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Andrea (28 KP) rated Mockingjay in Books

Aug 18, 2017  
Suzanne Collins | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (174 Ratings)
Book Rating
Takes the first two novels to a new level (1 more)
Interesting take on PTSD and mental illness
Ending is deeper than what you see at first glance (0 more)
Needs more than one reading
This is a story about a traumatized girl suffering from PTSD as much as it is about war. She isn't the only one who suffer that diagnosis though as we see several aspects of the illness in various characters. All of it is handled fairly well and doesn't romanticize the distress.

Perhaps my favorite part of this book (and even through the series) is that we see "villains" who aren't wholly evil and "heros" who make inexcusable choices. Both do so because they feel they are doing the best thing for their cause, even if it ends up with a significant cost.

The ending is something that many hate, and I must admit that I didn't like it the first time either. I didn't feel happy or satisfied. It wasn't until I realized I wasn't SUPPOSED to feel happy and satisfied with the story's ending that I started to understand the depth. This isn't a pretty picture where people live happily ever after. Even when they get some happiness, if they get some happiness, there are scares that don't go away. This is the cost of war and drastic change. Sometimes all we can hope for is the ability to move on and find little joys in what comes next each and every day while we try to distance ourselves from the horrors of our past.
I read A Note of Madness a little while ago and absolutely loved it. Flynn is a great character, and the story of his struggles with mental health is just fantastic. There can never be too much awareness, especially in boys/men.

This book was even more... emotional for me. I don't want to go into too much detail, but Flynn really reminds me of my boyfriend. The ending of this novel - while fantastic and honest - was not very comforting at all.

Jennah and Flynn started dating after the first book, and so in this book we alternate between the two narratives. Hearing Jennah's thoughts on what's happening with Flynn was amazing. I related to a lot of it.

In case you haven't heard about A Note of Madness, it's about Flynn Laukonen, a young uni student in London. He struggles with mental health problems and is misdiagnosed at first, but eventually correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He suffers from extreme manic episodes, followed by severe depression. Fitting his music - especially competitions - around these episodes is quite a feat.

As I mentioned earlier, the ending is great. It was extremely bittersweet. I think it's good to be honest about things like this, though, and not just throw together a stereotypical happy ending.

In this book, Flynn goes through a few treatment methods. Following attempted suicide (which may be hard for some people to read about, so be warned) he is sectioned and sent to a residential unit for a month. He also has some issues involving his medication and the side effects they cause.

The most noteworthy thing about Jennah's take on Flynn's illness is her admitting that Flynn can be horrible and can hurt her sometimes, and it's okay to recognise that. Just because he is ill does not mean he is excused for harmful and mean behaviour. This is so important for anyone to realise when dealing with a loved one with any kind of mental health problems.

A really good book, realistic and reassuring but really quite emotional. 4 stars.
The Psychopath Test
The Psychopath Test
Jon Ronson | 2012 | Health & Fitness
8.2 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is remarkably entertaining – I can see why it’s having such a long stint in the bookseller’s shelves! It’s most definitely written for the lay person, and that goes some way to explaining the book’s longevity.

It logs the course of events taken by Jon Ronson as he interviews some people who are deemed crazy, or psychopathic, and some people who diagnose psychological traits. The start of Ronson’s journey is intriguing - it begins when various academics, predominately neuroscientists, are sent mysterious and cryptic packages. They all rush onto online forums trying to figure out what it’s all about. Unfortunately, this section comes to an abrupt and disappointing conclusion (no spoilers).

This all changes in Chapter 2, however. Here, Ronson meets a man, Tony, who claims to have faked mental illness in order to get put into a psychiatric facility rather than a traditional prison. The Scientologists are on his side, and they send Ronson Broadmoor’s file on Tony, but with significant omissions, which shed a whole new light on why Tony should be incarcerated.

Chapter 3 describes how in the 1960’s psychiatrist Elliot Barker, held several nude LSD-induced psychotherapy sessions for psychopaths. In Chapter 4, Ronson goes on a conference to learn about Bob Hare’s psychopath checklist, and by Chapter 5, he’s using it in an interview with a leader of a death squad, Toto Constant. In Chapter 6, he uses it in an interview with Al Dunlan, who apparently enjoyed firing 6.000 people from their jobs.

Following a brief interlude to discuss the media, conspiracy theorists and the second coming, the theme of psychopathy is picked up again in Chapter 9 which looks at criminal profiling, and how it was once used to lure one particular suspect into an unwarranted arrest.

Ronson goes off on another tangent in Chapter 10, which discusses the (very real) problem of an apparent ballooning of mental illness diagnoses. Here he tells the tale of what happened when a 4-year-old girl was given 10 pills a day for “childhood bipolar” disorder.

In Ronson’s concluding chapter, he attends a tribunal for the Tony of Chapter 2, and Tony’s fate is decided (no spoilers). By this point, Tony’s charisma has got Ronson taken in, in spite of Tony showing several psychopathic traits.

My take away from the book is that people will have eccentricities, diagnosis or not, and the way to tell if someone is dangerous, is by their actions. Ronson himself has spotted psychopathic traits in himself, despite being overly anxious and not the slightest bit evil. The book sheds a lot of light, not only on the nature of obtaining a diagnosis, but also on its implications.

Whilst I do recommend the book, this book is most definitely not a thorough analysis of the mental health industry, nor the criminal profiling industry. But for entertainment purposes it gets top marks. If you are looking for a more authoritative book on the mental health industry and diagnosis, I recommend Saving Normal by Allen Frances.
I, Olga Hepnarová (Já, Olga Hepnarová) (2017)
I, Olga Hepnarová (Já, Olga Hepnarová) (2017)
2017 | Crime, History, International
I had never heard about this case before, so this was fascinating to me and I read up on the actual history before I watched the film. The film isn't too far off, though it does seem to fill in holes and exaggerate things as many movies do. The acting is very good, and the film's atmosphere makes it feel almost like an authentic product of the 70's at times. The depiction of Olga's mental illness is also very on point.

The iffy points for me: the plot can be very disjointed in places. Maybe it's because the subtitles lose part of the film's flow, but there were several points (when she moved to the cottage, when she got fired, etc.) where I had to stop and think about how we had gotten to that point. And the depiction of Olga's attempts to experiment and create relationships with both genders began to feel a bit exploitative, though maybe that was just me.

Overall, this was a very good movie about a very interesting and sad situation and woman.
American Pastoral (2016)
American Pastoral (2016)
2016 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ewan McGregor is brilliant (2 more)
Incredibly sad
Not bad adaptation of Philip Roth's book
There was something missing (0 more)
Harrowing, tragic and moving
Philip Roth's tragic drama about the perfect high school couple and the disintegration of a family has finally made it on to the big screen. Set in the 1960's during massive political upheaval in America, it follows the story of a daughter who disappears after allegedly bombing a store, killing a clerk as part of a 'revolutionary' movement. Her father, played by Ewan McGregor, believes that she has been manipulated and that she is truly innocent throughout, even in the face of all opposing evidence. It's horrific seeing the mother and father's complete breakdown and it seems apparent the daughter Merry is suffering from a mental illness. There's hints of sexual abuse thought to have triggered her stutter, but it is extremely subtle.

It's really quite a sombre watch, especially given that the film begins with the father's funeral. Beautiful acting, but the daughter's character was extremely irritating.