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48 of 235
The Taming of Ilona ( Vampire Memoirs 2)
By Nicola Ormerod

Ilona lives a simple life in the seventeenth century. She is the youngest daughter of a farming family and is the apple of her father's eye. Then her world is turned upside down when her father sells her hand in marriage to an older wealthy businessman. Cut off from her family, raped and abused, Ilona struggles to cope with the hand she has been given. She befriends a local businesswoman and friend of her husband, Katrina, who teaches her how to fit into higher society. When she falls pregnant, she tries to see it as a blessing and tries to make the best of her new, brutal life. But Ilona is desperate to know what it is like to be held tenderly and, in her hour of need, turns to her friend and asks her to arrange one night, one night where she will know love and passion. She is introduced to Redvick. He is tall, dark, and gorgeous. Un-natural sparks fly between them, their passion is undeniable, and Redvick is forced to reveal his true nature. Their love is forbidden, but they are soul mates, connected in mind, body, and spirit, but how can they ever overcome their impossible situation and be together.

I absolutely devoured this book in 1.5 hours. It almost broke me in the middle been a while since a book made me cry! Maybe the mother in me. This is the story of Reds mother and how she dealt with her life and believe me it was hard! I thought the first book was good but this just was brilliant! I classic vampire love story was entwined with the tragic life of a 15 year old new wife. Loved it!
Reds Robin ( vampire memoirs book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

45 of 230
Reds Robin ( Vampire Memoirs book 1)
By Nicola Omerod

Robin is a rather self-absorbed model. On a night out, she bumps into Red, a vampire. One unholy and lustfully fantastic night later she finds herself a member of the undead. Having shied away all of her life from love, she now has to adjust to the fact that she and Red are soul mates. But something appears to be amiss with Robin. She doesn't like human blood. She is a Santorian, a special breed of vampire thought to be extinct. As she matures, she will become indestructible, impervious to sunlight. But to accomplish this, she must survive on the blood of other vampires. Robin learns to love for the first time and finds her place in her new family, who have welcomed her into their arms. However, when a vicious rival vampire pack kidnaps Red, it falls solely in her hands to use her newly tuned senses to seek him out and she must battle her way through the entire vampire pack to get him back.

Holy hell this book was filthy 😂 and I mean filth, but in a good way! It was constant but not so you skipped paragraphs or pages like most smut books! Robin was a bitch, she swore like a sailor and was a proper nymph oh and she’s British! Red was just jaw dropping I loved all the characters and under it all it had a decent vampire story. Best smut book I’ve read in a long time and I’m one of those that skips these scenes if I get bored. Brilliant!!
The Queen of the Night
The Queen of the Night
Alexander Chee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not really sure what to say about Alexander Chee's novel The Queen of the Night other than it is magnificent. A sprawling, epic tale that put me in mind of Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha, we follow Paris Opera sensation Lilliet Berne as she recounts her life from her humble beginnings as an orphaned American child, who tried to make her way to Europe to the only family she new of after the death of her family and ended up being swept up by one circumstance after another into the spectacle that was the Second French Empire. We follow her life from her time with a traveling circus, to becoming a prostitute in one of Paris' more prestigious whorehouses, to her time as a dresser for Empress Eugénie de Montijo at the Tuileries, until she finally makes her debut at the French Opera. Through this tale, she is trying to discover who might know of her secrets, as each time she took on a new role, she also cast off her old life and name and reinvented herself at each turn, trying to finally free herself from her own past and come into the life that she wants for herself.

Chee seems to have thoroughly researched his setting for Lillet's journey, and his writing is strong and precise. Lilliet's life is quite an adventure, but it never seems to be dull, and I never felt like I was wishing that her tale would hurry along. I listened to the audio version, and Lisa Flanagan's narration is spot on; she truly became the voice of Lilliet for me. The only thing that I added to my own listening of the book that I think could possibly benefit other readers is that I listened to selections of the operas and other musical pieces that are mentioned in the book, to add that next level of enjoyment to the story.

Chee is an extraordinary storyteller and I'll definitely be reading more by him in the future.
Goth Girl: and the Ghost of a Mouse
Goth Girl: and the Ghost of a Mouse
Chris Riddell | 2014 | Children
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ada Goth lives in Ghastly-Gorm Hall with her father, servants and a few ghosts. Ada’s father likes to keep himself to himself even when it comes to his daughter, he makes her wear clumpy shoes so he can hear her coming. Ada is very much alone in this huge mansion style house until one evening she meets a ghost in the form of a Mouse called Ishmael. Ishmael informs Ada that he was killed by a Mouse trap and that he is to roam the hall for all eternity. Together they go and investigate the rooms in which Ishmael was killed when they come upon some strange things and other denizens.

The book had a lot of characters in it, all shapes and sizes all very whimsical but none have much depth to them, you don’t get to find out an awful lot. I wish Ishmael could have been in the book a bit more than he was. He was introduced in chapter 1 and then didn’t have much involvement. The story is very slow to start off with and only really starts to get going in the second half.

This book definitely had its quirks, I loved the use of the footnotes that were written by ‘The foot’ which made me chuckle. There is also literary references such as Von Hellsung and Hebe Poppins. The Comic book at the back was an added bonus! I didn’t realise this was included when I picked it up.

This book is beautiful, it has a purple ribbon and metallic page edges, inside the cover is decorated in a silver/gold foil and also there is an additional pocket with a miniature comic book called ‘Memoirs of Mouse’. Not only did Chris Riddell Illustrate this book but he also wrote it. I love his artwork, it’s so detailed and definitely stunning to look at all in black and white. Everything was on point regarding presentation.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5.
Disclaimer: I was given an e-copy by the author in exchange for an honest review.

I'll start by saying I hold a Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology, so when I was approached to read and review this book, I jumped at it. Schizophrenia was one of the many different topics throughout my coursework, and I'm always eager to learn more about anything Psychology-related. I thought back on my different classes, and while we discussed all sorts of things about Schizophrenia (symptoms, effects on the individual and family/friends, therapeutic treatment, drug treatment, etc.), I don't recall having ever read an anecdotal account from someone with the illness, and I think it's just a fantastic idea.

While this book is very long, it's well worth the read if you're either like me and are interested in Psychology, or if you either have or know someone who has Schizophrenia (Sz for short). Reading this book gave me all sorts of personal insight into the illness that you just can't find in a textbook, and I'm sure it would greatly benefit anyone who is affected in their life by Sz in some way. I found the opening philosophies on God to be very interesting, as it was a new way of looking at the topic for me, and it really drew me in to see what all Eugene believed, had been through, is going through, etc. The various quotes from song lyrics, psychologists, other Sz memoirs, and numerous other sources really worked to convey just what Eugene was thinking and feeling, especially the ones pulled from his earlier writings.

As I said, I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has Sz in some form of their life: either themselves, a family member or friend, therapists, social workers, etc, as well as those who are studying or just interested in Psychology. First-hand accounts are few and far between, and I feel I learned more about Sz, its effects on the mind as well as the idea of "remission," from this book than I did throughout my coursework.

5 stars for its ability to suck you in and keep you reading and learning, no matter how long it is =)
Some Sunny Day
Some Sunny Day
Madge Lambert | 2018 | Biography, History & Politics
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review on

Some Sunny Day was one of those books that go slowly, and tell a story of another times, reviving memories and emotions. A story of a lady that is sent to India to take care for the British Soldiers in the Second World War.

A beautiful memoir, full of lively descriptions that make the scenes more realistic. A powerful story of love, bravery, tragedy, sacrifices and hope.

Madge is a character that all people can relate to. Even though a nurse, and sent to another country, Madge is also a lady just like any other, capable of making decisions, mistakes, fall in love, lose the people she loves and hope for a better future.

A very relatable and non-distant character, too realistic for our own good. I loved her so much, and I was eager to know her story.

The pace, however, for me, was too slow. It took me a while to finish this book, and I stopped reading it two times before I finally finished it. The line between this being a great read and a DNF was very thick. That is why a few of my stars have to go away.

I love memoirs, I love stories behind the scenes of wars. Being born and growing up in the Balkans, this is something that triggers us very close to the heart. Being taught in school to protect each other, and living with our father’s stories of how they went and served in the army is something we can all relate to, and respect all these people that are ready to give their lives for a country.

Those were times when I couldn’t have been easy at all, being away from your family, your loved ones. Hard times not only for the people serving the army, but also the people at home, that miss them and pray for them every single day.

What are we all fighting for? How can war bring peace?

Thank you to NetGalley and Pan Macmillan, for providing me an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Yes Please in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Yes Please
Yes Please
Amy Poehler | 2015 | Biography
7.5 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn't sure how to feel about this book. In some ways, I appreciated that it was more serious than some of the other "funny people" memoirs going around. I am not a huge fan of books written by silly people full of silly things that pretend to tell the story of their life. What's the point? At least Amy makes an attempt to write a memoir, chronicling bits and pieces of her life and actually detailing true thoughts and feelings about things, rather than just jokey things that have no meaning. I found myself sort of rushing through some of the silly lists and spending more time on the actual writing, though some of the funny bits were good - fake acceptance speeches and the like.

The problem is that the book jumps around a lot and never really delves too much into anything. Not wanting to cover her divorce - okay, I get that. There is a really sweet chapter on her sons, which was lovely. You get a rough chronicle of how she became a kid from New England who wound up in New York by way of Chicago. But there's not a lot of detail. I also, selfishly, wish there had been more Tina Fey.

I enjoy that you get the impression that Amy is a deep person with deep thoughts - and isn't even perhaps always nice. She's not afraid to tell stories that don't necessarily flatter her. You get an idea of her as multifaceted person - actress, writer, mom, etc., and not just someone who tells funny stories. There are also some good stories that feature celebrities, which you are always looking for in a celebrity memoir. Finally, there's a fun bit annotated with notes by Parcs & Rec creator Mike Schur. He and Amy talk about a holiday gift Mike gave all his family and friends containing every email, text, and phone message he received during the Red Sox's successful World Series run in 2004. I was left thinking I want to read *that* book.

Anyway, the book just felt a little flat to me, as if it was missing something. It was a little disjointed in its presentation and content. Because it jumps the line between serious and funny, you're left without a full idea of who Amy is, but yet it's not funny enough to just make you laugh and forget all the other flaws.
Rocked Hard
Rocked Hard
Morticia Knight | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Aubrey was a bit in-yer-face!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in here!

For the most part, really did enjoy this book by Ms Knight. I've read a lot of her BDSM books and really enjoy the way she spins her tales, so was intrigued to see how this would work.

It works, really well apart from one major issue I struggled with.

Aubrey, himself.

He is so totally in-yer-face, right from the start, with how much he cares for Bryan, loves him, even and I found him too much too soon. Granted, he doesn't let it all out to Bryan early, but WE get it. We get how much he wanted Bryan to write his memoirs. How much it was ONLY Bryan he wanted to write them, so he could get up close and personal with Bryan.

And he does get up close and personal, very VERY quickly. Aubrey and Bryan's relationship moves at rocket speed, partly because of Aubrey's in-yer-face-ness, and partly because Bryan is also a rocket launcher as far as Aubrey is concerned, and I did struggle to keep up with them!

I didn't get just what Chuck was doing, and why, til it all came out in the book. I knew it was be bad, but I wasn't expecting that. I did like how it took a single line from a song Aubrey wrote, to make Bryan see how much he really did love Aubrey, and he would forgive him pretty much anything.

Aubrey in-yer-face aside, I really did enjoy this. It's well told from both man's point of view, so we get all of Aubrey, but also all of Bryan and the internal wrangling he does about his feelings for Aubrey, both as his rock star idol, but also Aubrey the MAN. Because Bryan hasn't been with a man before and it's a huge shock to him to feel this way. But I liked that, while it WAS a shock, Bryan just ran with it, thinking, what the heck and let's see where this takes us.

So, all in all, a great read, just pipped off those 5 star because of the in-yer-face-ness.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Outcry: Holocaust Memoirs
Outcry: Holocaust Memoirs
Manny Steinberg | 2007 | Biography, History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The blurb describes the book very accurately, this book starts when Manny was a little boy, he tells about his family and his daily encounters. Slowly the situation changes, and Manny and his family end up in a Jewish ghetto, surrounded by a fence, and ruthless Germans. This was the first time I had the ability to read about life in the ghetto as well as someone who was in the same camps as their brother or father. In the previous books I read, people normally used to be on their own snatched from their houses in the middle of the night. So, it was kind of refreshing to see this different side of the events.

I really admired Manny’s and his brother’s creativity to survive in the concentration camps. Both of them are incredibly smart and, to be honest, lucky men. This book is heartbreaking, filled with violence, torture, disgusting human actions which my brain can’t comprehend. So, if you are sensitive, this book is not for you. I really liked the writing style of this book, it is truly beautiful. It is not like a history textbook, crammed with facts, but more like cruel but an amazing evening story, told to you by your grandpa, where it catches your attention and you won’t go away until you will hear it all.

I really liked the way this book was divided into parts, describing each stage in Manny’s life. The chapters were pretty long, but the book was so engrossing to me, that the pages just flew by. Even though Germans are very ashamed of this period in history, it should not be forgotten! The generation who suffered in these events are dying, but I hope the memoirs will survive from not only those who suffered from Germans but as well of those, who suffered from Russians in the same concentration camps in Siberia, during WWII. I truly hope that these books will be read not only in Europe, which was affected but in other countries as well, especially in the US. As Manny mentioned in this book, they were all neighbours, they used to visit each other and were happy until racism, jealousy and violence were encouraged by the government, and that is what I see happening with Trump and his followers.
Sugar: My Life as a Sugar Babe
Sugar: My Life as a Sugar Babe
Monique X | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun, fast and interesting read. (2 more)
Fascinating to read about Monique's travels to different countries.
Intense and emotional
Nothing. (0 more)
Very Steamy!
Sugar was beckoning at me to be read, initially by the eye-catching and attractive cover and that it looked like it would be a very steamy read, as indeed it was. I was definitely not disappointed! I was smitten from the very first, right until the last page.

Monique is a loving single mother, who is trying to create a happy home for her two daughters and she's also a Sugar Babe, dating wealthy men, a practice known as Sugar Daddy dating. She mostly meets her Sugar Daddies during the day, when the children are at school or when they are with their father. Monique finds a thousand pounds in her purse after one night of passionate and very hot sex, and she realises that Sugar Daddy dating could be her way to survive as a single mother.

A heady life of wealthy men, luxury hotels and glamorous experiences ensue. One of my favourites was Iranian engineer Farshad, who liked to lavish Monique with gifts such as expensive jewellery and leather boots and wine and dine her in exotic restaurants.

Dates with Sugar Daddies see her flying to Paris, Barcelona, Vienna, Milan, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong and skydiving in Dubai. Thanks to her Sugar Daddies, Monique can provide for her children, she has some independence, and experiences a whole new range of sexual fantasies.
She deactivates her account with her agency, Seeking Arrangement, and her ex-husband stops paying for the children's' upkeep. She is then prepared to do anything for the sake of her children. Money becomes her top priority and she starts living in the dangerous waters of the escort world. Now she realises that she must find a way out before this hollow existence becomes a habit.
I absolutely loved reading Sugar. Maybe it was the novelty of reading a book told as memoirs and based on true events. It was fascinating to read about Monique's travels to different countries and about the different nationalities, cultures and personalities of the gentlemen she dated. However, she ends up working as an escort rather than a Sugar Babe, as it's all about basic survival instincts, money and very spicy sex.
Sugar is steamy and hot, passionate and caring, intense and emotional and there are definitely moments where you will laugh. It is such a fun, fast and interesting read.

Monique X is a brilliant storyteller and really draws you in with her descriptiveness.

Thanks to NetGalley and Thistle Publishing for my ARC.