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The Remains of the Day
The Remains of the Day
Kazuo Ishiguro | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second book I have read by this author, and I am in love with the writing style. The story is a simple tale of thinking back on life, fitting together the pieces of how you got to where you are in life, but the themes touch upon harsh truths and hit my emotions hard! Ishiguro has an amazing talent for creating a world that feels real with a tinge of the dreamlike. His consistent theme of memory is played out beautiful from story to story. I absolutely loved this book and would highly recommend it.

Elif Shafak recommended The Captive Mind in Books (curated)

The Captive Mind
The Captive Mind
Czeslaw Milosz | 2001 | History & Politics
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Much has been written about authoritarianism and its multiple manifestations, but little has been said about the ways in which people, even the most educated, seemingly open-minded people, internalise authoritarianism in their daily life. What happens to politics and politicians under a corrupt system is obvious. But what happens to a society and a culture under authoritarianism is a question less understood. The Polish poet, essayist and thinker Milosz wrote extensively about home, homeland, exile, memory, history…. As a writer who comes from a turbulent land of collective amnesia, I have always read him with a sense of affinity."


Neneh Cherry recommended Down These Mean Streets in Books (curated)

Down These Mean Streets
Down These Mean Streets
Piri Thomas | 1997 | Biography, Gender Studies
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"New York is where I go in my head a lot when I’m writing. I have deep imprints of the city in my backbone: sounds, smells, music, pizza parlors, Chelsea Hotel, TV, fire hydrants oozing, the Lower East Side, people everywhere living their lives inside-out, on top, and through each other… maybe there is something even more in the memories old New York in the ‘70s—unpolished, unclean, lived in. It’s all there in this coming of age story of a young Puerto Rican boy/man. I feel this story all around in my memory bank."


Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated RoboCop (2014) in Movies

Nov 2, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
RoboCop (2014)
RoboCop (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
The 80s were a great time for movies and in particular a very violent and at some times black humoured movie from director Paul Verhoeven, yes folks, I'm talking about the original RoboCop.

It's the film that a lot of us still love today, with its story of a good cop (Peter Weller) who is murdered by criminals, in possibly one of the most gruesome cop killings in a movie in the 80s, who is then pieced back together as an unstoppable crime-fighting cyborg, who is tormented by the memory of his death and in turn goes out for revenge.
Heart of the Flame ( Dragon Chalice 2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
52 of 220
Heart of the Flame ( Dragon Chalice 2)
By Lara Adrian

Six months in an enemy's dungeon might have broken a weaker man, but the former Templar knight Kenrick of Clairmont has emerged from imprisonment with an unyielding determination, consumed by a single, daunting quest: to find the Dragon Chalice, a mystical treasure said to grant its bearer unlimited power. It is a dangerous chase, one that pits Kenrick against foes skilled in dark, deadly arts. But no obstacle will prove more treacherous-nor more seductively lethal-than the fiery beauty called Haven.

Caught up in the battle for the Chalice, Haven survives a night of terror that leaves her wounded and near death. Her memory scorched by fever, Haven awakens to find herself in the care of the forbidding, handsome Kenrick, who offers his protection in return for her alliance. A tenuous trust is formed between the two, which soon ignites into a fierce passion neither can deny. But Haven's memory of her past is slowly beginning to surface, and it will threaten the fragile bond she and Henrick share-and embroil them in a fight for their very lives. . .

I like this series it’s historical romance mixed with a hint of magic. This was a quick good read. I do like this author her books are so easy and pleasant to read.
Let the Sky Fall (Sky Fall, #1)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vane has no memory of his life before his parents were killed in a tornado. Audra has spent her entire life guarding him, but always from a distance. But when the winds of change come into their lives, can Audra train Vane to meet his destiny? I really enjoyed this YA fantasy novel with a strong romance. The characters were great, and it was easy to pull for them. And the plot moved along well, leading to a climax that kept me turning pages.

My full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Elle (13 KP) rated The Hatred (2017) in Movies

Oct 10, 2018  
The Hatred (2017)
2017 | Horror
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Nothing (0 more)
All of it (0 more)
I want that 1:30 back
Contains spoilers, click to show
You watch the trailer and you think "Hey, this looks kinda creepy." So you decide to give it a shot.. you invite a friend over and you watch and you don't think that friends ever gonna come over anymore because of your horrible taste in movies. Look, this could have been a solid little scare if they had focused more on the Hitker occult mythos rather than over used tropes. The only hatred I have is for this movie

I want repress the memory of watching this like that ex Nazi oppressed his daughter.
The Last Mile (Amos Decker #2)
The Last Mile (Amos Decker #2)
David Baldacci | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a sequel to ‘Memory Man’ but I do think readers could pick up the background easily. The story follows an FBI task force investigator, Amos Decker, a man who can forget nothing due to an injury as an American Football player. Melvin Mars is a man on death row who needs to dig deep into his past to find out the truth behind his incarceration. It’s a very American thriller with some very staged dialogue, lots of guns and criminology but I really enjoyed the idea of a man blessed and cursed with perfect recall. A tale of twists and turns that kept me reading.
Tyrant (Tyrant, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this book years ago, and had rated it (by memory) with 1 star on Goodreads. Having recently re-read it, I now think that might be a bit harsh.

On the other hand, 2 stars might be a bit generous.

I found this heavy going, slow to start, and not really all that exciting. It's unusual in that it is set in the time of Alexander (the Great), but this Alexander - or more particularly - his army, are actually the villains of the piece, with Kineas and his band of Mercenaries fighting against the invading Macedonians in the company of the Scyths.

Not impressed over all.

John Taylor recommended The 39 Steps (1959) in Movies (curated)

The 39 Steps (1959)
The 39 Steps (1959)
1959 | Action, Drama, Mystery
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This was the first thriller I ever saw—on our eleven-inch black-and-white TV set in the small living room of my parents’ home in the suburbs of Birmingham. It was the most romantic and exciting thing I had ever seen, and I can still get lost in it today. The 39 Steps is the blueprint for all the classic Hitchcock films that would follow. Sexy stars, fantastic locations, and quirky cliff-hanger scenes that you want to watch over and over. In this film, it is the Mr. Memory scene that I look forward to most, and every time I see it, it still makes me jump!"
