Coventry's Medieval Suburbs: Excavations at Hill Street, Upper Well Street and Far Gosford Street 2003-2007
Paul Mason, Iain Soden and Danny McAree
Hill Street, Upper Well Street and Far Gosford Street comprise three suburban streets which stood...

ICU Pearls Critical Care tips for doctors, nurses
Medical and Reference
Previously Featured as What's Hot in multiple countries including Columbia, Israel, New Zealand, S....

Kristin (149 KP) rated Unfortunate Event in Books
Dec 7, 2018
This book, quite frankly, is one of the most honest looks into both the medical and legal professions I've read in a long time. Dr. Andrews is almost literally led around on a leash after a horrible tragedy, his reputation dragged through the mud while he's used as a scapegoat by not only his colleagues, but his malpractice insurer, the lawyer they appointed to him, and the divorce lawyers ultimately brought into the fray. One of my favorite quotes summarizing this issue is as follows:
As she watched the doctor exit her office, Jordan Davis found herself in a terrific mood. She'd lead this doctor through the legal system by the nose. She and the opposing attorney would take turns discovering controversies. The answers to those controversies would require long hours of expensive legal research. The attorneys, along with their teams of accountants and paralegals, were going to do very well.
It's horrifying to think about it, but our society is only focused on one thing, and that is money -- who has it, who doesn't, and the easiest ways to get it. This novel showcases that almost from the jump, and I think it is an excellent representation. In our country especially, the medical profession is a multi-billion-dollar business which continues to thrive on the backs of the less fortunate. Makes me happy I decided against med school.
5 stars, and I plan to recommend it to anyone in the medical and legal professions.

Emergency Care
Daniel J. Limmer, Michael F. O'Keefe, Harvey D. Grant and Bob Murray
For courses in Emergency Medical Technician Training and Emergency Medical Services Help students...
Color Atlas of Neurology
The nervous system and musculature are affected in nearly all diseases, making accurate diagnosis of...

Minimal Access Skull Base Surgery: Open and Endoscopic Assisted Approaches
Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa and Kofi Derek O. Boahene
Minimal Access Skull Base Surgery - Open and Endoscopic Assisted Approaches is a highly illustrated...
Time, Narrative, and Emotion in Early Modern England
Exploiting a link between early modern concepts of the medical and the literary, David Houston Wood...