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Whistle In The Dark
Whistle In The Dark
Emma Healey | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Promising plot, badly executed
I very badly wanted to like this book, but it was such a struggle. The plot is very promising and intriguing and I was expecting some sort of crime mystery or thriller, but instead of that it was more of an emotional book about mental health. Whilst I have no issue with that, I found main character Jen to be a little frustrating after a while and around half way through the book I was getting very bored. It didn’t feel like the story was getting anywhere quickly and when it did finally reach the end, it was a bit of a disappointment as it was exactly what you could’ve predicted right from the start. Sadly not my kind of story.
The Heatwave
The Heatwave
Katerina Diamond | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonists in this book were Jasmine and Felicity, and the story was told from their perspectives. Felicity is telling the story at the present day, she has to go back to her home-town where she grew up, to find a girl that has been kidnapped. Because “only she knows how to find her”. Felicity is a very troubled character, she has a drinking problem, and suffers from quite a few mental health problems. Jasmine and Felicity were best friends at school, and Jasmine is a person who tells the story from the past. I really liked Jasmine’s story, it is more intriguing and gripping compared to Felicity’s.

The narrative was very well balanced, in my opinion. Felicity keeps kindling the suspense with “her big secret” and “what have I done?” moments, making me restless to find out what this huge secret is. And Jasmine is telling a really absorbing story, leading very cleverly to all these huge discoveries. The topics discussed in this book were alcoholism, teenagers and their behaviour, mental health issues, forbidden romance and many more.

I really enjoyed the author’s clever writing style. The book feels quite calm and smooth, there is no police involved and it is only alone, an ordinary woman trying to uncover what actually happened. But at the same time, this book is carrying a shroud of mystery, that my curious side could not wait to unravel. The chapters felt quite short, and the dual perspective made this book very entertaining. The culmination of this novel did not disappoint me, I was not expecting the “Big Secret” to be this awesome.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The Outrun in Books

Sep 23, 2017  
The Outrun
The Outrun
Amy Liptrot | 2016 | Biography
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An important read, but a little haphazard
Dealing with an addiction is no mean feat, it's an illness as Amy Liptrot explains in this memoir where she battles alcoholism. Some of the incidents are truly horrifying, not because of 'what she does to herself', but more so what the illness does to her and as a result her life spirals downwards. And while that part I can truly engage with, the random long explanations about her newfound passions for astronomy, sea and bird life seems to go off in a tangent.

You can definitely recognise her addictive personality manifesting in new hobbies, and obsessing in the same way. And at least that's healthier, but as a reader, I seemed to lose concentration on her rural lifestyle. Very good insight into mental health and addiction though.
Belief: The Possession of Janet Moses (2015)
Belief: The Possession of Janet Moses (2015)
2015 | Crime, Documentary, Drama
How mass hysteria and inverted cultural beliefs become fatal
Once more, Netflix has showcased another harrowing documentary, this time set in New Zealand.

In the heart of Maori culture, lies the belief of Makatu, a curse or demon, that can allegedly be 'exorcised'. A poor young mother, Janet Moses, who either had mental health issues or was seemingly depressed, was confronted by her large family attempting to help her. Unfortunately their misguided deeply held beliefs included holding her down and plying water into her for days on end in a bid to rid her of a demon. And while they believed they they were assisting her, she eventually died after five days.

And of course a court case ensued about culpability. A truly terrible instance of dogmatic beliefs, cabin fever, and hysteria.
To Kill A Mockingbird (1962)
To Kill A Mockingbird (1962)
1962 | Classics, Drama
8.8 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Incredible depiction of book (1 more)
Gregory Peck at his finest
Incredibly moving, beautiful film
Very rarely does a film do absolute justice to its original book, but To Kill A Mockingbird exceeds expectations. Gregory Peck was so brilliantly casted as Atticus Finch, the moral figure of society, that you can only envision him while reading the book. The film, set after the Great Depression, is shot in black and white and is beautifully crafted.

The characters of Scout, Jem and Dill are fundamental to the storyline, showing how innocence is lost after being exposed to the discrimination of adults - in this case, an innocent black man accused of raping a young white girl, and a man with mental health issues being stigmatised by his community. A true classic in every sense.
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Forget the hype and controversy, and look at what's on the screen
Alot has been said about the storyline, the meaning, and the depiction of mental health and society, but this really overlooks a truly phenomenal piece of acting from Joaquin Phoenix, who is always value and exciting to watch. It's a seriously impressive turn from an actor already hugely respected, but in this he really does something special. From his contorted physicality, to his powerful striding, his smile behind broken eyes, moments of inspired spontaneity that in other films just wouldn't work, he creates a character that is heartbreaking, terrifying, and utterly human. Throw in some of the best cinematography you'll see in a long time, and a sombre score throughout, and this film becomes an absolutely astonishing piece of work.
The Lamplighters
The Lamplighters
Emma Stonex | 2021 | Contemporary, Horror, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for the ARe-copy in exchange for this honest review. You can also read my review at my blog -" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">
This atmospheric mystery is beautifully written incorporating evocative imagery, quiet menacing tension and spare poetic prose.
The novel examines themes of isolation, male mental health, identity and truth with a profundity that stay with you long after you have finished reading.
The imagery of the sea representing the men's emotions contrasting with the domestic metaphors of the women effectively contrast the two different worlds they occupy and how divided their relationships became.
The mystery outcome of this book was satisfying for any lover of thrillers but the real beauty of this book comes from the poetry, the emotion and the tragedy of life lived with regret.

Maddog (122 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

May 16, 2020  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
A must see, even if your not a superhero fan.
I'm a massive Joker fan - always have been ever since I was little, so this may be a little one sided.

So out of all the films he's been involved with this is Joker’s first stand alone movie which I was so excited for. Joker’s back story has of course been talked about for many years as most of his life is unknown and simply everyone is guessing. The film 'Joker' decides to go down the back story of mental health which many believe is the cause of his behaviour.

The film starts off very simple, so much so that you believe you could be watching any other film. You get little hints of the Joker’s mental health issues and how people see him (at one point I felt sorry for him because of everything happening in the movie). As the movie progresses your then thrown into the world and mindset of the Joker himself; you start to see more mental health issues and start to notice the Joker that everyone knows. As the film progresses towards to the end, it creates many moments that leave you questioning your own sanity as you start to wonder what the truth is.

Yes this film has it flaws; it wasn’t quite the stand alone I was hoping for as I thought maybe a lesser well known reason would have been chosen but still the film did well with its chosen plot.

Yes it has 'that song' but in reality I feel it actually helps with the story that's happening. Here's my take; I feel that the song is in fact a hidden message. The song was performed by someone many would call 'a monster' so in truth is this not fitting for Joker? I believe that the playing of this song is Joker showing the audience in only true Joker fashion that 'the monster' he has hidden for so long is finally free.

There are many things I could say about this film but I feel I'd be here forever. In truth, many people don't enjoy this film for whatever their reason, or only enjoy parts. However, I enjoyed all of the film and everything it stands for or represents. As I said at the beginning I'm a Joker fan so this may seem one sided. I will say this though no matter what you may think about the film it’s 100% worth a watch, we can all take something away from this film, even if it's just how well done the movie was made. put together and portrayed.
Renaissance Men by The Wildhearts
Renaissance Men by The Wildhearts
2019 | Indie
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
Loud, heavy and exciting (3 more)
Stuffed with catchy hooks and singalong choruses
First new album in 10 years
Diagnosis could be the best song they've ever written
Best Wildhearts Album In Years
The wildhearts are the best British band you've never heard of. Their story is one of survival against the odds, as various members have struggled with loss, addiction, mental health and freak brushes with death. And despite all this the music they make still sounds like an allmighty shout of joy, even when lyrically it is crammed with righteous anger.
The easiest way to describe them is to imagine Metallica crossed with cheap trick or the beatles. The crushing heaviness and aggression is there, but always tempered with sunny pop sensibilities. It sounds mental but it's a style that will change your life for the better.
This new album finds the band in renewed vigour, having reclaimed original bassist Danny mccormack and recorded their first new album in a decade. They come out of the gates like a band half their age, seemingly out to prove they're still the best of their generation with the songs and chops to match.
Standout tracks include, Let Em Go, Fine Art Of Description, Diagnosis, Renaissance Men, Pilo Erection
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
John Green's "Turtles All the Way Down" introduces us to sixteen-year-old Aza, a teenage girl with mental health issues who is desperate to blend in and just be a normal teenage girl. After giving in to Daisy's, her best friend, nagging, the two girls attempt to solve the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Russell Pickett and collect the reward. Aza was not planning on connecting back with Davis, Russell's son, whom she knew when they were kids, but she does.

Of course there is romance, but it is not the focus of the story. It is more than just a typical YA romance novel. It deals with handling mental illness, going to counseling, thinking you are crazy, and knowing your uncontrollable behaviors are not normal. It is about trying to manage the pressures of being a teenager - family, school, friends, and a boy.

John Green's novels have probably touched as many people today as had John Hughes's movies in the 80s. He focuses on real teenage problems and allows a glimpse inside their thoughts and feelings. He allows young adults to realize they are not alone, that others feel the same way, and “Your now is not your forever.”