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Lenard (726 KP) rated Dumbo (2019) in Movies

Apr 1, 2019  
Dumbo (2019)
Dumbo (2019)
2019 | Animation, Family, Fantasy
Alan Arkin saying "Pack-ee-derm" (0 more)
While in some ways a strange marriage, Dumbo has several Tim Burton elements: an evil rich guy, Michael Keaton/Danny DeVito/Eva Green, outsiders, people who don't get a lot of sun even though they live in a traveling circus. The most Tim Burton thing about it is when Dreamland is engulfed in smoke surrounded by dark clouds and Nightmare Island. The rest of the film is mostly live action Disney. Dumbo has Bambi-like doe eyes and except for the evil wannabe tycoon the humans are sentimental and protective of the kids.
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
1998 | Horror
A pretty meh reboot.
H20 finds Jamie Lee Curtis returning to the role of Laurie Strode. For 20 years she's been in hiding from Michael Myers, she's been staying at a college campus with her son John (Josh Hartnett), but Michael is hunting them down.

H20's plot is less weird than the last couple of outings in the franchise, but it still feels a bit silly. The movie opens up showing Michael Myers doing some investigation to find out where Laurie disappeared to, which it just so happens that the nurse from the original movie had in her house. It was kind of a dumb start, and it never fully recovers from it.
There were 3 different masks used, resulting in obvious differences from shot to shot. One mask was particularly terrible, it looked like a clown mask.
The movie does benefit from a decent supporting cast including the likes of Michelle Williams, LL Cool J, Adam Arkin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and even Janet Leigh.
Tonally, H20 is somewhat cheesy, it shouldn't be taken too seriously, though who would at this point in the series?

Halloween H20: 20 Years Later will entertain fans of the series and horror fans alike. But don't expect it to be anything especially good.
Pig (2021)
Pig (2021)
2021 | Drama, Thriller
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Nicolas Cage's placement within the zeitgeist is almost legendary at this point. His various unhinged performances over the decades have ensured that he's the go-to-guy for any movie with a whacky premise that needs a lead who will commit to the part, no matter how ludicrous. Pig is a film that has fallen a little foul of this. It's a film that had been mistakenly billed to me as "John Wick but with Nicolas Cage and a pig", a film that's very synopsis lends itself to the absurdity that surrounds Cage and his career.
The finished project however is an emotional and heartfelt triumph. For starters, the whole movie is shot beautifully with plenty of stunning cinematography on display. It verges into arthouse territory fairly regularly, but works hand in hand with the way the narrative chugs along, quite wonderfully.
The slower pace of proceedings is filled with great dialogue and great turns from the likes of Adam Arkin and the ever-reliable Alex Wolff, but make no mistake, Pig belongs to Cage 100%. His performance here is nothing short of fantastic. His character is layered, and aspects of him are slowly revealed as the story unfolds, and Cage delivers it all pretty flawlessly. No joke, probably his career highlight.
The tone is a rollercoaster, from optimism amongst sadness to flat out despair. The climactic scene in particular is an absolutly beautiful and emotional shit show, that lands perfectly thanks to its stellar cast.

Pig is a movie that I didn't expect to get me as much as it did. It's an incredibly competent, subtle, and well realised debut full-length feature from Michael Sarnoski, that I imagine will be criminally overlooked when awards season rolls around. Give Nicolas Cage an Oscar dammit!
Dumbo (2019)
Dumbo (2019)
2019 | Animation, Family, Fantasy
In a word...bland
There are many words that you can use to describe films by Tim Burton: Gothic, Bizarre, Dark, Interesting, SteamPunk, Unique, Visual.

With the live action DUMBO, you can add another word to describe a Tim Burton film: Bland.

Based on the 1941 animated classic character of Walt Disney, DUMBO tells the tale of an animal, shamed for having a deformity...over-large ears...but when the young elephant discovers that these ears can save the circus he is in - and will help reunite him with his mother - a journey to redemption begins.

Sounds like a pretty good premise for a film, right? Unfortunately, this isn't really the theme of this film. Unlike other Disney "live action" versions of classic animated films (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, the upcoming ALADDIN and THE LION KING), DUMBO is a live action remake only in the fact that Director Burton uses the baby elephant, separated from his mother, with over large ears who can fly. This film shows no signs of the earlier, beloved, children's film. It eliminates the songs (except as background music) and it tacks on a family drama of a returning army veteran (who's wife died while he was away) and his 2 children and a rival circus trying to steal the famed flying elephant.

Is it a children's movie? Is it a Tim Burton eerie, scary, visual delight? Well...yes...and no...on both parts and that's the problem of this film. Burton straddles a line between the two, never committing to a fun, stylistic children's film (like PADDINGTON 2) or an eerie, bizarre Tim Burton film (many, many to name but the closest I can come is BIG FISH). He restrains himself to the bland middle and it shows.

He has assembled a strong ensemble of actors to populate this world - Colin Farrell, Danny DeVito, Eva Green, Michael Keaton and Alan Arkin are all in this film - and are all bland. While, at times, this film felt every minute of it's 1 hour and 52 minute run time, I was longing for more from each of these characters, fleshing out what was the BEGINNING of interesting characters, but never getting past that. Each one of these characters are bland, bland, bland and you can see each actor trying harder and harder to push some sort of character to the screen, but never succeeding.

The only interesting characters, ironically enough, is that of Dumbo and his mother, Mrs. Jumbo. These are 2 CGI, non-speaking characters but they say more in facial expressions and movements than all of the human characters combined.

And that's the other problem with this film. Much like another Disney Live Action film, TOMORROWLAND, a large part of this film is given to showing the world that is lavishly made by the Director, Production Designer, Art Director and Cinematographer - and it is impressive indeed - but the action and characters inhabiting this world are...well...bland and that makes for a lackluster film.

One thing to note - this film is not scary, nor is it overly sad (things that I heard that this film was), so I'd be interested to hear if you have younger children (ages 7-10, say) and they saw the film - did they enjoy it? I think they just might.

I didn't, I thought this film was bland.

Letter Grade: B- (for the interesting visuals put up on the screen)

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)