
Happy Birthday to Me (1981)
Movie Watch
Get ready for a taut mystery-shocker that will keep you at your wit's end and at the edge of your...

Andy K (10823 KP) rated Happy Birthday to Me (1981) in Movies
Oct 28, 2018
Campy 80s goodness
I love movies like this in my basement alone the Saturday night before Halloween!
When a bunch of teenagers start coming up missing, the authorities are baffled. Who could be responsible? It couldn't be the mysterious Virginia could it?
The death scenes are kind of what an 80s version of a Final Destination film would look like I think. The main star is Melissa Sue Anderson who must have wanted to break stereotype while filing Little House on the Prairie s she played the bad girl this time.
Thoroughly enjoyable film.
When a bunch of teenagers start coming up missing, the authorities are baffled. Who could be responsible? It couldn't be the mysterious Virginia could it?
The death scenes are kind of what an 80s version of a Final Destination film would look like I think. The main star is Melissa Sue Anderson who must have wanted to break stereotype while filing Little House on the Prairie s she played the bad girl this time.
Thoroughly enjoyable film.