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48 of 235
The Taming of Ilona ( Vampire Memoirs 2)
By Nicola Ormerod

Ilona lives a simple life in the seventeenth century. She is the youngest daughter of a farming family and is the apple of her father's eye. Then her world is turned upside down when her father sells her hand in marriage to an older wealthy businessman. Cut off from her family, raped and abused, Ilona struggles to cope with the hand she has been given. She befriends a local businesswoman and friend of her husband, Katrina, who teaches her how to fit into higher society. When she falls pregnant, she tries to see it as a blessing and tries to make the best of her new, brutal life. But Ilona is desperate to know what it is like to be held tenderly and, in her hour of need, turns to her friend and asks her to arrange one night, one night where she will know love and passion. She is introduced to Redvick. He is tall, dark, and gorgeous. Un-natural sparks fly between them, their passion is undeniable, and Redvick is forced to reveal his true nature. Their love is forbidden, but they are soul mates, connected in mind, body, and spirit, but how can they ever overcome their impossible situation and be together.

I absolutely devoured this book in 1.5 hours. It almost broke me in the middle been a while since a book made me cry! Maybe the mother in me. This is the story of Reds mother and how she dealt with her life and believe me it was hard! I thought the first book was good but this just was brilliant! I classic vampire love story was entwined with the tragic life of a 15 year old new wife. Loved it!
Reds Robin ( vampire memoirs book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

45 of 230
Reds Robin ( Vampire Memoirs book 1)
By Nicola Omerod

Robin is a rather self-absorbed model. On a night out, she bumps into Red, a vampire. One unholy and lustfully fantastic night later she finds herself a member of the undead. Having shied away all of her life from love, she now has to adjust to the fact that she and Red are soul mates. But something appears to be amiss with Robin. She doesn't like human blood. She is a Santorian, a special breed of vampire thought to be extinct. As she matures, she will become indestructible, impervious to sunlight. But to accomplish this, she must survive on the blood of other vampires. Robin learns to love for the first time and finds her place in her new family, who have welcomed her into their arms. However, when a vicious rival vampire pack kidnaps Red, it falls solely in her hands to use her newly tuned senses to seek him out and she must battle her way through the entire vampire pack to get him back.

Holy hell this book was filthy 😂 and I mean filth, but in a good way! It was constant but not so you skipped paragraphs or pages like most smut books! Robin was a bitch, she swore like a sailor and was a proper nymph oh and she’s British! Red was just jaw dropping I loved all the characters and under it all it had a decent vampire story. Best smut book I’ve read in a long time and I’m one of those that skips these scenes if I get bored. Brilliant!!
The Queen of the Night
The Queen of the Night
Alexander Chee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not really sure what to say about Alexander Chee's novel The Queen of the Night other than it is magnificent. A sprawling, epic tale that put me in mind of Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha, we follow Paris Opera sensation Lilliet Berne as she recounts her life from her humble beginnings as an orphaned American child, who tried to make her way to Europe to the only family she new of after the death of her family and ended up being swept up by one circumstance after another into the spectacle that was the Second French Empire. We follow her life from her time with a traveling circus, to becoming a prostitute in one of Paris' more prestigious whorehouses, to her time as a dresser for Empress Eugénie de Montijo at the Tuileries, until she finally makes her debut at the French Opera. Through this tale, she is trying to discover who might know of her secrets, as each time she took on a new role, she also cast off her old life and name and reinvented herself at each turn, trying to finally free herself from her own past and come into the life that she wants for herself.

Chee seems to have thoroughly researched his setting for Lillet's journey, and his writing is strong and precise. Lilliet's life is quite an adventure, but it never seems to be dull, and I never felt like I was wishing that her tale would hurry along. I listened to the audio version, and Lisa Flanagan's narration is spot on; she truly became the voice of Lilliet for me. The only thing that I added to my own listening of the book that I think could possibly benefit other readers is that I listened to selections of the operas and other musical pieces that are mentioned in the book, to add that next level of enjoyment to the story.

Chee is an extraordinary storyteller and I'll definitely be reading more by him in the future.
Goth Girl: and the Ghost of a Mouse
Goth Girl: and the Ghost of a Mouse
Chris Riddell | 2014 | Children
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ada Goth lives in Ghastly-Gorm Hall with her father, servants and a few ghosts. Ada’s father likes to keep himself to himself even when it comes to his daughter, he makes her wear clumpy shoes so he can hear her coming. Ada is very much alone in this huge mansion style house until one evening she meets a ghost in the form of a Mouse called Ishmael. Ishmael informs Ada that he was killed by a Mouse trap and that he is to roam the hall for all eternity. Together they go and investigate the rooms in which Ishmael was killed when they come upon some strange things and other denizens.

The book had a lot of characters in it, all shapes and sizes all very whimsical but none have much depth to them, you don’t get to find out an awful lot. I wish Ishmael could have been in the book a bit more than he was. He was introduced in chapter 1 and then didn’t have much involvement. The story is very slow to start off with and only really starts to get going in the second half.

This book definitely had its quirks, I loved the use of the footnotes that were written by ‘The foot’ which made me chuckle. There is also literary references such as Von Hellsung and Hebe Poppins. The Comic book at the back was an added bonus! I didn’t realise this was included when I picked it up.

This book is beautiful, it has a purple ribbon and metallic page edges, inside the cover is decorated in a silver/gold foil and also there is an additional pocket with a miniature comic book called ‘Memoirs of Mouse’. Not only did Chris Riddell Illustrate this book but he also wrote it. I love his artwork, it’s so detailed and definitely stunning to look at all in black and white. Everything was on point regarding presentation.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5.