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Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated Ozark in TV

Jul 31, 2020 (Updated Jan 22, 2021)  
2017 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
It’s about 6 weeks since I finished season 3 of this incredible show from Netflix. I have been putting off writing about it, because I wanted to let it settle. And also because I have a hell of a lot to say about it. I am gonna try and be comprehensive, without giving too much away in terms of spoilers. I am going to assume you have seen some of it, or have heard the hype, at least. If you haven’t got around to it yet, then all I can say is: what are you doing with your entertainment life? Get on it, now! It is as ubiquitous as Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, or The Wire, and sits comfortably in that group for consistent quality and lasting impressions.

Season one first aired in July 2017. I heard good things very quickly, albeit with some hesitation. It was dark, sometimes literally, utilising a trademark washed-out effect visually, that instantly gave it a bleak feel, which was not to everyone’s taste, but I loved. General consensus had it that the writing was great; the situation and concept drew you in from minute one. In fact, I believe the first episode is one of the best pilots seen in the last decade, bar none. It made no bones about what we were to expect from the start: intelligent dialogue, a lot of tension and a hefty chunk of jaw-dropping brutality.

Jason Bateman has enjoyed a remarkable career in the last ten years, putting behind him a patchy child-star and B actor tag, to emerge as the go to guy for deadpan comedy pathos, rivalled only, perhaps by Paul Rudd. Ozark is Bateman’s show in many regards, fulfilling his ambition to produce and direct as well as act, and he is a superb central pivot to the show, as hard nosed accountant turned drug cartel puppet, Marty Byrde. He excels in all three roles on every level, and if you are a fan of his lighter work, chances are you will fall head over heels for his dubious charm in Ozark.

But, whilst he is the lynchpin of the show, and a compelling character in every subtley drawn way, there is so much more to the show than him. Laura Linney, as his initially timid wife, Wendy, is never less than interesting. Perfectly cast, utilising her skill for portraying strong yet flawed women at every turn; she grows into a character so full of contradictions and conflicts, that you change your mind whether you like her or not almost episode to episode. Time will tell, but she may yet emerge in season 4 as the most fully realised character in the show, depending on how her arc ends. The potential is huge, and despite a CV of solid roles over the years, this could be the defining work of her career. It’s already close.

Then there are the kids in this very modern nuclear family, Charlotte and Jonah, played by Sofia Hublitz and Skylar Gaetner. These characters could have been set decoration in lesser hands, but in this show they are given the chance to grow and become pivotal to the ongoing story in remarkable ways. There is nothing stereotypical about either of them, and the two young actors more than rise to the challenge of matching the more experienced pros. Many a show has been ruined by miscast youths that can’t match the more sophisticated adult content, but I remain impressed by these two, both as characters and actors. Again, they have the scope to go into very fascinating places within the story when season four emerges.

The true strength of the show, however, may lie in its consistently solid output of great supporting characters. Julia Gartner, as older than her years redneck with ambitions to rise above it, Ruth, has garnered all the plaudits, quite rightly. You grow to like her in usual ways. At first mistrusting her and then ended up 100% on her side. At times, she is the only one making sense and making the right decisions. The continual ways she is forced to grow up fast and bounce back from traumatic situations is so beautifully handled, that when she does show her vulnerable side it is at once shocking and heart- rending.

A lot of characters come and go; some forever, much quicker than you anticipated… for the sake of non spoilers, I won’t go into a who’s who here, but many meet a very sticky end, and it isn’t always who you think it will be. Especially by season 3, which largely drops the dark filter on the camera lens, but cranks up the body count exponentially, you start to feel that no one is safe, and anyone can go at any minute. Except, when they do, and why they do, is so well interwoven into the plot that you forget to look for the sucker punch and are still left with your jaw hitting the floor.

There were moments on season three where I was actually talking to the screen, begging certain characters not to do what they were doing; a sure sign of complete emotional investment. A big part of that was the addition of Tom Pelphrey as Wendy’s brother, who from the start puts a genius new spin on the family dynamic, becoming intertwined in interesting and ultimately devastating ways. His character takes a while to warm up, but by mid-season he is guaranteed to be your favourite person in it. And in episode 9, he delivers a monologue and a performance that I would quite honestly say is one of the absolute best things I’ve ever seen in a TV show.

I was moderately outraged then, to see he wasn’t rewarded with at least a nomination for the 2020 Emmy Awards. An oversight rather than a snub, for sure, but when Bateman, Linney and Garner all got nominated and he didn’t it felt like a real injustice, and a lot of online vitriol reflected that. Such a shame, especially if it turns out to be the best work he ever does – and I can’t imagine anything better, but who knows where he will go from here.

By the end of season 3 I felt exhausted. Each episode is slightly over an hour long, but can feel like you just watched a self contained movie. The quality certainly feels that way. I was both elated and shocked by the way it was left on a cliff edge, and relieved that I could take a break from it now. Although, waiting potentially up to two years to see how the story ends now seems like a long wait.

And it will be the end, one way or another, as the production announced season four will be the last, however stretching from 10 to 14 episodes, divided into 2 halves of 7; a trick Breaking Bad also did in its fifth and final season. I love that idea. Knowing the finish line is coming, rather than having it stretch out for years until the ideas and the momentum have long run out. Dexter springs to mind: a show that should have ended two seasons earlier, for sure.

I can really only see two ways it can go from here: either everyone dies, and that seems quite likely right now, or they win big. There simply is no inbetween I can imagine that would be satisfying. And I’m on the fence which I will prefer… The only certainty is that I will be very excited indeed when it comes around. And shows that make you feel that way are rare. In the meantime, I’m gonna watch a lot of comedies. I need a laugh after this…
Kingdomino Origins
Kingdomino Origins
2021 | City Building, Prehistoric, Territory Building
I try very hard not to allow hype to affect my views on a game. This is why I similarly rarely consume other reviewers’ work on a game prior to me playing it. I don’t want others influencing my experiences. However, I was ultimately tempted by the Game Boy Geek, Dan King, when a video he published was titled, “Why I’ll Never Play Kingdomino Again.” I mean, with a title like that, and already having reviewed and loved OG Kingdomino, I just HAD to see what was with this new version. I have to say, he makes some great points – many with which I tend to agree. But what are those points?

Kingdomino Origins is a tile drafting and placement game set in prehistoric times for two to four players. Just like the original Kingdomino (even though this is titled Origins, which makes me chuckle) players will be drafting tiles from the offer and adding them to their village, matching terrain types to those already built. Instead of crowns to count VP, Origins has players using fire icons and tokens to multiply VP for endgame scoring. New for Origins is the ability to play three different modes: Discovery, Totem, and Tribe Mode! The player with the most VP at the end of the game wins!

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup (a two-player game playing the Tribe mode is used for this review), place the Cave Board on the table, shuffle the Caveman tiles, and deal four to the board. Separate the fire tokens and resourceeples into their piles on the table. Shuffle the main domino tiles and, as in the original, draw four, arrange them numerically, and reveal them to make the offer. Place another four domino tiles nearby, face-down, and arranged numerically. The players each choose a color, takes their starting tile with hut placed atop, and their two chiefeeples. The first player will choose to take tiles 1 and 4 or 2 and 3 from the offer by placing their chiefeeples upon them. The game is now setup for Tribe Mode and ready to begin!
On a normal turn, a player will have two steps to complete: Place a Domino, and Choose a New Domino. In a 3-4 player game, each player will have one domino to place, but in this 2 player game each player will have two dominoes to place within their 7×7 grid (a 5×5 grid with 3-4 player games). The player takes their chosen dominoes from beneath their chiefs and add them to their village grid. As in all domino-based games, the terrain (or side) of the domino must be placed adjacent to a matching terrain type in the village; the starting tile is wild and can match to any terrain type.

Once a domino is placed, if it shows icons or volcanoes, special rules are enacted. For icons showing resources, a wooden resourceeple is placed upon the icon. These come in mammoths, fish, mushrooms, and flints. In Tribe Mode, these will be used later. However, if a volcano is placed in the village, it will spew forth one to three flames, whose tokens will be placed on a domino square in the village. The volcano tile showing one active crater sends a flame soaring up to three squares away, and diagonal movement is acceptable. A volcano tile showing three active craters throws three flames (a fire token with three fire icons) one square away.

Once both tiles have been placed, the player will next Choose a New Domino (or dominoes when playing a two player game). From the now-revealed set of four new tiles in the offer, the players will choose their next tile(s) to be played during the next round, thus also creating the turn order for the next round.

After players have chosen their dominoes, and only in Tribe Mode, the final step to the turn is optional: Recruit a Caveman. Remember those resourceeples that were placed on tiles? By discarding two different resources, a player may recruit one of the face-up Caveman tiles from the board. By discarding one of each type of resource, the player may instead look through the stack of Caveman tiles and take one of their choosing. These Caveman tiles do many different things, but they primarily offer extra VP for being placed adjacent to specific resources, or by clumping together similar Cavemen in the village.

Once all the dominoes have been added to the villages, the game ends and VPs are counted for each player. The game comes with an excellent score pad to help keep track of the different ways to earn VP. The player with the most VP (“comfort points” in the game) is the winner and creates the most prosperous Caveman village!
Components. Just like previous versions of Kingdomino, these components are excellent. The domino tiles are again thick and glossy, the huts are again the 3D style, and the chiefeeples are similar in style to the kingeeples from the original. In this new version, however, new fire tokens have been added, and are fine, but they are double-sided to remind players how many squares they travel – an EXCELLENT idea. I have to also applaud these cute little resourceeples. They are so stinkin cute and look great on the villages. The art is again wonderful on everything in the box, and overall is just a great bunch of components.

What about the claim Dan King made about never playing Kingdomino again? Gosh darnit, I totally agree. By simply playing the included Discovery Mode you get all the same functionality of Kingdomino. But it doesn’t stop there. I didn’t really get into the second mode, Totem Mode, but it also uses the resourceeples to grant extra VP to the players who have collected the majority of each type. It is a great next step from Discovery, and a good setup for Tribe Mode, especially when playing with newer gamers.

So, the components are similar quality to the original version, but there are more components included, and provide three different play modes. The only thing I see that the original Kingdomino has on this version is the Age of Giants expansion. Perhaps something similar is in the works for Origins, where players can effectively negate opponents’ VPs. I’m sure giants existed in Caveman times, right?

All this said, I may be soon looking for a new home for my copy of Kingdomino and the Age of Giants expansion, as I am certainly agreeing with Dan here. I don’t think I have the interest in playing Kingdomino anymore, as long as I have Kingdomino Origins in my arsenal. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a super-upgraded 5 / 6. The extra play modes, excellent components, and the cool volcano mechanics just elevate this superior version. If you are a fan of Kingdomino, then I highly recommend you check out Kingdomino Origins. Unless, of course, you don’t wish to be seduced away from your beloved copy of the original version. I understand, but you may be unnecessarily handicapping your collection.
A Place Beyond (The Danaan Trilogy, #3)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I fully enjoyed the last few months of reading the first two books in the Danaan trilogy – The Forgotten Ones and Stone of Destiny. After reading the second book, I was extremely excited to read the final book in the trilogy just to see what Laura Howard had in mind for some of my favorite characters of the summer – emphasis on some – because I was hoping for something huge, spectacular, and out of this world. Of course, I have high expectations for the last books of a series. You guys are special (read: reallyyyy special)!

Oh, and The Forgotten Ones did land in one of my best reads of 2014.

Sadly, A Place Beyond suffered a little bit of what I call "Last Book Syndrome," in which compared to the prior books, the last book didn't exceed my expectations. Let me repeat: The last books are special. Simply because most of the time, I rarely get to the last book of the series, reason or no reason.

There are probably a few reasons why Laura Howard's ending to her debut series didn't exactly meet up to my expectations:

First, I feel as though A Place Beyond is questioning all of the Danaans' loyalties and where it lies – are the characters on the same side, or are the characters puppets and there's a puppeteer behind the scenes (aside from the author, who actually created the world) playing all the characters? It seems to particularly question royalty, especially Saoirse.

Second, the ENDING (aka final battle). Third, the villain. I'm putting both reasons together – in a way – because they go interchangeably.

If anything, I find the ending pretty important. It's the final battle! Who shall prevail?!?!?! All fans are sitting at the edge of their seats, flipping the pages, waiting to see what the author would throw at them next, anticipating the next move. Drama! Hooray! We all love drama in a way.

But in A Place Beyond, the villain gives up. Typical "NOOOOO." Roar.

The villain agrees to break the curse she had on Allison's mother and father – it's been there since The Forgotten Ones. There doesn't seem to be a bit of a fight. Again, I point to the villain giving up. It's like Aoife readily agreed – if she was going to give up, why even bother in the first place? Or maybe I'm just one of those weirdos who think you should go down fighting. It's funny, honestly. I have this tendency to ask for a draw sometimes in a chess match at a tournament, but I choose not to in the end.

Which is precisely why I'm probably currently one of the worst chess players in my state (I'm not the competitive type – competitive hardly goes well). And I honestly don't care too much because I'm too busy being scholarly to study chess. School, work and books are my priorities. Obviously, blogging is part of it.

But I repeat (for like the third time): the villain basically gives up. I would have loved to see her trapped in a fey globe again if you ask me – are there stronger ones out there? After making Aoife break the geis first, of course.

Oh, and Aoife's so nonchalant about sacrificing herself. It's total irony, guys. Just complete irony. Now that I think about it, the villain is so bad, it's good. Not to be so critical or anything – I'm absolutely peachy.

But hey, I still enjoyed A Place Beyond while it lasted. That's all that matters, right? No, A Place Beyond wasn't a great end to a trilogy, but it was a happy read (read: Ever After by Chloe Miles is just one of those happy reads I'm talking about). A quick read that gave me a break from the essays and projects I had earlier this month (yeah, yeah. I have more things to worry about in December. 8th graders, stop complaining so much. I worry about your future in three years). And really, I needed a good, quick read.
Review copy provided by the author for the blog tour
Original Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Original Review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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