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The Jacket (2005)
The Jacket (2005)
2005 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
The human mind is a deep and complex organ that to this day is not fully understood by the best scientific minds on the planet. It is known that only a small percentage of the mind is actually used, with the vast majority of the unused portion presenting a mystery. There are those who have suggested that those individuals who show paranormal abilities are simply individuals who have learned to use areas of the brain that are normally dormant.

In the new psychological thriller The Jacket, Adrian Brody plays Jack Starks, a Gulf war soldier who is shot in the head in 1991 during combat operations.

Jack survives this ordeal as he awakens during medical triage despite being classified as dead by the attending medics. Flash forward to late 1992, and Jack is on his way to Canada through a cold and remote section of Vermont It is learned that Jack has some mental blocks in his head via a series of flashbacks, but when he comes to the aid of a stranded motorist and her young daughter, Jack soon finds his life taking an unexpected turn.

Despite being a good Samaritan, Jack is forced to accept a ride from a passing drifter miles later, when the mother refuses to assist him. Flash forward again and Jack is being charged with the murder of a police officer who Jack insists was killed by the man who picked them up. Since Jack has a mental condition, his claims of the driver who picked him up are dismissed as mental delusions.

Jack is committed to a mental institution where under the treatment of Dr. Becker (Kris Kristofferson), Jack is bound in a straight jacket and locked in a storage shelf in the basement morgue. While in the box, Jack travels 17 years into the future where he is reunited with Jackie (Kiera Knightley), the little girl he helped years earlier. Jackie has fallen upon hard times and refuses to believe that the person before her is the same Jack Starks who helped her years ago, as she claims that Jack Starks died years ago in the asylum.

As Jack comes in and out of treatment his perception of the events in the box comes into question due to his condition, and only the supportive Dr. Lorenson (Jennifer Jason Leigh), seems sympathetic to his concerns that he is going to die in the next few days.

The film jumps between the past, present, future where Jack attempts to uncover what happened to him with the help of Jackie so that he can try to prevent it from happening or at the very least, make the future a better place for those in the past who can avoid their fates.

The strength of the film is the solid work by the two leads as Brody and Knightley work well with one another and infuses their characters with compassion and humanity while showing their flaws as they attempt to deal with the hardships of their situations.

While some may take exception to the dark tone of the film, I preferred to look at the interesting twists to the story and how the film makes you think and interpret situations and outcomes rather than handing it to the audience in a tidy package.
Lost in the Beehive
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I went into reading this book not knowing too much - I read all genres so I like to be surprised by stories. The cover and the title both spoke to me - I grew up on a farm and we had beehives and "raised" bees for our own honey and wax. I adore everything about bees and have always thought they were magical creatures.
Lost in the Beehive just made me love them even more. It's a wonderful thought to think that bees understand you, and are by your side during traumatic events, trying to steer you in the right direction. Gloria Ricci definitely needed some direction growing up, from anyone - or anything.
It is Vietnam era 1960's when we first find Gloria being sent to a mental asylum, to be "cured" of an "illness". We follow her through this experience, and quite a few other major life events throughout, and there always seem to be some bees hovering nearby, as if guiding her, protecting her.
Michele Young-Stones writing is exquisite. The witty banter between Gloria and her dearest friend Sheff had me laughing out loud, and the story flows so smoothly it's easy to find yourself lost in it all. The characters are so colorful, and you can feel the bees magical energy so much throughout the story, that it's just enough to make a sad story about finding yourself, feel like a mystical fairytale.
Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to review Lost in the Beehive.
A Brand New Ending
S.A. Rolls | 2013
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I really wanted to enjoy this book especially since I enjoy books that are set in an asylum. For the first half, I really enjoyed the book, but the second half read more like an erotica, and I just couldn't finish it once I got to about 71%.

After being abused by her step-father since 15, Phoenix attempts to kill herself after jumping off a bridge. She is placed in an asylum to make sure she gets better. There she meets Braeden and feels drawn to him. Braeden also feels drawn to Phoenix and doesn't know why.

I thought the title was an interesting one. It definitely caught my attention! I love it!

The cover is a bit bland, but it still caught my attention. The lost girl on the front is what I loved about it.

I think the world building would have been a lot better had there not been insta-love. Phoenix and Braeden instantly feel drawn to each other, and they're automatically in love. This really annoyed me! Also, if an aide in an asylum pursues a relationship with a patient, that aide could/would be fired for misconduct. However, Braeden never gets in trouble even though a lot of people know about him and Phoenix.

The pacing goes back and forth between being slow and decent. For the most part, it is decent, but there were a few bits where the pacing slows down a lot, especially as we keep getting told how much Braeden and Phoenix "love" each other. Their feelings for each other are mentioned a lot which I felt was quite redundant.

The plot of the damsel in distress and the knight in shining armor has been done before, and I liked the fact it was set in an asylum. I'm always intrigued by mental disorders and what not. That was the plot for the first half of the book. In the second half of the book, the plot just went to how much sex could Braeden and Phoenix have.

In the second half, all Braeden and Phoenix did was have sex...graphically!! I felt like I was reading a whole different book! I felt like this book went from a sweet contemporary romance to an erotica book! It seemed every other sentences was about them having sex or thinking sexual thoughts. This is what really put me off the book, so at 71%, during another erotic sex scene, I stopped reading. I don't do erotica books. I really wish I had known this book has very graphic sex scenes and a lot of them because then I wouldn't have even bothered wasting my time.

I couldn't really connect to the characters. I kind of liked Phoenix, but there was just something missing with her. I really couldn't feel anything emotionally when it came to her. I did at the beginning, but she just became sort of a dull character. Braeden just annoyed me for some reason. Maybe it was the fact that his swearing was over the top or that he abused his position of authority. He tried to hard to come across as a bad boy a lot of the time, and it just wasn't working. I did like Rain though, and I would've loved to hear more about her.

The dialogue wasn't working. There was way too much swearing, and most of it didn't feel natural. Braeden was the one who swore the most, and it was like every other word was the f word. Braeden's friends swore, Phoenix swore, the doctor/Braeden's father swore...practically every character mentioned in this book swore. With all the swearing, the majority of the dialogue felt very forced and very fake.

Overall, A Brand New Ending by S.A. Rolls just didn't do it for me. The dialogue felt too forced, and I felt like I had picked up an erotica novel even though it's not labelled as such. However, this book has got a lot of great reviews, so perhaps I'm just too much of a prude.

I'd only recommend this book to those who are 18+ who enjoy reading erotica.

<b>I'd give A Brand New Ending by S.A. Rolls a 1.5 out of 5. </b>

(I received a free ecopy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review).

Louise (64 KP) rated Stealing Snow in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Stealing Snow
Stealing Snow
Danielle Paige | 2016 | Children
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review*

*This may contain spoilers*

This is another author where I have not read any of their work until now. Danielle Page is the author of ‘Dorothy must Die’ trilogy. I was anticipating this for all the wrong reasons, I thought this was a Snow White retelling which it is sadly not.

The main protagonist of this book is called Snow….obviously this is giving me the Snow White retelling vibes and that she names her medication after the seven dwarves. I forgot to mention Snow is currently detained in an asylum for young adults with mental health issues. The reason for her being there is pretty vague,sure she has anger issues and she bites but does that really mean she has to be incarcerated from the age of six! I was getting another vibe at this point – Alice in wonderland/through the looking-glass as she supposedly tried to walk through a mirror. At this point I was confused as to what the retelling actually was, was it Snow White? Alice in Wonderland?

<img src=""; width="400" height="200" alt="description"/>

Snow is not a very relatable character, she is young, she is naive and she falls in love with every boy that makes conversation with her…no word of a lie! She is in love with Bale who is also in the mental institution (His reason for being there is more believable) When she finds herself in the alternative world known as Algid she meets two other boys that are there to help her but obviously her hormones run away with her and starts swooning over the both of them whilst still loving Bane (That being the reason she is in Algid)

Obviously, when Snow gets to the alternative world she find out she is the chosen one and part of a prophecy. Snow being Snow who is really sarcastic and narrow-minded doesn’t care about the prophecy and only wants to find Bale. Her powers are to control Snow and she has to learn how to use these said powers….which just happen.

I am not a massive reader of fantasy novels but the world building in this was non-existent and when there was it was like it was an afterthought.I had no real idea of what Algid looked like other than it was covered in snow.

 <img src=""; width="400" height="200" alt="description"/>


I wasn’t particularly fond of the writing style and the amount of times that ‘I need to find Bale’ or some 20 other ways this could be written really got on my nerves,it was like we forgot why she was there every few pages.

So to wrap this up in a nutshell,this is a mash-up of retellings but mostly snow queen/frozen, the way that mental health was interpreted was very poor and would have loved it to have been more realistic. The characters were very unrelatable and the world building was lacking.

I will be not continuing on with this series, however don’t let this review stop you from reading it, this after all is just my opinion.

I rated this 1.5 out of 5 stars

ClareR (5577 KP) rated Trust in Books

Jan 13, 2024  
Hernan Diaz | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It took me a bit to get into Trust, but I’m glad I persevered, and that I went back and read the synopsis!

Trust is made up of four narratives about the same man. The first is a book written by Harold Vanner called ‘Bonds’. It tells the story of tycoon Benjamin Rask in the 1920’s and his role in the 1929 crash. It’s also about his wife, Helen, her love of the Arts, how she descends into mental illness and dies in a European asylum.

The second story is comprised of the notes that Andrew Revel, a Wall Street banker and tycoon, makes in order to write his autobiography. His wife Mildred also features, and her death from cancer, also in a treatment centre in Europe.

The third is written by Ida Partenza (my favourite part), where she is looking back on the time that she worked for Revel, ghost-writing his biography. She clearly intensely dislikes her employer, mainly because he lies throughout his storytelling, and is quite upfront about doing it. He’s also aware of her father being a political refugee from Italy, an anarchist, and there’s an underlying menace.

And the final part are the notes and diaries that Ida finds in the ‘present’ day written by Mildred, leading up to her death. They reveal the secrets that her husband would rather not know. Why these are still in a library that can be accessed by the public isn’t known, but the handwriting is pretty indecipherable, so that may well be the reason.

Obviously the first story is about the man in the last three, and we are asked to trust that the man who wrote the first is lying - and therefore trust that Andrew Revel is telling the truth. Clearly he isn’t. His wife’s notes back that up. Revel is a manipulative man, who doesn’t hesitate to ruin other people’s lives in order to protect his reputation.

I read this whole novel with horrified fascination. It’s a good one!

Richard Hell recommended Kiss Me Deadly (2008) in Movies (curated)

Kiss Me Deadly (2008)
Kiss Me Deadly (2008)
2008 | Action, Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Noir, of course, typically displays shadows, rain, urban darkness, blunt seediness, and the realization that since not just at the end but at the center of things are death and other hopeless mysteries, human striving is meaningless. There’s something soothing about realizing that all is futile. It’s liberating. Kiss Me Deadly might be the most cynical and fatalistic noir of them all. It happens to take place in sunny LA, but it’s certainly got the seediness too, including fantastic location shooting in long-gone slums. It’s one of those flicks that’s too good to be true. You’re stopped alone at a motel somewhere in the desert late at night, dead tired, but you can’t sleep, so you switch on the TV . . . and there’s a near-teenage Cloris Leachman running towards you, moaning and sobbing in the darkness, too blonde and naked to believe. But there she is. What a world. Ralph Meeker speeds up in a Jaguar! Nat King Cole warbles on the radio. Cloris is named after Christina Rossetti! It’s 1955. She’s a bitter feminist escapee from a mental asylum. And it just gets better, all the way till after the last second. Along with the action, corruption, sadism, and sex (when the blonde in her car, who happens to be behind Mike Hammer when he parks in a driveway, is immediately compelled to press herself against him and kiss him, framed with bulging taillights protruding from the fin of the forward auto, somehow it's sexier than the porniest pornography), the photography/mise-en-scène would make this movie immortal alone. It’s the kind of movie that makes me laugh at the notion of “art” photography. A few thousand frames from this one film would make a better life’s work in photography than any artist has yet created. Cindy Sherman has a right to a living like everyone else, but, Jesus . . . Nicholas Raymondo (“Very Smart. Very Bright. Very Sad.”) was “sad . . . for the way the world is,” but as Christina tells us: if you should forget me for a while And afterwards remember, do not grieve: For if the darkness and corruption leave A vestige of the thoughts that once I had, Better by far you should forget and smile It’s actually misquoted in the movie, but it’s still probably the nicest thing that’s happened to Christina Rossetti in a hundred years . . ."
