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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Apr 28, 2020  
Sneak a peek at the emotional memoir FULL CIRCLE by Pamela Lombana, Author, and read a well written guest post from the author's daughter on my blog. Enter the #GIVEAWAY to #win your own signed copy of the book!

Alcoholism and domestic abuse creep silently into people’s lives, shattering dreams. For Pamela Lombana, the excitement of marriage turned into paralyzing fear as alcohol became her husband’s best friend. Surviving the daily physical and emotional abuse was the norm for her and their children. Full Circle tells the story of how love and God’s abiding grace helped Pamela find the strength to leave her husband, Fernando. During this journey, healing and forgiveness allowed her and the children to be there for him when he needed them the most.

Woody Allen recommended Really The Blues in Books (curated)

Really The Blues
Really The Blues
Mezz Mezzrow | 2016 | Biography, Music & Dance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I learned over the years – by meeting legitimate jazz musicians who knew Mezzrow and the people he wrote about in the book – that this memoir was filled with apocryphal stories. But it had a great impact on me because I was learning to be a jazz clarinet player, like Mezzrow, and learning to play the idiom of music that he and Bernard Wolfe wrote about. The story, while probably just a lot of junk, was compelling for me because it was about many musicians whose work I knew and admired and the ins and outs of jazz joints that I knew about and the legendary songs that were played in the legendary nightclubs. So I had a great time reading it when my own jazz passion was forming. But I know it's not a very good or even a very honest book."

Stronger (2016)
Stronger (2016)
2016 | Drama
Based on the memoir of the same name by Jeff Bauman and Bret Witter. It follows Bauman, who loses his legs in the Boston Marathon bombing and how he must adjust to his new life.

I feel terrible that I didn't really enjoy this film. The story itself is such a powerful one, and moments in it are truly moving, but the film starts to drag a bit in places. I'm going to have to look into the comparisons between the movie and what actually happened, it's difficult to tell what they created for the script to make the movie chug along and what was real.

There are some very talented actors in this one though, and as I said, some very moving moments. For me though I think it's not quite the break from reality that I look for in a film.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Becoming in Books

Mar 6, 2019  
Michelle Obama | 2019 | Biography, History & Politics
8.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great, inspiring memoir
I'm not going to do my usual paragraph of description for Becoming, Michelle Obama's memoir, because, well, we all know who Michelle Obama is. This memoir is Mrs. Obama's reflection on her life to date, from her childhood in the South Side of Chicago, her time at Princeton, her work as a lawyer and executive, meeting Barack Obama and being introduced to politics through him, and their historic road to the White House.

"Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own."

I almost do not want to review this book, because I feel like I cannot do justice to the woman that is Michelle Obama. This is a really beautiful book, and it's also really informative. I learned so much about Mrs. Obama and her life, which I very much enjoyed.

First of all, she's a great storyteller. This is a big book, and it's a bit of an undertaking, but it's an easy read, and a really interesting one. I found myself completely immersed--I really loved learning about her childhood and her family. And, of course, it's fun to hear about how she met Barack (his marriage proposal is pretty amazing). Learning about both of their origins is fascinating, honestly. I mean, I knew that the Obamas weren't from the old-school political establishment, but it wasn't until I was reading about her life--and hearing more about the former President's--that it really hit home to me. It's amazing how much they have accomplished for our country.

Ms. Obama does a wonderful job of weaving her themes throughout her story--the power of education, of having an advocate, the importance of diversity and women's rights, and how vital children are in her life. She is honest about the realities of working motherhood: both for her life and for those of working Americans. It's also great to get little asides about her daughters (e.g., families at their schools sending in cupcakes for the Secret Service agents on birthdays); funny stories about meeting the Queen; and her mom sounds like a real trip.

"Kids made me feel like myself again. To them, I wasn't a spectacle. I was just a nice, kinda-tall lady."

She also talks about serious matters: race, education, and her reluctance about getting her family into politics. We see how importance her daughters are to her and how hard it was, knowing what they were sacrificing when her husband ran for President. We hear about her struggles being the first African American First Lady--the stings she felt from the racial insults aimed at both her and her husband, the fear she felt for her family's safety, and the attempts she made to find her place in Washington. I found myself copying quotes right and left, because she is so intelligent and profound and because, truly, as we all learned over eight years, she's such a relatable person.

"Kids wake up each day believing in the goodness of things, in the magic of what be. They're uncynical, believers at their core. We owe it to them to stay strong and keep working to create a more fair and humane world. For them, we need to remain both tough and hopeful, to acknowledge that there's more growing to be done."

Overall, this was a great memoir. It was informative, educational, and also inspiring and funny. It made me miss the Obama family all over again and appreciate so much their time in the Oval Office. It also gave me even more insight into Mrs. Obama, her life, and her feelings. I highly recommend it.
A Spy Among Friends: Philby and the Great Betrayal
A Spy Among Friends: Philby and the Great Betrayal
Ben Macintyre | 2015 | Biography, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you're looking for a non-fiction book that reads like fiction, this is definitely a must-read.
Kim Philby is infamous, he was responsible for compromising countless agents/missions from the 1930s to the 1960s. He's the inspiration behind a lot of spy fiction, one of the biggest ones being Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. The book has a few main sources, Philby himself in his strange memoir written after he fled to Moscow, Nicholas Elliot, a friend and co-worker from MI-6, and James Angleton, also a friend from the CIA. Of course, hindsight is 20/20, but there were so many signs of treachery, it's hard to believe that it took 30 years to finally get a confession from him.
And, I mean, come on, the dude decided on giving himself the nickname of Kim, like the character in Rudyard Kipling's novel.
Hand Made: The Modern Woman's Guide to Made-from-Scratch Living by Melissa K. Norris is a beautiful book. The book is part memoir and part cook book. The book looks at ways to make things homemade and the wisdom of the Depression era that can help make recipes simpler.

I enjoyed this book because the author shares recipes that had been handed down to her. The recipes were easy and adaptable. There were some good tips on growing herbs and suggestions for kitchen organization. The book also contains recipes for making soap and candles. 

I highly recommend this book for those that enjoy making things from scratch or want to learn to do it more often. Melissa Norris includes personal stories and some scripture in some parts of the book that I enjoyed reading as well.

I received this book from Harvest House Publishers via NetGalley.
Mother Fist... and Her Five Daughters by Marc Almond With the Willing Sinners
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The aural equivalent of a Tom of Finland tattoo, this gayest possible album is dedicated to Truman Capote. With no electronics, prominent guitars or snare drums, its genre is kept vague, so there are sort-of accordion chanties and sort-of disco hits whose lead instrument is yang t'chin (Chinese zither). Released in 1986 only two years after the breakup of Soft Cell, this was Marc's third solo album (fifth if you count Marc & the Mambas), on top of which he was releasing 12" EPs longer than many albums, burning his crimson candle at both ends with, according to his memoir, a £26,000 monthly party habit. The literate lyrics are populated by hustlers, boxers, and Yma Sumac, and set in rundown motels, downtown Barcelona, and "the backrooms where soiled goods are sold." Makes a great gift for a confused teenager, along with some Jean Genet and John Rechy."


Liz Phair recommended Life: Keith Richards in Books (curated)

Life: Keith Richards
Life: Keith Richards
Keith Richards | 2011 | Biography
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The New York Times asked me to review Keith Richards’ rock and roll memoir, Life. Due to a printing delay, I was reading and writing my impression of his chronicle while I was out on tour myself. It was a delight to immerse myself in such a jaw-dropping account of the peripatetic lifestyle I was experiencing, albeit at a much shallower altitude. The Rolling Stones are iconic by any measure. Getting an all access pass backstage through Richards’s eyes to the world beyond the bright lights and throbbing amplifiers is as thrilling as you might imagine. You will laugh out in parts, nod in recognition at the famous cultural touch-points and feel proud to be a music fan. Rock and roll has a very specific ethos, and Life hits upon all of the sacred precepts. Plug it in and turn it up to 11."

Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Trevor Noah | 2017 | Biography
9.2 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
An insider's view of Apartheid
It seems unlikely that comedian Trevor Noah would have ever made it out of the prison of colonialism, apartheid, poverty and violence, yet now he's regarded as one of South Africa's biggest export. His memoir is brutal and harrowing, describing how because of the illegal interracial relationship between his Xhosa mother and his Swiss-German, his birth was actually a crime.

It's hard to imagine that this legal segregation only ended 26 years ago, yet Noah then faced the turbulent legacy of post-apartheid. Being mixed race posed its own problems, as Noah describes never fitting in anywhere, but being accepted to a certain degree because of his 'whiteness' and his chameleon-like ability to adapt to his surroundings.

There are moments which are truly disturbing, as Noah speaks about his violent stepfather and going hungry. In this way, his life can be seen as a story of personal survival, through intelligence and humour, which millions have come to love.
The Grace of Silence: A Family Memoir
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I won this book on Goodreads First Reads.
This book caught my eye because I'd taken a Civil Rights course one summer while in college at CMU. The class facinated me. I learned what I thought was a great deal about the civil rights movement...from freedom marches, to sit ins we talked about it all. Or so I thought!
Michelle Norris's book told me otherwise. The day to day struggles of real families from this era of American history goes largly unnoticed. This book looked at one family & how things that were considered taboo, & therefore never talked about, effected generations of her family. It took an in-depth look at how "normal" people were the cornerstone of the movement & to this day go largly unhearlded for their efforts.
The memoir was well written & read more like a novel than a true account of someone's family. This was an unexpectedly great book!