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Merissa (11704 KP) rated Hers, Times Two (Hers #4) in Books

Jun 17, 2021 (Updated Jul 18, 2023)  
Hers, Times Two (Hers #4)
Hers, Times Two (Hers #4)
Anna Adler | 2021 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
HERS, TIMES TWO is the fourth book in this series, and although you could read it as a standalone, the question would be WHY? There are three brilliant books before this one that help set up the scene/worlds so why limit yourself to just one?

Anyway, moving back to this one - Liz/Eliza has lusted after Jackal and Zaster for a long time but, due to their complicated pasts, she doesn't feel like they want anything to do with her. Not only that, but she had a drug addiction she is fighting. Zaster and Jackal are closer than brothers but behave oppositely where Liz is concerned.

First of all - I LOVED that this was set with Jax and Alyssa on their ship, rather than on Selenia. Don't get me wrong, I love Selenia and I love seeing how it is changing, but this felt like a tip of the old hat to Jax and Alyssa. Plus, it's always good to see previous characters again.

There is a lot of miscommunication in this book, which makes for an excellent read as they fumble through and try to make things right. Poor Liz has a lot to deal with. Can I just say - where she has to do the injection? Gah!!! That made me do the heebie-jeebie dance every single time.

There is snark and sass, memory loss, action and adventure, plus steamy moments aplenty, for everyone to enjoy. This was a brilliant addition to the series and I enjoyed every word. I absolutely recommend this book, this series, and I can't wait to see if we return to Selenia to see if Young and Cocky find someone!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 17, 2021
Welcome to Marwen (2018)
Welcome to Marwen (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Cap’t Hogie (Steve Carell) is saved from of Nazi’s, after his plane crashed in a swamp in Belgium, by a squad women. They are able to take the beaten and battered Hogie back to their town of Marwen. Or at least that the story Mark Hogancamp (also Steve Carell) has conjured in his art installation outside his trailer home. Mark himself was found by a bartender, Wendy (Stefanie von Pfetten), after he was beaten with an inch of his life by a group of white supremacist. Hogancamp was a successful sketch artist and now can hardly write his own name. He also has little to no memory of the life before the beating. But he is still and artist and now his art lives in the dolls he uses to create a fantasy story that mirrors his real life.

The group of women dolls that seem to always save his Hogie character are all based on the women his life. There is G.I. Julie, aka Julie (Janelle Monae), his rehab partner after his accident and Roberta (Merritt Wever), the friendly neighborhood hobby story clerk. Plus there is Anna (Gwendoline Christie) nurse who brings Hogie his mail and supplies in real life and Carlala (Eiza Gonzalez) his coworker in real life. These make up the majority of his bad ass Nazi killing crew in Marwen. The newest addition is his neighbor Nicole (Leslie Mann) who he think might help him defeat the Nazi’s in Marwen for good and be a special new friend in real life. He will need both his Marwen crew and his real life friends as the sentencing for his real life attackers gets closer and his fragile mental health is pushed to a stressful breaking point.

This unique story is based on the real life of world famous photographic artist Mark Hogancamp. Mark was brutally beaten because he made a smart comment about liking to wear women’s shoes. It’s also a story of overcoming addiction and mental health issues. He turned the disaster into a passion for creating art and using fantasy to cope with tragedy.

This was a really interesting way of telling a one of a kind true story. I thought that director, Robert Zemeckis (Forest Gump, Flight) used both real life and the fantasy world of Marwen to create one story. There were times when the story really didn’t flow great between the two worlds but overall was really original filmmaking. The pace and flow were a little off with the transitions. I thought the animation was exceptionally done. The story also had a bunch of topics it tackled, from mental health and memory loss to addiction but also had a good mix of humor. Carell dual performances were really well done and the supporting cast was also good. Films that are original and try new and interesting things are always worth a view in my opinion. I could see the content not really being for everyone but I thought the overall story left me feeling good.
The Twilight Wife
The Twilight Wife
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kyra Winthrop and her husband, Jacob, are headed to live on a remote island (in the house where Jacob grew up) to get away from it all. Kyra recently suffered a head injury in a diving accident; she hit her head on a rock and while Jacob saved her, she cannot remember the past four years of her life and is having trouble with her current ability to retain things. Kyra and Jacob hope time away, in a quiet place, will let Kyra--and her memory--heal. But once on the island, Kyra begins to remember more and more. About the accident and about her past. She has no one to rely on but Jacob, who tells her much of what she remembers are only dreams. But Kyra is convinced it's more. And what about the shadowy third figure she continually recalls from their diving accident? Kyra isn't sure who to trust, even herself, as she tries to unfold her past and recall not only her accident, but who she has been for the past four years.

This was a fascinating book that really took the premise of the "unreliable" narrator to a whole new level. What I enjoyed the most is that we learned the bits and pieces about Kyra's life, and who she was, just as she did. This made the novel very suspenseful and helped make up for any points where it seemed a little unbelievable (e.g., only forgetting exactly these 4 crucial years, no Internet on the island except at their home, etc.), or where the story felt a bit flat. Kyra is our main character, and she's interesting and complicated, with her memory loss and unknown past. She's truly trying to find out who she is. The others in the novel, mainly Jacob and a few island residents, aren't exactly characters you form an attachment to. Still, I found the book captivating and basically read the second half in one sitting: it's a very fast read, and you become easily drawn into Kyra's world.

I found the ending to be a little easy and pat, but I still enjoyed watching all the pieces come together (even if I'd guessed some of them already). The novel really truly does a masterful job at creating intrigue into Kyra's past and the various parts of her life, and how she has arrived on this remote island with Jacob (don't want to give anything away). It's a little eerie, a little creepy, and a little haunting. It was sort of a fun version of a Lifetime movie--one that had me hooked and enjoying the plot, versus rolling my eyes and changing the channel--and because I so enjoyed seeing everything come together and racing through the end of the book, it pushed my rating up to 4 stars. If you're looking for a quick suspense read, it's definitely worth picking this one up.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 12/27/2016.
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Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Giver in Books

May 28, 2017  
The Giver
The Giver
Lois Lowry | 2012 | Children
8.5 (84 Ratings)
Book Rating
An imperfect perfect future
October 2014 Book of the Month

I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

It has been over twenty years since Lois Lowry’s controversial children’s story The Giver was published and it certainly deserves its status as an essential modern classic. Jonas has grown up in the perfect world of the Community whose survival relies on strict rules and rituals. Adults are assigned spouses and children (one boy and one girl) as they take up their role within the society. At the beginning of the book Jonas is approaching then end of his eleventh year and feeling apprehensive about the Ceremony of Twelve where he will be assigned a job for him to do for the rest of his adult life. Jonas gets selected as the Receiver of Memory – a very rare position – and begins to experience memories from humans who lived a long time ago. For Jonas this is exciting until he begins to see the flaws in his perfect world.

Dystopian literature has become popular over the past few years and it would not be surprising if it were The Giver that inspired these contemporary works. Lowry claims that she did not intend for The Giver to have a sinister feel about it; she was writing an adventure story and exploring the concept of the importance of memory, but it turned out to be something much more thought provoking. As the children’s novelist Margaret Mahy (The Haunting) pointed out, up until the publication of this novel in 1993 Lowry was best known for her funny stories about Anastasia Krupnik resulting in The Giver being even more shocking and unexpected.

The Giver highlights that attempting to produce perfection can often result in the loss of good things as well as the bad. The notion of the ideal world may seem like a wonderful proposal, but in order to achieve it humans would have to do away with free choice as in ironing out the inequalities and injustices of the present world would result in everything becoming the same for each individual.

This is a difficult concept to grasp, particularly for a child. Although intended as a children’s series, The Giver and its following installments are more suitable for young adults and older. The only issue with this is that the writing style was target at a younger audience meaning that the overall story is short and lacks depth. If it were to have been written for older readers then there would have been the scope for it to become a much lengthier novel.

There are a lot of mixed reviews surrounding this book although they have changed greatly since the original publication. To begin with The Giver was banned in some areas however the dystopian theme has become accepted in today’s society. What many people comment on now is the oversimplification of such strong ideas. Then again, as already mentioned, it needs to be emphasized that this book was aimed at children, thus the language reflects the reading skills of its target audience.

The Giver is a gem of a book that not only is enjoyable but also can educate the reader on the dangers of attempting a utopian society and why it is important to retain human memories – even the bad – in order that wisdom can exist. Those who have become fans of contemporary dystopian novels, for example Divergent by Veronica Roth or Delirium by Lauren Oliver, will be sure to love this series.
Still Alice
Still Alice
Lisa Genova | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just finished reading a novel called Still Alice by Lisa Genova about Alice, who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease in her early fifties. It's written from the point of view of the woman with the disease instead of the usual POV of a caretaker. With every page, as she fell deeper into the grips of the disease, I was convinced that I had early onset Alzheimer's. The phrases, it's a real page-turner or I couldn't put it down, are used so often that we forget that there are books that are actually like that. This one is. I had physical reaction to the book. I gasped in awe and terror. I laughed. I was fascinated by its beauty and terrified of the disease becoming a reality in my life someday. I cried. I got angry. I sighed with relief. I went through a whirlwind of emotion. It took my breath away. It should be required reading for everyone.

The novel is written so well that I become consumed by the author's thoughts and feelings and it really drew me in. After I finished the book, it took maybe a few days for me to realize it was just a book and not me losing my memory and my mind. I highly recommend the book, even if the subject matter may be scary to you, because you get a sense of how Alzheimer's robs a person of their thoughts and abilities and it will give you insight into how to treat loved one's and other victims of dementia and Alzheimer's. It was fascinating to learn how Alzheimer's ravages the different areas of the brain and what effect it has on the person. It explained what I always wondered, how can a person die from Alzheimer's. This IS NOT a spoiler. I am not saying that Alice dies in the book. Just that the mechanics of the disease is explain very well. It isn't just a novel for entertainment and enjoyment. It tells you about Alzheimer's inside out and as both Alice and her husband are scientists and Harvard professors, it doesn't dumb it down to the audience. It is not vague details but explicit facts that you will remember, that will change the way you think of Alzheimer's and aging and, dare I say, will change your life.

The character is a professor of psychology at Harvard (the author is also is a neuropsychologist or neuropsychiatrist. I forget which, oh, the irony! So she knows her stuff) and although at a few points, I thought it was far above my head, but when I really dug in and read the sentences a few times, it started to make sense and I think I learned something from it. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so I have memory loss and cognitive thought issues and deal with so much pain in my life that it's difficult to understand new concepts, especially in the realm of academia. Other people may not have as much difficulty as I did getting through the scientific aspects of the disease and the vast influx of new information.

Sidenote: I was very happy to discover that the book has been made into a movie being released soon with Julianne Moore as the title character. That is one I will definitely see in the theater.

I'm so glad that the movie is made and will reach more people and expose them to early onset Alzheimer's.

Bravo to the author for taking us down the path, pain and beauty, yes, beauty of Alzheimer's.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Memento (2000) in Movies

Nov 29, 2020  
Memento (2000)
Memento (2000)
2000 | Mystery, Thriller
One of my favourite films
Film #5 on the 100 Movies Bucket List: Memento

I have to admit, I may be a little biased when it comes to Memento. Christopher Nolan is my favourite director and Memento is both one of my favourite films of his and one of my favourite films of all time. For me, this undoubtedly deserves its place on this bucket list.

Memento is a 2000 psychological thriller starring Guy Pearce as Leonard Shelby, a man suffering from anterograde amnesia searching for the person responsible for the death of his wife, using notes and tattoos to organise his thoughts.

One of the most noticeable features of Memento is the fact that half of the narrative is told backwards. The movie begins at the end, focusing on a rather gruesome Polaroid photograph that fades rather than develops and a victim of a shooting coming back to life. The rest of the film jumps backwards a few minutes at a time, each scene ending where the last one started. For a film about memory loss and amnesia, this mechanism of telling the story really helps put us in Leonard’s shoes. It makes you feel as confused as he is. On the original dvd release, there was a hidden feature that allowed you to play the film in chronological order and this just didn’t have the same impact. These reverse scenes are interspersed with black and white flashbacks of Leonard earlier in his wife’s murder investigation and his life as an insurance investigator, which really help with the exposition. These paired together alongside a haunting score make for an intriguing and not your run of the mill murder mystery.

There are some great performances in this that also help increase the intrigue. Carrie-Anne Moss as the apparently helpful Natalie and Joe Pantoliano as the questionable sidekick appear new to Leonard every time they meet yet their loyalties and motives waver for us as the viewers throughout the film. And Guy Pearce manages to portray the frustrated and not as innocent as he first appears Leonard incredibly well, and holds this film on his own for most of the run time. They’re helped by a clever and smart script that flawlessly blends the sinister and rather dark criminal aspects of this with some surprisingly funny lines.

This story starts at the end so you don’t have to worry about how it turns out, but despite this Memento still comes up with a rather cracking twist and denouement. This entire film is about time and memory and how unreliable it is, and the lies we tell ourselves about our own identities. Even during this, what we thought we knew about Leonard as the black and white flashback meets the backwards story, is revealed to be completely unreliable and quite shocking. Without revealing too much, the outcome of this film is both surprising, sinister and rather emotional, and features some of the best dialogue of the entire movie. Leonard’s actions and motives revealed here and the final voiceover as he drives off makes for a hugely satisfying ending.

I first watched Memento in a psychology class at college around 17 years ago. I loved it then and in the years since, it hasn’t lost its appeal. Watching it back now still evokes the same emotion and feelings when the credits roll as it did all those years ago and will always be one of my favourite films, even possibly my all time favourite.
The Hangover (2009)
The Hangover (2009)
2009 | Comedy
The road trip gone awry has been a staple of Hollywood comedies for years. Bing Crosby and Bob Hope provided tons of laughs with their “Road To” films which have continued with films ranging from “Road Trip” to the Chevy Chase “Vacation” film series. In the new movie “The Hangover”, Director Todd Phillips follows upon his many successes which include “Old School”, and “Starsky and Hutch” to create one of the funniest films in recent memory.

When Doug (Justin Bartha) is about to be married, his friends Stu (Ed Helms) and Phil (Bradley Cooper) decide to give Doug a bachelor party. With his eccentric future brother-in-law Alan (Zach Galifinakis) in tow, the guys hit the town for a night to remember. Or maybe not.

After a rooftop toast overlooking the scenic Las Vegas strip, Stu, Phil, and Alan awaken to find their lavish suite at Ceasar’s Palace destroyed and everything from a tiger to a chicken sharing their room. Henpecked Stu panics, having told his girlfriend they were going to wine country and is at a loss to explain the state of the room as well as his missing tooth. With all three men nursing a severe hangover and Doug nowhere to be found, things take a turn for the worse when a baby is discovered in the closet of their suite. Desperate to get to the bottom of the previous night and locate Doug, the guys try to piece together their lost night.

As the plot unfolds, the guys go from a wedding chapel to a hospital and police station, and trying to stay ahead of new threats and complications that arise. With Doug’s wedding looming in a few hours, the group takes extreme measures to find their friend and get him to the alter on time.

What follows is a hysterical and highly enjoyable comedy that rarely lets up long enough for you to stop laughing before unleashing even more comedy. The ensemble cast is strong and have great camaraderie and chemistry. The film loses some momentum in the final act but rebounds nicely with the final segments. Make sure you stay for the credits for some hysterical stuff and some great celebrity cameos. While some may find the humor crude and sophomoric, if you are not easily offended, you will laugh loud and often at this comedic delight.