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Tempting Fate
Jane Green | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gabby is 43, married with two children and she is in "the afternoon of her life." She isn't particularly pretty or dowdy nor does she stand out in a crowd. She is just your average mom of two. According to Gabby she is middle-aged.
On a girls night out, she meets Matt, a social media mogul who is 10 years younger than her. Matt makes her feel like she hasn't felt in a very long time...far from middle-aged. But Gabby has been happily married to Elliott for years, and even though this young man is flattering and gorgeous, she would never do anything to ruin her family. But then Gabby and Matt begin to email and text and soon neither of their lives will be the same.
As women, when we age, we tend to lose our identities. We are used to being single and carefree and then we get married and have to learn to be a wife and share our lives with another person. Then the kids come along and it feels as if we are no longer ourselves. We're someone's wife and maybe a few peoples mother, seldom are we called by our own name. So when we get noticed, our minds start to turn, especially when we as women get noticed by the opposite sex. How we handle these types of situations can be a testament to our strength and character.
At times this book was predictable, which I don't think is a bad thing in this case. It's a story that you have probably heard in your real life. How the characters developed and the story progresses is what makes you want to continue to read. Jane Green always does a great job of writing about female relationships and emotions. This is the second Jane Green book I have read this year, the first being Jemima J. I have read a few others as well. Jane Green is now on my list of favorite authors.
99% Faking It
99% Faking It
Chris Cannon | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (2 more)
Writing Style
Plot line
Every now and then, I love to read a good young adult romance. A romance that is young, and innocent. So, I was browsing through Netgalley and saw this one, and fell in love with the synopsis and the cover (I mean, seriously. How adorable is that cover? I can just feel the hug he's giving her!). I grabbed it up. I'm super glad I did, too, because I have a new author to read more work by, and characters that have stolen my heart for the long haul.

I loved the way Chris Cannon chiseled these characters. They are true-to-life and came alive within the story. I felt more like I was watching a movie on the big screen than I was reading a book. Lisa and Matt reminded me a lot of some of the kids I used to know in high school. Lisa had a crush on a guy who just wanted to be friends.....or so she thought. Friend zone happened a lot back in my day at school!

Watching Lisa and Matt together in this read was super fun. They were witty and so cute. I loved watching them realize their feelings for each other, and their banter with each other was fun. The sparks flew but nothing was over the top, and Lisa and Matt would be great characters for any young adult (or adult!) to read.

Chris Cannon has a beautiful talent. The way she weaves the story together, even though it is the second in her Dating Dilemmas series, I wasn't overly confused by the happenings surrounding Lisa and Matt's story. I felt a part of these young people's lives and had so much fun reading it! I definitely recommend this book with 4 stars and am looking forward to reading book 1 and other books by this author.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley, Entangled Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
When The Devil Wants In
When The Devil Wants In
Cate Ashwood, J.H. Knight | 2018 | Mystery, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
When The Devil Wants In by Cate Ashwood & J.H. Knight
When the Devil Wants In is a story that tells of John, a man firmly in the closet in his home town in the deep South. He lives next door to his very religious parents, and everyone thinks that he and his best friend, Chloe, will be married one day. Chloe is the only one who knows that John is gay, and provides his cover. Matt is the newbie to this police force, but is an experienced office from San Francisco. Matt wasn't in the closet, but feels it may be appropriate for Magnolia Ridge.

John is only supposed to be in his late twenties, but somehow came across as being a LOT older. As for Matt, it was hard to pin an age on him. Sometimes he seemed young, sometimes old. Although this story is told from both of their perspectives, it was hard to find much sympathy for John, and I have no idea why. There didn't seem to be much of a bond between the two of them until the end of the story. As for the mystery, there was a lot of build up, but the ending left me wanting more. Although we got the who, the how and why were never really discussed. There was no idea of what had happened to make the person 'snap' at that time.

Apart from that, the story was well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The story was interesting, with a great cast of characters. For anyone who wanted a M/M Mystery, then I would definitely recommend this. Just because I found it slightly unsatisfying at the end doesn't mean everyone will!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Wait Until Dawn (Southern Spirits #4)
Wait Until Dawn (Southern Spirits #4)
Bailey Bradford | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So Wait Until Dawn is Rich's story. Like many, I assumed he would be getting together with Matt, but that obviously wasn't the case. What I love about Bailey Bradford's stories, is that she leads you one way before giving you a complete about-turn, but it completely works! Carlin is the perfect mate for Matt, and Chris - the gorgeous, pierced pacifist, who looks tough but is a teddy bear - is perfect for Rich.

Rich has been through hell and the start of this book reflects that. This is not for the faint-hearted as the torture that Rich has been living with is described in gruesome detail. Chris is the one person that refuses to take any c**p from Rich. Now, to be fair, this may well be because he is actually face-to-face with him. It is a lot easier to lie to people over the phone when they can't see you. I would have liked his friends to try to reach Rich on a more personal note over the past year, but then if they had, this story wouldn't have gone the way it did.

The ending for this one felt a bit rushed to me, with the actual fight to get McAllister and Trenton out of Rich glossed over. They have been fighting in his body throughout the whole story, causing him to contemplate suicide, but it's all over and done within a paragraph or two, but I still don't really know how.

Apart from that, I loved this book and am very happy now that Rich can start to heal. I did like how he and Matt sorted things out. Definitely recommended and a good, solid addition to this series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 26, 2015
I See London, I See France
I See London, I See France
Sarah Mlynowski | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charming (2 more)
Enjoyable main character
Great story of friendship with some delightful romance tossed in
When Sydney's childhood best friend Leela breaks up with her boyfriend, Matt, Leela is in desperate need of consoling--she's also in dire need of a travel companion for the four-and-half week trip to Europe she had planned with Matt. Leela and Sydney have dreamed of this trip since they were kids, but Sydney has a lot going on at home, mainly her anxiety-ridden mom, whose agoraphobia prevents her from leaving the house without having major panic attacks. Sydney has been taking care of her--and her younger sister Addison--for as long as she can remember. She even lived at home for her first year of college. But this is her and Leela's dream trip; surely her Mom and Addison will be OK for a few weeks, right? But once Leela and Sydney are on the plane to London, they realize Matt is as well, sending Leela into a fit of anger and depression. This isn't what Sydney bargained for...

This was a charming and surprisingly enjoyable YA novel. I'm so glad I finally received a copy through I was worried this book would stress me out too much, as I myself am a totally anxious traveler, but I really warmed to Sydney and her various travels and wasn't even that concerned as her bank account dipped and she and Leela flitted throughout Europe without too much planning. (I'm such a Mom.)

Seriously, I really enjoyed Sydney, even though I wanted her to stand up for herself, as Leela wasn't the best friend for her at all times. Leela, although she might have been supportive about Sydney's family situation, was incredibly irritating! So much blathering about Matt, making Sydney plan the whole trip, and just being generally inconsiderate. Ugh! Still, you'll find yourself just loving Sydney--she's so fun, sweet, and just awesome. I love how she's a great, realistic character: she has real-world problems, but she's also entertaining. It was great to see her spread her wings on the trip.

Big portions of the book just made me smile--it was a great little break. The supporting cast is really amusing and enjoyable. The entire novel is just easy-to-read, and I was very into the characters. It wraps up a little easily/quickly, but I was still happy with the ending. Supposedly the next book (this is a series, Goodreads tells me) features complementary characters from this novel and isn't coming out until 2020--is that right? I hope not!

Anyway, if you're looking for a quick, easy, and pleasant YA read, definitely pick this one up. It's a great story of friendship, with some delightful romance mixed in. Really enjoyed it.
When The Devil Wants In
When The Devil Wants In
Cate Ashwood, J.H. Knight | 2018 | Mystery, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When faced with a murder charge, John has to choose between his freedom, and his heart.

You know how sometimes, you read a blurb for a book, and your mind writes the plot out and its all wrapped up in a nice pink bow?? And then you read the BOOK, and your version is so very wrong but you have no idea why??

This book totally surprised me, and I cannot put my finger on WHY it did! I loved it!!

John is hiding in plain sight, driving 90 minutes to get his hook ups. Matt moves to Magnolia Ridge from San Fransisco, out and proud. But Matt knows he needs to reign it in. A hook up between the guys has both of them shocked and wanting more, so much more. A shocking discovery causes John to question what he really wants.

I loved both these guys. John, so far in the closet he's in the next room, and Matt who just knows when to say what about his sexuality. They both have their say, so we get every little bit that these guys feel, together and apart. I loved that Matt took to John's closed off-ness quickly, and without question.

The murder has you crying for John, it really does. And I was WAY off base with whodunnit, let me tell ya!! Did NOT see that one coming! I really love being proven wrong.

And I need to say something about that gorgeous cover. When I saw the cover FIRST, I thought its pretty, it nice, but somehow it doesn't fit. I had the blurb before I saw the cover. And I couldn't put my finger on WHY it didn't fit, still can't, truth be told, but that's what I felt, and ya'll know I gotta tell you what I'm feeling. And I'm reading the book, my brain is registering that they are in Magnolia Ridge, that there are magnolia blossom on the cover, I swear I knew that, but still it did not make any sense WHY they were on the cover!

Then! One word, one single word was all it took, and my brain exploded! Light bulb moment does not quite cover what went through my brain at that point! It was like a nuclear bomb going off, and that cover makes TOTAL sense now! Totally the right cover for THIS book.

Is there another book after this?? I feel with what John did for Matt's birthday, and the subsequent scenes kinda left me wanting more of a certain fellow!

Anyways, loved the book, loved the cover and read it in one single sitting, so...

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

May 26, 2020  
Love historical Western romance? If so, stop by my blog, and sneak a peek at THE OUTLAW'S DAUGHTER by Margaret Brownley. Enter the #GIVEAWAY to #win signed copies of the first two books in the series (Cowboy Charm School and The Cowboy Meets His Match)!

He may be a Texas Ranger, but he only has eyes for the outlaw's beautiful daughter . . .

Texas Ranger Matt Taggert is on the trail of a wanted man. He has good reason to believe that Ellie-May's late husband was involved in a stagecoach robbery, and he's here to see justice done. But when he arrives in town, he discovers the thief has become a local hero . . . and his beautiful young widow isn't too happy to see some lawman out to tarnish her family's newly spotless reputation.

Ellie-May's shaken by her encounter with the ranger. Having grown up an outlaw's daughter, she'll do anything to keep her children safe—and if that means hardening her heart against the handsome lawman's smiles, then so be it. Because she knows Matt isn't about to give up his search. He's out to redeem himself and find proof that Ellie-May's husband wasn't the saint everyone claims . . . even if it means losing the love neither expected to discover along the way.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Spanish Siesta (Flying into Love #2) in Books

Aug 2, 2022 (Updated Aug 2, 2023)  
Spanish Siesta (Flying into Love #2)
Spanish Siesta (Flying into Love #2)
C.F. White | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When rugby players fall, they fall hard!
SPANISH SIESTA is the second book in the Flying Into Love series and, just as with the first book, there was a character I instantly connected with and one I didn't.

Kieran has had a long-term crush on his best mate, Matt, since forever. Matt, on the other hand, is a first-class alpha man-ho, never sticking around and sleeping his way through the female population of London. Although from the outside looking in, you might think Kieran had it tough; compared to Matt's dysfunctional family, Kieran had it incredibly easy as he at least had his mother's love.

You don't actually go too deep with any of the supporting characters, or indeed, with the main ones. Matt's sudden epiphany didn't seem that realistic, although his reaction to people finding out was the opposite.

The pacing was smooth and the writing style was easy. The story flowed, leading you to the conclusion. It was an enjoyable book with no surprises. If you like the friends-to-lovers/bi-awakening tropes, then this is one for you.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 1, 2022
How to Stop Time
How to Stop Time
Matt Haig | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my first read by Matt Haig. HOW TO STOP TIME is unique, deep, sometimes long-winded, sad, desperate and interesting. It has a past-present approach to story telling that worked very well.

The protagonist, Tom doesn’t age, at least not normally. He’s met Shakespeare, he’s loved but he’s lost so deeply and he remembers so much. This is a tale of such longing and of the inertia of existing for so long. It’s tragic, not particularly uplifting or depressing but it left me somewhat sad.

I particularly enjoyed the original storyline but I struggled occasionally with the pacing.

The audio narration, male single POV was very good.
The Rainmaker (1997)
The Rainmaker (1997)
1997 | Drama, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As a CJUS major and a future lawyer, this movie made me nerd out. Obviously, Matt Damon is a hottie and the film is worth watching for him alone, but Danny DeVito and Jon Voight too? This cast is phenomenal. The story was so good too! Johnny Whitworth's performance, though short, was super incredible, heartbreaking, and solid. He roped you in so well and just made you feel for him - even though it wasn't that hard.

I could watch this a million times over and even though there were definitely mistakes (the legal ones), it was worth overlooking and still an enjoyable film, no doubt.