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Once In A Very Blue Moon by Nanci Griffith
Once In A Very Blue Moon by Nanci Griffith
1984 | Country
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Texan singer-novelist Nanci Griffith doesn't compromise with her audience. I once heard her reverse-heckle a fan shouting out requests, retorting in her Tweety-Bird voice, "I don't come to where you work and yell at you!" Like all her first several albums this one is lyrics-heavy, with folk-country accompaniment (Dobros, lap steel, Bela Fleck's banjo), and the stories take precedence over the genre, to the point where she actually criticises country. The black housewife narrating 'Mary & Omie' reports "And I thank my Omie for taking me out of the South." Take that, Stephen Foster! Like the very different Mother Fist, this 1986 album is dedicated to Truman Capote (among others), and every song is a story song, full of car-jumping daredevils, lovelorn young widows, and of course touring musicians bored in buses, staring out into the endless falling snow. "

The Ghost of Mavis
The Ghost of Mavis
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Ghost of Mavis had me intuited by wanting to know what it was about. Was it a mother that died with a young girl. There a mystery to it that you are pondering from the minute you start reading.

Mavis shows up at the Pearly gates in a wedding dress. Why and what reason. Mary Lynn Plaisance write the story well. This is her first book, that I have read. She leaves you guessing and pondering about a little girl. Who is this little girl and what is she waiting for? All we know at the beginning Mavis as died and is at the age of 88. What her angels tell her is, that she miss her lick and was to marry again.

Mavis is confused but are we as well? She also wonders why she wears a wedding dress. She wants to go back to earth to be born into a rich family. When she goes to ask, her angels she's going back to earth on a mission. To do that she will go back as a ghost and her angel Anna will help her until she finds this James Windsor.

You start to wonder what life is after death. Where do we go? Is it a belief that we reincarnate back to our family or do we stay in haven. That you will have to decide. Mary does a splendid job with this and talking about the afterlife. I would suggest if you enjoy paranormal fan or even a little mystery fan this is a good book to read. I recommend it to read.

The book is well written and few mistakes. I believe a may have caught one mistake in the entire book. It was probably one that got the word misplaced not even spell wrong when editing, it wonderful. I hope to read more by Mary Lynn Plaisance.
Talk about a book hangover! I have spent the last few days trying to sort through all the emotions and feelings this book evoked in me.

Sofi Snow is a young woman with a lot of confusion about her self worth. She has had her fair share of rejection in life. Miguel had been satisfied with his life...that is until he met Sofi. As their lives get thrown into a web of lies, deceit, blackmail, and hidden agendas. Will Sofi and Miguel be able to push their past aside and work together for the future of Earth and all of its inhabitants?

There is SO MUCH that happens in this book. It started off fast paced and ended with a major cliff hanger in the middle of a VERY INTENSE scene. (We do get a little breather from all the action in the middle of the book.) Between Sofi's struggle to find herself, Miguel's determination to be a "new man", and the whole mess with Shiloh...My brain was on overload. There were a few aspects to the story that still sit uneasy with me regarding Sofi and Miguel's past. I do think the situation calls for the background our characters have and I am curious to see how Mary Weber addresses this and where she takes them in the next book.

One of the main themes in this story is Human Trafficking. I commend Mary for addressing the very real and very serious issue that has been swept under the rug for too long. To hear her heart, you will want to read this book! I look forward to reading more from Mary and finding out how Sofi's story ends.

I received a complimentary copy of The Evaporation of Sofi Snow from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde inseglet) (1957)
The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde inseglet) (1957)
1957 | Action, International, Classics
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The next one, I think we got to go to Bergman. We go to go to Seventh Seal. Seventh Seal just knocked me dead. On many levels, it’s such a simple film. You’ve got Mary and Joseph, the young people with their little traveling theater, and then you’ve got the knight. I think it was the way he dealt with the Middle Ages and intrigued me with Death there at playing chess. Those were images that just stuck in my head. It was funny. When I was doing Parnassus, I went back and looked at it, because I was trying to remind myself what Mary and Joseph and their little traveling theater was like. I had forgotten so much detail. That was just a really important film, and Max von Sydow was something… The first time I had seen basically a non-American actor at work. He looked different. He behaved differently. Because, you know, I grew up with Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Doris Day, Rock Hudson — shiny teeth and beautifully combed hair and all of that nonsense. Something profound was going on in that movie without pointing fingers at anything. It just did it. The squire — that was Gunnar Björnstrand, I think — was just a great character, the cynic in the midst of it all. I remember when he was talking, when he was in this church, and all the frescoes are there, and it’s just profound filmmaking."

10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ecosystems by Mary Lindeen is an informative, non-fiction book in the Physical Science Series. The book provides an interesting way that is easy for children to understand about some of the ecosystems in the world. Some of the things explained include location, climate and what might be living there.

This is an early reader book so will also help to reinforce reading skills and build confidence. At the back of the book it lists the high frequency words as well as content words that can be pre-taught or discussed if the book is being read aloud. There are facts given during the reading accompanied by wonderful photos and many labels. The section at the back for parents and teachers gives suggested activities for connecting concept as well as resources for further investigation.

I recommend this book for young readers and for parents and teachers to read to children.

I received this ARC from NetGalley via Norwood House Press in exchange for an honest review.
Mary Magdalene (2018)
Mary Magdalene (2018)
2018 | Drama, History
Set in the Holy Land in the first century C.E., a young woman leaves her small fishing village and traditional family behind to join a radical new social movement. At its head is a charismatic leader, Jesus of Nazareth, who promises that the world is changing.

I don't know what I was expecting from Mary Magdalene to be honest with you. It chugged along at a pace and the two hours I was in the cinema didn't feel that long... but at the same time I was particularly entertained by any of it.

Yet another movie being chastised online for not being accurate... it is a movie... not a documentary... get a grip. I'm giving this one star because you can't deny how stunning the settings are. But the rest left me a little underwhelmed. I personally wouldn't have recommended that Jesus be played as if he was stoned... but each to their own I guess.
Mary Rose
Mary Rose
Geoffrey Girard | 2018 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

I wasn’t sure what to think about this book when I first saw the synopsis, I couldn’t tell whether it was going to be a horror or something else. It turned out to be something else.

Going into this book I was impressed with the writing and the building of characters. Both elements really helped set the mysterious, brooding tone that this book portrays.

I began the book enjoying Simon’s character but eventually, like a lot of over-bearing husband characters, he got on my nerves. I understand the books whole thing was about protecting Mary Rose but the way he crawled around on all fours for her got really irritating. I understand this was done to add a layer to the story, however, I didn’t enjoy that aspect of it. I much prefer books that aren’t all loved up and mushy. I think my annoyance with the characters in this ruined a certain aspect of the book and made it less enjoyable for me overall.

I really liked the story for this one, however. A twenty year old mystery of how a young girl when missing on a mysterious and creepy Scottish island is definitely the sort of book I like. The tension and paranoia built throughout the story is superb and you’re really stuck wondering is Mary Rose dead? Is Mary Rose a portal to some sort of dark magic? Is the island really filled with paranormal things? It’s a great book that keeps you guessing all the way through.

This book does give all it secrets up at once, which normally isn’t my kind of mystery book, but it worked in this one. I know many people are disappointed by the ending but I thought it was equally shocking as it was poignant. Reading the afterthought bit about the original story of Mary Rose and Hitchcock’s ideas for a movie of it really helped me understand and appreciate how the novel ended.

I would recommend this novel for readers who have a slightly different taste in mysteries than me. If you like themes such as love and loss, then you will really get on with this one. I personally thought it was going to be more spooky and less emotional, but I still enjoyed the bulk of it.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley, Adaptive Books and Sunshine Sachs for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>
A Column of Fire
A Column of Fire
Ken Follett | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
127 of 200
A column of fire ( Kingsbridge 3)
By Ken Follet

Christmas 1558, and young Ned Willard returns home to Kingsbridge to find his world has changed.

The ancient stones of Kingsbridge Cathedral look down on a city torn by religious hatred. Europe is in turmoil as high principles clash bloodily with friendship, loyalty and love, and Ned soon finds himself on the opposite side from the girl he longs to marry, Margery Fitzgerald.

Then Elizabeth Tudor becomes queen and all of Europe turns against England. The shrewd, determined young monarch sets up the country's first secret service to give her early warning of assassination plots, rebellions and invasion plans.

Elizabeth knows that alluring, headstrong Mary Queen of Scots lies in wait in Paris. Part of a brutally ambitious French family, Mary has been proclaimed the rightful ruler of England, with her own supporters scheming to get rid of the new queen.

Over a turbulent half-century, the love between Ned and Margery seems doomed, as extremism sparks violence from Edinburgh to Geneva. With Elizabeth clinging precariously to her throne and her principles, protected by a small, dedicated group of resourceful spies and courageous secret agents, it becomes clear that the real enemies - then as now - are not the rival religions.

The true battle pitches those who believe in tolerance and compromise against the tyrants who would impose their ideas on everyone else - no matter the cost.

Ken Follet and this series has completely stolen my heart I love these books! I’m a huge fan of historical based fiction and I think he just does it so well!! I did find some parts were a little rushed but it was still an amazing book. The characters were as usual full of life, I have loved and hated them he has a way of hooking you into these peoples lives. If I had one issue it was this one spent a lot of time away from kingsbridge I think the characters weren’t as linked to the city as they were in other books! I’m looking forward to to the new kingsbridge book!
Little Town on the Prairie  (Little House, #7)
Little Town on the Prairie (Little House, #7)
Laura Ingalls Wilder | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I must say that this book was so markedly better than the last one that I have my faith fully restored in the Little House series and is easily one of my favourites so far.

This book covers quite a large spell of time and gives a lovely insight to the life in the town that the Ingalls family have to spend half the year in to avoid being caught out by a bad winter that never seems to materialise. It follows Laura developing into a lovely young lady, her attachment to Almanzo deepens and she finally gets her teaching certificate. Meanwhile, Carrie and Grace continue to develop into sweet girls and Mary finally gets a chance to go to college, a heartwarming piece of good news for the family.

The book is a great improvement on the last one, the writing and flow is much more established, characters are much easier to relate to and also have a greater depth. Grace and Carrie are no longer minor characters mentioned by name only, they are now properly part of the family and as a result the story, adding a much needed new element to the family now that Mary has gone.

I thoroughly enjoyed the growing attentions of Almanzo Wilder. They were a delight to read and it is so touching to see Laura getting what would seem to be the perfect life for her, and the perfect man! I can't wait to see how this develops in the final two books, it would be so lovely to see them all get the happiness they so deserve after fighting for so long.
Super Powereds: Year 1
Super Powereds: Year 1
Drew Hayes | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A twist on the classic super hero story
This is an interesting in-depth look at a Hero Certification Program and how young Supers become full-fledged Heroes. Gifted with incredible powers, the Supers have to complete 4 years of rigorous training to be allowed an internship under an existing Hero.

The Powereds, on the other hand, have to be contained and avoided--they have no control over their abilities. And that's fine if your ability is, say, shooting water out of your fingers... But what if you control the flow of gravity, or absorb electricity?

When a mysterious treatment turns 5 Powereds into Supers, you can bet there is chaos, mischief, and at least a little destruction to boot!

I loved this book because it was well-written, with interesting and deep characters. There are no Mary Sues here, and even the professors become real as opposed to just static authority figures.

Additionally. I bought this book for Kindle for $4, and it's like 700 pages long. Can't beat that price!

I reccommend this book to everyone!