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Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
The latest film in the Marvel Universe has arrived with “Black Panther” and it continues the tradition of big budgeted event films from Marvel. The film follows T’Challa (Chadwick Bodeman), as he prepares to assume the throne of the country of Wakanda after the death of his father. He is destined to lead over a nation that to the outside world seems impoverished and rural, but is secretly a very technologically advanced society thanks to their Vibranium resources. The resources allow them to keep their capitol city hidden from the world.

As T’Challa attempts to assume the throne and rule over the various tribes of his country; a threat from his past both known and unknown arises. Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis) surfaces, T’Challa mounts and effort to bring him to justice which in turn sets a chain of events into motion. A mysterious and deadly figure known as Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan), plans to obtain the Vibranium to exact a plan of revenge so severe it will lead to the nations of the world being subjugated and will divide even the most loyal citizens of Wakanda.

T’Challa must use his powers as The Black Panther and guardian of Wakanda to save his people and the very world from a threat that holds the fate of the world in the balance.

The film takes a while to get going as Director/Co-Writer Ryan Coogler takes his time introducing audiences to the world of Black Panther and especially the various characters. The strong supporting cast features Lupita Nyong’o, Angela Bassett, Danai Gurira, Forest Whitaker, Martin Freeman, and so many others that it is great to see such well-rounded characters.

The film does take a while to get up to the action but when it arrives; it delivers making the wait worth it. What I really liked was that the characters were well-defined as were their motivations. You did not have some cartoon mega-villain with some insane scheme, but rather a realistic and believable threat whose motivations were understandable though misguided.

Marvel has again delivered a very thrilling story that fits well into their extended universe and you will want to make sure to stay through all the credits for the two additional scenes which sets up future events for the Marvel Universe. “Black Panther” is a rousing success all around continues Marvel’s Cinematic Universe in grand style.
Blade II (2002)
Blade II (2002)
2002 | Action, Horror
7.5 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
We're still a good 6 years or so before the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) here.

Before Comic book movies became the big thing they are nowadays.

Wesley Snipes returns, here, as the titular half-human/half-vampire ("all of their strengths. None of their weaknesses. Except the thirst") waging his ongoing war on the vampire nation, but now finding himself having to 'team up' with some from that nation - who had been training to hunt him - in order to fight a new breed of vampire, the Reapers (whose mouth looks like something out of Predator), who feed on both Vampires and Humans alike and who are led by that-bloke-from-Bros.

This is both more comic-booky (to coin a phrase) than the original, whilst also a bit more of a horror film - those Reapers are nasty!
The Ultimates, Volume 1: Super-Human
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I only picked this up recently out of curiosity when Marvel started doing a hard-backed comic-book collection, to see what it would be like.

Now I've read it, I have to say: I wasn't really that impressed by this. Written pre Joss-Whedon's Avengers movie (and even pre the Marvel Cinematic Universe), I found pretty much all of the characters within to be unlikeable and uninteresting: while you can get away with the former, the latter, however, is a major flaw (IMO) in any story.

I don't know whether that's because I associate the characters more with their big-screen counter-parts than with how they are presented here (both of which, incidentally, are designed to show how the team comes together), with Hank Pym, in particular, coming across as a bit of a jerk while Betty Ross (Bruce Banner's girlfriend) also comes across as, well, just not that pleasant at all.

On the plus side, I did like the (somewhat meta) panels where they were all discussing who would play themselves in the Hollywood adaptation ...

I also noticed that, unlike their movie counterparts, they are able to use the term 'mutants': a term which, I believe, Marvel are unable to use on the big (or small) screen as it is licensed to Fox instead .
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Brie Larson and Samuel Jackson had great chemistry on screen, Ben Mendelssohn totally stole the show and was my favorite character, really great cast of supporting characters. (0 more)
No the most engaging Marvel movie, a couple scenes felt forced, Nick Fury's eye, really ?!? Lol (0 more)
Hate It or Love It: Captain Marvel Has Arrived - 8/10
Captain Marvel is a 2019 superhero action/sci-fi movie based on the Marvel Comics character Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel. It was produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The movie was written and directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, with the screenplay also being contributed on by Geneva Robertson-Dworet. Starring Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, and Jude Law.

On planet Hala, the capital of the Kree Empire, a female warrior named Vers/Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) suffers from nightmares involving a woman she doesn't recognize. She doesn't remember much from before her time on Hala. With assistance from her commander and mentor, Yon-Rogg (Jude Law), she's learning to control her powers and emotions during battle as is the Kree way. Her unit, Starforce, are given a mission to rescue an undercover Kree operative who might be compromised by enemies called the Skrull, a race of shape-shifting aliens. They must act quickly or the information the operative has will fall into the wrong hands. During the mission things don't go well and Vers/Captain Marvel is captured by the Skrulls who use a device to scour her memories which include the lady from her nightmares. She learns the woman's name is Dr. Wendy Lawson (Annette Bening), and that her memories from her past suggest that she has spent some time on Earth. She is escapes to Earth 1995, where she must find the woman and the secrets to her past.

 This movie was pretty awesome. I really liked it and enjoyed it very much. I thought it went by smoothly and the writers had a clear plot, but might not be the most engaging for some people. I know this movie got a lot of hate before it even came out but honestly I didn't see a lot to complain about. Yes it is empowering for females but I didn't feel like it was forced; save for maybe a couple of scenes. It was rated PG-13 so some of the themes might be beyond what children can fully understand but definitely a good fit for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I really like the chemistry between Captain Marvel and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). To me there was an exclusively entertaining character in the Skrull Talos (Ben Mendelsohn). He was a pleasant surprise and pretty funny. I thought the casting was very well too, even for the supporting characters like other Kree, Skrulls, and even Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers b.f.f. Movie was generally fun and pretty action-packed. I give it an 8/10.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Great alternative perspective on the marvel universe. (4 more)
Great casting. Love the racial diversity and equality of characters.
Amazing references to the original films and the MCU.
Tom Holland's performance and presence is incredible.
Air-gasping plot twists.
The aspect ratio of the smartphone-video diary doesn't make sense. (1 more)
A few minor logic flaws.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Spiderman, a superhero that has been the go-to Halloween costume for the past 15 years and rightly so. With this being the 6th Spiderman movie, most would expect a drained and exhausted movie. I try to go into the cinema with an unbiased opinion on any movie, but even I expected it. However, it was a replenishing surprise to see a cinematic and equally entertaining Marvel film.
I loved seeing an alternative, somewhat more realistic, perspective on the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Hearing the 'voice of the people' and what students think of the avengers was a quirky amusement.

As a filmmaker, it was incredulous to see a specific inter-textual reference within one of the scenes. Night draws and the Vulture is driving the car with Peter Parker in the back. Things are getting tense as he realises that Peter Parker is Spiderman. The car is stationary at a set of traffic lights. The light turns green, cut to a close up of the Vulutre's face as he replicates the Green Goblin's expression and speaks the exact same words to Spiderman that the Green Goblin did in the very fist movie.

It's hard to believe that Tom Holland (Peter Parker) was born and raised in London as his American accent is spot on! This was complimented by his excellent and energetic performance.
The casting for this film was noteworthy. The racial diversity and equality of characters was great.

There were a few logic flaws within the film, but they're not worth enough value to even discuss them as the story and value of the film overall was excellent. I'm content with giving this film an almost perfect 9/10 as there were a few parts of the story where I felt like it was getting repetitive and the plot was starting to feel a bit 'back-and-forth'.
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Marvel Studios has once again launched a new franchise within their expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe with the arrival of “Captain Marvel”. The film tells the origin of the title character (Brie Larson), who struggles with gaps in her memory while serving as a Kree Protector under the supervision of Yon-Rogg (Jude Law).

When things do not go as planned during a mission; the good Captain finds herself on Earth forced to wait for her crew to retrieve her. The gaps in her memory combined with the arrival of the shape-shifting Skrulls are bad enough, but now there is also the arrival of S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) for her to contend with.

Being set in the 90s we get a Fury that has yet to be awakened to what is truly out there so he finds the claims of alien beings a bit hard to grasp until fate pairs him with the Captain who must stop the threat posed by the aliens and unlock the mystery of her missing memories.

While the film takes a while to get going; there is enough action scattered throughout to keep your interest and the finale is a rousing FX showcase that really helps establish the character and delivers what fans expect.

Naturally there is a good amount of humor along the way and the dynamic between Larson and Jackson is very good and I hope we get to see them paired on future Marvel adventures.

The supporting cast of Jude Law, Annette Bening, and Ben Mendelsohn is great and it was nice to see many other characters from past Marvel films appear as younger versions of themselves.

The film had to balance establishing the character and setting up further adventures with making sure audiences understood her importance and why her presence in “Avengers: Endgame” is connected and does so very well.

Larson was amazing in the title role as she portrays a strength and confidence without ever being arrogant but there is also a quick wit and at times; a vulnerability that makes her character more well-rounded than people would expect from a comic based film.

It is amazing to me how Marvel Studios can take some of their lesser known characters and turn them into Box Office gold and their winning formula continues with this entertaining new franchise.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Very good "culmination" of the last 10 years of Marvel Films
AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR is the best film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Said to be the culmination of 10 years worth of Marvel films - and Marvel heroes - INFINITY WAR lives up to it's bill, bringing all the Marvel Universe heroes together to fight a "big bad" that is worthy of this sort of thing - THANOS.

Voiced by Josh Brolin, the CGI Thanos is powerful, destructive, razor-focused on his one purpose with moments of "humanity" that makes him an interesting villain. The filmmakers kept his motivation and machinations simple so you are never confused by this bad guy or what he is trying to do. What surprised me is that the filmmakers added another layer to this character that was a nice layer that really added to the character, his motivations and his personality.

As for the band of heroes brought together for this film, it works well. The criticisms I have heard is that no ONE hero stands out, so EVERY hero is in the background. I couldn't disagree more. I thought the evenness of the "screen time" was one of the strengths of this film, not focusing too much on one hero (or heroes), giving all time to shine - and focus on what they do best. There were moments of humor, drama, action and heroism sprinkled across all. But what really thrilled me was the different combinations that were put together, for these heroes all had different missions and assignments and some odd and interesting cross-film dynamics took shape. I won't give any of these away, but I thought they ALL dynamics blended together nicely.

This is definitely a "fan-boy" film, giving service to fans of all these films, characters - and comics and credit for that should go to filmmakers Anthony and Joe Russo (Directors of the previously best film in this series - CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER) who kept the action moving, the motivations of the participants simple and the effects dazzling.

One final note - this is the first part of a two part film, so it does end in a cliffhanger, one that works effectively well. As always with the Marvel films - but especially in this one - stay through to the end of the credits, the scene at the end of the credits sets up Part 2.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at this film and can't wait to see the next one.

Letter Grade: A

9 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

David McK (3204 KP) rated Civil War in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Civil War
Civil War
Mark Millar | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<edit in 2018: yep, it was subtitled such>

Apparently the next Captain America movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (the MCU) is to be subtitled 'Civil War'.

With that in mind, obviously they're taking this arc as their inspiration.

In this, and following a tragedy brought about by the actions of a group of young super-heroes, the government has decided to introduce the Superhero Registration Act, forcing all Super-heroes to reveal their secret identity or being branded outlaws.

this, of course, has the effect of splitting the Super-hero community down the middle: the 'for' side headed by the likes of Tony Stark (aka Iron Man), with the 'against' side led Steve Rodgers (a.k.a. Captain America). Both sides, also, eventually find themselves working hand-in-hand with the Super-villain community (is that a thing?) as they pursue their relevant agendas.

I have to say, it's an intriguing idea for a story: which side would you come down on? Would you be 'for', or 'against'?

David McK (3204 KP) rated Civil War II in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Civil War II
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The original Civil War storyline - which sees Captain America and Iron Man/Tony Stark come down on different side of the ethical debate over whether Super-powered individuals should be subject to governmental oversight - was adopted for the 2016 Marvel Cinematic Universe film 'Captain America: Civil War'.

I could very easily see this being adopted for a later film, after the as-yet-unfinished 'Infinity War'. Once again, we have a split in the super-hero community, this time brought about by the discovery of a new Inhuman who appears to be able to see the future -on the one hand, we have those who believe that they have to do whatever they can to stop those visions coming true (even if it means arresting the individual before the crime: hello, 'Minority Report'!) whilst on the other we have those that believe these are only potential futures, and that, well, the crime has to come before the punishment!
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure
I love this film so much. I've seen it at least 3 times, I'm pretty sure more. Captain America is one of my favorite avengers and Chris Evans is my dream man. Not only do I love this film and this story, but I love the intricacy of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general. I love Peggy, I think she's badass and strong and a fabulous woman. I love Bucky and what he means to Steve, I love it all.

More than anything, I love the ball that this film sets rolling when you watch the films in chronological order. I know Iron Man was the first film in the MCU, but Captain America was the first avenger. The best part about watching these films is watching them again and again and catching new things every time.

I genuinely think this is one of the best films ever and I don't think anybody could tell me different.