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Married to the Vampire King (Blood Bonded Mates #2)
Married to the Vampire King (Blood Bonded Mates #2)
Jay Castle | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
longer, but so much better than book one!!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Blood Bonded Mates series. While not strictly necessary to read book one, Snowed In With The Vampire Prince, it will give you a better understanding of Pierce and James who play a huge part here. And you know, it was rather good! I thoroughly enjoyed that book. But this book??

Freaking LOVED this book!

Ethan is a with without any gifts. Nathaniel is the reigning Vampire King. The witches and vampires will kill each other, if Ethan doesn't do something, and that something is marry Nathaniel. The mirror told him so. What could possibly go wrong?? Well, turns out, feelings could get involved!

What I especially liked was how Ethan's secrets, and Nathaniel's, took time to come out, and they came out to each other slowly. I'm gonna be vague here, cos spoilers, but I loved this, I really did.

Nathaniel knew who Ethan was, right from the start, but he didn't know what would happen. He wanted to spring the idea at Ethan in good time, but things had a way of sending plans out the window!

I loved that we got to catch up with Pierce and James from book 1. They both play a huge part here and it was fab how they seamlessly slotted into this book. I hope they pop up in follwoing books too.

I loved how Ethan and Nathaniel surprised each other, at every turn. Me too, to be fair!! It's a lot longer than book one, some 300 odd pages, and I think this book needed those extra pages. The story was very multi layered.

There is romance and love, and betrayal of the highest order and I loved that I did not see who was the bad guy here! Totally sideswiped with that one, so well played there Mr castle, very well played.

I am loving wathcing these people develop and grow, and as the author puts out more stories, I wanna read them! I can't see who might be next, but I need, NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to read it!

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Last Chance (Royal-Kagan Shifter World #7)
Last Chance (Royal-Kagan Shifter World #7)
Nancy Corrigan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Last Chance (Royal-Kagan Shifter World #7) by Nancy Corrigan
Last Chance is Gwen's story, with Xander and Vlad/Vader. We met her at the same time we met Molly, but then she disappeared. Xander left his pack in the care of Xane, his twin brother, and put all his time and energy into finding her. Vlad was also doing the same, with Shifter Affairs as his back up. Both of these males have a history with Gwen, but none that she is aware of. Their history comes from previous incarnations that Gwen can't yet remember, and they always have a sad ending. Because triads aren't common, neither Vlad nor Xander were aware of the implications in Gwen's past lives. However, with the triad that has now happened, the way is open for them to finally make their soul-bond... if Gwen can forgive them for their errors.

Yes, Gwen is a virgin and she's human, but she is NOT weak. She has weak moments, when events overwhelm her, but come on, be honest. If you had undergone all that she has, you'd feel overwhelmed at times too. And don't forget, once you've stopped fighting for your life, the adrenaline drops, and it is then that you feel overwhelmed. I loved Gwen, and her sassy, feisty attitude, that will not just accept what her mates are telling her. Xander and Vlad are both exceptional males, but that didn't stop me from wanting to whomp them upside the head when they started - either at each other, or their misguided attempts of 'protecting' Gwen. There is so much in this story, more than enough to get your teeth into. Molly, the Ulgran clan, Lena, past incarnations, current situations, prickly males and sassy females. Not only do you get Gwen's story, but you get an update on Lena and Molly, with it being an integral part to both this story and moving forwards.

With no editing or grammatical errors, the pacing was smooth, leading to a gripping story with natural peaks and troughs. It flowed smoothly, from one scene to the next, leading up to the ending. I was completely enthralled with this story, and it has definitely left me a) wanting to read them all again, and b) waiting oh so patiently for the next one!

Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Fragile Eternity (Wicked Lovely, #3)
Fragile Eternity (Wicked Lovely, #3)
Melissa Marr | 2009 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
At first I was really excited that this book was picking up on Seth and Aislinn from where the first book left off. Sorcha's court is very interesting and uniquely different from the other three courts, and I think that it is the court I would most likely fit into. I like how Marr fashions each court by a different set of rules, so that something that one court has the power to accomplish another court cannot necessarily duplicate. This makes the plot less predictable and allows the monarchs of each court to become more memorable and unique to the reader.
Keenan is just as much of an arse as he is in the other books - I see the least character growth with him, despite how much he is not getting what he wants. Aislinn is obviously still relatively naive about him. Despite how hard she works to be a good queen, she still appears to be an amateur, based on how easily everyone keeps secrets from her. I really like how hard Seth works to be a good boyfriend, but I love how the reader gets to see him in his weaker moments. This makes him more humane and believeable. His courage and determination are quite commendable, but I can hardly believe that he missed that very important detail about Faerie when he makes his bargain with Sorcha. As much reading as he has supposedly done on the subject, it isn't very likely that he would not read about the time differences. I was so disappointed when I realized that Seth had essentially become a "momma's boy" when Sorcha makes him her Faerie son. While this seems to benefit Sorcha, I really don't see how this will benefit Seth - and every other fairy, except for Bananach, seems to agree with this.
As for Bananach, while what she sees is focused on her goals of War, by the end of this book, I don't see how there could be any other outcome. Each of the monarchs are too focused on protecting and strengthening his or her own courts to care about the fate of the fairy world as a whole, which the real world has proven can only have one outcome. While the romantic in me just wants to see each of the monarchs find mates and a happily ever after, I like how Marr deviates from this typical theme and produces books that thrive on unpredictability. I look forward to getting my hands on the next book, Radiant Shadows (Wicked Lovely).

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Dirt (2019) in Movies

Apr 4, 2019 (Updated Apr 4, 2019)  
The Dirt (2019)
The Dirt (2019)
2019 | Biography, Music
Decent cast (0 more)
Feels false (0 more)
Brainless Fun
The Dirt is a Motley Crue biopic that debuted on Netflix last month. It is Jeff Tremaine's, (the director of the Jackass movies,) first narrative feature film. This should maybe give you some idea of what to expect within the movie. If Bohemian Rhapsody, Wayne's World and Jackass had a baby, this would most likely be the result.

Your enjoyment of this movie will probably depend on what you are wanting out of it going in. I am a casual Motely Crue fan, I only know a few of their songs and have a very surface level knowledge of their history. I was watching this movie for a bit of dumb fun after I had seen the trailer and it delivered exactly what I expected it to. If however, you are a die hard Motley Crue fan looking for an in-depth biopic with a sense of grit and realism, you will most likely be sorely disappointed.

The plot to this thing plays out like a Wikipedia article, in the sense that it hits all of the major beats of the band's history, but glosses over so much more and leaves any sense of nuance at the door. It is also incredibly cartoonish and cheesy, at no point in the film do you ever feel that you are watching the actual members of Motley Crue and it is always painfully clear that you are watching a group of actors in bad wigs playing faux, characterture versions of real people.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that the cast have anything to do with how shallow or glossy this thing is. I think that Daniel Webber did a decent job as Vince Neil and Douglas Booth is okay as Nikki Sixx. For some reason, Machine Gun Kelly plays Tommy Lee as a goofy, lovable rogue, as apposed to the aggressive violent abuser he is in real life. Iwan Rheon is by far the stand out as Mick Mars, the older, more jaded member of the group who totally dismisses the immature 'sex drugs and rock and roll,' bullshit mentality of his band-mates and comes away with some of the driest, funniest lines in the movie.

Overall, I gave this a 7 based on the brainless fun I had watching it, but it by no means feels accurate or realistic, nor does it feel like it's trying to be. Hardcore Motely Crue fans will probably feel like they were let down by this biopic, but I got exactly what I wanted out of it and enjoyed it for what it was.
Drake (Twilight Falls #5)
Drake (Twilight Falls #5)
A.M. Salinger | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody loved this one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
This is book 5 in the Twilight Falls series, but can be read as a standalone. I would, however, personally recommend you DO read them. It will give you a better feel for this group of men, and they ain’t too shabby either! I’ve not read book 4, Wyatt, though.
Drake meets Roman at Carter (book2) and Elijah’s wedding. There is instant and powerful chemistry. Roman is only in town for the night though. When Drake finds out that Roman bought the house he has been after for years, and then hires Drake to do the renovations, they embark on a mutual arrangement to satisfy their needs. But deep down, Drake knows he can’t be really happy, not ever. And Roman isn’t the happy ever after kind, right?
I loved this instalment from Twilight Falls, I really did! Drake and Roman have powerful and incendiary chemistry, and it burns right through the book. But very quickly, that changes, gets deeper between them, but neither is willing to say the words they feel.
Roman’s past comes back to haunt him, and I think at THIS point, Drake realises that he’s in too deep. But it takes Roman leaving, for Drake to admit to himself, that just because his PAST was bad, doesn’t mean that HE will carry that forward. He needs Roman and he gets what he wants.
I loved that all the guys from the previous books pop up here, and I loved the band mates of Roman’s and how well everyone gets along, eventually. The manager isn’t too happy with Drake in the beginning, but he sees, he really SEES that Drake is good for Roman.
I have just one comment, and it IS just a comment, rather than anything else!
Does Miles get talked about before, the seventh member of this little group of childhood friends? Indeed, was the name of the group mentioned? I don’t recall, so maybe I missed it, but I’ve been to sleep since I read book 3, so maybe it’s just me not recalling correctly.
Given what occurs here, with Tristan and James, or more what’s IMPLIED here with those two, I assume their book is next. And then? Miles? Since he will be the only one left, and I look forward to reading his book the most now!
5 full and shiny stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
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