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U Is for Undertow (Kinsey Millhone, #21)
U Is for Undertow (Kinsey Millhone, #21)
Sue Grafton | 2009 | Mystery
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is There a Clue Underground?
When Matthew Sutton comes into Kinsey Millhone’s office one afternoon, he comes with a tale about two men he’d seen burring something in the woods twenty-one years earlier. As a six-year-old, he believed their story that they were pirates digging for treasure, but after seeing an article about a kidnapping that took place about the same time, Matthew is certain there is a connection. The catch? He doesn’t know where he was at the time. With very little to go on, Kinsey agrees to take the case. Will she find anything?

This is an excellent book in the series. While we know more than Kinsey does for most of the book, watching Kinsey figure things out keeps the pages turning. We spent time in the past as well as Kinsey’s present of 1988 to fully understand how things played out, and it always works. Kinsey is a fun main character, and a recurring series storyline comes back into play in this book, allowing for some growth for her. The rest of the cast are just as strong. I knew going in that this book would have more content than I typically get in the cozies I read, but there was some stuff in the final quarter of the book that could have been trimmed without it impacting anything. Still, overall, fans of this long running series will be happy with this book.

Louise (64 KP) rated In Bloom in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
In Bloom
In Bloom
Matthew Crow | 2014 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well here is my review. I never write reviews as I get a bit tongued tied!

I was lucky enough to win a free copy of Matthew crow's `In Bloom` from the good reads giveaway.
I have never read anything from this author before,so I didn't know what to expect,but I can tell you I wasn't disappointed.
The story is told by fifteen year old Francis Wootton who has recently discovered he has leukaemia. Francis is very intellectual and grown up for his age,this could be due to his dysfunctional family( gay brother,absent father,mad grandmother).
During Francis treatment he meets Amber and their love blossoms,crow covers love,relationship,bravery and hardship within this book
I think this book would be classed as young adult,and very much reminds me of sue Townsend's Adrian mole.
I will be looking out for more books from this author.

Erika (17788 KP) rated A Discovery of Witches - Season 1 in TV

Apr 6, 2019 (Updated Apr 6, 2019)  
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
2018 | Fantasy
Soundtrack (0 more)
I am a huge fan of this books series, it's one of my favorites. I debated not watching this series because I had heard from one of my good friends that the first episode was super lame, and then I saw the reviews...But, I bit the bullet and signed up for the free week of Shudder... The US distribution of this series was beyond irritating.

I felt like the series tried to appeal to both people who didn't read the books, and the ones that did, and I don't really think it worked. There were weird, unnecessary changes from the book, that didn't even really make sense... Marcus can't sire? Since when? Dude had a vampire army at one point... Normally, I try to distance the comparison between books and the adaptation, but you had to read the books to fill in the blanks.
The series is beautifully shot, but then we get to the corn factor. This show was SO LAME and CORNY, but I kind of liked it. I watched it all last evening, and ripped on it endlessly with one of my friends, but I still enjoyed it. I laughed out loud at how bad/corny certain moments were.
I do have to completely rip on Teresa Palmer, homegirl is not a good actress. It was a very Twilight performance, like others have mentioned, the open mouth breathing bothers the F out of me. Her American accent wasn't right, seriously, she said the word vampire like Sookie from True Blood.
I'm also wondering why Matthew Goode took the role of Matthew, it was super confusing to me when he was first announced. At the very least, he's nice to look at, and this made me want to go watch Chasing Liberty.
Overall, this was hilariously lame, but I'll still watch the next series, and probably will watch it again in the background before my free week ends.
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
2018 | Fantasy
Dull as Ditchwater
The trailers for this show looked so exciting. We saved it on Sky+ so that we could watch a few episodes at a time and not have to wait a whole week for the next one. I love shows that are a bit supernatural or spooky, and couldn't wait to see this.

There were entire episodes where, at the end, we both wondered did anything of any note or point actually happen? The main characters just seemed so wet and, frankly, pathetic. For such incredibly powerful beings encompassed by this raging passion, Diana and Matthew are rather boring. There just seems to be no oomph, no real force behind any of them.

The one thing that did intrigue me was the demon race - we all know what witches and vampires are, but what can the demons do? That said, I'm feeling more inclined to read the books than to persevere with the next series.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is one of my favorite book. I really enjoyed this series altogether and I will miss it. I love this one for it get you see three friends find what they were looking for. Lindsay finally get what she wants and she also gets her dreams with Matthew Glick. Katie though she get what see want in the end. She struggles mostly though it. Her friend Lizzie Annie get her wish as well. Though you will be surprise with who and how soon.

Mainly this story sit around Katie. Though it is also surrounded by Lindsay as well. You get to see two woman love struggles and blooms. Find out more about it and read the story of how it ends. Though I hope there some more novel that surrounds this family and I hope to find out if Lindsay and Katie get married and have children. I like to find out if Lizzie Annie has children as well.
Riot (2015)
Riot (2015)
2015 | Action
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Everything I'd ever seen said about this movie indicated that it was action (read: FIGHT) driven. I might have never believed anything to be a more accurate description...

The fight scenes are definitely plentiful, as you would expect from a movie that includes Chuck Liddell and Dolph Lundgren (Matthew Reese and Danielle Ryan both hold their own quite well). I don't think there is more than a three or four minute section of footage that doesn't include fighting of some sort.

The story is quite thin, but I would imagine that if you're watching this movie, you aren't watching it for the story.

The choreography is usually pretty good with a few small exceptions, the fight scenes are entertaining if nothing else. The action is non stop.

Great movie if your craving unadulterated violence and some familiar faces. Try to ignore Chuck Liddell's sometimes present, sometimes missing Russian accent. It seems to come and go at will.
Sarah Bennett has two secrets: she sees ghosts, and she is in love with a spy.
When Sarah takes a job with occult expert Dr Matthew Geisler, he promises to help her understand the sorrowful spirit that seems to have attached itself to her.
As Sarah struggles to cope with the ghostly presence, she runs into Zeke, the man who left her six months earlier and is recovering from injuries suffered in an alleged accident. But Zeke has secrets of his own, and when an attempt is made on Geisler’s life, Sarah finds herself caught in a struggle between the living and the dead.
Unsure who she can trust, Sarah must solve the mystery of the soul determined to haunt her, and save Dr Geisler and herself from an unknown threat.

This book was previously published as WEEPING IN THE WINGS

This is actually a historical fiction, paranormal, mystery, romance book. I thought it was going to be more paranormal mystery with a little hint of romance.
The characters were lovable and the story kept me wanting more!
I liked the characters and the story was well thought out. A perfect read for fans of mysteries.
This is the first book I have read by Terry Lynn Thomas and am looking forward to reading more of her books.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Mr. Nobody in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody
Catherine Steadman | 2020 | Medical & Veterinary, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Lewis is neuropsychiatrist, who is surprised when she's asked to work on a case for a newsworthy patient. Dubbed "Mr. Nobody," he's a man found on a British beach, in wet clothes and without any identification. He won't speak and the hospital staff are all drawn to him. But for Emma to take the case, it means returning to a place that she left fourteen years ago in disgrace--a place she's worked to leave behind and erase any signs of herself from.

"Why can't I remember? Why can't I remember my name? The weight of what this means bears down on him with each cold snatched breath he takes. Fear pumping through him, primal and quickening. Oh God. It's all gone. His world shrinks to a pinhead and then dilates so wide, suddenly terrifyingly borderless."

This book started out like gangbusters. Alternating between Emma and Mr. Nobody, whom the hospital staff quickly dubs Matthew, I was drawn in immediately. Who on earth is Matthew, why can't he remember who he is, and what is his deal? But there were a few issues. Emma clearly has a backstory. Yes, something happened to her fourteen years ago. To me, this is the equivalent of "vaguebooking"--you know when someone posts something on Facebook or social media: "Something horrible has happened. Oh woe is me." And then all their friends have to either guess, or say "Oh I'm so sorry," but the poster never actually tells you what happened? I'm sorry, but in books, after a while, dragging this all out is too much. Just freaking tell us what happened to you, Emma, or stop alluding to it!

So Emma and Matthew, of course, surpass patient/doctor boundaries, finding each other fascinating. There are, accordingly, twists in the book. Some, I will hand it to Steadman, are pretty darn good. Much of the book is quite readable and moves at a good pace--Emma's allusions to her past not withstanding. It's certainly intriguing. There are some interesting side characters: a local police officer and his nosy reporter wife; a benevolent nurse, etc. Emma's kind and patient brother.

But then the ending and biggest reveal comes along and eh. I found it a little anticlimactic. After all we've been through together, Emma?! I don't know. I was hoping for more, especially after all the fuss about Something in the Water, which I still haven't read. (I know, I know. It's on my TBR.)

So, in the end, this is an intriguing one. The plot is definitely original, I'll give you that. But throw in a slightly irritating main character and a somewhat disappointing ending and it was a 3.5 star read for me-just barely.
The Great Alone
The Great Alone
Kristin Hannah | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Totally memorable
THE GREAT ALONE was the book I didn't know I wanted to read until I read a few pages and proceeded to devour it over two days. This book had a powerful, captivating story to tell as well as educating me on the struggles and beauty of Alaskan life and community.

Narrated over a few decades, THE GREAT ALONE focuses in the main on the growth from teenager to adulthood of Lenora (Leni) Allbright. She’s a teen whose dad is a broken man post-Vietnam POW experiences, he’s ill and abusive and her mother can’t stop loving him. They move to Alaska without any experience of that kind of environment. Their struggle to survive was absolutely gripping and tangible. The descriptions gave the environment and abuse high-definition quality with sight, sound and smells.

The themes of this book were difficult to read at times, I needed breathers and the occasional tissue. I would say that the love story between Leni and Matthew was subtle and yet powerful. I willed them together despite the risks, I wanted some joy in Leni’s life. I felt Leni’s emotions with regards to her parents so convincingly. The local community in their Alaskan village made for a developed character context, I loved so many of the side characters.

The book overall is so well written, considering the difficulty of conveying the setting and themes. I felt so many emotions reading this book and I am eager to try more by Kristin Hannah. The final wrap up of the storyline was a little fast but I was satisfied in the end result.

A copy of this book was provided by Jellybooks in return for my reading data, this by no means influenced my review.

Reviewed for Jo&IsaLoveBooks Blog.