iTooch CM2 Français et Maths
Education and Games
Avec plus de 9 000 exercices, iTooch CM2 est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes...

8th Grade Math Testing Prep
Education and Games
How do you know if your child is prepared for the state mandated math test? Get ready for...

Mathematik Fur Biologen
Ziel des Buches ist es, in einer dem Nebenfachmathematiker angemessenen Weise die mathematischen...

Mathematik fur Physiker
STUDIEREN SIE im Lehrbuch 10.1 Einleitung Lehrbuch, Seite 236 BEARBEITEN SIE DANACH Lehrschritt...

The Mathematics of Politics
E. Arthur Robinson and Daniel H. Ullman
It is because mathematics is often misunderstood, it is commonly believed it has nothing to say...

Core Maths Advanced Level
Linda Bostock and F.S. Chandler
Written by the renowned author team of Bostock and Chandler, this best-selling textbook covers all...

Mathematical Mandalas
Mandalas are fascinating and colourful diagrams representative of Buddhism and Hinduism, which...