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GameCritics (290 KP) rated South Park: The Fractured But Whole in Video Games
Oct 26, 2017
Easily the funniest videogame since Stick of Truth and sure to be the funniest until whenever the hell Trey Parker and Matt Stone decide to do this again.
Critic- CGM
Original Score: 9 out of 10
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Original Score: 9 out of 10
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John-Paul Dozier (2 KP) rated South Park: The Fractured But Whole in Video Games
Dec 12, 2017
A must have for South Park Fans
Matt Stone and Trey Parker did it again by coming up with another great South Park game. If you love the show, you will love this game. You are pretty much playing a very long episode of the show. This is one game I am glad to have in my collection. Just a note: If you are a parent and you let your younge ones play this game, you are a terrible parent. Just saying.

Ross (3284 KP) rated BASEketball (1998) in Movies
Jan 17, 2018
Hilarious film about a made-up sport, free from all the corporate nonsense associated with the other major sports, and one where less athletic people could play.
From the early days of the sport's creation to the tension starting to tell in the creators (one wants to keep the sport true to its roots, the other wants to capitalise on the commercial success), this hilarious film shows Trey Parker and Matt Stone in real life for once, and is their funniest live action appearances since Cannibal: The Musical.
From the early days of the sport's creation to the tension starting to tell in the creators (one wants to keep the sport true to its roots, the other wants to capitalise on the commercial success), this hilarious film shows Trey Parker and Matt Stone in real life for once, and is their funniest live action appearances since Cannibal: The Musical.

Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated Team America: World Police (2004) in Movies
Aug 14, 2019
With world tensions at an all time high with the very real threat of terrorism, the creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, have rushed to the rescue with a biting political and social satire named “Team America: World Police”.
The film is a puppet movie based upon the old Thunderbirds television show about a team of specialists who fight to save the world from all manner of threats both real and imagined. The story is told entirely by puppets and miniatures which allows Stone and Parker to push the boundaries much further than they would be allowed to with live actors and in doing so, give the audience some of the deepest albeit raunchiest laughs seen in a long time.
The story opens with Team America battling the terrorists in Paris. Ever quick on the trigger, the team is able to stop the deployment of a weapon of mass destruction but in the process much of the cities famed landmarks fall from collateral damage.
Forced to find a new team member, the leader of Team America, Spottswoode recruits a stage actor named Gary Johnston to join the team and infiltrate the terrorist organization to learn what new attacks are being planned.
While this is seen as a good move by the team, there are parts of the team that are unsure of this as one in particular does not trust actors and thinks that he will escalate an already volatile situation. Undaunted, the team sets off for Cairo Egypt and eventually leaves a trail of mayhem and destruction in their path.
It is at this point that the real story of the films kicks into gear. It is learned that North Korean leader Kim Jong Il is working with the terrorists to plot the ultimate attack and have convinced a cadre of Hollywood actors to attend a peace conference with other world leaders in an attempt to undermine Team America.
In between battles, Team America has plenty of time to take on other concerns such as love, self-doubt, personal issues, and suspicions, some of which result in a side-splitting sex scene that will soon become legend, as even though it involved puppets, it has to be severely edited in order to avoid an NC-17 rating. As it stands, it is one of the funniest moments in cinematic history and worth the price of admission alone.
The film does a good job of mixing comedy and commentary without ever drawing a line and saying this is how it is. We see Team America as a gun happy bunch, but we are also shown that they are true patriots who are willing to do what it takes to keep the country safe. Such is the genius of Parker and Stone as they are able to create a biting social commentary that makes you aware of issues without pounding the audience over their heads with the creator’s viewpoints. Instead the audience is given a situation and watch things taken to highly comical levels in an effort to entertain. People are free to draw their own conclusions and interpretations of the messages in the film as despite your beliefs or political leanings, we all laugh. There will be those that take umbrage to the crude humor and language, and others will not like what they may call a right-wing message. Instead I looked at the film as a very funny comedy with solid social commentary.
The only fault I had with the film is that it does drag a bit about ¾ in before getting to the final confrontations but those are well worth the wait. The film also parodies many action films and it is fun to try to try to uncover which film is being parodied. The puppets themselves are very impressive as their movements and facial expressions are easily the best ever captured on film.
The film is a puppet movie based upon the old Thunderbirds television show about a team of specialists who fight to save the world from all manner of threats both real and imagined. The story is told entirely by puppets and miniatures which allows Stone and Parker to push the boundaries much further than they would be allowed to with live actors and in doing so, give the audience some of the deepest albeit raunchiest laughs seen in a long time.
The story opens with Team America battling the terrorists in Paris. Ever quick on the trigger, the team is able to stop the deployment of a weapon of mass destruction but in the process much of the cities famed landmarks fall from collateral damage.
Forced to find a new team member, the leader of Team America, Spottswoode recruits a stage actor named Gary Johnston to join the team and infiltrate the terrorist organization to learn what new attacks are being planned.
While this is seen as a good move by the team, there are parts of the team that are unsure of this as one in particular does not trust actors and thinks that he will escalate an already volatile situation. Undaunted, the team sets off for Cairo Egypt and eventually leaves a trail of mayhem and destruction in their path.
It is at this point that the real story of the films kicks into gear. It is learned that North Korean leader Kim Jong Il is working with the terrorists to plot the ultimate attack and have convinced a cadre of Hollywood actors to attend a peace conference with other world leaders in an attempt to undermine Team America.
In between battles, Team America has plenty of time to take on other concerns such as love, self-doubt, personal issues, and suspicions, some of which result in a side-splitting sex scene that will soon become legend, as even though it involved puppets, it has to be severely edited in order to avoid an NC-17 rating. As it stands, it is one of the funniest moments in cinematic history and worth the price of admission alone.
The film does a good job of mixing comedy and commentary without ever drawing a line and saying this is how it is. We see Team America as a gun happy bunch, but we are also shown that they are true patriots who are willing to do what it takes to keep the country safe. Such is the genius of Parker and Stone as they are able to create a biting social commentary that makes you aware of issues without pounding the audience over their heads with the creator’s viewpoints. Instead the audience is given a situation and watch things taken to highly comical levels in an effort to entertain. People are free to draw their own conclusions and interpretations of the messages in the film as despite your beliefs or political leanings, we all laugh. There will be those that take umbrage to the crude humor and language, and others will not like what they may call a right-wing message. Instead I looked at the film as a very funny comedy with solid social commentary.
The only fault I had with the film is that it does drag a bit about ¾ in before getting to the final confrontations but those are well worth the wait. The film also parodies many action films and it is fun to try to try to uncover which film is being parodied. The puppets themselves are very impressive as their movements and facial expressions are easily the best ever captured on film.

HyruleBalverine (16 KP) rated South Park: The Fractured But Whole in Video Games
Nov 26, 2017
The Fractured but Whole delivers fans a great experience!
With so many licensed properties out there being made into games with low budgets and by people who clearly have no idea what the property is about, including South Park games in the past, it comes as no surprise that most people were cautious to say the least when we heard that a new South Park game was being made. But hearing that Matt Stone and Trey Parker we're going to be involved every step of the way gave us hope for the Stick of Truth.
When the Stick of Truth came out, fans of the show were blown away by the attention to detail, the references that the casual fan would recognize, and the references that probably only the most die-hard fan would catch. It showed us what a licensed property could be properly made into a game. So when Ubisoft announced a sequel we were all expecting an amazing game. And quite frankly, the Fractured but Whole delivers on that promise.
I found myself laughing at the story as I would any episode of the show, as well as the references to past episodes, and even the off-handed and sometimes visual references to the previous game. And rather than just sitting on their laurels, Matt and Trey and the rest of the team at Ubisoft made a stellar game with updates and improvements from the previous entry.
Basically if you would like South Park and/or if you enjoyed the Stick of Truth you will definitely enjoy this game!
Not that the game is without it's flaws. Since I've completed the story I find that the only reason that I want to play the game a second time is because I messed up the difficulty achievement the first time, whereas the first game, I wanted to play it multiple times. I believe that a large part of this is the difference between the two games: how the game handles skills/abilities. In The Stick of Truth you choose a class and play that class, with it's abilities, through the whole game; the clothing/armor and weapon options edit your stats allowing you to customize your character to your play style. If you want to play a different class and try it's abilities, you have to start a new playthrough. This isn't the case in The Fractured But Whole; As you progress through the game, you gain the ability to be "multi class" adding the ability options of another class. This happens multiple times and near the end of the game you are given access to all classes and their abilities. The stat adjustments made by the clothing/armor and weapons have been replaced by "Artifacts" and "DNA", which works well as a super hero character, but this leaves the costume options as purely cosmetic; their only in game use is to work on one of the "Titles" in the Character Sheet for XP; once you've maxed that, it's just collecting them for the people who wish to try and get everything in the game. Of course, I've not found any way to keep track of what I'm missing, if anything, which makes doing that harder.
With that said, I still love the game. Just like it's predecessor, it feels like you're involved with an episode of the show. I just wish that I felt it had as much replay value as The Stick of Truth did for me.
When the Stick of Truth came out, fans of the show were blown away by the attention to detail, the references that the casual fan would recognize, and the references that probably only the most die-hard fan would catch. It showed us what a licensed property could be properly made into a game. So when Ubisoft announced a sequel we were all expecting an amazing game. And quite frankly, the Fractured but Whole delivers on that promise.
I found myself laughing at the story as I would any episode of the show, as well as the references to past episodes, and even the off-handed and sometimes visual references to the previous game. And rather than just sitting on their laurels, Matt and Trey and the rest of the team at Ubisoft made a stellar game with updates and improvements from the previous entry.
Basically if you would like South Park and/or if you enjoyed the Stick of Truth you will definitely enjoy this game!
Not that the game is without it's flaws. Since I've completed the story I find that the only reason that I want to play the game a second time is because I messed up the difficulty achievement the first time, whereas the first game, I wanted to play it multiple times. I believe that a large part of this is the difference between the two games: how the game handles skills/abilities. In The Stick of Truth you choose a class and play that class, with it's abilities, through the whole game; the clothing/armor and weapon options edit your stats allowing you to customize your character to your play style. If you want to play a different class and try it's abilities, you have to start a new playthrough. This isn't the case in The Fractured But Whole; As you progress through the game, you gain the ability to be "multi class" adding the ability options of another class. This happens multiple times and near the end of the game you are given access to all classes and their abilities. The stat adjustments made by the clothing/armor and weapons have been replaced by "Artifacts" and "DNA", which works well as a super hero character, but this leaves the costume options as purely cosmetic; their only in game use is to work on one of the "Titles" in the Character Sheet for XP; once you've maxed that, it's just collecting them for the people who wish to try and get everything in the game. Of course, I've not found any way to keep track of what I'm missing, if anything, which makes doing that harder.
With that said, I still love the game. Just like it's predecessor, it feels like you're involved with an episode of the show. I just wish that I felt it had as much replay value as The Stick of Truth did for me.

RəX Regent (349 KP) rated Team America: World Police (2004) in Movies
Feb 19, 2019
The theme’s lyrics sum up this movie as well as any could have. Made in the midst of the War On Terror in 2004, a satire was needed and who better to provide one than the satirical genius’ Trey Parker and Matt Stone, best known for South Park. On the surface, this looks like a straight forward bawdy adult puppet parody, taking the mickey out of Bruckheimer’s blockbusters, Thunderbirds and the reputation being acquired by the U.S. over the past 30 years but reaching boiling point over the last decade, certainly in a post 9/11 world.But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
This is looking into every major aspect of the above, such as chauvinism, the political interference and undue, and sometimes dangerous influence of celebrities, summed up here with the Film Actor’s Guild (or F.A.G.) with a host of major film stars ripped off, notably upsetting Sean Penn.
The infamous puppet sex scene, which is nothing more than a poke, pardon the pun, at the puppetry employed in the film.But there’s so much more such as the excellent selection of bespoke songs, such as “Only A Woman” for the sex scene, “End Of An Act” as our hero leaves the group to wallow in self-pity to the song with features verse after verse nothing more than slagging off Michael Bay’s, Pearl Harbor and Ben Afleck! But for a film with criticises these blockbusters, it understands them too well to be truly nasty about them.
The entire film IS a well made Bruckheimer film, even recruiting one of his regular composers, Harry Gregson-Williams, to be in at the last-minute, to compose a great score, but why do this if they hated it so much? They don’t; they love these films and the affection for the genre is clear, making their digs enjoyable and not hurtful… There’s even a contradiction with the political tract as one hand this would seem to be an anti-American tome where Team America blow up every city and landmark imaginable in order to protect the world from the destruction of the Terrorists… Get it?
On the other, the song entitled “Freedom Isn’t Free” would seem to suggest that we should all do our part, even though this number ends with the line, “Freedom cost a buck o’five…” But then after all the political and social satire, and the spoofing of Hollywood’s gung-ho films, it’s just a fun film.When the terrorist’s come from Derka Derkastan, the tone is clear. This is like a pair of boys playing “War On Terror” with a collection of action figures.
They’re clearly laughing hysterically as they write, produce and direct this film like two teenagers, as they create the highly insensitive language of the terrorists, use elements from films such as Star Wars and James Bond, certainly as for Kim Jong-il, is nobody safe, well not after offending the North Korean leader, but in all fairness, this is really just Eric Cartman from South Park.But in the end, this is the perfect satire, with a blend of real world political and social commentary, great spoofing but when all’s said and done, this has a great sense if humour, though at times, somewhat bawdy. This is brilliant and one of, if not the best comedy of the past decade, and one of the greatest satires of all time. And, no, I don’t believe that I’m over stating that…
This is looking into every major aspect of the above, such as chauvinism, the political interference and undue, and sometimes dangerous influence of celebrities, summed up here with the Film Actor’s Guild (or F.A.G.) with a host of major film stars ripped off, notably upsetting Sean Penn.
The infamous puppet sex scene, which is nothing more than a poke, pardon the pun, at the puppetry employed in the film.But there’s so much more such as the excellent selection of bespoke songs, such as “Only A Woman” for the sex scene, “End Of An Act” as our hero leaves the group to wallow in self-pity to the song with features verse after verse nothing more than slagging off Michael Bay’s, Pearl Harbor and Ben Afleck! But for a film with criticises these blockbusters, it understands them too well to be truly nasty about them.
The entire film IS a well made Bruckheimer film, even recruiting one of his regular composers, Harry Gregson-Williams, to be in at the last-minute, to compose a great score, but why do this if they hated it so much? They don’t; they love these films and the affection for the genre is clear, making their digs enjoyable and not hurtful… There’s even a contradiction with the political tract as one hand this would seem to be an anti-American tome where Team America blow up every city and landmark imaginable in order to protect the world from the destruction of the Terrorists… Get it?
On the other, the song entitled “Freedom Isn’t Free” would seem to suggest that we should all do our part, even though this number ends with the line, “Freedom cost a buck o’five…” But then after all the political and social satire, and the spoofing of Hollywood’s gung-ho films, it’s just a fun film.When the terrorist’s come from Derka Derkastan, the tone is clear. This is like a pair of boys playing “War On Terror” with a collection of action figures.
They’re clearly laughing hysterically as they write, produce and direct this film like two teenagers, as they create the highly insensitive language of the terrorists, use elements from films such as Star Wars and James Bond, certainly as for Kim Jong-il, is nobody safe, well not after offending the North Korean leader, but in all fairness, this is really just Eric Cartman from South Park.But in the end, this is the perfect satire, with a blend of real world political and social commentary, great spoofing but when all’s said and done, this has a great sense if humour, though at times, somewhat bawdy. This is brilliant and one of, if not the best comedy of the past decade, and one of the greatest satires of all time. And, no, I don’t believe that I’m over stating that…