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The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
2013 | Drama
The acting is incredible. (0 more)
When you see it's based on a true story, it's actually quite shocking. (0 more)
Surprisingly Fantastic
Honestly couldn't believe I enjoyed this film. I hate drug use and for a film that has so much of it I still don't understand why I like it.
The direction is superb, the sequence of how he went from the start to the big office is awesome. The narration is awesome too, sometimes it can be like YEAH I GET IT but i felt it was appropriate.
The acting is probably one of the best I've ever seen, how leo didn't get his oscar from this I don't know. Just the scene at the hotel payphone is (despite my pure hatred for drugs) just phenomenal. Also Jonah Hill, he really became the character. He is so underrated it's ridiculous, he's usually typecast to the chubby geeky guy but in this he's a sleezy, philandering a**hole and he plays it to perfection, the way he commits is something people aspiring to become actors should watch and take notes. Margot Robbie, for her first major role in film DAMN. I'm a straight woman but she just oozes sexy. Her accent is spot on, especially when you know she's actually Australian. She got the part and she made it hers, no one else could have played Jordan's wife but her.
The Matthew McConaughey scene is something that will go down in movie history for one of the best (and slightly odd) improvisation moments.
Jordan's character progression is timed perfectly, it's gradual enough to be subtle, but not so slow it's boring
I didn't like the whole shaven head thing, found that a bit omg, as with the prostitutes was too much but the pros of this film outway all that.
I found it to be gritty, sexy, funny, disturbing and a fantastic movie. Definitely should watch it, though maybe not for a family film night!
Tower Heist (2011)
Tower Heist (2011)
2011 | Action, Comedy, Drama
6.7 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This seems like the perfect recipe for a film.
Contains spoilers, click to show
This seems like the perfect recipe for a film. Take a few comedy greats, some Academy Award nominated actors and a great director and you have the makings of a classic comedy film. However something went wrong. That's not to say this film isn't good it is, but it isn't close to what it could have been.

The film is about a robbery in a very secure building with the latest security and the best staff that money can buy. The staff have invested their own personal savings and their pension fund with one of the tenants, a financier Arthur Shaw (Alan Alda). However he is arrested for fraud and they find out that he has lost all their money.

The cast including Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Matthew Broderick, Casey Affleck, Téa Leoni, and Juan Carlos Hernández is good. They work well together and they all have great moments. Gabourey Sidibe steals every moment she is on screen and she could have a great future in comedy.

This film should have been great. It was originally going to be in the style of Ocean's 11 but somewhere along the way it changed into this. You have comedy greats Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller and Ferris Buller. I say Ferris Buller because it feels like Matthew Broderick is playing that character after he has lost everything. The film felt like it should have been full of big comedy moments, but I couldn't find them. There are some very funny scenes but not many. As for the hi-tech building security mentioned a few times in the film, it doesn't materialise, all you are shown are a few cameras that are quickly disabled with a smiley face sticker! I was really looking forward to this, mainly in the hope that Eddie Murphy would give a performance worthy of his comedy legacy. I loved his films from the 80's. His films of the 90's were hit or miss until his performance in Bowfinger, one of his best performances. Apart from his role in the Shrek films there was nothing great about any of his roles since then. So what would he be like in this? Fortunately he is good. Not as great as the Eddie Murphy back in his reckless care free roles, but better than 90% of the last two decades of his films. The reason he is so good in Bowfinger is what makes this role work. It is because he isn't in the lead role. Take the pressure away from having to carry the whole film and he shines.

I was disappointed with the lack of great comedy moments and the lack of risk for the characters, but it is a good film, just don't watch this expecting a comedy classic as you will be disappointed.
Dazed and Confused (1993)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
1993 | Comedy
The cast, the story (0 more)
The quintessential coming of age movie
This is the best coming of age film ever made all centered around the last day of school and the wild night after.
Mitch (played by Wiley Wiggins) becomes the target of some high school jocks for a ceremonial paddling (I know, weird right?)
Anyway afterwards he is befriended by Randall pink Floyd (played by Jason London), High scoool quarterback all around good guy and friend to all.
Pink introduces Mitch to all manner of strange characters played by several future stars of screen such as wooderson (played excellently by Matthew McConaughey) a kind of older guy who can't leave his school days behind him, he's kind of creepy and hangs out at high school parties but in a way very likeable.
Other interesting characters include Slater (played by Rory Cochrane) a hard core stoner and alien conspiracy theorist, Mike, Tony and Cynthia (played by Adam Goldberg, Anthony Rapp and Marissa Ribisi) who play Pink's most normal and kinda nerdy friends.
Mitch's nemesis throughout the movie is O'Bannion (played maniacally by Ben Affleck).
In the movie there are many thrills, spills, laughs and a hint of romance.
All in it descends into a hedonistic a night of sex drugs and rock and roll, car races, paddling, pot, beer, kiss music and Aerosmith. As young Mitch becomes a man and leaves his innocence behind him in a hilarious riot.
Definitely a must watch for any film fan