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Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Immensely funny (1 more)
More like the comics
Trailer spoilt film (0 more)
Thor just turned cool
I know people are going to read this and tell me I'm crazy for actually saying this: BEST MARVEL FILM EVER. From the very first Thor movie to the last avengers film, I thought that Thor never made it anywhere near the top 3 spot for best Marvel superhero. Then along came Ragnarok and I've gotta say, Thor kicked arse. We can't blame Thor for being the uncool avenger, I think we have to blame the writers for the pretty bad Thor titles before this. Ragnarok is filled with tons of action and comedy. The story is centred on a prophecy which once it has begun, Asguard, home of Odin, Thor and fellow Asguardians, will fall and be reduced to ashes. Thor once again takes up arms against a threat again a little too close for comfort. This one is definitely the one to beat.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

Apr 5, 2019 (Updated Apr 5, 2019)  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The second Captain Marvel movie in as many months is an effective piece of entertainment, although I'm not entirely sure how it manages this. Foster-child Billy Batson (Angel) is chosen by an ancient wizard to become his champion - all he needs to do is say a magic word to be transformed into a powerful superhero (Levi), known as... well, the film awkwardly dodges the issue of what his actual superhero codename is, as DC have (essentially for legal reasons) decided to stop calling this character Captain Marvel, even though that was his name for over seventy years. Lawyers, eh?

Anyway, what ensues is recognisably a Captain Marvel movie, featuring all the things you would hope to see in one, but it's also really a spoof not just of this character but of the superhero genre in general. As I say, it undeniably works, due to good performances (Mark Strong is customarily good as Cap's nemesis Dr Sivana) and a sharp script, even if I can't help thinking that a character who was once the most popular superhero in the world, bar none, deserves slightly better treatment. Let's look on the bright side: it could have been a lot worse, and the general upward trend of DC Comics movies seems to be continuing.
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Cast (3 more)
Visual Effects
Dark/Dry Humour
Perfect Harley Quinn portrayal
Harley/Joker relationship portrayed felt romantic rather than what it is (2 more)
Villain was lacking
Storyline wasn't fleshed out enough
Excellent Movie - Even for a Marvel fan ;)
Let it be said now, I will always love Marvel more than DC because I relate to the characters. I've never particularly been a fan of DC heroes but I've always said they have excellent bad guys. If you're a die-hard fan of the comics this movie probably won't do it for you because there is a lot of interpretation in there. I, however, loved it solely because of the excellent casting. The storyline is a little lacking and I felt the villain in the movie wasn't quite fleshed out enough for it to be a complete movie, if that makes sense. Harley Quinn couldn't have been more perfectly cast (though I might be biased as an Aussie lol), Deadshot had an interesting interpreation from Will Smith and I enjoyed it, Joker was definitely closer to what I've seen in the comics, however I feel his relationship with Harley wasn't shown correctly (it felt more romantic than it should have, he's an awful person and truly treats her like s**t, it's a relationship based on insanity and stockholm syndrome and it didn't feel that way to me) All in all despite a few flaws it was a good movie. I would definitely watch it again.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
Great movie, even to a Spiderman purist.
I've always been a purist. I enjoy the classic comics and their stories the most. Just how I was raised and what I grew up with. I know of the Morales storyline, just never gave it much credence. So, I was a little hesitant heading into this movie to say the least. That all aside, this little flick was a lot of fun. A fun, though not original, story leads all the various Spider characters together in a fun ride through Marvel lore. Was also very pleased with the adult overtones to the story while keeping it an animation movie for kids, which so many new cartoon movies do so well these days. In the end, while I may still believe that Peter Parker is the Spiderman, I now have a better understanding and appreciation of Morales and the other variations of Spiderman and their place in the Marvel Universe. Well done, Sony. And, of course, RIP Stan Lee. You will be missed.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot.

I am Groot,

We are Groot.


Initially viewed as one of the riskier entries into mnarvel's (then) expanding cinematic universe starring, as it did, a talking raccoon and a talking tree and taking its inspiration form one of the lesser-known Marvel comics (admit it, who'd heard of them prior to this film? Unlike, say, Captain America?) this proved to be one of its biggest hits and made a star of Chris Pratt (as Peter Quill, aka StarLord), helped - in no small part - by a killer soundtrack, a bit of comedic leanings and - of course - by the brilliant Groot!

Not quite as good as Baby Groot from the sequel, though ...
Eternals (2021)
Eternals (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
Gemma chan (1 more)
Richard madden
Finally watched today three weeks later was it worth the wait yes for me it has everything a marvel movie drama action romance. as I knew enough about the Etenals thru the comics as created by Jack kirby in the 1970s and to finally see them on the big played by the likes salma Hayek and angelina Jolie who I thought were under used could have done with more screen time but that didn't effect my enjoyment of the movie at all. Overall good start to the Eternals here's hoping for a sequel and more on kit Harringtons character I got a feeling I know where he's headed
Iron Man (2008)
Iron Man (2008)
2008 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Where it all began
After becoming essentially bankrupt in the mid 90s, Marvel Comics ended up selling off the film rights of their properties to various film studios, resulting in a decade of new superhero franchises varying in quality, from X-Men, to Dardevil, Spider-Man to Hulk, Blade to Ghost Rider, and so on.
As such, none of these films we ever close to being part of a connected universe.

Along comes 2008, and Marvel Comics and Kevin Feige hit the scene with their first offering from Marvel Studios. A company determined to just that, with the properties they still have left.
Before 2008, Iron Man was a beloved character to the comic book faithful. A lot of casual moviegoers had no idea who he was, and Iron Man was essentially a B-list risk. And now, in 2020, that couldn't be further from the truth. The trifecta of Iron Man, Tony Stark, and Robert Downey Jr. are arguably the premier face of Marvel, and it's all thanks to this fantastic B-list risk.

Director Jon Favreau wastes no time in introducing us to Tony himself, and RDJ does a fine job of letting us know just how arrogant, clever and sarcastic the titular hero is. When everything goes wrong and Tony ends up captive in a terrorist environment, were given a pretty gritty origin story to how Iron Man came to be.
As Tony is quickly forced into a situation where his life becomes fragile, we see a slow burning but evident change in his behaviour, and RDJ does a great job in sweeping the audience up alongside him in his path to becoming the people's hero.
It's a simple and effective origin template that has definitely been borrowed again in other MCU projects (looking at you Dr Strange), but it's easy to see why.

Along side Downey Jr is the always charismatic Jeff Bridges. He plays Obadiah Stane, a villain who has close ties to the Stark family, and is an imposing presence throughout. His character sees him go full super villain, which honestly cheapens his otherwise great performance. Also, in the ensuing clash between Iron Man and Iron Monger, this is the first of many MCU films to do the whole 'villain-is-just-an-evil-version-of-the-hero' trope, which is fine here (let's not forget - first MCU film after all), but did become annoyingly predictable here and there.
Gwyneth Paltrow is Pepper Potts, and I suitably charming in the role, and still remains a fan favourite now.
We also have Terrance Howard as James Rhodes, the future War Machine. I enjoyed him here, and it's evident that he had good chemistry with RDJ. It's a shame that he didn't stay on for more films, but that's money for you I guess!

Considering this film is entering it's 12th year of existence, the CGI still holds up incredibly well. The classic red and gold Iron Man suit is striking and looks great. The action scenes are pretty thrilling and fun, something that Marvel Studios have excelled in since, and just to top it all off, the now infamous post credit scene sets up the conjoined Avengers franchise that we all know and love.

Iron Man is a solid first effort from Marvel Studios, and set the MCU running out the gates, whilst simultaneously setting up a new injection of quality into Marvel movies.
Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (1998)
Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (1998)
1998 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
4.6 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A solo Nick Fury based movie. (0 more)
Not enough star power (0 more)
MARVELs Action Man
Contains spoilers, click to show
Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D is a TV superhero Movie based on the Marvel Comics character. originally broadcast on May 26, 1998 on Fox & Directed by Rod Hardy, the film stars David Hasselhoff as Fury, who ws forced to retire in solace. approached to return to duty to take down the terrorist organization HYDRA, led by the children of Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. threatening to attack Manhattan with a reconstituted pathogen known as the Death's Head virus.

Lisa Rinna plays Contessa Valentina "Val" Allegra de Fontaine, and Sandra Hess plays Andrea von Strucker / Viper. It was released on DVD on September 30, 2008. The film was met with a mixed to poor reception.
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
Relationship between Shaun and Katy (1 more)
Great Shakespearean level of story
Ten rings to rule them all
- This is Marvel at its best. A script (with Shakespearean undertones) that melds action with good character development and laugh-out-loud feel-good dialogue. The great thing is that you don't need to be a Marvel nerd to enjoy this one. Yes, there are some fabulous Easter Eggs for Marvel fans (and a wonderful return of a character from one of the early films). But it's almost a standalone feature in its own right.
- The action sequences are top-notch, particularly an early fight on a careering San Francisco "bendy-bus". Some great martial-arts reminiscent of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", made more exciting by the fact that the impressive Simu Liu did all his own stunts.
- The relationship built between Shaun and Katy is wonderful, and the actors deliver on it brilliantly: no wonder when you have the exceptional Awkwafina on the other end of it. Similarly, the relationship built between Shang-Chi and his father is powerful, thanks to some wonderful acting from Tony Chiu-Wai Leung. So good in the gripping (and erotic) 'Lust, Caution', I believe this is his first English-speaking film.

- With the odd exception (see below), the special effects are top-notch.

- I thought this was 5* all the way until the final reel, when we descended into a CGI-driven "Godzilla vs Kong" finale. I hate CGI that's just a blur of action across the screen where you're struggling to understand what's going on. Less would be more here for me.

- The movie makes extensive use of 'flashbacks' and, for me, there was a bit too much heavy-handedness in their use. I muttered "enough already" to a few of them, since they were taking us out of the movie's current narrative.

- There were a couple of effects that looked like the intern at the special effects company had put them together during a coffee break. An early plunge of a jeep into a forest and some rather obvious green-screen stuff in the finale. Surprised that these weren't caught and redone.

Timeline?: So, it took more of a Marvel nerd than I am (my wonderful daughter-in-law Bronwyn) to point out that although this film is set (largely) in the "Present Day", the events of "Avengers: Endgame" actually happen in 2023. So in the Marvel timeline, this is set in between Thanos's "blip" and "the return". This is the reason why Wong is present but not Doctor Strange, for example.

Summary Thoughts: Marvel goes East! This is a really entertaining addition to the franchise, mixing Marvel action with Eastern mysticism and martial arts. It's an impressive job by director and co-writer Destin Daniel Cretton, in only his second feature (he did "Just Mercy" in 2019).

As a Marvel film, there are of course end-credit scenes ("monkeys" in onemannsmovies speak). A mid-title one is the best, bringing some additional Marvel characters into the mix. And there's a post-credits one which sets up for further sequels but which I found rather irritating.

It's ironic that a Marvel movie so right for the Chinese market - the first to be headlined by an Asian actor and with substantial Mandarin dialogue - might not get a release in China. According to this report, this appears to be for two reasons: firstly that the actor Simu Liu made some derogatory remarks about China in the past, and secondly that in the comics Shang Chi's father is Fu Manchu - a Western-derived character with racial overtones.

This doesn't seem to have hurt it so far. After less than two weeks of opening, it has made $262 million on a budget estimated to be $150-200 million.

(For the full graphical review and video check out #onemannsmovies on the web, Facebook and Tiktok. Thanks).

Awix (3310 KP) rated Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) in Movies

Apr 23, 2019 (Updated Apr 23, 2019)  
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
Marvel #11 admirably resists the temptation to simply provide more of the same crash-bang-wallop and has a go at a story with more of a focus on character and ideas (it still includes a lot of very familiar crash-bang-wallop, naturally). This being a Marvel Comics story, two of the world's most brilliant minds decide it is a very good idea to use an alien weapon of unknown provenance to create an immensely powerful global defence system; everyone is still highly surprised when this goes wrong and spawns genocidal robot Ultron. Just another day at the office if you're in the Avengers, I suppose.

The usual supremely accomplished blend of lavish set-pieces, character bits and jokes; with nine Avengers on the roster for the climax of the story, plus various supporting turns, you can almost feel Joss Whedon's script and direction buckling under the pressure of fitting everything in, to say nothing of the various bits of meta-plot carpentry required to set up the next batch of films. Nevertheless, a film which meets all reasonable expectations - even if it isn't one of Marvel's absolute first rank, it's still within touching distance.