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Fear For Me (For Me, #2)
Fear For Me (For Me, #2)
Cynthia Eden | 2013 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read the first book in this series a few years ago and it was ok - judging by my review on Goodreads of it - but I wasn't overly in to it. This one has been on my Kindle for a few years now so it's about time I read it.

This starts with the "Bayou Butcher" serial killer - Jon Walker - breaking out of prison and setting out to kill the people who put him there starting with Lauren Chandler, the DA that made sure he went down for life, as well as the judge and those on the jury. In comes Anthony Ross, a Marshall, who tracked Walker down the first time and Lauren's ex.

I was equally drawn into this when they were hunting Walker and freaked out when we had scenes from Walker's POV as he went about killing. The more I read, though, the more I was convinced that Walker wasn't doing everything alone and then it was the mystery of just who Walker was in league with that had me reading. I thought I had it figured out but I was so wrong.

The romance reignited between Lauren and Anthony as neither had really gotten over the other in the five years since they'd parted ways. It was nice to see inside both of their heads and what their feelings were towards the other. I'll be honest. I wasn't that interested in the romance so I skipped the sex scenes in this, totally uninterested.

I don't think I'll be reading the last book in the series. I'm not that into Romantic Suspense anymore.
The Fly (1958)
The Fly (1958)
1958 | Classics, Horror
Vincent Price (0 more)
Vincent Price isnt The Fly (0 more)
Help Me! Help Me!
The Fly- is a great movie. Its scary, horrorfying, suspenseful, thrilling, mysterious, and above all great. I thought Vincent Price was the scientist who turns into the fly, but no instead he is the brother who investigations his brother. Other that its great.

The plot: When scientist Andre Delambre (Al Hedison) tests his matter transporter on himself, an errant housefly makes its way into the transportation chamber, and things go horribly wrong. As a result, Delambre's head and arm are now that of the insect. Slowly losing himself to the fly, Delambre turns to his wife, Helene (Patricia Owens), for help. But when tragedy strikes, Delambre's brother (Vincent Price) and Inspector Charas (Herbert Marshall) are forced to pick up the investigation.

Years later, Vincent Price recalled the cast finding some levity during the filming: "We were playing this kind of philosophical scene, and every time that little voice [of the fly] would say ‘Help me! Help me!’ we would just scream with laughter. It was terrible. It took us about 20 takes to finally get it

The film's financial success had the side-effect of boosting co-star Vincent Price (whose previous filmography featured only scattered forays into genre film) into a major horror star. Price himself was positive about the film, saying, decades later, "I thought THE FLY was a wonderful film – entertaining and great fun."

American Film Institute Lists:

AFI's 100 Years...100 Thrills – Nominated
AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes:
"Help me! Help me!" – Nominated

Like i said its great.
Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Ian Mcshane...sort of...some of the gore (0 more)
The acting, the story, lack of imagination, accents (0 more)
I've never laughed so much - in a bad way!
Firstly - I love the first 2 Hellboy films. Ron Perlman was perfect in the role and I'm a massive fan of Guillermo del Toro. I really wanted to see the end of their trilogy showing the Hell-king Amun un Rama story but it wasnt to be. But when I heard they were rebooting with David Harbour, Ian Mcshane and Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers) directing then I held some high hopes. Those lasted about 3 mins into the film!! This film is AWFUL! Everything is wrong. The story is lazy and borrows so much from the 2 del toro films even having certain scenes (hellboys birth and final fight) are pretty much scene for scene copies! The story that it doesnt borrow from the other films is some bollocks about a blood queen, Merlin and Arthur and excalibur and im almost laughing writing this as it's so ridiculous. It takes place in London so obviously everyone has a ridiculous cockney accent. The reason this gets a 2 out of 10 is because theres some really good gore and the Hell-king scenes are pretty awesome. Ian Mcshane is as always awesome but he is completely mis-cast as Prof Broom so even that feels wrong. They tease a sequel in the final shot, a mid credits scene and an end of credits scene. If they had spent that much time and effort on the logistics of making a good film they may have been able to salvage something passable - unfortunately they didnt and this is almost unmatched garbage!!

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Descent (2005) in Movies

Nov 23, 2019 (Updated Nov 23, 2019)  
The Descent (2005)
The Descent (2005)
2005 | Horror
I remember first watching The Descent not long after it came out. I was in my late teens and it was smack bang in the middle of a weird time for horror, where there was just a lot of dross being fired out every other week.

The Descent was a breath of fresh air in that respect. The set up hooks you in almost immediately, with an familiar yet effective tragedy strikes Sarah, one of our heroines. A while later, a group of friends manage convince Sarah to join them on a vacation in North Carolina, where they plan to explore an underground cave system.
You know how these things go by now - everything goes wrong and before long, the group are fighting to survive.
The thing is, it takes a while for the Descent to show it's true hand when it comes to anything other worldly. It's effectively scary before any monsters show up, using extreme claustrophobia, and low visibility to throw the viewer into the tense unknown.
The first time you see a monster made me jump out of my seat, and jump scares don't get me very often. From there in out, the movie shifts from subtle horror, to all out terror and panic. It's all pretty thrilling.
The all female cast are great. They feel real and relatable, and sell the situation perfectly.
It's Neil Marshall showing that he does know what he's doing in his otherwise mixed bag of a back catalogue.

Some of the effects used are looking pretty dated by this point, but it's not enough to detract from an otherwise positive horror experience, and of course, that ending... (I believe it was changed for US audiences). It's bleak and ballsy and adds a cherry on top. Definitely worth seeking out the unchanged version if you like horror!
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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Nov 24, 2019

@sarah I haven't actually seen the sequel. Not sure if I want to!


365Flicks (235 KP) Nov 24, 2019

I interviewed Craig Conway who played the main cave dweller and is best mates with Neil Marshall about this flick... such an amazing guy. Just makes me love the flick even more