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30 Days Of Night: Dark Days (2010)
30 Days Of Night: Dark Days (2010)
2010 | Horror
5.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Poor sequel
Not bad for a straight to DVD release but no where near as good as the first film. It's on a much lower budget and it shows. It does follow on from the first, so you'll need to see that if you haven't already. It has a recognizable cast with Kiele Sanchez (A Perfect Getaway) replacing Melissa George from the first film. It has a few good bloody moments but descends into being another hunt the Vampires film and that has been done much better before. Not awful but not up to the levels of the first.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Triangle (2009) in Movies

Jun 20, 2018 (Updated Jun 20, 2018)  
Triangle (2009)
Triangle (2009)
2009 | Mystery
7.6 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Melissa George (0 more)
A truly mind bending, thrilling horror
After the disappointment of Hereditary last week, and it's failure to live up to the hype of being both unsettling and memorable, I decided to revisit a movie which did manage to tick both of those boxes for me. I don’t usually get affected by movies as much as I did with Triangle - it really unsettled me for a good few days after originally seeing it on release, and even now it still holds up as just a really great movie.

Melissa George is a fantastic actress and she is just on top form here, playing a single mother of an autistic boy. She goes on a yacht trip with a group of people but a freak storm capsizes the boat. Spotting an abandoned cruise ship, they manage to make it on board where they are hunted by a mysterious hooded attacker. But the attacker seems vaguely familiar…

Triangle is like a more nightmarish version of Groundhog Day as Jess (Melissa George) loops back on herself and begins to discover that everything that's happened before has happened many, many times already and will continue to do so unless she can somehow break the cycle. Highlighting the number of times this story has already looped are some genuinely creepy scenes – the most effective and unsettling for me was where one of the seriously wounded characters staggers out on deck only to discover multiple versions of herself from previous loops, most of them dead but some still barely alive.

The movie has a great ending and immediately gets you thinking of the opening scenes of the movie and how they all connect. It twists your mind and repeat viewings definitely make it more enjoyable. And, if you feel like giving your brain an extra workout, there's plenty of in-depth analysis and theories about the movie out there on the internet too!

Sarah (7798 KP) Jun 20, 2018

I've never seen this one but you've made me want to give it a go!


Chrissie-ann (78 KP) Jun 20, 2018

What a brilliant film. I enjoyed this so much. It really played with my head