed in the characters' lives and the story. I found it to be heartbreaking and beautiful, and I certainly recommend it.
You Should Have Left
You Should Have Left
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
by author Daniel Kehlmann is imaginatively written in such a way that you’re reading a scriptwriter’s notes from his notebook, as he is writing them. The main character bares his soul about his life, his thoughts and dreams. Much of it is mundane everyday stuff, until you realise that what is being said actually has a very different meaning. Darker and more horrific than it at first may seem.

Writing his screenplay, and lying to his boss about his progress, the screenwriter takes his family, wife Susanna, and four-year old Esther to what he wants to be a writer’s retreat. Yeah, it does sound rather like The Shining. But even though there’s less of it, there’s even more to it… Stick with me. I’ll explain.

Things are not going as planned, for this unnamed writer. His marriage is on the rocks and his screenplay is failing. On top of that there are a lot of strange goings on he cannot explain. Odd things are happening in the house he’s renting via Airbnb. Maybe it’s haunted, or just tricks of light are playing with his mind giving him that illusion. Either way, it’s a slow descent into darkness that the author of the notebook does not seem to notice himself. Not straight away.

But as the reader I get to see that every now and then there’s things hidden in the text the writer seems not to be aware of. He’s spiralling downhill I’m wondering about his mental state, or if the house itself, or something in it — something supernatural — is playing with his mind.

How long can he hold it together? He’s got responsibilities to look after his kid, but he can hardly look after himself. He’s already forgetting which lies he’s told and mixing his dreams (and nightmares) with reality. Even he doesn’t know how it will end, and starts to think about leaving his notebook behind in order for it to be found… and it has been, I’m reading it now…

Several of the notes in his book get to the end of the page and are never finished, which to my mind, is in keeping with the distracted, confused voice of this note taker and adds to the setting’s dark, oppressive atmosphere.

Clever, surreal, with a kind of rhythmic writing, akin to memories of sitting in the back of the car and being rocked to sleep. The only difference would be the rude awakening. The slamming of the brakes. When the harshness of reality jolts you awake.

Yep, this unsettling, nightmarish journey, had me glued to the pages, even though at first I was not entirely sure I understood what I’d read… It’s a short novella sized book, and I must admit I had to read it again to fully appreciate this awesome piece of writing. It’s not your average horror, I can tell you! Nope, there’s nothing average about this at all. Incidentally, it’s translated from German and that fact may be why I thought it worked even better. No words are wasted. There’s a certain style to this book that makes me feel like he’s got something bigger, and maybe even better to come. I can see, however, it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. I personally wish I’d got to this one sooner.

Stark, sparse, and totally different to anything I’ve read in a long time. I loved it. An alternative read without a doubt. A very short read, in fact. What’s more, this review took longer to write about it, than it did to read. Twice.
Non-Stop (2014)
Non-Stop (2014)
2014 | Action, Mystery
On the wrong side of 60 you’d be forgiven for thinking that it was time for Liam Neeson to hang up his gun and move away from the cold, steely world of action films, into the fuzzy and sentimental territory of a rom-com.

Thankfully he and director Jaume Collet-Serra, who Neeson previously worked with on the disappointing thriller Unknown, have decided to continue with the action thriller theme in Taken on a Plane, sorry… Non-Stop.

Neeson plays troubled US air marshal Bill Marks as he begins a non-stop flight from New York to London, though from the outset it is obvious this will be no ordinary journey.

Marks is a man with a chequered past. From suffering with depression after the breakdown of his marriage to his subsequent alcoholism, everything seems to be utterly gloomy.

Soon after take off, Neeson’s character is sent numerous anonymous texts stating that a person on board will be killed every 20 minutes unless $150 million is transferred into a bank account.

Cue Neeson’s trademark gruff tone as he shouts about the cabin trying to discover just hr_Non-Stop_6who is behind the messages. It’s fair to say things aren’t as simple as that and Collet-Serra’s spirited direction keeps things moving with more twists than a curly-wurly.

Julianne Moore stars as Marks’s ‘seat neighbour’ and is as usual excellent but unusually bland, portraying a character that numerous other actresses could’ve fitted into quite easily – it’s a strange departure from Moore’s more deep characterisations, but she does it well despite the lack of material she’s given to work with.

The plot is well driven by the excellent cinematography, using the confined spaces of an aircraft to great effect with sweeping shots of the cabin over the heads of passengers and the use of aeroplane windows to move in and out of the fuselage.

Technology plays a huge part in Non-Stop, the constant stream of text messages that Neeson receives could have made the film fall flat, but thankfully each one is put up on the screen allowing the audience to read them in real time, rather than stopping the story dead and allowing boredom to set in.

Whilst the story and plot are first-rate, the special effects unfortunately are not such a blast. Whilst the majority of them are passable given the film’s relatively small budget of $50 million, the shots of the aircraft towards the finale are underwhelming and look like they belong in a video game, not a Hollywood blockbuster. It’s an unfortunate lapse in an otherwise very competent film.

Thankfully Neeson’s now applauded acting technique distracts from these moments enough to steer Non-Stop to a pulse-racing and very satisfying conclusion.

Overall, Non-Stop is good fun from start to finish and barely slows within its succinct running time. However, it all feels very familiar and this is a problem for its main star too. For all of Neeson’s fans this is another good notch on their bedposts – but I doubt it will bring any newcomers to his admittedly large following, meaning he runs of the risk of being typecast.

Nevertheless, apart from a few lapses in special effects and a rather bland Julianne Moore, Non-Stop is definitely worth a watch – even if there may be a sense of deja vu.
The Widow&#039;s House
The Widow's House
Carol Goodman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jess and Clare Martin met at Bailey College, in the Hudson River valley, but have been living in New York for years. Jess wrote a successful first novel not long after graduation, but that money has long been spent. He's been working on his second book for ages; it's long overdue, and he needs a new muse. So the two decide to move back to the Hudson River area, where Jess can focus on the book without distractions. They take on duties as caretakers at Riven House, the home of their former college professor, Monty. They can live in a nearby cottage in exchange for helping the elderly Monty with chores. But the setup has its own issues: it's Monty, after all, who wrote a review of Jess' first book that torments him to this day. And as they settle in, Clare begins to hear a baby crying at night and see shadowy figures around the pond of Monty's property. As she investigates local history, she thinks what she sees may be tied to the house's tormented past. The locals say the place is haunted and destroys everyone who stays there. Are Clare and Jess next?

You know how sometimes you start a novel and immediately know, from the first page, that you'll enjoy it? THE WIDOW'S HOUSE was that way for me. It sucked me in immediately and kept me interested throughout; I read it in about 24 hours. The book is filled with complicated characters, starting with Clare. You start to realize she's the ultimate unreliable narrator, but are never able to tell exactly how much. She appears unhappy with her selfish author husband and her marriage. She had a rough childhood--growing up in the Hudson Valley not far from Monty's estate, which has clearly affected the way she sees the world. The entire story is told from her point of view, and we're stuck with all events being filtered through her lens. It's genius really, and it is a refreshing change from so many novels lately that change narrators and time periods. You find yourself working and guessing with Clare as she unravels local history and the events unfolding at Riven House.

The novel is certainly told in the Gothic tradition. I first fell for Goodman via her excellent novel, [b:The Lake of Dead Languages|120274|The Lake of Dead Languages|Carol Goodman||3159707], and this book reminded me of that one in some ways. Unlike some Gothic novels, you do not have to suspend much disbelief as the creepy events unfold around Clare and Jess. There are parts of this book that are incredibly spooky, and it's quite well-done. I loved that I was frantically flipping the pages, constantly second guessing everything and wondering what was happening. There are some great twists that shock you, even as you're still trying to figure things out in you're head (much like Clare). This novel will leave you guessing. It's crazy and confusing, but fascinating and incredibly hard to put down. It's completely enjoyable and stays with you after you've finished it, going over various plot points. Highly recommend.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review; it is available everywhere as of 03/07/2017.

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Interesting premise (3 more)
Mystery surrounding the Shiba siblings
Most of the side-characters
Information dumps (3 more)
General editing mistakes
Lack of male characters (that aren’t antagonists)
The Setup
The Irregular at Magic High School
Book by Tsutomu Sato
Review by Rip Major

The Irregular at Magic High School is about siblings Tatsuya and Miyuki and their experiences at First High. The school is split into two main groups, the Blooms, who are gifted with the ability to use and control magic, and Weeds, who can use magic, but aren’t as strong with it as the Blooms are. Miyuki, who is a prodigy with magic and has the brains to back it up, is placed with the Blooms. Tatsuya, on the other hand, is not as gifted with magic, so he is placed with the Weeds.

The plot is pretty anime-standard. Boy and girl go to a new school and participate in shenanigans. The majority of the book follows the day to day misadventures of Tatsuya and Miyuki as they deal with the fact that, while they are extremely close, they are essentially in different hierarchical classes. This culminates in Miyuki joining the Student Council and Tatsuya joining the Disciplinary Committee, even though both are reluctant about the whole thing.

Tatsuya is a very interesting character because he is constantly annoyed by his classmates and their shenanigans, most of which he gets drawn into. He seems like the type of character that would prefer to be in the background and be left to his own devices, but his status as main character simply won’t let him. It is actually quite amusing to read his inner monologue while things happen to and around him. He is actually quite smart, being able to work on CADs (the in-universe way to cast magic) with exceptional skill and speed. He is also a skilled martial artist, apparently knowing ninjutsu, or something similar. Additionally, he also has a very mechanical way of thinking, which includes shutting down parts of himself that would ordinarily be considered normal. For instance, there is a scene where he realizes his older classmate is arousing him, and he shuts it down. Basically, in a book where the POV changes often and usually without meaning, Tatsuya is a very interesting character to be in the head of.

Unfortunately, Miyuki isn’t nearly as interesting as her brother. She is beautiful, smart, and gifted; all of which makes her a little too perfect for me to really connect with. Her major flaw is that she has an unusual and uncomfortable obsession with her brother. Also, she just feels a lot flatter than most of the side characters. And I officially have nothing else to say about her.

In all honesty, most of what I found interesting about this book was certain aspects of Sato’s world-building, specifically the pseudo-science/magic marriage and how it is explained. I also like how mysterious the history of the siblings is. Very little about their relationships with their parents is revealed, or why they are living alone in their apartment. In fact, other than the basic setup of the plot and characteristics of the two, not much else is explored in this book. I am curious to see if the next book will reveal more.

Asiza Tait (139 KP) rated Child 44 in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Child 44
Child 44
Tom Rob Smith | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
We all agreed that it was a very intense book and for those of us who weren’t fully aware of what it was like to live in Stalinist Russia during that time our eyes were surely opened!

This book takes you through the transformation of Leo Demidov from a complete ‘company man’ of the Russian State to a real person listening to his own sense of right and wrong. We meet him as a no nonsense officer of the MGB willing and able to follow through on his orders and completely committed to succeeding. We also get glimpses of his insecurity because no one is safe under the scrutiny of the State. He is very aware of this and the long running jealousy of Vasily is a constant reminder of how much someone hates him and desperately wishes and works towards his downfall. From the beginning the life of Leo is shown for the stark reality it is. There is no happy family man here, or even a happy career man, it is purely survival in a very structured and dangerous place.

The relationship between Leo and his wife Raisa is another that is deep, raw and completely honest. Their relationship ebbs and flows according to the State plan, but the book takes a serious turn when Leo is faced with the decision of denouncing his wife. Seeing into their marriage is like facing a needed surgery, the inevitable pain is necessary to start the way to healing. Raisa is the stronger character in my view, never losing her sense of humanity but knowing how to hide herself in order to survive.

Leo’s decision starts a chain of events that leads to him discovering that murders are occurring the breadth of Russia, and since there is no crime in Russia he is the only one trying to convince anyone of the scary reality that a serial child killer/s is on the loose. His commitment to this brings further scrutiny on him and he feels the full force of the authorities and experiences a complete reversal of circumstances. Where he was the one arresting people and transporting them to the most notorious prison Lubyanka, he is now the one in the prisoners' seat.

There are twists and turns in this book that will knock the breath out of you. A seriously brilliant book.

On a personal note I found this book hit too close to home in regards to my own upbringing in the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Where Leo is hitting his head against a stone wall in trying to convince people of the danger they are ignoring, it reminded me very strongly of how difficult it is to convince or motivate the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Congregation Elders that the right thing to do when an accusation of child abuse comes to them is to immediately call the authorities. They instead stick to their own procedures in the face of irrefutable evidence and demonstrated experience that their procedures are dead wrong and need to be changed, they still refuse to listen and insist that their way of doing things is right and everyone else must be wrong. They desperately work to keep their image clean just like the Russian Government insists that the State is always right. Thankfully there is an army of people worldwide working incredibly hard to expose there hurtful practices and in so doing protect the public from being sucked into this so called religion.