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    Ariana Reines

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    "This astonishing young poet--still in her twenties--is surely destined to be one of the crucial...

Book #5 in Michael Arnold's 'Civil War Chronicles', this picks up not long after then end of the previous ([b:Assassin's Reign|16281347|Assassin's Reign (Civil War Chronicles #4)|Michael Arnold||22383365]), with Stryker and his men off to retrieve a treasure from the Scilly Islands for the cause of King and Country.

Of course, agents of Parliament are also after the same treasure.

Meanwhile, Stryker's friend Capt Lancelot Forester is also sent deep into Parliamenterian held country in order to shore up the will of an outpost that is still holding out for the king ...

Surviving shipwreck, imprisonment and torture, the two distinct plot strands (Stryker and the treasure/Forester' mission) eventually mesh at the defense of Basing House, in another enjoyable entry in the series.