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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
2008 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Old Indy: Nuke The CGI Refrigeror
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- is the fourth indiana movie. I wish their didnt make a fourth movie, cause in my opinion and others the trilogy as a whole was and is perfect. The third movie was called, "The Last Crusade", so it should of been the last, but nope. Over 20's year, their had to make anethor one. Thanks Steven, George and Harrison, cause we really needed anethor one. With CGI Gophers, Monkey's, Aliens, and also Indiana surviving a atomic bomb test by hiding in a refrigator and surviving. Ya, no. He should be dead. Relying on to much CGI, pointless charcters, plot and a terrible ending. This movie doesnt live up to the oringal trilogy.

The plot: It's the height of the Cold War, and famous archaeologist Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford), returning from his latest adventure, finds out his job at Marshall College is in jeopardy. He meets Mutt (Shia LaBeouf), a young man who wants Indy to help him find the legendary Crystal Skull of Akator, and the pair set out for Peru. However, deadly agent Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett) is searching for the powerful artifact, too, because the Soviets believe it can help them conquer the world.

I mean the action was good, the adventure was good and Cate Blanchett was good as the villian, everything else was bad.

But at the same time though its always good to see Indiana and his adventures. To see Indiana back after all these years, did put a smile on my face. Old Indiana.

Though in my opinon, just watch the oringal trilogy, its 10x better than this garbage. I mean this bomb. Atomic Bomb, boom got them. Seriously, dont watch this one, its bad.

Sarah (7798 KP) May 26, 2020

5 seems rather generous considering you've said it's awful! 😆


Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) May 26, 2020 (Updated May 26, 2020)

Yea, maybe a 4 than. I did like the action, the comedy, the adventure, Harrision and Cate and thats it. Just it was good see anethor Indiana film though.

Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers [Audiobook]
Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers [Audiobook]
Jesse Sutanto | 2023 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After initially thinking "oh dear, I'm not going to like this", the more I listened the more I grew to love Vera Wong.

Vera lives on her own after the death of her husband, her son being successful and not in her life quite as much as she would like. Once a thriving tea shop, Vera Wang's World Famous Tea House is now on it's last legs having only one regular customer so when she discovers a dead body in the middle of her shop one morning, she decides it has to be murder and begins to investigate and find out who killed Marshall.

Using her own logic, Vera decides that those who turn up at her shop to ask questions about the body immediately become suspects and she begins to ingratiate herself into their lives using her forthright nature, a little bit of manipulation, fantastic cooking and, if course, tea.

As the story develops, we get to know each of the characters and suspects more so by the end, you don't want any of them to be guilty of murder but one of them must be surely?

This is definitely within the 'cosy mystery' genre and whilst there is little action, I was caught up in the story hook, line and sinker and desperate to know what the ultimate outcome was going to be and I definitely wasn't disappointed.

The narrator was excellent and she totally drew me into the story and into Vera's life. This, for me, was definitely a book to listen to rather than to read myself and I am hopeful that Vera will do more investigating in the future.

Many thanks to HarperCollins UK Audio and NetGalley for enabling me to listen to and share my thoughts of Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers.
Non-Stop (2014)
Non-Stop (2014)
2014 | Action, Mystery
Bill Marks (Liam Neeson) is a man with demons. After his daughter fell seriously ill, the former New York police officer began a long descent into alcoholism and emotional distress. His fall was so great; Bill ended up losing his job and fortunately was able to find work as an Air Marshall providing in flight security for commercial routes.

In the new film Non-Stop, Bill is about to take a trans-Atlantic flight to London, and despite his dislike of flying and desire not to have a three day layover in London, reports for duty.

To say Bill is on edge would be an understatement as not only does he top off his coffee with a shot of spirits, he disables the airline smoke alarms so he can sneak a smoke to help calm himself and gather his thoughts.

Despite his issues, Bill is committed to his job and reports for duty and finds himself seated next to a charismatic lady named Jen (Julianne Moore), after she swaps seats with a passenger. Jen is a frequent traveler and noting that Bill seems on edge during takeoff, does her best to help calm him which Bill says will happen once they are airborne as he dislikes take offs.

True to his word, Bill is alert and ready to do his job once the plane is leveled off and en route to London. When a mysterious text arrives telling Bill that unless he deposits 150 million into an account, a passenger will be killed every twenty minutes, Bill swings into action and is determined to get to the bottom of the threat.

The flight crew is eager to put it off as a hoax as they state that a person cannot kill people on a crowded flight without being seen and it is likely just an elaborate hoax. Not convinced, Bill begins to investigate and asks for the passenger manifest to be rechecked and wants the account number he was given traced.

With the first deadline approaching Bill believes he has eliminated the threat when he uncovers a traitor in the midst in the guise of a fellow Air Marshall.

However text messages continue to arrive with instructions and Bill learns from his superiors that the account number given is in Bill’s name. Convinced that there is a viable threat Bill must fight to save the day when the crew, his bosses, and passengers believe he is deranged and actually hijacking the plane himself via an elaborate ruse.

While the film at times stretches credibility, it is for the most part a very tight and suspenseful and enjoyable film. My only issues were the final act at times seemed a bit to Hollywood and conventional for me but thanks to Neeson the film works.

The premise was engaging as was the cast and I was kept guessing as to the true nature of the threat as the film was good at casting suspicions then redirecting them throughout.

Like with the “Taken” films, Neeson is able to take a film that could be a mess in the hands of another actor but through his charisma and strong presence is able to give a character that although flawed is one that an audience can support.

French director Jaume Collet-Serra knows suspense from his part work with films such as “Orphan” and “Mindscape” and he wisely lets the film be a character driven story with action rather than an action film that happens to have characters.

As I said earlier, the final act was what kept the film from being a classic for me, but as it is, there is still plenty of good stuff to make this a film worth catching.

Eamon T.Hennedy (4 KP) rated The Mindy Project - Season 1 in TV

Jun 21, 2019 (Updated Jun 21, 2019)  
The Mindy Project  - Season 1
The Mindy Project - Season 1
2012 | Comedy
The first season of Mindy Kaling's comedy drama, along with its second, is probably one of the best romantic comedies to come from American network television in a while. In fact, the one that is equal to it is New Girl and they were both on Fox at the same time and shared the same night in the UK where they aired on E4.

In a time when adult flavoured romantic comedies are dying at the box office and are finding a home on streaming services such as Netflix, it's good to see that there is a conventional home for themand right from its opening episode, The Mindy Project is all about someone who has watched too many romantic comedies and wants their life to be one.

There are many references throughout to the works of Nora Ephron and Garry Marshall, and with Kaling on writing and lead acting duties, the series work wonders. Even better, it's filled with an ensemble cast that works brilliantly. The series will have a rotating cast throughout its six season on the air, but it says something that at this stage that Ike Barinholtz is a scene stealer from the point he shows up.

The cast does rotate around the place until it settles down in season two, the most notable high profile member of the first season being Anna Camp who disappears halfway through, while Amanda Setton's character Shauna also disappears without a mention.

It would be nothing without Kaling who holds it together brilliantly. The first two seasons are a lighter concoction compared to where the series will go post-season two, not to mention its move to Hulu, but with rom-com successes like Crazy Rich Asians being all too rare nowadays, it's good to know a series with charm, sophistication, and not afraid of the odd fart joke every now and then could find a home on a mainstream network, even if it was for three seasons.
Get Him to the Greek (2010)
Get Him to the Greek (2010)
2010 | Comedy
6.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Russell Brand created one of the more memorable characters of 2008 in Forgetting Sarah Marshall with his role as Aldous Snow. Get Him to the Greek is by and large an extension of his role in that movie, but ramped up in the “crazy rock star” department. Jonah Hill, playing the ambitious record company intern Aaron Green tries to bring Aldous Snow from London to Los Angeles to play a show at the Greek Theater. The problem with this simplistic plot is that it doesn’t lead to any character development, and only leads to more jokes. While surprisingly funny in some parts, the characters don’t really make a splash unless they’re doing something ridiculous, which happens quite often.

The main characters, drunk on absinthe in one scene, deliver truly cringe-worthy performances, and I’m not talking about funny cringes. Later on in the film, another scene with another drug is sure to be remembered as one of the funniest bits in the entire film. Unfortunately, this is representative of the entire film. There are hits and misses on nearly every metric you can think of. Rose Byrne and Sean Combs are fantastic in their respective supporting roles, Russell Brand is charmingly hilarious with his rock star attitude, and while Jonah Hill does a good job of showing the anxiety of a responsible guy just trying to handle an irresponsible rock star, he’s still miles away from his scene-stealing performance in Superbad.

In the end, however, Get Him to the Greek just had no closure. The ending was forced, like the director ran out of time, and the lack of character growth really forced the film to rely on a “moral of the story” type of ending, which ended up muddling the film’s ending further. Still, the ending doesn’t detract wholly from the movie. Much like watching a lesser version of Spinal Tap, this movie is still amusing to watch.