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Sam (228 KP) rated Vigilance in Books

Nov 4, 2019  
Robert Jackson Bennett | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Detailed Characters (3 more)
Thought Provoking
Interesting Plotline
An Entertaining Terror
I won't lie, I absolutely loved this book, an interesting take on a future look into America. Sadly, it doesn't look good either, rather it's unbelievably bleak.
This book exaggerates many of the controversal issues we see today, addressing things such as gun control, terrorism, and media. I defiently recommend this book to anyone!

TheDefunctDiva (304 KP) created a post

Jul 19, 2020  
Ok folks. It’s been a while. I am trying to abandon my more depressing social media sites. The only thing that brings me any level of comfort lately is entertainment. I was hoping to get back into live performing, but...ahem. Not anytime soon. I might bring myself to sing on YouTube. But I’ll start by writing reviews again. Hope you are all staying healthy and safe.

McGhostware UK (9 KP) created a post

Jun 28, 2017  
So I just Reviewed you guys briefly in a Private Facebook Group Post and this is what I said with my impression so far I did try to add screenshots but had to settle for certain images and because of Html settings when screenshotting from a laptop.
So I have been beta testing a social media site with a difference recently. I think this site Smashbomb will come in handy for Partners who want or have an interest in Films & TV also Music and there are plans for the future to implement Apps and the likes. I think it has Good potential but only time will tell of its success. The idea behind it is a social media platform where users can rate and comment on movies tv & music there will be great opportunities for those partners running Kodi support groups and you may need such info for posts to your customers you will be able to gather the info from Smashbomb. There are also options to link to your social media accounts so you could just share content to your group as to what is in your build there is also movie trailer button next to info I shall add some screenshots of Smashbomb. they are advertising for beta testers also I believe

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Bombshell (2019) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Bombshell (2019)
Bombshell (2019)
2019 | Drama
Now I have to say that I wasn't 100% sure of the story behind Bombshell that stars Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, Margot Robbie and an unrecognisable John Lithgow, what I did vaguely know is that the movie is based on the rather powerful and controversial media empire Fox News and of the story of the woman that brought down the man that created the well-known empire.

It's certainly a refreshing change from all the action and adventure films that I've been seeing lately and ys it is a slowish paced film, but Bombshell kept me interested in the storyline, as they fight to take on the power of Fox News and Roger Ailes (John Lithgow), this is a film that is pretty powerful to watch and is intriguing and interesting as Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman) takes on the media mogul in a fight for justice.

Athena Rs (1 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Dec 24, 2017  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
I love the ability to keep touch and see what's going on with family and friends (0 more)
Hate amount of time people spend (0 more)
Social outreach
Facebook is a fantastic concept. The ability to see what's going on and a new way to keep touch. Unfortunately with all things too much of something is bad. People spend a lot of time on social media and forget how to be social
Black Mirror  - Season 1
Black Mirror - Season 1
2011 | Sci-Fi
This first season is nearly flawless. Charlie Brooker really knows how to do dark and alternative futures. The last episode is my favourite out of the 3, it's a piece of technology I'd be intrigued to have myself. All 3 episodes are strong though, all with fantastic casts and storylines. They're all interesting takes on social media, technology and pop culture and sadly you could almost imagine these happening now.

Adeline Burke (0 KP) rated Instagram in Apps

Feb 12, 2018  
Communication, Photo & Video, Social Networking
8.2 (362 Ratings)
App Rating
Insta Story (0 more)
Love Instagram
As an adult over 40 and daily user of social media I find Instagram a way more interactive site than FB. I love FB but I find people seem to respond more to your posts than FB. Plus you now have Insta Story which is much easier than Snap Chat and you can add words, emojis and so much more to make it fun and interactive.
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Peer opinions (0 more)
Where I find my next book
I love book reads, I log on daily to look at reviews for books I am interested on and to leave reviews for the books I have read. I like being able to read reviews from other readers like myself and not just reviews from other authors or in the media. I feel I get a more realistic opinion from my peers.

Mya Grace (5 KP) rated Twitter in Apps

Jul 20, 2018  
News, Social Networking
7.4 (69 Ratings)
App Rating
It's the only place you can say what you think before you've thought whether it's okay to say it. (2 more)
If you want to escape from specific news stories or current affairs, unlike other social media platforms; you can mute people, or even whole topics.
Everything from everyone is relatable, no one gets offended, a meme can usually diffuse any situation
Everyone is too quick, spoilers are inevitable. (0 more)
Shouldn't be free

Sarah (7798 KP) shared own post

Sep 7, 2018
Whilst we came to Smashbomb to share common interests in entertainment & media, if you ever want to talk about anything bothering you out in the real world, I've created an Orb for this very purpose.

Sometimes it can be easier to talk to people online & get advice from someone that isn't face to face, and this is where Smashbombers come in. Please join the orb if you're interested!

Sarah (7798 KP) created a post in Dear Smashbomb.... Pinned

Sep 7, 2018 (Updated Sep 8, 2018)  
Welcome to Dear Smashbomb... the orb to come to if you're looking for advice from your fellow Smashbombers or just want to have a rant to sympathetic ears. No problem is too big or too small, and there'll be no judgement here.

Just remember to only share what you're comfortable sharing & don't divulge any personal information. And please NO religion or politics.

Andy K (10821 KP) Sep 7, 2018

Also, can we agree to no religion or politics? That is why I got rid of my Facebook.


Sarah (7798 KP) Sep 8, 2018

Absolutely. This is rather for personal issues or advice, not for promoting or arguing about religious beliefs or politics.