Emergency Medicine: Residency Survival Information
The newest EM:RAP project and the first to be done by and for residents. We will cover the cardinal...

Dr. Ruscio Radio: Health, Nutrition and Functional Medicine
Cutting edge information in health, nutrition and functional medicine distilled into practical...

Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing
Offering a practical guide to understanding and navigating relationships with the spirits of those...

The Papacy, Frederick II and Communal Devotion in Medieval Italy
James M. Powell and Edward Peters
Of the twenty-five essays in this volume, most were published between 1961 and 2013, but four are...

The Snake in the Clinic: Psychotherapy's Role in Medicine and Healing
This book offers an alternative to the usual view of psychotherapy's role in relation to medicine by...
Composing the World: Harmony in the Medieval Platonic Cosmos
We can hear the universe! This was the triumphant proclamation at a February 2016 press conference...

my pregnancy beats - prenatal listener
Medical and Lifestyle
Every pregnancy and every pregnant woman is unique. Some women feel an instant connection the moment...
The Scientific, Clinical and Commercial Development of the Stem Cell: From Radiobiology to Regenerative Medicine
This book offers timely and novel insights on the development of what may be the most important...