Dental Panoramic Radiology
Medical and Reference
Dental Panoramic Radiology is an interactive application designed to teach panoramic anatomy. It is...

The Plant Path
The Plant Path is a window into the world of the herbal medicine. With perspectives gleaned from...

Particles in the Air
When a tsunami devastates the coast of Southern California, the Federal Emergency Management Agency...
thriller medical thriller

Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade
Avner Greif, Randall Calvert and Thrainn Eggertsson
It is widely believed that current disparities in economic, political, and social outcomes reflect...

The Brother Haggadah: A Medieval Sephardi Masterpiece in Facsimile
Marc Michael Epstein, Raphael Loewe and Jeremy Schonfield
The Haggadot commissioned by wealthy patrons in the Middle Ages are among the most beautifully...

Louisville Lectures Internal Medicine Lecture Series Podcast
Internal medicine lectures focused on clinically and board relevant topics from faculty and guest...

Transfusion Medicine and Hemostasis: Clinical and Laboratory Aspects
Beth H. Shaz, Christopher D. Hillyer, Charles S. Abrams and Mikhail Roshal
The second edition of Transfusion Medicine and Hemostasis continues to be the only "pocket-size"...
The Empire at the End of Time: Identity and Reform in Late Medieval German Prophecy
In this book, Frances Courtney Kneupper examines the apocalyptic prophecies of the late medieval...

The Great Transition: Climate, Disease and Society in the Late Medieval World
In the fourteenth century the Old World witnessed a series of profound and abrupt changes in the...