Sandeep Maheshwari
YouTube Channel
Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of...

Starting with Max: How a Wise Dog Gave Me Strength and Inspiration
My dog has demonstrated a grand theory about life's simplest activities. He acts out the meaning of...

Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science
Paul Davies and Werner Heisenberg
Nobel Prize winner Werner Heisenberg's classic account explains the central ideas of the quantum...

Mother Departs
Tadeusz Rozewicz and Barbara Bogoczek
A unique mix of prose and poetry, of the joy of life and the agony of loss, in Mother Departs...

A Love Beyond Words
A captivating collection of forty rhyming poems that depict the life and teachings of Jesus the...

Alan Arkin recommended Sullivan's Travels (1941) in Movies (curated)

Running with the Pack: Thoughts From the Road on Meaning and Mortality
'Most of the serious thinking I have done over the past twenty years has been done while running.'...

Bill Moyers in Conversation
New for 2016! This audio-only podcast from BillMoyers.com offers compelling and vital conversation...

Peter G. (247 KP) rated The House That Jack Built (2018) in Movies
Oct 30, 2019
This director just doesn't improve with age, and although some may say that you need an open mind to take in all of the hidden meaning, I say invest your time better.
Matt Dillon is O.K, Film is Crap, be warned!