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Awix (3310 KP) rated The Snowman (2017) in Movies

Feb 11, 2018 (Updated Feb 11, 2018)  
The Snowman (2017)
The Snowman (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Horror
Where was Aled Jones?!
Misfiring Scandi crime thriller which was part of Michael Fassbender's attempt to appear in as many dud movies as possible in 2017. There's a serial killer on the loose and a brilliant detective with a troubled personal life (gee, where do they think of these new ideas?) gets on the case.

The film's plot is really lacking in focus and it engages in the usual casual misogyny that seems to be perfectly acceptable on-screen; a baffling subplot featuring flashbacks with Val Kilmer is arguably a mistake (then again, this film is not exactly short of mis-steps). The film's pretensions to be a serious drama are not much helped by the extent to which the Magic Wand of Improbable Coincidences has been waved over the script. It is all a bit grim and muddled.
When I decided to read and review this book, I was not aware that it was part of a series. Number five in the series to be exact. I'm a big fan of thrillers especially when there is a character like Vanessa Michael Munroe. I can't wait to go back and read the rest of the series.

Vanessa Michael Munroe is very good at what she does. Just off a recent job, she decides to spend some time with a very special person in her life, Miles Bradford. They were in the same line of work, but their personal relationship was something different. On assignment in Japan, Bradford's on the hunt for a thief at ALTEQ. Munroe asks several times to join Miles at work and help with the assignment. More times than not, he refuses. When Miles is framed for murdering a Chinese woman at the company, Vanessa, the girlfriend takes a backseat and Michael the mercenary takes over. Not just to finish the job Bradford started, but also find the real killer. Not sure who she can trust, Munroe, disguised as a man takes on this arduous task. Will she be able to find the killer before she herself is killed?

I'm really upset that I haven't read this series chronologically. I feel like there are parts of Vanessa Michael Munroe that I am missing. I want to know more about her relationship with Bradford. Munroe is the kind of woman we all wish we could be. Able to evoke fear with just a glance, can read people like a book. She is strong, intuitive, resourceful, and smart. I'm not sure if it was love or devotion to the job/craft that made her go to the length she did to save Miles.

This book takes you on a journey where you are unsure of what is going to happen next. In a foreign country where you're not sure who is in charge and who you can trust, it's difficult to get help. The way Munroe handles herself shows the skill in her profession.
The Mask (Vanessa Michael Munroe, #5)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I decided to read and review this book, I was not aware that it was part of a series. Number five in the series to be exact. I'm a big fan of thrillers especially when there is a character like Vanessa Michael Munroe. I can't wait to go back and read the rest of the series.

Vanessa Michael Munroe is very good at what she does. Just off a recent job, she decides to spend some time with a very special person in her life, Miles Bradford. They were in the same line of work, but their personal relationship was something different. On assignment in Japan, Bradford's on the hunt for a thief at ALTEQ. Munroe asks several times to join Miles at work and help with the assignment. More times than not, he refuses. When Miles is framed for murdering a Chinese woman at the company, Vanessa, the girlfriend takes a backseat and Michael the mercenary takes over. Not just to finish the job Bradford started, but also find the real killer. Not sure who she can trust, Munroe, disguised as a man takes on this arduous task. Will she be able to find the killer before she herself is killed?

I'm really upset that I haven't read this series chronologically. I feel like there are parts of Vanessa Michael Munroe that I am missing. I want to know more about her relationship with Bradford. Munroe is the kind of woman we all wish we could be. Able to evoke fear with just a glance, can read people like a book. She is strong, intuitive, resourceful, and smart. I'm not sure if it was love or devotion to the job/craft that made her go to the length she did to save Miles.

This book takes you on a journey where you are unsure of what is going to happen next. In a foreign country where you're not sure who is in charge and who you can trust, it's difficult to get help. The way Munroe handles herself shows the skill in her profession.
Year One (2009)
Year One (2009)
2009 | Action, Comedy
4.1 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I had no idea what to expect with “Year One”. Would it be another flop like “Nacho Libre”? How does Michael Cera fit into this kind of film? Could this be unexpected comedy gold reminiscent of the 1981 Mel Brook’s classic “History of the World: Part I”?

“Year One” follows the journey of two cavemen, Zed (Jack Black) and Oh (Michael Cera), through a comedic adaptation of early mankind. Zed and Oh are lowly members of their tribe rebuffed by the women they desire. Desperate to be something more Zed consumes the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge and is immediately out casted from his tribe. Oh joins Zed and the two begin a trip encountering fractured Biblical stories and characters.

Eventually our heroes are led into the lecherous city of Sodom, where they find the tribe and their ladyloves have been taken as slaves. As the two attempt to free the women from a life of slavery eccentric vaguely plotted comedy ensues.

The cast, filled with the usual silly suspects, includes Paul Rudd as Abel, Christopher Mintz-Plasse as Issac, and Vinnie Jones as Sargon. But do not expect their normal brand of comedy because it has been replaced with visually graphic potty humor.

The sets and costumes are well created but near impossible to notice when there is a pile of sheep innards being interpreted by Oliver Platt, who plays the High Priest. The few interesting one-liners fail to save “Year One” from an aura similar to “Austin Powers in Goldmember“.

Why after great films like “School of Rock” and “Be Kind Rewind” is Jack Black purposely trying to end his career? Moreover, why has he decided to take Michael Cera with him? As for Michael Cera this awful sort of humor is not going to lead him out of the valley of “Juno” fandom.

The flick is better than “Nacho Libre”, but it is not comedy gold. If you enjoy simple potty humor you should definitely see the film, but if not plan to borrow the DVD from a friend only to be happy you did not purchase it.
The Blind Side (2009)
The Blind Side (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Sport
Story (0 more)
From rags to the Gridiron
The true story of of NFL professional player Michael Oher. It is the story about him how he was forgotten about and was being pushed through they system until the mother of a family feels for him and takes him in. The family teaches him about being part of the family and shows him he is important. They also stride to help him because of his raw size and talent joing the high school football team. Though his grades are a problem they all help him teachers included to strive and become a better student. The story is also the tale of how he made it into college and into the nfl and getting not only his high school degree but, his college degree. With out the help of the Tuohy family he might have ended up no where in life and had no future.
Passengers (2016)
Passengers (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Casting (1 more)
Slightly Predictable (0 more)
A space Titanic
This is basically Titanic set in space, albeit a much better film than Titanic will ever be.

Let's get it straight, this is not a full blown sci-fi epic. This is a romantic love story set in space, with some sci-fi elements thrown in. As long as you can accept that, then this is a really good film. Yes the romance part of the story is pretty predictable, but for me this didn't matter due to the sheer likeability and chemistry between Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. They did get a great job of holding a film virtually all on their own, although Michael Sheen was a delight in all of his scenes too. The special effects too were very impressive and this is definitely one of the better films I saw in the new year.

Mickey Rourke recommended The Godfather (1972) in Movies (curated)

The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather (1972)
1972 | Crime, Drama

"I love the first Godfather movie, part one. And two. Another great director, Coppola. And then of course, Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro. I had heard the stories about how they wanted a whole other cast, and Francis was under the gun and he rose to the occasion. He got great performances out of Pacino, and De Niro was unbelievable. All the secondary guys from Joe Spinell to Michael Gazzo. The casting was impeccable. He got a lot of great performances from people who were just getting into the business themselves. Duvall, everybody had so many layers. The performance he got out of Lee Strasberg, who never really did much acting in front of the camera. When I was in the Actor’s Studio, the only actor that Lee actually spoke to was Al, so [Coppola] used the relationship that the two had and that was quite interesting."

The Rock (1996)
The Rock (1996)
1996 | Action
There was a period during the late 90s, early 90s, where Nice Cage was in full action hero mode.

We're talking the likes of National Treasure, Con-Air, Face/Off. And this, his first entry in that mold from 1996.

Also starring Sean Connery in a Bind-in-all-but-name role, this sees Cage playing the part of an FBI chemical expert who has to accompany Connery and US Marines on a mission to infiltrate Alcatraz (Connery's role being as the only man to ever escape from said prison) after a group of disillusioned Marines - led by Ed Harris - seize control of the island and have chemical weapons pointing at San Francisco.

I think this may be the first Michael Bay film I ever saw; looking back on it now I can see that, even back then, it has all the hallmarks of one of his films!
Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country (1991)
Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country (1991)
1991 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
“Star Trek is not bloody Shakespeare” – – I’m sure someone has said that at some point (probably, my wife!). But here, it is! The late Christopher Plummer comes roaring into the series joyfully quoting the great bard (from the original Klingon version!).

Trek got firmly back in the fast lane again with this movie. The fun was back! David Warner becomes the only character to date to appear in two consecutive Trek films as different characters (with curiously Michael Dorn becoming the next – see below!). He gets a meatier part this time though. But he – and indeed everyone else – is upstaged by Plummer’s marvellously over-the-top performance.

Iman is memorable as a cigar-smoking shape-shifting alien, leading to some wonderful Kirk-on-Kirk action, and the delivery of one of the best lines of comedy in the series: surprisingly self-deprecating for the normally ego-centric Shatner. There’s also a welcome call-back to the ‘Kirk gets the girl’ joke of the original series, which you realise, with a shock, has been completely missing from all of the previous movie outings.

There are also a nice range of cameo appearances in here. Christian Slater – a lifelong Trek-fan – has a bit part: apparently he framed, rather than cashed, his cheque! And Michael Dorn – already playing Worf in “The Next Generation”, and to appear as Worf in the next movie – plays Worf’s grandfather, a Klingon defence attorney!

But my favourite piece of trivia relates to a completely different film. Al Pacino was filming “Frankie and Johnny” in the studio at the same time, and a scene (sadly cut from the final film) called for Pacino to look surprised after opening a door. So director Garry Marshall arranged for Shatner, Nimoy and Kelley in full Star Trek costume, to be standing behind the door when he opened it. (Garry Marshall quote here). Love it!
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland is perfect fit for the role, overall casting was fantastic! (0 more)
There appears to be at least on split scenes between actors that sticks out like a bad thumb (0 more)
The very best
The reboot of the reboot of our web slinger, this time around making Peter Parker with an actor who appears high school aged and not thirty something. It starts off without the origin which was a weird surprise but I think they believed the audience is well aware of how spidey got his powers so why not save some space and skip ahead to where he is experimenting being a superhero. Michael Keaton is cast as the Falcon but he is able to channel his badass side and make this character more than just a glider suite. The relationship between Tony Stark and Peter is cute and again the best part of this is Tom Hollands performance and youthfulness.